The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 171


The master and the concubine are newly married. Although they have only a short time to get along, they have a deep relationship, which will benefit the servants. Anyway, the master was in a good mood, and everyone followed suit, and everyone was happy.

Xu Wang was injured on his leg, which gave him a good reason to stay out of the house, and even the guests who came to visit said that he hadn't seen him. The stove is in the room tasting wine and playing chess, pondering all kinds of novel ideas, or asking the kitchen to make ingenious snacks, or collecting new snow on plum blossoms to make tea, even at night, the two of them close the door and sit quietly inside. Sound card card chattered and laughed, and everyone was envious of their intimacy.

After more than ten days of the fairy-like life, Xu Wang's leg injury has almost healed, and he often goes to the garden with Yu Linglong to enjoy the flowers and scenery, recite poems and paint, and live a very comfortable life.

The day was cloudy and rainy, the two of them had just woken up from their afternoon nap, and they were a bit bored, Yu Linglong suddenly had a new idea: "Why don't we eat hot pot and ask someone to bring green plum wine, it's refreshing and keeps the cold away."

Xu Wang immediately echoed: "Excellent, I've been thinking about this for the past few days. Do you like clear soup, or mandarin duck pot?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for her to answer, he whispered into her ear and said with a low laugh: "According to me, we should eat mandarin ducks, so we are suitable."

Yu Linglong smiled and pushed him away: "I'm not ashamed either!"

Sipping the broken hair on her sideburns, Yu Linglong said, "The things you mentioned are not tasty. I have an idea. Let's ask the kitchen to boil the pheasant into soup, skim off the oil, and add fresh bamboo shoots, wolfberries, and fungus to it." , Daylilies, all kinds of wild mushrooms, boiled slowly to make a soup base, and then boiled with vegetables, okay?"

Xu Wang praised: "It makes people feel delicious, that's it."

After finishing speaking, she immediately called the maid to come in, followed Yu Linglong's instructions, and then smiled at her: "I don't know where you got so many ideas. These days, things you've heard of before, things you haven't heard of, are changing every day. It’s dazzling to eat in different ways. The fried steak you proposed that day, and the fruit sauce you taught the kitchen to make, still make my mouth water when I think about it.”

Yu Linglong pursed her lips and snickered, of course she wouldn't say that these are all her ways of copying modern western food. She had eaten so many flavors from various countries in the past, and now she casually brought out a few, which really made the well-informed King Xu eat them all. It is full of praise.

Right now, she is just trying her hand at the knife, and when she has some experience, she will use these recipes to win by surprise.

These days, the two masters have been studying food all day long, and all kinds of ingredients are neatly prepared in the kitchen of the palace, and all the servants are on standby at any time, so as to deal with the fresh ideas of the two masters from time to time, Yu Linglong's order didn't take long , a pot of fragrant pheasant mushroom soup is ready.

The two of them gathered around the stove, and put lamb slices, tripe, meatballs, green vegetables, tofu, vermicelli and other ingredients into the hot pot in the same way, watching the fragrant soup bottom bubbling and bubbling, exuding bursts of aroma, could not help but The mood is good, as if even the rainy weather outside is sunny.

King Xu picked up the jug, poured wine for Yu Linglong, and said with a smile: "No matter how delicious the dishes were, it would be better to sit next to your window and drink bouillon with you. It's such a good day, let me be a god." Do not change."

Yu Linglong couldn't help smiling, and just about to say something, she heard a mellow male voice outside the window, saying: "Ninth brother is living so comfortably!"

As soon as he heard this voice, the smile on Xu Wang's face faded away as if swept by the tide.

He stretched out his hand to hold Yu Linglong's hand, and said in a low voice, "The prince is here."

The door of the room opened in response, and the prince, wearing an apricot-yellow four-clawed golden dragon brocade robe, walked in with a smile on his face.

Steward Zhao stumbled in, fell to his knees on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: "My lord, my concubine, His Royal Highness does not allow this slave to report, and this slave dare not disobey. This slave deserves to die, please punish me!"

Xu Wang's face once again put on a smile that seemed to be there, and waved his hand smartly: "Forget it, no one blames you, go down."

Steward Zhao kowtowed as if he was receiving an amnesty, and then withdrew.

King Xu intentionally supported Yu Linglong's hand, stood up slowly, and asked, "When did Your Highness return to Beijing?"

Yu Linglong supported Xu Wang in her hands, and only saluted the prince lightly, then lowered her eyes to hide the sharpness in her eyes.

Although the two of them don't go out, they have been paying attention to the news outside. A few days ago, they heard that the spring hunting had ended. The emperor took the princes and officials back to Beijing. They calculated that they should arrive this morning, but they didn't expect The crown prince came to Xu Wang's mansion just after he returned to the capital.

Was he worried that Xu Wang knew something, so he came to check on them? Or do you want to see Xu Wang's condition and find out their details

No matter what, Yu Linglong can be sure that the prince's trip is not a good one.

When he arrived at Prince Xu's mansion, no one was allowed to report. On the surface, the prince wanted to surprise King Xu and her, and also showed that he had a deep affection and close relationship with the brothers of King Xu, but in fact, his real purpose should be to want Seeing Xu Wang's injury with his own eyes, he didn't want them to have too much time to pretend, so they came by surprise.

The crown prince sat at the top, motioned Xu Wang and Yu Linglong to sit down as well, then smiled and said: "I just came back in the morning, I was thinking about the injury of the ninth brother, so I came to see it in a hurry."

King Xu smiled lightly: "Your Highness is concerned."

The prince smiled gently and said: "It's a pity that the ninth brother can't participate in the spring hunting. I ordered someone to bring two carts of wild animals, and save them for the ninth brother and younger siblings to try."

Xu Wang thanked the prince with a smile, and the two said a few words about the spring hunting, and the prince turned to the topic.

He looked at Xu Wang's leg inadvertently, and asked with concern: "Is the ninth brother's injury better?"

Yu Linglong lowered her eyes and kept her expression on the side, but her heart trembled secretly, the prince was finally going to reveal his true purpose of coming here.

It seems that what she expected before was correct, the prince did come to find out what Xu Wang is really, should Xu Wang continue to hide his strength and bide his time, or should he take this opportunity to make side-stepping remarks

I saw Xu Wang smiled helplessly, patted his thigh lightly, and said: "The imperial doctor said that there is no problem, but I can't work hard. It's raining today, and my bones are hurting again. I guess it's the root cause of the disease." gone."

The prince sighed regretfully: "Ninth brother is young, how can he suffer from such a disease? I still have some medicinal materials for promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis in my house. I will send someone to send it to Jiu brother later."

King Xu did not refuse, and said, "Then thank you, Your Highness."

The prince smiled heartily: "You and my brother, why are you so polite? In the future, I will have to rely on my ninth brother in many places!"

King Xu laughed loudly, and said: "Your Highness really flatters me too much. If it's about tasting wine and looking after horses, I can do my best. If it's about other things, I don't understand anything."

The prince smiled as usual, and said indifferently, "Ninth Brother is really humble. I have heard that Ninth Brother is very skilled, but I have never had the chance to see him. This time, Ninth Brother was injured in his leg, and unfortunately encountered Xue Beng. , Unscathed unscathed, the skill is excellent, the kung fu is so deep, it is really amazing."

Yu Linglong's fingers hidden in her sleeves involuntarily clenched tightly, but the expression on her face remained unchanged, as if she didn't hear what the prince meant.

The prince's words could not be more clear. He has confirmed that Xu Wang has superb martial arts, but has been hiding it. Under this situation, his suspicion of Xu Wang will never be alleviated, and it will only become more and more serious. Heavy.

Even she could feel the murderous intent hidden in the prince's words. He came here in person this time only to confirm the injury of King Xu. I'm afraid he will take action next time.

Xu Wang smiled lightly, as if he hadn't heard the sword light and sword shadow in the prince's words: "What is your Highness talking about, it's just my luck."

The prince was meditating, when a pleasant voice like a silver bell suddenly sounded from the side: "My lord was able to escape this time, thanks to the great blessings of the emperor and His Highness, and my brothers and sisters hereby thank His Highness."

The prince was startled, and looked up at Yu Linglong, who was laughing at Yanyan: "Where do you start with this?"

Yu Linglong stepped forward slowly, with a faint smile on her face, as if she was sincerely grateful to the prince, and said softly: "The location of the spring hunting ground was chosen by the emperor. Fortunately, the mountain peak is not high, even if the snow avalanches, it will only flow slowly, and it will not fall suddenly, which saves a chance for the prince. The prince came back and said to his younger siblings that at the moment of the avalanche, he only thought of the emperor and the avalanche. Your Highness, when he thought that if something happened to him, the Emperor and His Highness would be terrified, so he tried his best to escape with his life, so as not to worry the Emperor and His Highness. Only then could the danger be saved. The Prince can save his life, although Auspicious people have their own celestial features, but they are also entrusted with the great blessings of the emperor and His Highness, Your Highness, don't you?"

It was clear that there was a sweet voice and a sweet smile in front of him, but the prince seemed to move his body a little uneasy, and the smile on his face became a little stiff: "Well, so it is like this."

I don't know why, but there seems to be a sharp blade hidden in the bright smile of the woman in front of me, which makes people shudder.

Thinking that King Xu was "missing" His Highness in his heart, the prince felt his heart tense for no reason. Was it his elder brother that King Xu was "missing" or the throne he was going to ascend to

The prince picked up the teacup, took a sip of hot tea, calmed down, and then spoke again: "Ninth brother, after your accident, Father Emperor Lei Ting was furious and ordered people to search everywhere in the hunting grounds, but they have not caught anything.