The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 177


eat enough! "

146 Pretending to be a gangster with her

Unexpectedly, this delicate-looking little girl would do it as soon as she said she wanted to do it, and the embroidered man didn't even have time to hide, he was hit right on the head by that elbow!

The embroidered man's head was full of greasy white flesh, some hung from his hair, and some stuck to the hideous embroidered pattern on his body. The embroidered man, who was not yet invincible just now, looked like Extra funny.

The guests sitting next to him had already stretched their necks to watch the commotion, but now they saw the embroidered man slumped, who couldn't help but burst out laughing.

The embroidered man, who was dizzy from being smashed, came back to his senses from the laughter. He was ashamed and annoyed. He wiped his face indiscriminately, then turned around, and roared out of nowhere: " Which bastard dares to laugh at me!?"

The whispering laughter stopped abruptly, and under the angry eyes of the Huaxiu man, all the guests pretended to be dumbfounded, as if the laughter just now was just his illusion.

Unable to find someone to vent to, the embroidered man turned around abruptly. The movement was so violent that even half of the elbow meat on his head was thrown off, dangling on his ear, as if hesitating to It fell or continued to stick to his head.

He didn't realize how ridiculous his appearance was, Huaxiu Man stared at Yu Linglong with his bloodshot eyes, as if he wished he could eat her alive, and pointed at her with his big hand like a small dustpan, it seemed that it was the eve of attack.

"You, you bitch—"

But Yu Linglong didn't even look at him, she just brushed the hem of her clothes leisurely, as if checking if it was contaminated with soup and affected her appearance.

Taking the handkerchief from Ling'er's hand, and slowly wiping her hands, Yu Linglong's eyes fell on the embroidered man.

Wiping the corners of her mouth casually, Yu Linglong seemed to have just finished enjoying a big meal, her bright eyes were half a smile, and she asked with some teasing, "Is it delicious?"

The tone was sneering and contemptuous, as if he had just rewarded his watchdog with a meaty meal.

The embroidered man was furious, and the companions around him were also gearing up, as if if Yu Linglong hadn't been a delicate single woman, they would all rush forward and tear her apart.

"Stinky bitch, you dare to mess with our elder brother? Do you know who he is?" A man behind the embroidered man shouted fiercely, wanting to regain some momentum for the embarrassed embroidered man.

Yu Linglong showed disdain, and said, "I don't care who you are!?"

Pretending to be in front of her? Don't they know that pretending to be 13 with her will end badly

A group of small shrimps, beyond their control!

Pretending to be a gangster with her? Could it be that these guys don't know that she is the ancestor of the underworld!

Yu Linglong has known a truth for a long time, the so-called triad society means that in their rules, the rules of the outside world do not apply at all. Here, power is the rule, and fists are the rule!

Whoever is tougher than the other is the boss; whoever is more ruthless than the other is the well-deserved strong!

Looking at the group of gangsters in front of her, a slight sarcasm appeared on the corner of Yu Linglong's mouth, and she said, "Could it be that you haven't eaten enough? There's more here!"

Randomly picked up a plate of braised sea cucumbers, Yu Linglong smashed her head and face, the thick soup splashed in all directions, hitting Huaxiu Nan in the middle of the plate, and several companions around him also got a lot of light.

This time, although Huaxiu Nan and the others were psychologically prepared, they still couldn't escape Yu Linglong's lightning-fast smash. The cold was solidified, and hot water was placed under the plate to warm it up, so the sea cucumber soup was greasy and sticky, and the temperature was extremely high. This time, it was so hot that the embroidered man jumped up, and his friends around him were also burned. It was so hot that it screamed again and again.

If they were humiliated like this, it would be embarrassing for them not to act.

Even though the opponent was only a delicate woman, Huaxiu Nan and the others still had no sympathy for her, and rushed forward cursing together, some even pulled out their daggers and wielded a machete. Their posture did not seem like they were bullying a little girl. , clearly regarded each other as fierce tigers and beasts, and all of them looked like desperate Saburos.

Looking at these ferocious flower stands, Yu Linglong smiled coldly, lifted her delicate embroidered shoes quickly, and kicked them on the table. The soup and dishes flew straight out, heading towards Hua Xiunan and the others!

It's okay for these market thugs to frighten ordinary people, but meeting a Rakshasa woman like Yu Linglong who is fearless is like a fly meeting a goshawk, not a heavyweight player at all.

Although they are all big and muscular, they just look scary. If compared with the skills and experience of fighting the enemy, they are completely at a disadvantage. The flesh all over their bodies will only make their actions more clumsy. Can't dodge.

Just like at this moment, such a large table flew up, but they couldn't dodge it at all. Some reacted quickly and wanted to dodge backwards, but they just hit their companions and fell down with them.

It was only a blink of an eye, and several people were thrown to the ground by the table. The group of people who were still alive just now fell to the ground. The person who was hit in the waist and eye was holding his waist, and the person who was hit in the arm was clutching his arm, lying in one place staggeringly, moaning and chirping sounds one after another.

Worst of all, someone was accidentally poked by a companion with a knife, bleeding all over the ground, and rolling his eyes in pain.

During the whole process, Yu Linglong didn't even stand up, she sat firmly on the chair all the time, Yingyu's yellow clothes were spotless, not even a trace of soup or blood, as if the person who did it just now was not at all. she.

Seeing these street gangsters being dealt with in such a mess, the onlookers who hadn't dared to laugh just now clapped their hands and applauded continuously. Obviously, Yu Linglong's making a big fuss was very satisfying.

Facing the compliments from everyone, Yu Linglong just smiled lightly, and stood up with Ling'er without looking at the embroidered men rolling into a ball on the ground.

It wasn't until they reached the stairs that the embroidered man crawled out from under the table. He covered the big bag on his head, and shouted at Yu Linglong's back angrily: "If you have the guts, don't leave!"

Yu Linglong looked back and looked at him with a funny face, as if she was waiting for his threat, or waiting for him to stand up, and they fought again.

It's really interesting, a few big men were beaten like this by a woman, and they still have the face to call her number

Stared at by her sharp eyes, the man with embroidery couldn't help but hesitated for a moment, but then shouted desperately: "We are members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang. I don't want to change my name or surname when I sit down. My surname is Gao Mingsong, and my nickname is Blue and White Tiger." That’s right! Which way did you go, leave a name!”

Seeing him being so embarrassed by the beating and trying to hold his face, even Ling'er couldn't help being happy, and said crisply: "Only you are worthy of asking our king—our wife's name?"

What a dead duck, the only thing left is a hard mouth!

Yu Linglong had a half-hearted smile on her face, obviously she didn't take them seriously at all. She had seen such little bastards a lot in her previous life, and the more they barked their teeth and claws, the less successful they would be.

Seeing that Yu Linglong didn't answer him at all, the embroidered man gritted his teeth and resorted to the most vulgar move: "Hey, don't you dare leave your name?"

Use aggressive methods on her

The smile on Qiao's face widened a bit, and Yu Linglong suddenly became childlike. She really wanted to know, if these people knew her identity as the princess, what would their reaction be

Glancing at the stern embroidered man, Yu Linglong hooked her finger at the waiter, who rushed over hurriedly: "Madam, what are your orders?"

Whispered a few words to the waiter in the shop, Yu Linglong smiled lightly, ignored Huaxiu Nan and the others, turned around and went downstairs gracefully.

The embroidered man wanted to curse a few more words, but the waiter came over to them.

The gangsters on the ground had already got up, and they all cursed: "Damn, this little bitch is really wicked, why did we all fall for it?"

"That's right, I don't know where the stinky bitch came from, even dare to mess with us—"

Seeing that all of them were still talking nonsense, the waiter scratched his head and said helplessly: "Stop scolding, the beatings of you guys are still light, this is the princess' kindness, otherwise, your I can't keep my head!"

"Wangfei!?" After hearing this, everyone was so frightened that their eyes almost didn't fall off. "You, what are you talking about? That little girl just now is Wangfei?"

While sweeping the residual soup on the ground, the waiter said, "Isn't it? That's our master, Princess Xu who was just conferred by the emperor!"

The gangsters who had just stood up were so frightened that their legs gave way and they fell down again.

This time, they even forgot to stand up, let alone face, and squatted on the ground looking at each other.

In such a big capital city, why did they provoke the notoriously short-tempered Princess Xu? If the government pursues it, will they still be alive

After leaving the cyclamen, Ling'er laughed: "Princess, I haven't seen you beating someone for a long time, the scene just now was really enjoyable!"

Seeing Ling'er's joyous appearance, Yu Linglong couldn't help but smile, this little girl is thirteen years old, and she still has a childish temper, she was so happy after watching a fight.

Ling'er tilted her head slightly, obviously recalling the wonderful episode just now, waved her hand a few times, but seemed to think of something suddenly,