The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 175


, go to bed early. "

Yu Linglong unconsciously smiled, stretched out her arms to wrap his arms around his neck, rubbed his delicate cheeks coquettishly against his collar, and said softly, "I don't know who is serving whom—"

Xu Wang couldn't help laughing, and waved his big hand casually behind him, and the candle went out in response.

The spring tent slid down, covering his slightly narrowed low smile and the charmingness of the full tent.

145 Let You Eat Enough

Early the next morning, after sending King Xu out, Yu Linglong took day lilies to the accountant's office.

Even though Yu Linglong married into Prince Xu's mansion not long ago, everyone in the palace knew that this new princess had a strong temper and had a very good relationship with Prince Xu, she was a person who was neither easy to provoke nor could not afford to offend.

So she came to the accountant's room suddenly, and the stewards in the accountant's room quickly stood up, all of them standing with their hands down, not even daring to show their breath.

Hemerocallis placed the brocade mattress on top, supported Yu Linglong to sit down, made another cup of hot tea, and then stood behind Yu Linglong. look.

Gently relaxing her bare hands, she picked up the teacup, and lightly skimmed off the floating emerald green tea leaves, before Yu Linglong said unhurriedly: "Take out the account book of the palace, I want to see it."

Everyone didn't dare to be negligent, they quickly brought out the details of the account books and presented them to Yu Linglong.

Xu Wang is not very old, but his property is extremely impressive. What he presented were only the account books of the past year or so, and there were hundreds of them, big and small, and there were seven or eight of them for the detailed catalog of the account books.

Yu Linglong flipped through it casually, and couldn't help being secretly surprised. Before she came to the accounting room, she never thought that the Xu Palace had so many properties, not to mention the pawnshops, restaurants, banks, and houses in the capital. There are also minerals, saltworks and other industries. These things may not be considered anything in modern times, but in ancient times, these were all monopoly industries, especially saltworks. As long as there is a small one, you can make a fortune every day.

Closing the account book, Yu Linglong didn't think it was a bit funny, no wonder that day when she said she wanted to use silver, King Xu agreed without blinking an eye, it turned out that he did have the capital.

Just looking at the prospects of these industries, it is estimated that she is enough to squander a hundred and eighty years.

Yu Linglong originally wanted to use her dowry as capital to start a career in ancient times, but now it seems that it is not easy for her to manage the property in Xu Wang's mansion.

However, being rich naturally has its benefits. Keeping these golden mountains will make it easier for her to implement her plan.

Yu Linglong looked at the account book and fell silent for a long time. The longer these managers waited, the more disturbed she felt, not knowing what the new princess was up to.

It took a long time before Yu Linglong opened her mouth, but what she said completely surprised everyone.

"I want to buy a mountain."

The steward in charge of the mountain, forest and mineral resources quickly stepped forward subconsciously, and replied respectfully, "I don't know what the princess wants to do? Do you want to buy a mine, or plant a fruit forest?"

But Yu Linglong shook her head, and said surprisingly: "I want to buy a place with poor mountains and rivers. The more difficult the conditions, the better, and the worse the better. However, the location should be closer to the capital."

The steward was confused: "This..."

Isn't everyone buying property in the hope of paying money? Who doesn't think that the more fertile the land, the better the environment, the better? Who would buy that kind of poor land? Isn't that a waste of money? What is the princess going to do

Although he was slandering in his heart, no one dared to disobey the princess's order. Although the steward Zhang Er was puzzled, he still agreed with a bewildered expression.

Yu Linglong continued to order: "Prepare me fifty thousand taels of silver bills, if you want pieces, and if you want one hundred taels to one thousand taels, get ready and send them to my room."

All the stewards agreed in unison, and Yu Linglong took out the account book of the names of the restaurants again, looked through it for a while, and kept a few larger names in mind, then got up and went out.

After sending Yu Linglong away, the stewards breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly followed Yu Linglong's orders to do things.

Yu Linglong walked slowly in the garden of Prince Xu's Mansion, thinking silently all the way, Hemerocallis followed behind her, walking very lightly, for fear of disturbing her thoughts.

It was already March at this time, the cherries in the garden were just blooming, the peaches and plums were blooming, and the spring was boundless, but Yu Linglong didn't care to appreciate these beauties, she just concentrated on thinking about her plan.

Back in the courtyard, Yu Linglong called out: "Ling'er."

Ling'er ran out in response: "What is the princess' order?"

But Yu Linglong didn't speak, she paused before she spoke: "Go get ready, I'll go out with me later."

Hemerocallis hurriedly prepared clothes for going out, but was stopped by Yu Linglong: "Don't bother, just find me some ordinary clothes to change into."

Hemerocallis then knew that Yu Linglong was going to leave the house in a low-clothes, so she quickly complied and entered the room in a hurry.

As soon as Yu Linglong sat down, Madam Liu came in: "Qi Wangfei, the princess ordered the slaves to train a few maids a while ago, and the slaves are ready, I don't know when the princess will be free, do you want to see each other in person? "

Yu Linglong smiled lightly, and said: "No need, Mom is always cautious in doing things, I am very relieved. There is a shortage of manpower in the room right now, just ask them to come up."

Mama Liu was a little flattered, and hurriedly said: "Yes, I will arrange it now."

Yu Linglong nodded, called Hemerocallis over, and told her face to face: "Mother Liu will bring them up later, you can arrange their division of labor."

Hemerocallis agreed and waited on Yu Linglong to change her clothes, and Yu Linglong took Linger out the door.

These days, Ling'er has grown a lot taller. At this time, she is wearing a ginkgo-colored pinched flower jacket and two bean-sized pearl earrings on her earlobes, making her look very smart.

Yu Linglong was wearing an ordinary cloud brocade spring shirt with yellow feathers and yellow lotus patterns, with a wishful bun on her head, and only two yellow jade hairpins with seawater patterns inserted randomly, and half a cluster of hibiscus flowers made in the palace around her right temple. The petals, the crystal as the stamen, are very delicate and transparent, adding a bit of Xiaojiajade-like beauty to her.

The two masters and servants sat in a black oil truck with a green cover, without guards, and went out quietly.

In the narrow carriage, Ling'er held a short-haired squirrel leather jacket in her hand, wrapped it around Yu Linglong's feet carefully, and said, "Although the weather is warm, it's still a bit chilly, so I won't catch a cold."

After a pause, a slightly sad smile appeared on her face, and she said: "When I was young, my mother always told me that girls should not catch cold at home, or they will get sick in the future."

Yu Linglong looked down at her, feeling unbearable in her heart, her voice softened: "Ling'er, can you still find the people from your former family?"

Ling'er shook her head, her mood seemed very low: "If it wasn't for the princess, I wouldn't even be able to find my own brother, let alone someone else."

She lowered her head, Yu Linglong couldn't see the expression on her face clearly, but could hear her voice getting lower and lower, so low that she could hardly hear clearly.

"...What's more, my family members died a long time ago, none of them survived, they were all killed."

Yu Linglong only felt her heart tense. Linger has been with her for more than half a year, and she has almost regarded her as a little sister of her own. Seeing Linger so sad, she couldn't help but say: " Don't be sad, in the future, you have me."

The three words were not loud, but they were full of reassuring power. Ling'er raised her head and smiled at Yu Linglong, seeming to cheer up a lot: "Slaves are not sad. It takes a few lifetimes for a slave to serve the princess. How could the slaves feel sad about the blessings they cultivated?"

As if she didn't want to continue this topic, Ling'er turned her head to look out the window, wiped the tears off her face, and said, "Princess, where are we going?"

Yu Linglong sat up straight and said, "Go to Xiankelai Restaurant."

"Go to Cyclamen?" Ling'er raised his head suddenly, his face was full of surprise and surprise, the frustration just now was swept away, "That's a famous restaurant in the capital, we are going there to eat delicious food Is it?"

Yu Linglong couldn't help but smiled slightly: "That's right."

Ling'er's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly: "I heard that the crystal elbows there are excellent, and they only make 30 copies a day. Many people have been waiting in line since the first night, and they may not be able to buy them." What! I don’t know if we have this good fortune?”

While talking, she became impatient and raised the curtain to urge the coachman: "Hurry up, hey, I said you should hurry up!"

Yu Linglong showed a faint smile, and turned her face to look at the scenery outside the window.

This little girl is really greedy.

The Xiankelai restaurant is located in the most prosperous area of the capital. Before you get close, you can see that there is a bustling crowd, and there is an endless stream of guests coming in and out. Before the carriage reaches the door, it is stopped by a servant. Xiao Er, who was wearing a towel, walked forward quickly, nodded and bowed and apologized: "My guest officer, I'm really sorry, parking is prohibited at the entrance of the store, please move down—"

Before he finished speaking, the waiter looked up and saw Ling'er helping Yu Linglong get out of the car, and was stunned on the spot.

Under the sun, Yu Linglong is like a Lingbo fairy, with beautiful eyes and fluttering clothes, she walks down gracefully, the hibiscus flowers on her head are delicate and charming, and each crystal emits bright light, giving her pretty face Covered with a faint halo, the beauty is so beautiful that people can't help but hold their breath.

Glancing at the tongue-tied waiter, Yu Linglong turned her head away, Ling'er unceremoniously pushed the waiter, and shouted: "What are you looking at, hurry up and lead the way!"

Only then did the waiter come back to his senses, and stammered, "Yes, yes, this lady...