The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 160


With so many troubles, Yu Linglong couldn't help but feel a little depressed, how could there be so many restless women in Xu Wang's mansion, she married to enjoy the blessings, and he should deal with these rotten peach blossoms for him!

I was in a bad mood, but the leading actor came back.

As soon as King Xu entered the room, he went to sit next to Yu Linglong as usual, with a gentle smile in his eyes: "Just woke up?"

Yu Linglong said angrily, "Sleep, you can't be busy enough!"

Xu Wang was a little puzzled: "Why, unhappy?"

Yu Linglong looked angry and ignored her.

Even she herself can't explain why she is so irritable for no reason. It stands to reason that she has managed these women submissively, so she should be in a good mood, why is she still so depressed

Seeing her pouting and not speaking, King Xu smiled slightly, reached out and took out a paper bag from his pocket: "Linglong, look what I brought you?"

Yu Linglong didn't even look at it, she just pushed it out: "No!"

What can he bring? It's nothing more than gold and jade jewellery, rare treasures and the like, what's the use of these for her

Unexpectedly, she pushed her hand as soon as she raised her hand, Xu Wang couldn't hold it in her hand, and the paper bag was immediately swung to the ground.

With a soft snap, a corner of the contents of the paper bag was exposed, and an elegant fragrance wafted away.

Yu Linglong was startled, and looked to the ground, and saw a few pieces of Yunpian Cake in the paper bag. Although she hadn't tasted it yet, she could tell that the cake was fragrant and soft, and it made people's index fingers move when they looked at it.

Xu Wang silently picked up the paper bag, and said softly: "I ate a piece of cloud cake at Prince Qi's mansion and thought it was very delicious, so I wrapped it up and brought it back for you. Since you don't like it, I'll order someone to throw it out. "

He wasn't angry, but his words seemed to be a little depressed. When Yu Linglong looked at him as a big man, bent down condescendingly, and picked up those pieces of cloud cakes for herself, a strange feeling suddenly rose in her heart. a feeling of.

Seeing Xu Wang making a gesture to throw away the paper bag, Yu Linglong suddenly said, "Wait a minute."

Even she herself didn't know why she wanted to stop King Xu's movements, seeing him looking up at her, his black jade-like eyes showed some doubts, Yu Linglong's ears warmed up for no reason, she turned her face away, and said, "Put it on on the table."

Xu Wang doubted: "It's already dirty—"

Yu Linglong became irritable: "Keep it for the dogs!"

Shaking his head helplessly, King Xu obediently put the paper bag on the table, and changed the subject: "This spring hunting will take about half a month, have you packed your things?"

Yu Linglong thought for a while, and said, "Mother Liu took care of these things, maybe they should be cleaned up."

King Xu smiled, and beckoned Linger to come over: "Go and tell me, it's cold over there, bring some more big hairy clothes for the princess."

Ling'er complied and went out to deliver a message.

There were only Xu Wang and Yu Linglong left in the room, and suddenly fell silent.

The shadows of the branches outside were projected on the window screens, swaying non-stop in the winter wind, Yu Linglong looked at the swaying branches, and suddenly felt a little disturbed.

She seemed to want to ask him something, but stubbornly refused to speak. This strange feeling made her very uneasy, as if something had lost her control and was heading in a dangerous direction.

The scent of mint that he was familiar with wafted from her side, giving people an inexplicable sense of security. This feeling made her instinctively reject her, and she suddenly opened her mouth and said, "What are you still sitting here for?"

Xu Wang said softly: "I don't do anything, I just want to look at you like this."

As soon as Yu Linglong raised her eyes, she met his warm gaze, as if she had fallen into a deep spring, and she couldn't help but hold her breath.

That gaze was obviously cool, but it made her feel the temperature behind her ears getting hotter and hotter, almost burning her cheeks and covering her whole body.

Not wanting him to see her embarrassment, Yu Linglong stretched out her hand and pushed him: "Go, go, don't annoy me here!"

Xu Wang was a little helpless, so he had to get up and leave: "Then you take a break, you have to go a long way tomorrow."

Yu Linglong turned over, leaving him with a slim back.

King Xu left the room, and the room finally fell into silence.

But she couldn't sleep no matter what, on the soft and warm couch, she tossed and turned, but no matter how she lay down, she was uncomfortable.

The more she struggled, the more clear-headed she became, and the more restless her heart became, she simply sat up and opened her mouth to ask someone to pour tea.

As soon as she sat up, she saw the small paper bag on the table.

The Yunpian Cake inside was stained with a little dust, and it became whiter and softer. She looked at the Yunpian Cake exuding a faint fragrance, and for some reason, she remembered Xu Wang's appearance.

It was hard for her to imagine how he, being a prince, carefully wrapped up the cakes at the banquet, and brought them back to her with joy.

Although Yunpian Cake is small, it let her know that even for such a small matter, he still misses her all the time.

It turns out that when you like someone, you think about her all the time, think about her all the time, even if you eat a delicious snack or see a fun thing, you have to take it back and share it with her.

It turns out that if you love someone so much, you will be willing to give up your identity, status, and dignity for her. As long as she smiles, it is enough to make him feel happy and happy.

Moreover, I don't care about the eyes of others, the comments of others, or the teasing of others.

In her previous and present lives, she seemed to understand for the first time what love is.

Love is giving without consideration, without asking for anything in return, and never asking for anything. As long as the other person is happy and happy, they are willing to do anything, even if they give everything.

Once, she thought she understood love. At that time, she thought that love was a knife, and if she gave it to others, others would use it to stab her.

But now she understands that if you give love to the other person, the result is not always hurt. If you choose the right person, he will pick up this knife, cut off all the thorns on your way forward, and become your patron saint.

She curled up her legs involuntarily, stroking the dagger he gave her on her calf, the cool blade moistened her fingertips, but it was burning her heart.

His knife, he had already given her.

Should she hurt him, or should she pick up the knife and walk side by side with him

-----Off Topic-----

Dear friends, Ruyi wishes you all a happy new year! Wishing all relatives, auspicious Year of the Horse, taking the lead in work, success in career, dragon and horse spirit every day, dragon soaring and horse jumping, happy, happy, happy and happy!

137 The wind is surging

If it was according to Yu Linglong's intention, she would naturally have to ride a horse when going out, but Xu Wang, who had never disobeyed her, had a very tough attitude this time and insisted that she travel in a horse-drawn carriage.

Yu Linglong is very angry, Yu Linglong is very upset.

The ancient rules are really annoying. Why can a man ride a horse, breathe fresh air and enjoy the beautiful scenery, but a woman can only be bored in the carriage and not allowed to show her face in public

The feudal society where men are superior to women is really unbearable.

Yu Linglong got into the carriage in a bad mood, and left the city holding her breath.

After sitting in the carriage for half a day, Yu Linglong finally realized the benefits of the carriage. She didn't have to suffer from the cold on the horse, she could have tea when she was thirsty, snacks when she was hungry, a heater when she was cold, and a brocade mattress when she was sleepy. It couldn't be more comfortable.

Even Xu Wang would find time to come into the carriage, have a snack, talk to her for a while, stay for a while and then hurriedly mount his horse to catch up with the emperor's guard of honor in front of him.

In front of people, he was still the romantic prince who always had a smile on his face. He and Yu Linglong were just newlyweds, and they were like glue, so they would not arouse the slightest suspicion from others.

But Yu Linglong knew that his smiling face was just a mask, behind which he was planning something, or preparing something.

She saw that several times, Xu Wang was sitting in the carriage, and there were small notes sent in by attendants in various names, with a few short lines written on it. After reading it, Xu Wang casually put it in the stove and burned it.

Sometimes he would be thoughtful, sometimes he would have a stern face, and sometimes he would write a note in a hurry, ordering someone to pass the order on.

Yu Linglong's intuition told her that something should happen in this spring hunt.

Several times she wanted to ask questions, but she stopped. This conflicted mood lasted until the sun went down and they finally arrived at the Spring Hunting Ground.

The army that arrived earlier had already set up their tents. The largest bright yellow tent in the middle belonged to the emperor, and the second largest tent next to the emperor's tent belonged to the prince and princess. The tents were of equal size and scattered all around, enclosing the tents of the emperor and the crown prince. Further outside are the accounts of various princes and ministers, and the outermost is the tent where the army is stationed.

Yu Linglong got out of the carriage, looked up, and couldn't see the end for a while, it seemed that the scale of this spring hunting was very large, many officials brought their family members, plus the army, there were nearly ten thousand people .

It was the beginning of February at this time, and the weather in the capital was getting warmer, but here in the north of the capital, it was still covered with snow and ice, and there was no sign of spring coming.

After Yu Linglong settled down, the tent door was raised, and a water-blue figure rolled in with a burst of icy breath, accompanied by a familiar voice: "Linglong, you're here too!"

Yu Linglong raised her eyes and couldn't help but feel warm on her cold face: "It's you."

Shi Huiru was wrapped in a water-blue brocade cloak with flowers and trimmed with white fox fur. Her round face was blushed by the cold wind outside, but she was in good spirits. As soon as she came in, she stepped forward and grabbed Yu. exquisite hand