The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 169


, right as if we were dead. From now on, you and I will retire from the government and the public, wander all over the world, and be idle people, how good it would be. "

Yu Linglong held his big hand instead, and patted it reassuringly: "Don't forget what you said, when the big event happens in the future, you will take me around the world and enjoy the beautiful scenery—"

King Xu kissed her lightly on the cheek, and said solemnly: "Okay, then we'll make a deal. When the big thing is over, you and I will retire from the world and never care about worldly affairs, only to have a son."

Yu Linglong listened to what he said seriously, and when she heard the last sentence, she couldn't help bursting out laughing: "You have a good idea!"

In the small cave, the two of them were laughing and laughing, full of warmth.

Xu Wang stroked Yu Linglong's silky long hair, and said softly: "If I leave now, the crown prince will have no opponent, and he will definitely have a different heart. Father is old, how can I do it for my own selfishness and disregard his? Safety? Linglong, wait for me, I will definitely take you out of here when I serve the emperor for a hundred years."

Yu Linglong was silent for a moment, brushed the broken hair from her temples, and looked up at him: "Okay, no matter what is ahead, I will accompany you."

Xu Wang looked at her, and the two of them sat holding hands, both of them had the same thoughts.

After a long time, Xu Wang reached out and took the roasted rabbit from the fire, tore it into shredded rabbit meat, and handed it to Yu Linglong: "Eat it quickly."

Yu Linglong reached out to take it, took a bite, and couldn't help being a little surprised: "How is this done?"

The two came out in a hurry, so it was impossible to bring condiments with them. Yu Linglong originally thought that the rabbit meat without any condiments or even salt would be extremely unpalatable. , the pliable rabbit meat has the fragrance of charcoal fire, and it is charred on the outside and tender on the inside, which has a special flavor.

King Xu took a sip, and seemed to be very satisfied with his craftsmanship, he couldn't help but smiled proudly: "I picked up a lot of pine branches, this rabbit meat is roasted with pine branches, so it has a pine fragrance, why? So, is it delicious?"

Yu Linglong lowered her head, looked at the rabbit meat in her hand, feeling mixed emotions in her heart.

She could hardly imagine that on this cold winter morning, Xu Wang, with a wounded leg, searched for pine branches in the snow, just to let her taste the best rabbit meat.

Besides him, who else would take care of her tastes and consider her feelings so meticulously? Even in this snow field where supplies are extremely scarce, he will try his best to make her eat well, live warmly, and let her have The warmest and most considerate care.

The palm of his hand sank suddenly, and it was he who tore off another rabbit leg and gave it to her, urging: "Eat it while it's hot, it won't taste good when it's cold."

Yu Linglong nodded, and just about to say something, she heard voices coming from a distance outside: "Master Xu, Princess Xu!"

It seems that they disappeared all night, which really caused panic to the emperor, and they found them so early.

Unknowingly let go of the rabbit's leg in his hand, the two looked at each other silently, neither of them would answer, as if they were reluctant to part with this narrow and cold little cave.

The voice outside was getting closer and closer, Xu Wang sighed, stretched out his hand to gently stroke her hair, and said in a low voice, "Let's go out."

Yu Linglong stood up, with his cloak draped over her shoulders, her pretty face regained its coolness: "Let's go."

Leaving this cramped but warm cave, going outside is another world.

What is waiting for them, is the wind and rain, or the warm spring sun, it is no longer important, what is important is that they have each other, even if they go to the ends of the earth, they will never be alone again.

As soon as the two walked out of the cave, they immediately attracted everyone's attention. On the icy and snowy cliff, a man and a woman stood side by side. They were both handsome and extraordinary, like gods, standing above the ice and snow.

Seeing them, a voice weeping with joy came over immediately: "Princess, lord!"

Linger, who was dressed in thin clothes, stumbled over from the thick snow, and finally arrived in front of them after running for a while. Linger looked at Yu Linglong and King Xu, her big eyes filled with tears of joy: " Concubine, lord, it's great that you are all right, woo-"

Seeing that Ling'er was safe and sound, Yu Linglong's heart finally fell to the ground. After the avalanche yesterday, she lost Ling'er's whereabouts. So many things happened after that, she couldn't spare time to look for Ling'er. Now Seeing that Linger is fine, she couldn't help showing a faint smile on her delicate face: "Linger."

Xu Wang's side was also very lively, several guards came forward to bow down, their faces were full of relieved expressions: "My lord, my subordinates are late, please forgive me!"

King Xu nodded his head, which was a response. He turned around and stretched out his big hand to Yu Linglong. With a determined and resolute face on his handsome face, he said softly, "Linglong, let's go down the mountain."

Thick fur mattresses were laid in the large carriage, and two exquisite charcoal stoves were burning fiercely, making the carriage as warm as spring. As usual, a pot of Xu Wang's favorite wine was boiling on the stove, with a faint smell of alcohol. As the heat rises, it makes people drowsy.

King Xu leaned on the couch, only wearing a moon-white silk shirt, the sapphire crown on his head was slightly crooked, and a few strands of black hair were scattered randomly, making him look as handsome as the person in the painting.

The wound on his leg has already been medicated and bandaged properly. At this moment, his face is a little lazy and comfortable, while playing with the wine glass, he looks at the person opposite with a smile.

"To be able to ride in the same car with you and have you take care of it yourself, this injury is worth it."

Yu Linglong was wearing a white magnolia flower gauze dress, with a lily bun loosely tied on her head, and a cloud of flowers on her temples was inserted into her temples, and the tassels on the tail trembled slightly as the carriage traveled. , it became more and more that she had beautiful eyebrows and a graceful appearance.

Hearing King Xu's words, she smiled slightly, picked up the jug on the charcoal stove, refilled the wine glass in his hand, and said: "You have injuries on your body, you'd better drink less of this wine."

After pouring the wine, she was about to withdraw her hand, but he grabbed her wrist, and the carriage bumped, she couldn't stand steadily, and she couldn't help but fell into his arms.

King Xu blew softly behind her ear, and whispered: "No need to drink, I'm already drunk. Haven't you heard of it? Everyone gets drunk if wine isn't intoxicating, and if flowers aren't charming, people are intoxicated..."

The hot lips were in her earballs, accompanied by his low voice: "You are the flower that fascinates me."

The carriage was already as warm as late spring, and Yu Linglong felt hot and unbearable when he hugged her like this. She stretched out her hand and gently pushed him away, helped Bu Yao by her temples, and said angrily, "You're still so restless after being hurt." , I should have given you a good face if I knew it earlier."

Xu Wang couldn't help laughing, but he was still reluctant to let go of her, and said: "If I can make you like this every day, I would rather be hurt every day."

At this time, they were on their way back to the capital. During the spring hunt, King Xu was suddenly injured and was almost killed in an avalanche. The emperor naturally attached great importance to it. He arranged for chariots and horses to escort King Xu back to the capital to recuperate.

Of course, this was an excuse to the outside world, only Xu Wang and Yu Linglong knew that the emperor immediately let Xu Wang return to the capital because he was worried that the prince would attack Xu Wang again.

The two rubbed each other's ears, Yu Linglong sat upright, stretched out her hand to open a gap in the curtain, looked at the situation outside, and then asked in a low voice: "How did you tell the emperor?"

Xu Wang's handsome face showed a bit of coldness, and he said: "I only told my father that the crown prince wants to kill me."

After a pause, he continued: "Even if I don't tell you, the emperor will guess it, so it's better to tell the truth."

It seems that the emperor has long been suspicious of the prince, who is benevolent and filial on the surface. The emperor is in the prime of his life, and the prince has dissenting intentions, and he will murder his compatriots. I am afraid that such a prince will not be favored by the emperor.

That's why the prince has to try his best to establish his benevolent image among the officials and people, so that the emperor can't find excuses to abolish himself. As long as he survives for a few more years, once the emperor has been in power for a hundred years, the whole world will belong to the prince. The prince will naturally be at his disposal.

Although the emperor is gentle on the surface, he may not be able to guess the prince's thoughts. For the prince, Xu Wang and others are his enemies, stumbling blocks on his way to the throne, and he wishes to get rid of them all quickly, but for the emperor, Xu Wang is his most beloved prince, and other Together with the prince, they are all his own flesh and blood, so he must try his best to save his son's life. However, the prince is getting older and has the influence of the queen's family behind him. He has long been out of the emperor's control, let alone obeying the emperor's words. In this conflict, what choice will the father and son make

Looking at the trembling car curtain, Yu Linglong said softly: "In the heart of the emperor, there is still hope for the prince."

A complicated expression flashed across King Xu's eyes, and he said: "Yes, the emperor has always hoped that the prince can be lenient towards others. After all, the prince was established as the heir apparent since he was a child, and he was taught the words of sages and how to govern the country. Great ambitions, in terms of ability, in terms of cultivation, are the best candidates for the crown prince. If there is no major change, the father is unwilling to abolish the prince. However, the prince is narrow-minded and suspicious, and the father The more he assured him that he would never set up a new crown prince, the more the crown prince thought that his father had the intention of abolishing him. Linglong, you don't know, the situation in the government is changing, and there are gradually criticisms among the courtiers. If this continues, I'm afraid Complaints will turn into disputes, and at that time, the foundation of the court will also be affected."

It is already an undisguised secret that the emperor and the prince do not agree with each other, and the courtiers will naturally be divided into different factions. Some support the prince, some support the emperor, and some even disagree.