The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 158


Said: "Get up."

Several people stood up, all bowed their heads and stood there, but they didn't speak. All of them were either pretending to be delicate and weak, or they were docile and silent. If you only look at the appearance, you really can't believe that it is this group of people who keep threatening others to hang themselves at the gate of Xu Wang's Mansion.

It seems that in this world, one thing falls into another, and a rogue falls into a shrew. As soon as these aggressive women saw Yu Linglong, they couldn't help being a head shorter, not daring to fight for the first place.

Yu Linglong waited for a while, and seeing that no one spoke, she said leisurely, "Tell me, why do you all have to stay in the palace?"

Seeing that Yu Linglong was neither angry nor angry, and didn't even say a word of reprimand, these women became more courageous, and a woman in red with pretty eyes spoke first: "The concubine was given to the prince by His Royal Highness. Dare to leave without permission."

Yu Linglong glanced at her and asked calmly, "What's your name?"

The woman replied: "The servant girl is Yihong."

Yu Linglong lowered her eyes, and slowly sipped her tea, looking noncommittal.

It seems that this is one of the concubines that Zhao Liandeng's family said was rewarded by the two princes just now. She is indeed very powerful, and they used the prince's name to suppress her when they came up. Did Yihong decide that she would not dare to offend the prince, so she would definitely keep herself, or did she think that she had just married into Prince Xu's mansion, and she didn't want to drive these concubines away, so that she would have the reputation of a shrew and jealous woman

No matter what they thought, they were wrong.

Yu Linglong would neither be afraid of offending the crown prince, nor would she wrong herself because of her empty reputation. If she didn't want to see what kind of people the Prince rewarded King Xu, she wouldn't even bother to meet these people.

Putting down the teacup, Yu Linglong asked calmly, "Since His Royal Highness rewarded you, what about your body?"

Yihong was startled, but hesitated for a moment.

At first the crown prince sent someone to send them over, but housekeeper Zhao naturally didn't dare to ask for a deed from them. Later, Xu Wang ignored these women. Although they lived in Xu Wang's mansion, they were completely useless, and no one Let's go after their deeds.

But now the new princess opened her mouth to ask about their deeds, how would she deal with this

Seeing that she didn't answer, Yu Linglong snorted coldly and said: "Since His Royal Highness rewarded you to the lord, there is absolutely no one who will not give you a body deed. If you don't have a body deed, how can you prove your identity?"

Yihong gritted her teeth, took out a neatly folded piece of paper from her chest, and held it up with both hands: "Princess Qi, this is the body contract of a concubine."

This was given to them by the Prince's Mansion before they were sent here. Butler Zhao didn't ask for it from them, so they were naturally happy to keep it in their hands.

Since he is determined to stay in the palace, this body deed is nothing more than a piece of paper, nothing important. But if they are not handed over at this moment, then according to Wang Hao, she will not take them in.

Mother Liu took it, opened the paper, and presented it to Yu Linglong.

Without raising her eyelids, Yu Linglong said, "Read."

Liu's mother read: "Let's set up the book. The mother of Zhoumen Shishi from Changshan County, Pingcheng, was not mature enough due to her age, she had no support, and it was difficult to eat. She gave birth to her eldest daughter, Zhou Cuiya, in early October. On the seventh day of Haishi, I was willing to sell it to the Prince's Mansion. Since then, the two have nothing to do with each other. I will let the master teach me, even if the disease is unexpected, and each will follow the fate. There is no evidence for the future, let this be a photo."

Yu Linglong listened to the long speech, but only heard a few important words, so she knew why and asked, "Who is Zhou Cuiya?"

Yihong blushed slightly, and replied in a low voice: "It's the name of the concubine's family, and the name Yihong was given in the Prince's Mansion."

Yu Linglong suppressed a smile, put on a stern look on her face, and said: "It is clearly written on this body deed that you are from the Prince's Mansion. Since you want to stay in the Prince's Mansion, the owner of this body deed , but it needs to be changed."

Yihong showed hesitation on her face, obviously very hesitant.

Yu Linglong was right, her body deed was brought by the Prince's Mansion. Although she was in Xu Wang's Mansion, the owner's house written on the body deed was still the Prince's Mansion. Originally, this was not a big deal. She alone A little concubine Ji, whether in the Prince's Mansion or Xu Wang's Mansion, is insignificant, and no one even cares about her life, let alone her master in the deed.

It's also because these princes are too powerful, they don't care about these small things at all, and it's true when these women enter the palace, it's like going from hell to heaven, who will escape? Even if you can't beat them, these deeds are nothing more than a piece of empty paper.

But Yu Linglong chose to use this body deed to make a fuss, making her in a dilemma, if she changed her master, she would be completely a member of the Xu Palace from now on, and she could no longer use the name of the crown prince to oppress others, if she didn't change, then Yu Linglong can use this as a reason to drive her out of Prince Xu's mansion openly.

Yihong thought for a moment, then made a decisive choice.

Xiang Yulinglong gave a blessing, and Yihong said in a crisp voice: "As long as the princess is willing to take in the maids and concubines, and the maids and concubines will follow the arrangements of the princess, from now on the prince and concubine will be the masters of the maids and concubines."

If she does not agree to change the deed, then Yu Linglong will not take her in. Even if she holds the deed of the Prince's Mansion, she will not be able to return to the Prince's Mansion. After all, she was rewarded by the Prince himself to King Xu. What's the matter with going back with a body contract

At that time, neither the Prince's Mansion nor Prince Xu's Mansion will take her in, but her body deed is still on file, and she can't even be considered a free person.

She might as well seize this opportunity now and obediently stay in Prince Xu's Mansion.

Yihong's decision was completely expected by Yu Linglong. She took the body deed from Mama Liu, shook lightly, and said, "Okay, then you can stay."

Seeing that Yu Linglong let go so easily, another woman in a willow-green spring shirt also hurried forward and said hurriedly: "Princess Qi, the name of this concubine is Banlu, and she came with Sister Yihong. The concubine is also willing to re-establish the contract and stay in the palace..."

Raising her eyes to meet Yu Linglong's cold gaze, Ban Lushe's tongue almost got stuck, and she hurriedly changed her words: "...stay in the palace to serve the prince and princess."

Yu Linglong couldn't help but feel a little funny, there was a little smile between her brows and eyes, adding a little softness to her cold face.

"Okay, then you stay too."

Yu Linglong was so forthright, the rest of the women rushed forward immediately, saying: "Princess, the concubine also wants to stay, I beg the concubine to take her in!"

"Wangfei, there is no one to rely on, and there is nowhere to go except the palace. I beg Wangfei to forgive me—"

"Princess, if you are willing to keep the maid and concubine, the maid and concubine will definitely do their best to serve the prince and concubine!"

Yu Linglong waved her hand generously: "Leave them all."

Hearing her affirmative words, Yihong, Banlu and the others were all overjoyed: "My servant and concubine thank you, Wangfei!"

Seeing the group of women twisting their waists and following Mama Liu to reestablish their status, Ling'er beside her couldn't help but said: "Princess, why do you want to keep these women? If the prince..."

Ling'er hesitated to speak, but Yu Linglong didn't explain, just smiled faintly, as if she just bought a few little maids.

That's right, in her heart, these people are willing to re-establish their personal contracts, which means that she has a few more maids to serve, or in other words, they are not as good as maids.

Looking at these joyful women, it is really ridiculously naive to think that she will let go of her promise to take them in, and they will be able to climb the dragon and the phoenix.

Even if my sister gives you a piece of meat, there will still be Qibu Huanchang Powder hidden in it!

Just wait and see.

After about a meal, Liu's mother brought five girls into the room, and presented a few pieces of paper to Yu Linglong: "Princess, this is the body contract that has just been established."

Yu Linglong took it over and took a look, only to see that it was clearly written, these women are from now on the people of the Xu Palace, and they still obey the lesson and never regret it.

These words were just literal meanings, everyone knew it well, but Yu Linglong decided to deal with these ignorant women according to the words above.

Don't you just let the lesson go, don't you never go back on your word? She will make these people deeply realize the true meaning of these few words.

Five brand-new body deeds were dripping with ink, and the bright red fingerprints were not yet dry. Yu Linglong gently blew on the ink on them, and put them on the table with a smile.

"From now on, you are the people of the palace."

The five women hid the joy on their faces, and blessed each other: "Yes, the concubine thanked the concubine."

Yu Linglong sat at the head, and asked calmly: "Tell me first, what do you all do?"

Seeing that Yu Linglong was so easy to talk, they all became more courageous, Yihong took the lead and said, "My concubine can play the pipa."

Ban Lu followed suit and said, "The concubine can dance the long-sleeved dance."

Some of the remaining three are good at singing, some are good at guzheng, and all of them look proud.

Looking at these women, Yu Linglong felt a little regretful in her heart, these people are all outstanding in appearance and have a lot of skills, why can't they go out to make a living, but want to stay in Xu Wang's mansion as slaves and handmaids for nothing? Is it more disgraceful to be a poor free man than to be a well-clothed slave? Why do they refuse to control their own destiny, but leave their whole life to others

She really has no way to understand this kind of behavior, but there are really many people in this world who are like this. They would rather serve others humbly in exchange for a life of glory and wealth than raise their heads and be a poor person with self-respect.

It's just that when they met Yu Linglong, they could only be doomed to have their dream of wealth and honor.