The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 168


She twitched for a while, she never imagined that Xu Wang, who was dressed in white clothes, had such a past.

When the Prince of Eastern Chu was learning the ways of Confucius and Mencius in the resplendent palace, he walked through the desert full of corpses, desperate to survive, so he knew how to endure better than anyone else, and was good at disguising, just to survive.

It was also because he suffered too much in the Shangyuan Kingdom, so when he returned to the capital, he pretended to be fascinated by the glory and wealth, and only cared about pleasure, putting on a dandy who didn't care about world affairs.

"... When I was sixteen years old, the emperor of the Shangyuan Kingdom sent me back, and hinted to my father that he wanted to make me the crown prince. My father found an excuse to refuse, but even so, the queen and the crown prince were still very wary of me. , not only monitored my every word, deed, and every move, but even monitored my father, for fear that my father would pass on the position of crown prince to me. My father noticed their changes, so he handed over the command of the hidden guard to me. And instructed me to act in secret to monitor whether the prince has any plans."

Yu Linglong was stunned when she heard that, she couldn't help but think of the emperor's breezy appearance in the daytime, as if he was extremely dependent on the prince, and all the princes and grandchildren were also in harmony, as if this spring hunting was really just the emperor bringing everyone out to relax.

But she didn't expect that there would be so many secret things behind the scenes, and those princes who appeared to be honorable and wealthy would have so many dirty thoughts.

This is the benevolent and filial prince, this is the gentle and noble emperor, and this is the father and brother of King Xu.

Suspicious of each other, wary of each other, full of hostility to each other, and even ready to kill father and son brothers at all times, this is the family relationship of the royal family, for power, for the supreme dragon chair, they can do anything at all, even if they cut off the family relationship. Do whatever it takes.

His waist suddenly tightened, and Yu Linglong was pulled into his arms by him, his deep voice sounded in his ears, with a burning breath: "... Father asked me to pretend to ignore the affairs of the court and only care about pleasure, so that the The prince relaxes his vigilance, although I agreed, but I often feel depressed and unbearable, so I often ride my horse in the capital through drinking. One night, I was drunk again, and I rode my horse back and forth on the street as usual, I could hear The shouts of the people rushing to tell each other, I could hear the panicked footsteps of them fleeing, but I felt a burst of laughter in my heart, how good it is, everyone is afraid of me, everyone is avoiding me, the street is empty, there is only one figure I can't see it, everyone is hiding in the dark, cursing me as a monster of the world, but no one dares to control me, because I am the Ninth Prince, I am King Xu!"

"But on that night, I saw a lonely woman walking down the street with a little maid as if no one was around. You seemed to have never seen me, and you didn't even hear my voice. I was very angry at that time. Why did everyone Dodge, but you don't? Why aren't you afraid of me?"

Yu Linglong listened to him recalling the first meeting between the two, her heart filled with sweetness, she smiled slightly and said, "Why should I be afraid of you? You don't have big heads and six arms, and you don't know how to eat people, so why should I hide from you? "

Feeling her move in his arms, Xu Wang tightened his arms, as if he was afraid that she would leave in an instant, and murmured: "At that time, I only thought you were special, but when I woke up, I suddenly thought, If I pretend to pursue you, the prince will definitely think that I am a romantic person. With you as a cover, he will relax his vigilance even more. So the next day, I started to prepare to let everyone know that you, Yu Linglong is the woman I like."

Even though she knew what he was talking about was just her previous thoughts, Yu Linglong couldn't help pinching his shoulder and said angrily, "I knew you were using me!"

His strong arms were tightly wrapped around her, with deep apology and heartache, his cool lips fell on her ear, turning into a soft kiss, Xu Wang said softly: "But I didn't even think of it, actually From the first time I saw you, I couldn't get rid of your shadow in my heart. At that time, I just wanted to pretend to be myself and use various excuses to get close to you, but I didn't know, my My heart has long been tied to you, and I can never let it go."

"... Whenever I close my eyes, I always think of you. The first time we met, you kicked me off the horse to protect a little maid; on the top of the mountain, you jumped into the crowd to protect your grandmother Thoughtful, you don’t hesitate to be alone in danger; even for an injured stranger, you will do your best to protect his safety. Linglong, Linglong, you are always protecting others, but do you know that every time I see you like this , how much my heart hurts, how much I want to hold you in my arms, protect you forever, stay by your side forever, and never let you suffer the slightest grievance."

His words seem to be talking to himself, and they seem to be making a promise to her: "I said, I will always protect you, I said, I will never leave you. I can let go of my self-esteem, I can let go of my pride , but I just can't give up on you. Forgive me, forgive me for being so stupid and didn't know how to please you; forgive me for not understanding my own feelings, but only thought I wanted to use you; forgive me for putting you in a desperate situation, but still You take care of me..."

Hearing his sincere voice, Yu Linglong quietly pursed her pink lips, raised her pretty face from his arms, and tried to show a flowery smile: "If you want me to forgive you, then you should live well, and you will be able to make up for it in the future." I."

King Xu couldn't help himself, he pecked her lips lightly, and said in a low voice: "Then you also promise me that you will never leave me. If you leave—"

The big hand pulled her, and put her small hand on his heart: "Even if I live, then here, I will die."

Feeling his steady and powerful heartbeat in the palm of her hand, in this vast snowy night, in this deserted cave, she just felt at ease like never before.

It turned out that she could really give herself to another person, and let him give herself endless power and a boundless sense of security.

Her tender face was clinging tightly to his chest, her voice was very soft, but it sounded extremely firm.

"I won't let you die. From now on, you are me, and I am you. We are inseparable in life and death, and share weal and woe."

The flames danced, projecting the two figures who depended on each other on the wall of the cave, appearing so intimate.

The morning sun poured into the cave and shone on Yu Linglong's eyes, awakening her from a deep sleep.

Yu Linglong stood up and looked around the cave, only to find that King Xu was not there, and he was still wearing his cloak, but he didn't know where he was.

She didn't know what time it was, she could only tell from the skylight outside that it should be morning, where did King Xu go? He still has an injury on his leg, how could he leave her alone in the cave

She suddenly became worried, and shouted without thinking: "Yu Lieyang!" She got up and walked out.

Before reaching the entrance of the cave, she saw his slender figure, which landed in front of her like a big bird.

"Are you awake?" With a slight smile on Jun's face, he looked at her without blinking his black eyes.

With a wave of his big hand casually, he threw the things in his hand on the ground, and stretched out his hand to pull up the hood and put it on her head: "It's very cold outside, so you stay in the cave and don't wander around."

Seeing him, Yu Linglong felt at ease, and when she heard what he said, she couldn't help pouted in dissatisfaction: "You also told me not to walk around, I don't know who is the one who dragged his injured leg around early in the morning ?”

Saying this, she was still thinking about it, Yu Linglong leaned over to check his wound, seeing that there was no more blood coming out, she was relieved, raised her head and asked, "What did you do?"

Xu Wang smiled, and said indifferently: "This little injury is nothing, it will be healed after a night of care."

As she said that, she deliberately walked a few steps in front of Yu Linglong, showing that his wounds were really healed.

His injured leg still didn't dare to use any strength, but he was able to walk, but he couldn't use his lightness kung fu for the time being.

King Xu went into the cave, added some firewood to the fire that was about to go out, pointed to the two hares beside him, and said, "You didn't eat anything yesterday, so I went out to find something to eat because I was afraid that you would be starving." of."

Yu Linglong's heart warmed, she walked up to him and sat down, said with a smile: "It turns out that the lord is not an incompetent person, he only hunted one hare that day, but he caught two today, it's really gratifying."

Xu Wang was amused by her, and stretched out his hand to scratch the tip of her nose: "If the princess said that she was hungry that day, this king will show his skills and hunt for the bravest ones for the princess to try!"

Seeing him skillfully skinning the hare and putting it on the fire, the smile on Yu Linglong's face faded a little, and she looked at King Xu seriously: "How long do you plan to stay here?"

They disappeared all night, the emperor will definitely send people to search for them, the hunting ground of Chunshang is not big, it is estimated that they will find this valley soon.

Now that Xu Wang is injured, it is obviously inappropriate to hide here, but if he just returns to the bank account, the prince may take advantage of the situation and kill the injured Xu Wang.

Putting the hare on the branch, King Xu stretched out his hand to embrace her, and said in a low voice, "If we can just face each other like this, and stay together for a lifetime, even if we live in a cave for the rest of our lives, why not?"

Leaning on his shoulder, Yu Linglong smiled faintly: "If life can be done as you please, there won't be so many people hurting the spring and the autumn."

The two sighed at the same time, raised their eyes and stared at each other, Xu Wang held her hand, and said in a low voice: "If it is possible, I really want to just drop everything and take you away from the disputes here.