The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 165


The feeling was not good, even Yu Linglong could not help but feel a little scared when thinking of the scene just now, she was rarely deceived like this, let alone suffered such a big loss, the feeling of fear only lasted for a short time, and it became Burned a raging rage.

Looking up, I saw that in the vast snow field, Ling'er had already walked over holding Hong Jian. The corner of Hong Jian's mouth was bleeding, obviously injured.

Seeing the two approaching, Yu Linglong couldn't help but get angry, and kicked Hong Jian's body fiercely, and shouted: "Say! Who asked you to lie to me!?"

Hong Jian was kicked so that she lay face down on the ground, a mouthful of blood sprayed out from her mouth, and sprinkled on the white snow, which looked shocking.

Raising her head with difficulty, Hong Jian's face was full of panic and panic: "Princess, slave... slave..."

Yu Linglong stepped forward in two steps, pointed the blade covered in mud and snow shavings at Hong Jian's throat, and shouted sharply: "Say it!"

Hong Jian moved her lips, her eyes were full of fear: "Yes—"

Before Hong Jian could say the next word, a slender shadow suddenly crossed the air and came through the air with a sharp whistling sound.

The next moment, there was a small black hole between Hongjian's eyebrows, and bright red liquid flowed down her forehead, and her face was fixed on the terrified expression before she died.

The little body leaned to the snow, and Hong Jian's unspoken words would never be uttered.

The hidden weapon came so suddenly that even Yu Linglong was startled, and immediately raised her voice and shouted: "Who's there!?"

Looking back, she couldn't even see a single person, only the rolling hillside, above which was the vast snow field, which made a soft rustling sound when the cold wind blew past.

Ling'er looked down at the hidden weapon on the snow, and said in a low voice, "Princess, it's... it's a continuous crossbow arrow."

Under the moonlight, Yu Linglong's eyes gradually darkened. A person who can launch such a hidden weapon and disappear without a trace must have a strong background.

However, since it was to kill her, why didn't he just shoot a crossbow at her, but only kill Hong Jian

Could it be that her previous speculation was wrong, the target of the people in the dark was not her, and that's why she was spared

So what is their purpose? What made them bother to buy Shi Huiru's personal maid, what made them devise a seamless lie to lure her here, what made them go to great lengths to set such a sinister trap in the snow

There was a terrible thought faintly in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it any more. She looked around vigilantly, and said in her mouth: "Ling'er, let's go."

This place of right and wrong is definitely not suitable for staying for a long time. If you have any doubts, go back to the bank account first.

However, it was obviously too late to leave at this time.

As soon as the master and servant stepped up, they heard a very anxious voice from a distance: "Linglong, Linglong!"

This voice was so familiar, but it made her hear it like a bolt from the blue at this moment. She turned around suddenly and shouted: "Yu Lieyang, don't come here!"

Xu Wang's speed was faster than her voice, and in an instant, his slender figure fell from the sky to her side, and his eager face was full of joy of regaining what was lost: "Are you okay?"

But Yu Linglong didn't feel the joy of seeing him at all, instead she tensed up nervously and involuntarily: "Why are you here!"

All the thoughts flashed through her mind like lightning and flint, Yu Linglong didn't care about greetings, and grabbed Xu Wang's hand: "You go!"

Xu Wang obviously didn't know the meaning of Yu Linglong's words, but the next moment, the surrounding situation had undergone earth-shaking changes. He didn't need to think about the meaning of Yu Linglong's words, but he understood the situation in front of him.

In the quiet snow valley just now, at some time, a group of silent black shadows appeared on the top of the mountain, standing on the raised cliff, looking strange and inexplicable.

A sinister voice resounded, although it was not loud, it still reverberated in the snow valley: "His Royal Highness Xu Wang, you are really hiding your secrets."

Xu Wang pulled Yu Linglong behind him, the warmth on his face was wiped away, and his voice was full of coldness: "Come out!"

The voice seemed to have not heard Xu Wang's words, just burst into laughter, and then said: "It's a pity that your skills are so good that even your subordinates can't keep up, otherwise, you don't know that you died here alone—"

Before the words fell, a bright light suddenly rose in the sky behind the black shadow, roaring towards the sky, and there was a loud bang, and a huge and extremely gorgeous firework immediately bloomed in the night sky.

The snow on the top of the mountain was already crumbling, but this sound was deafening even to Yu Linglong at the bottom of the valley.

King Xu and Yu Linglong exchanged glances quickly, both of them had the same thoughts.

This man tried his best, of course he couldn't have come to the Snow Valley to set off fireworks for them to see, he wanted to use the explosion of the fireworks to trigger an avalanche!

Yu Linglong's heart trembled heavily. In comparison, the trap full of swords and guns just now is nothing. This huge snow valley is a trap created by nature!

If the tens of millions of tons of snow on the mountain slides down, they will have nowhere to escape, nowhere to hide!

As if to confirm their conjecture, the fireworks above the head have not been extinguished yet, and another firework has followed, making earth-shattering bangs in the sky again!

Amidst the successive explosions of fireworks, that sinister voice interspersed with a strange laugh: "However, with Princess Xu accompanying you, you will not be lonely..."

Xu Wang didn't say a word, just stretched out his hand quickly, picked up Yu Linglong's waist, and galloped out quickly without stopping. Relying on his superior lightness skills, several ups and downs, he has already run tens of meters.

Yu Linglong was held in his arms, her hands were subconsciously wrapped around his neck, at this moment, she realized that only this man could be relied on by her, and that she trusted him so much at the critical moment of life and death.

Her mind was blank, and she hardly had time to think about anything, so she grabbed his shoulders purely instinctively.

Leaning in his arms, she felt that the world seemed to be spinning, and the scene in front of her was broken into fragments one after another, but it was so thrilling in her eyes.

Amidst the constant explosions, countless snow piles collapsed like huge icebergs.

Snow mist soared into the sky in the night sky, and the billowing snow waves with thunderous power, seemed to be able to swallow everything, rushed towards them ferociously.

She only had time to see Linger's small figure, running behind them, she wanted to call out, but a large piece of cold snow had already poured into her mouth, making her breathless and unable to speak Come.

In the power of nature, no matter who they are, they seem too small.

Amidst the roaring avalanche, that gloomy voice could still come through the air, as if it came from hell, full of chills.

"Isn't it too late to escape now?"

King Xu didn't say a word, just hugged Yu Linglong tightly, as if she was the only treasure in the world, even if he tried his best, he would swear to protect her to the death.

However, the people on the cliff tried their best to set up this trap, so how could they allow him to escape easily? In the overwhelming snow waves, a sharp crossbow arrow suddenly pierced towards King Xu's back.

Holding Yu Linglong in her arms, she was running as hard as she could, Xu Wang wanted to move and dodge before it was too late, Yu Linglong only heard a muffled groan, the man's stalwart body had already knelt on the ground with one knee, supporting herself not to fall.

Even so, he still didn't let go of her in his hands. Yu Linglong looked down, and in the snow mist rolled up by the cold wind, there was something on his calf.

A black crossbow bolt was inserted, and blood was already dripping down drop by drop.

Everything happened so fast just now, Yu Linglong didn't realize that Xu Wang was injured until this time, she subconsciously wanted to break free from his embrace, and lowered her head to check his injury.

She just moved slightly, his deep voice already sounded above her head, even in the rumbling sound of the avalanche, his voice still had the power to penetrate everything, and the words clearly penetrated into her ears.

"I'm the one who hurt you."

Yu Linglong's heart tightened for no reason, and she immediately said, "Put me down, I'll take you out—"

What answered her was a fierce kiss that was suddenly branded on the forehead, which seemed to contain the despair of the end of the world, but also mixed with a heart-piercing reluctance.

"Linglong, you have to live well!"

Before Yu Linglong could react, her body was already flying up into the air, Xu Wang exhausted all his strength and threw Yu Linglong towards Taniguchi!

Flying in the air, Yu Linglong finally recalled Xu Wang's real purpose, she suddenly let out a scream: "No—"

Her voice disappeared in the thousands of snowflakes pouring down, as fragile as foam.

As soon as her body fell into the soft snow, Yu Linglong didn't care to check the situation around, she immediately got up and ran towards King Xu recklessly.

She just took a step, but she found that she couldn't run over at all. Although Xu Wang had tried his best to throw her far away, the place where she landed was still a short distance from Taniguchi, and she couldn't walk this short distance. passed.

Because at this moment, the snow cover is collapsing earth-shatteringly. Although her location is not the center of the avalanche, the thick snow on the mountain is being pulled by the avalanche and is slowly sliding down like quicksand.

Yu Linglong's body was stuck in the snow nest, she couldn't move at all, she hesitated for a moment before she was hit by a huge and slow blow.