The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 167


people. "

A short sentence reminded her of many things. The mysteries of the past emerged one after another, and the answers gradually became clear. Only that answer could explain everything.

The little hand held his big hand involuntarily, and her voice was a concern that she didn't realize: "The prince arranged for those who watched you?"

For example, so many pairs of eyes in the dark, such as Xingyun from Prince Xu's Mansion, such as Yihong and Banlu given to her by the crown prince...

What on earth is the prince suspecting? Why did he arrange so many people to monitor him

There was a helpless and bleak smile on King Xu's handsome face, but he said irrelevantly: "Linglong, are you disappointed in me?"

Yu Linglong raised her eyes to look at him: "Why?"

King Xu shook his head, stretched out his hand to embrace her deeply, and said in a low voice, "I failed to save you, but instead harmed you. I knew early on that the prince was going to take advantage of this spring hunting, but I still I fell for his tricks, and even implicated you."

It wasn't that he wasn't calm enough or rational, it was just that when he heard that something happened to her tonight, he immediately forgot all the prior arrangements and went up the mountain alone, wanting to rescue Yu Linglong as soon as possible, so he fell into the prince's trap.

She is his Achilles' heel, the crown prince must have figured this out, that's why he tried his best to lure Yu Linglong up the mountain, because he knew that only Yu Linglong could cause Xu Wang to be in chaos.

Hongjian is a small bait, the purpose is to lure Yu Linglong, and Yu Linglong is a big bait, the purpose is to catch Xu Wang, a big fish.

One link after another, finally calculated their intentions and lured them into the game step by step.

Yu Linglong thought of this, but a warm current surged in her heart, the feeling of being designed and deceived, but all disappeared in the affection shed in his crisis.

Holding his waist tightly with her back, Yu Linglong buried her face deeply into his shoulders. If it wasn't for this trap, she would not have known that there would be a man with such affection in the world who would give up his life in order to save her. In order to save her, he lost all reason and calmness; in order to save her, he would not hesitate to sacrifice his life.

If the husband is like this, what more can the husband ask for.

With her forehead firmly pressed against his shoulder, Yu Linglong felt her throat gradually choking, her voice was so soft that she could hardly hear it, she didn't know whether she was talking about him or herself: "Fool."

He had never felt so close to her before, Xu Wang didn't dare to move, but subconsciously hugged her tightly, his resolute chin rubbed against her hair, feeling the tenderness and sweetness that he had never had before: "Linglong... "

After an unknown amount of time, a few discordant cooing sounds suddenly came out of the silence, breaking the ambiguity between the two.

Yu Linglong couldn't help smiling, and raised her head to look at him: "Are you hungry?"

Xu Wangjun blushed slightly for no reason, and said, "No."

But his stomach growled twice as if protesting, showing that he was lying.

Yu Linglong broke free from his embrace with a smile, brushed the hair on her sideburns, reached out and took out a small paper bag from her embrace: "You're lucky, take it."

Xu Wang was a little strange, took the paper bag and opened it, and couldn't help being even more surprised: "This is—"

In the paper bag, there were actually a few pieces of Yunpian Cake that had been crushed and deformed.

Yu Linglong blushed, turned her face away, pretended to look at the flames in the fire, and ignored King Xu.

King Xu held the cloud cake in his hand, and his voice was a bit surprised: "This is the cloud cake I brought you? Didn't you feed it to the dog?"

Yu Linglong smiled slightly: "Here, do you want to eat?"

Xu Wangjun smiled brightly, as if he had forgotten the pain on his body, and smiled like a child: "Hey, I'll take it, even if it's poison, I'll take it too."

Yu Linglong spat, couldn't help laughing and said, "Slick tongue, do you want to be beaten again?"

The two looked at each other and smiled, and at the same time recalled the days when you chased me, the small cave was suddenly filled with warmth.

King Xu approached the fire, baked the pastry, and handed it to Yu Linglong: "I don't know how long it will take to go out, you can eat."

Yu Linglong shook her head: "I'm not hungry, you're injured, you eat first."

When the two of you were pushing to give way, a rustling sound suddenly sounded in the cave, as if something had crawled out.

Glancing at each other, Yu Linglong picked up the dagger in her hand and looked towards the place where the sound came from.

From the cracks in the dark cave, a few snakes as thick as arms crawled out, slowly crawling outwards, obviously woken up by the heat of the fire, thinking that it was spring and woke up early.

Xu Wang picked up the small stones on the ground, and there were a few soft swishing sounds in the cave, and several snakes fell in response, obviously being hit by seven inches, and only squirmed a few times before not moving again.

After receiving the dagger from Yu Linglong, King Xu chopped off the snake's head with a few slashes, picked it out of the cave with a branch, then peeled off the snake's skin, put it on the branch, and roasted it on the fire.

Seeing his skillful movements, Yu Linglong was a little surprised: "Have you ever eaten snakes before?"

In her previous life, she also ate snakes, dragon and phoenix fights, and snake soup. She had tasted them all, and the taste was not bad, but she couldn't imagine that the pampered King Xu would actually eat snakes.

Under the firelight, his face looked a little gloomy, and he said in a low voice: "When I was in Shangyuan Kingdom, let alone snakes, I even ate lizards and mice."

Yu Linglong's heart trembled slightly, looking at his face, unconsciously, a faint heartache welled up in her heart.

She once guessed that his life in Shangyuan Kingdom was not satisfactory, but she did not expect that the dignified prince of Dongchu would receive such harsh treatment.

How did he survive in Shangyuan Kingdom? How did he spend the entire nine years

As if feeling her heartache, King Xu stretched out his hand to wrap around her slender waist, gently caressed the center of her frowning brow with his fingers, and said softly: "Everyone knows that I am the most favored prince, but you know, Why am I favored?"

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Yu Linglong looked at him deeply, her eyes were full of regret, but she didn't say a word.

She could only vaguely imagine, but she couldn't be sure, or, she didn't want to think about how the young him spent those difficult years in Shangyuan Kingdom.

He lost his mother when he was young, and was sent to the enemy country as a hostage at the age of seven. Who would believe that he could survive, and who knows how much hardship and suffering he has gone through

Pulling up the cloak on her shoulders, a cold smile appeared on Xu Wang's thin lips, his voice was deep and far away, as if he was talking about something that had nothing to do with him.

"... When I arrived in Shangyuan Kingdom, I was only seven years old, and I didn't understand many things. Before I set off from Dongchu, my father told me that I am the prince of Dongchu, so I want to protect Dongchu's reputation, I want to protect the people of Eastern Chu, and I want to defend the land of Eastern Chu, so I have to take on this responsibility. At that time, I was ignorant, and I only remembered these great principles in my heart, but I never thought of other reasons."

The dry wood in the fire was crackling, and the jumping flames were reflected on the inner wall of the cave. Not only was it not bright, but it was very dark and gloomy.

"I took eighteen attendants with me and set off from Dongchu to Shangyuan. I still remember that day, when I arrived at the palace of Shangyuan Kingdom, the emperor of Shangyuan Kingdom pointed at me and laughed triumphantly, and asked his prince They said, "Look, this is the son of that trash."

Yu Linglong clenched her hand involuntarily. It was a long time ago, but when Xu Wang said it now, his tone was still full of repressed grief and indignation.

For Xu Wang, who was only seven years old and pampered at that time, the consequences of these words were obvious.

Xu Wang paused, and continued: "... I yelled at them, but they just looked at me with a contemptuous smile, that smile seemed to be watching a monkey playing tricks, and in the end they got tired of watching it. So he beat me up and locked me in a secluded palace."

"... My attendants tried to rescue me, but they were discovered, and the emperor ordered them all to die, leaving only the two youngest to serve me. Wang Jing is very smart, and always steals food from the imperial dining room for me to eat. Zong Chuan has a calm personality, but his skills are very good. He has been teaching me martial arts behind his back. After more than two months, my father sent an envoy to the Yuan Kingdom. The envoy asked to see me, and the emperor ordered someone to wash and dress me , put on new clothes, and come out to meet the envoys of Eastern Chu."

Thinking of the dusty past, Xu Wang smiled coldly, looked at the fire with Mo Mou, and said softly: "I told the envoy, I am very good, the emperor is very good to me, and the princes of Shangyuan Kingdom are also very good to me." Alright, tell him to go back and report to Emperor Father, don't worry about me."

"Perhaps he didn't expect me to be so obedient. The emperor changed his attitude towards me. After the Eastern Chu envoy left, he gave me a mansion and allowed me to enter the palace to study with the princes and grandchildren. Later, he allowed me to study Riding and shooting, of course, most of the time, I am the target of the princes of Shangyuan Kingdom... "

His voice became lower and lower, recalling these humiliating past events obviously made him very uncomfortable.

"When I was twelve years old, riots broke out on the border of the Shangyuan Kingdom. The emperor ordered the third prince to lead the army and ordered me to accompany him. The reason was to let the hostesses of Eastern Chu experience the majesty of the Shangyuan Kingdom. This trip lasted for three years."

"Shangyuan Kingdom is located in the north. In winter, the sky is cold and there is no grass growing in the desert. When the army travels, it will be good to eat snakes, rats and lizards when there is no food for a long time. Once we were alone. Going deep, getting lost in the desert, eating all the turf and tree roots, I've even seen soldiers eat the corpses of dead people, just to stay alive."

Yu Linglong's heart