The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 174


Later, she thought that King Xu was chasing and killing Feng Xuanyuan as a man in black to wipe out the Qinglian Sect, but she didn't know until now that the mastermind behind this incident was actually the current emperor.

Originally thought that Qinglian Sect was the source of all doubts, but now it seems that Ganfu, Qinglian Sect, and Feng Xuanyuan were all used by others, and finally became tools for court struggles.

"Gan Lin is Gan Yezhou's only son, and he fell into the hands of the Qinglian Sect, which is known for its evil deeds. Naturally, the Gan family was in chaos, and even the queen mother was alarmed. The queen even came forward and asked the emperor to use all his strength to rescue Gan Lin. Although Gan Yezhou was worried about the safety of his beloved son, he did not lose his head after all. He really agreed to the request of the Qinglian Sect, but wrote a letter to the emperor with tears in his eyes, asking the emperor to save his only son for the sake of his loyalty to the king. To give birth to a son. The royal father naturally agreed, and even used the imperial guards, which are the dark guards under my command, to search for Gan Lin's whereabouts, and finally found a secret stronghold of the Qinglian Sect. Unexpectedly, I met Feng Xuanyuan. Who knows that there are thousands of calculations, but I didn't expect that the location of the stronghold is hidden, and the nearby cover measures are carefully designed by Qinglian Sect. It looks like an ordinary forest, but it is actually a forest. In the huge labyrinth, without the guidance of the core figures of the Qinglian Sect, it would be impossible to find the location where Gan Lin is hiding. Even though we wiped out all the Qinglian Sect members there, we still couldn't get in, and we didn't even catch Feng Xuanyuan. arrive."

"Feng Xuanyuan escaped with his life. What I didn't expect was that he would ask you to rescue Gan Lin. This completely disrupted my previous plan. I tested you many times, both openly and secretly, before I was sure that you were not a member of the Qinglian Sect. People are just being used by Feng Xuanyuan, but after all this tossing, Feng Xuanyuan disappeared again, and the Qinglian Sect also calmed down, it seems that there is no further disturbance."

When Yu Linglong heard this, her heart was already overwhelmed, she couldn't help but hold Xu Wang's hand tightly, and said in a low voice: "I don't know that there is such a reason for this, if I had known..."

She couldn't help shaking her head, and smiled self-deprecatingly: "If I had known earlier, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to change anything."

At that time, would she trust King Xu? She wouldn't believe his other identity, even if Xu Wang was honest with him, she wouldn't believe his words.

Until now, she didn't believe that there was a certain destiny in the dark, maybe it was Feng Xuanyuan's luck, or the Qinglian Sect's vitality was not exhausted, Xu Wang was so meticulously arranged and designed step by step, that he couldn't wipe out the Qinglian Sect.

King Xu embraced her shoulders, kissed her tender cheeks lightly, and said, "How could I blame you? Even if I blame, I blame myself for involving you."

It's not impossible for him to catch Feng Xuanyuan. At that moment, he led the dark guards and surrounded them heavily. Feng Xuanyuan, who was seriously injured, could hardly escape even if he put on wings, but he couldn't open his mouth to give orders to let those martial arts masters of his The subordinates encircled and suppressed the carriage that Mrs. Yu was riding in, and could only let them go, missing the success that was at their fingertips.

It's just because he can't just watch her suffer the slightest harm, even if it's just a little bit of possibility, he can't allow himself to put her in danger.

Feng Xuanyuan escaped, he could catch her again, but if she was injured because of this, he would never forgive himself for the rest of his life.

But for this reason, he won't say, or even think about it. In his heart, all of this is a matter of course, because protecting her is his duty, his mission, and the most important and only thing in the world. She is the world that he will try his best to protect.

Looking at the beautifully embroidered palace lanterns, Xu Wang said softly: "Father made such a plan, one is to win over the Gan family, let Gan Yezhou be grateful to the father, and surrender to the father from now on; the other is to test the prince, to see if the prince It will reveal clues. After that incident, the crown prince has been standing still, but ordered his own army guards to help the Gan family search the Qinglian sect in the capital and search for news of Gan Lin. On the surface, there is nothing unusual. The father thought that the crown prince did not usurp the throne. Ambition, but not long ago, my father found out that during the days when Gan Lin disappeared, the prince's cronies were secretly trying to win over the officials, and even mobilized the capital's external defense troops to stand by at any time."

Yu Linglong was secretly startled, the emperor's move was really extremely dangerous, if the prince were to confuse the real one, the consequences would be unimaginable.

The Qinglian sect kidnapped Gan Lin and asked Taifu Gan to write a letter. The situation became so big that the court searched for Qinglian sect members everywhere, causing panic. To overthrow the imperial court and change the dynasty, otherwise, he mobilized the army at this time, and why

However, if the crown prince really wanted to usurp the throne, why didn't he act at that time

Yu Linglong thought for a moment, then slowly said: "The prince is good at everything, the only shortcoming is that he is too suspicious, because he dare not trust easily, so he will be hesitant and not decisive enough, otherwise, that time was really a good opportunity."

Xu Wang nodded, and said in a deep voice: "That's right, I also thought about it afterwards, the prince is actually very afraid of the father, and the only person in this world who can restrain the prince is the father."

Yu Linglong interjected, "And the only one who has the strength to check and balance the crown prince is you."

That's why the emperor relied so heavily on King Xu, and handed over all his personal guards to King Xu. The emperor, the prince, and King Xu were all in balance. If any two parties join forces, the other party will not be able to obtain benefits. The emperor cannot trust the prince, so he must trust King Xu.

Xu Wang smiled faintly, and said softly: "Linglong, have you ever thought about why Father gave me the title of Xu Wang?"

He was the youngest prince, and he lived in Shangyuan Kingdom for nine years. He was not crowned king until he returned to Eastern Chu at the age of sixteen, and this title happened to be King Xu.

Yu Linglong's heart moved, something suddenly occurred to her mind, she couldn't help exclaiming in a low voice: "Could it be—"

Xu, nine days, nine is the supreme number, only the emperor can use the ninety-five honor, but the emperor gave Xu Wang this title...

King Xu's smile was a bit bitter: "Father has been suspicious of the prince for a long time, but the other princes are powerless to contend with him. I am the heir apparent of the Shangyuan Kingdom. Father supports me with all his strength. Naturally, he loves me. Another reason is definitely not wanting to use me to divert the prince's attention."

The emperor has nine princes in total, but only Xu Wang is the one who loves Xu Wang the most. During this period, there may be memories of Ling Guifei, or guilt over Xu Wang being sent to Shangyuan Kingdom as a proton at a young age, but this father's love , but there may be a more secret reason.

From the standpoint of the emperor, the crown prince is the best candidate for the crown prince. In terms of ability and cultivation, he is the capital of an emperor. But from the perspective of his father, the crown prince has already revealed his intention to harm other princes. It is really a dilemma to leave the country to the most suitable person and want to save the lives of other sons.

At this time, supporting another prince's power is not only a warning to the prince, but also a protection for other princes. It is indeed a good way.

The emperor is telling the prince that your crown prince was conferred by the emperor, and if you don't like him, he is also qualified to take away everything that belongs to you, because you are not the only prince of Eastern Chu, and there are not only those with outstanding abilities you one.

It is precisely because of this that the prince has all kinds of jealousy and hatred towards Xu Wang, and he has sent countless people to monitor Xu Wang closely, lest Xu Wang will take away his crown prince.

As for Xu Wang, he had to take care of the emperor's thoughts and guard against the prince's harm, so he could only choose to disguise himself, walking between the court and the people with two faces, one white and one black.

Yu Linglong rubbed her swollen temples, she felt that these things were far more complicated than you imagined, she couldn't help but sighed, and put her arms around his waist, a boundless sympathy surged in her heart unconsciously and distressed.

His life experience has so many ups and downs and tribulations. He used to endure hardships in Shangyuan, but now he returns to Dongchu, and he has to be on guard everywhere. How strong must a person's heart be to bear so much pain

Nestling against his warm chest, Yu Linglong said softly: "Since he wants to kill you, you might as well recover your identity and give it a go, rather than being careful and careful now."

The prince's trip today is to test Xu Wang's details, but he also unknowingly exposed his own thoughts. Xu Wang has been pretending for so long, but he still has not escaped the prince's pursuit. High and low.

The big hand tightened tightly, wrapping her gently around his chest, Xu Wang pondered for a moment, and said: "Alright, then I will enter the palace tomorrow and report to the emperor."

Now that the crown prince already knew his identity, he had no reason to continue pretending. Those who should come would come sooner or later, so why not take this opportunity to restore their true colors.

In this way, the prince will be more wary of him, but he will not dare to act rashly.

If the crown prince dared to send someone to assassinate him again, it would surely arouse the emperor's suspicion. At that time, his position as crown prince would be even more precarious. There was really no need for him to take this risk.

The two of them had been talking for a long time, and both felt a little tired. Seeing Yu Linglong covered her mouth and yawned, Xu Wang stretched out his hand to pick her up, and walked to the bed, kissing her lips with hot lips, with With a deep and sweet affection, he whispered with a smile: "Lady, it's late at night, why don't you let your husband serve you?"