The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 163


: "It's just a trivial matter, my son is really ashamed."

Wherever there was room for him to speak, the crowd stepped forward one after another, and the voices of praise were endless, all of which praised the prince's benevolence and kindness but refused to take credit for it.

King Ding, who was still in the limelight just now, was instantly forgotten in the corner.

After a while, all the people sat down again. The prey that had piled up like a mountain just now had been moved down to clean up. Many delicious dishes were quickly prepared and brought up like flowing water. The banquet officially began.

This meal, Yu Linglong felt very uncomfortable eating, the cold wind was blowing, eating hot food that turned cold in a blink of an eye was really not a very comfortable thing.

She is not good at this kind of occasion, and she has to be wary of the movement around her. After eating this banquet, it is simply a torture.

It was finally time for Shen Chu, and the banquet was finally over.

Yu Linglong raised her eyes and searched for a while at the female family's banquet, but she couldn't find Shi Huiru. It seemed that she had left the banquet early.

She got up and left with everyone, and then she turned out from behind the screen and saw King Xu head-on.

Xu Wang was dressed in a white robe, with a gentle smile, ignoring the surprised eyes around him, and walked straight towards her.

"Linglong, I'll pick you up."

Among the female relatives dressed in rich clothes, his figure stands out from the crowd, so conspicuous and abrupt.

The bright sunshine filled her eyes, Yu Linglong could hardly open her eyes, her cold body had already fallen into a firm embrace.

Beside his ear, he whispered softly, calmly as if no one else was there: "Is it cold?"

Yu Linglong smiled lightly, her face was like a fresh flower, she shook her head lightly.

King Xu held her hand tightly, and said, "Your hand is so cold, you still can't say it's cold."

In front of everyone, the two of them looked sweet like you and me, as if everyone around them didn't exist.

At this moment, a harsh voice suddenly sounded, breaking the harmonious scene.

"What a shame!"

Yu Linglong glanced at the woman who spoke, and saw that she was tall and slender, with heavy makeup, and a pair of red phoenix eyes with a sharp light, as if wishing to pierce the two lovers in front of her.

Gently shaking Yu Linglong's hand, Prince Xu had his usual half-smile on his face, and said, "Princess Qi, were you talking about me just now?"

Princess Qi twitched her thin lips, obviously disdainful: "Ninth Brother, you are also a prince after all, how can you gossip in public, what's the proper way? Hmph, I forgot, Ninth Brother has never been in the court of Emperor Father. I grew up next to my mother, without teaching, no wonder I'm so impolite!"

After finishing speaking, he did not forget to glance at Yu Linglong contemptuously, and said, "Which family taught this young lady, she is too self-respecting!"

Yu Linglong's cherry lips pursed slightly, and she was already furious in her heart. This Princess Qi didn't have any positive communication with her during the banquet just now, and she didn't take it to heart a few times. Wang and her, still holding the airs of elders to talk about the truth, really deserve to be beaten.

As if aware of Yu Linglong's anger, King Xu secretly squeezed her hand, signaling her to be calm, but her face was always full of spring, as if she didn't hear the bitterness in Princess Qi's words at all.

He smiled slightly and said: "It's very cold here, Princess Qi should stop standing in the wind, go back earlier, maybe there will be surprises."

After finishing speaking, he took Yu Linglong and turned around to leave, but before leaving, he said lightly: "By the way, Sixth Brother has already returned to the bank account ahead of time. I heard from Sixth Brother that when he came out this time, he brought several Beautiful concubine Ji, please enjoy this rare leisure time."

Hearing this, Yu Linglong almost laughed out of her stomach, but she still had to pretend to be extremely dignified on her face, almost holding back her internal injuries.

She didn't need to look back, she could also imagine that Princess Qi's face would turn green from anger at this moment.

This guy, smiling on the surface, is actually a black wolf.

It wasn't until they were far away that Yu Linglong couldn't help laughing, her brows and eyes were crooked, and she said, "You're so stingy."

Didn't he just say a few words about him, and he immediately retorted, he is still a big man, so he has such a small belly.

It was rare for her to smile at each other, but his handsome face was full of coldness, almost completely different from the smiling face just now.

Stretching out his big hand, it seemed that he couldn't help pulling her into his arms. King Xu's deep voice rang out on the empty snow field, carrying a stern chill.

"This is considered light, who made her dare to bully you!?"

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Being pulled into his arms suddenly by him, Yu Linglong suddenly felt a little dizzy.

The familiar fragrance of his body came from the end of her nose, and her tender cheeks were slightly aching from the dense embroidery on his chest, but she suddenly didn't want to break free.

A strange feeling poured into her heart like a tide, she couldn't explain it clearly, it was the warmth he gave, the peace of mind he gave, this feeling has been hitting her closed heart door until this moment, Only then did the tide rush in, so fierce that she couldn't resist it.

She has long been used to loneliness, she has long been used to being cruel, she has long been used to protecting herself, but now, there is a man standing beside her, holding her tightly in his arms, telling her with actions that he will protect her forever , Hold up a piece of sky for her, don't let her suffer any grievances, don't let her suffer any harm.

At this moment, all his efforts knocked open a crack in the door of her heart that had been frozen for a long time.

She is also human, and she will be tired. At this moment, she realized that she does not have to support the whole world alone. With him, the hardships can be shared, the happiness can be shared, and life does not have to be so heavy.

For the first time in this way, she didn't push him away, but let him embrace her, letting his stalwart body block all the cold wind for her.

The dark and cold winter days are gradually becoming warm like spring.

After a long time, she gently pushed him away and said in a low voice, "Go back."

Walking side by side in the snow, there seemed to be some subtle changes in the relationship between the two of them.

Before going to bed, Xu Wang was summoned by the emperor, saying that he had something important to discuss, Xu Wang explained a few words, and hurried out the door.

After Yu Linglong washed up, she fell asleep with the help of Daylilies.

The wind was blowing outside, but inside the tent was warm as spring, lying in the soft and greasy fur, Yu Linglong tossed and turned, unable to fall asleep no matter what.

These days, she often suffers from insomnia, but she has never been able to find the reason. Until this time, she suddenly realized that every insomnia seemed to be related to him.

He was in the same room with her but separated in two beds, and she couldn't sleep; he didn't come back, and she couldn't sleep; he left in the middle of the night, and she still couldn't sleep.

What a strange thing.

After a long time, Yu Linglong finally couldn't bear the heavy drowsiness, and gradually became sleepy.

In the middle of the twilight, a low voice suddenly came from outside the tent, with nervousness and anxiety: "Princess, concubine! Are you there?"

Yu Linglong always sleeps alertly, she immediately woke up, the day lily next to the couch put on her coat, walked to the tent door, and asked: "Who is it?"

The voice outside immediately replied: "Sister Daylilies, it's me, I'm Hongjian!"

Red note? Hemerocallis froze, even Yu Linglong was very surprised.

It's so late, Hong Jian is not serving Shi Huiru in Shi's tent, what is he doing here

Yu Linglong sat up in piyi, nodded to Hemerocallis, then Hemerocallis opened the door and put the red note in.

Hong Jian was only wearing a blue and white jacket, shivering from the cold, threw herself on the ground when she came in, and said in a trembling voice: "Wangfei, I beg Wangfei, please save my young lady!"

The pale little face was stained with tears, full of fear and despair, and the bloodless lips were trembling unceasingly, obviously being greatly frightened.

Yu Linglong's heart tightened, could it be that something happened to Shi Huiru

She asked in a deep voice, "What's wrong?"

Hemerocallis quickly helped Hong Jian up, poured her another cup of hot tea, Hong Jian held the warm teacup, and then stammered out the story.

Perhaps it was because Hong Jian was too nervous, talking incoherently and incoherently, Yu Linglong frowned and listened for a long time before she understood the ins and outs of the matter.

It turned out that Shi Huiru left the meeting early during the day, and she took the red note to find Yang Huanian, but unexpectedly, she did not find him in the account of the Marquis of Changting, and only chatted with Yang Yunzheng for a while. Yang Yunzheng told Shi Huiru that today Hunting, Yang Huanian's grades are not outstanding, and Li Bijian was humiliated yesterday, he seems to be in a bad mood, he looks depressed, others ignore him when talking to him, and when he speaks in a hurry, he doesn't say a word After leaving the tent, even Yang Yunzheng didn't know where Yang Huanian had gone. He only heard the servants outside say that the Shizi went to the valley to the east.

Shi Huiru was worried about Yang Huanian, but she couldn't tell Yang Yunzheng clearly, so after exchanging pleasantries with her, she found an excuse to leave the bank account, and headed eastward with only a red note.

On the way, Hong Jian tried to persuade Shi Huiru that even if she wanted to find the eldest son, she should bring more people, but Shi Huiru was so anxious that she couldn't listen to anything. She just ran to the valley by herself and searched for more than an hour. After searching until it was dark, I finally found Yang Huanian.

Perhaps because of being ridiculed for a moment of anger, Yang Huanian was practicing archery alone on the mountain, and shot several big trees nearby with scars. When Shi Huiru, master and servant, found him, he had exhausted his strength and was lying on the ground. Rest in the snow under the tree.

Shi Huiru was shocked when she saw this, Yang Huanian was already exhausted and sweating profusely, and fell asleep lying in the snowdrift, no matter how much they screamed, she couldn't wake her up, and she was about to go back to the tent to find someone ,Only