The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 184


Looking at the sly fox-like eyes, and looking at the thousands of congregants kneeling before her, Yu Linglong suddenly felt powerless.

This is going to be a pushover. If she judges that she is not Qinglian Saintess at this moment, who will believe it

It is these Qinglian sect members who believe her words, believe that she is really not Qinglian saint, and she dare not imagine the consequences of falling into the lair of Qinglian sect.

Will these extremely disappointed followers of the cult tear her to pieces in public

The cold jade pendant hurt her palms, she closed her eyes helplessly, and forced herself to speak.

"Get up, everyone."

This simple sentence represents that she has accepted her current identity.

As for the future, let's talk about it later!

Hearing her gloomy voice, a smug look flashed across Feng Xuanyuan's face, but disappeared in an instant. He turned around and said loudly to all the Qinglian Sect members on the ground: "The saint has come to the world now." , the revival of my Qinglian Sect is just around the corner!"

Seeing the excited faces on the faces of those believers, and when they raised their arms and shouted in unison with Feng Xuanyuan, Yu Linglong suddenly had an ominous premonition in her heart.

So many people gathered here, and they didn't hide their whereabouts and voices at all, so it can only show that this place must be a place far away from the capital, and it is even very likely to be in the wilderness.

During the period when she fainted, how long did Feng Xuanyuan take her away? How far is it from the capital here

Yu Linglong looked at the dark night sky above her head. It should be late at night. Yu Lieyang must have discovered her disappearance a long time ago. With the means of him and the hidden guards he led, they still haven't found her here!

Without waiting for him to think about it, Feng Xuanyuan stretched out his hands and pressed down, signaling the congregation to silence, and then said loudly: "It's getting late, the saint needs to rest, everyone should disperse first."

The congregation saluted Yu Linglong together, and then retreated.

Yu Linglong kept a cold face and didn't say a word. It wasn't that she was pretending to be arrogant, but that she was still full of anger at this inexplicably acquired sainthood.

And her indifferent appearance gave her a sense of mystery. The retreating members of the Qinglian Sect didn't even dare to look at her. They bowed their heads deeply and retreated respectfully. up.

Seeing that Feng Xuanyuan was still explaining something to the elders, Yu Linglong turned and went back to the room.

After a while, Feng Xuanyuan also entered the room, and seeing Yu Linglong sitting on the couch with a sullen face, she unexpectedly showed a brisk smile and said, "Why, are you unhappy?"

Hearing his indifferent tone, Yu Linglong felt an unknown fire in her heart, she stood up abruptly, her porcelain-white face was full of cold anger.

"Feng Xuanyuan, you'd better explain to me what's going on!"

Seeing her imposing manner, Feng Xuanyuan was not afraid at all, as if he just saw a cat whose hair was blown up and was crying out for his comfort.

Walking forward slowly, Feng Xuanyuan had an evil smile on his face, his long and narrow eyes did not blink, and he looked at Yu Linglong steadfastly.

"I want you to stay with me."

His voice was full of domineering, announcing her belonging, as if he regarded her as a piece of clothing, a decoration, if he liked it, he would forcibly keep her.

It's just that his eyes betrayed his emotions. In that focused gaze, there was a trace of inquiry, reluctance, and nostalgia. Just looking at her like this, it seemed that she would fly away in the blink of an eye.

With her fingernails embedded in her palms, she tried her best to suppress her anger, and looked coldly into Feng Xuanyuan's eyes: "You designed all of this a long time ago!"

This is not an interrogative sentence, but an affirmative sentence.

From the day he put this jade pendant on her, she had been faintly feeling that something was wrong. On the edge of the cliff that day, his expression and tone didn't look like he was giving her a gift at all, but more It's like giving her a prison.

But she really didn't expect that this seemingly ordinary jade pendant would have such a symbolic meaning!

Handing the jade pendant that had been clutched in her hand to Feng Xuanyuan, Yu Linglong shouted in a deep voice: "I'm not going to be a saint, I'll return this thing to you!"

Looking at her jade-white palm, Feng Xuanyuan lost his mind for a moment, but then raised his eyes to look at her, and said teasingly: "Do you want me to tie it back around your neck again?"

Seeing him being such a rascal, Yu Linglong was so angry that her eyes burst into flames, the anger that had been suppressed all night finally burst out, and she raised her hand and smashed the jade pendant viciously.

"Feng Xuanyuan, you are courting death!"

With a quick lift of her big hand, she took back the jade pendant she had thrown out, Feng Xuanyuan looked down at the palm of her hand, and then looked at Yu Linglong with a more evil look: "It seems that you really want to I'll tie it for you again with my own hands."

Seeing him walking towards her step by step, Yu Linglong subconsciously stretched out her hand to reach for the dagger on the outside of her calf, but unexpectedly, her touch was empty.

Seeing the surprised look on her face, Feng Xuanyuan smiled coldly: "Do you think I will let you keep it?"

Yu Linglong clenched her fists tightly, but her heart sank heavily!

It seems that when she was unconscious, he had checked her body and confiscated the dagger!

"give me back."

This is not a plea, but an order.

With a raised eyebrow, Feng Xuanyuan asked straightforwardly: "Why?"

Taking a deep breath, Yu Linglong slowly got up and sat down on the couch again.

The initial shock and anger of becoming Qinglian Saintess has passed, Yu Linglong's mind has cleared up, and at this moment, she has roughly guessed Feng Xuanyuan's real intention.

With a cold smile on her pretty face, Yu Linglong looked at Feng Xuanyuan and asked calmly: "If your subordinates know that I am not the real Qinglian Saintess, do you know what kind of troubles Qinglian Church has caused? ?”

Feng Xuanyuan smiled confidently: "They will never know. The only ones who know this secret are me and you, and they won't believe what you say."

Yu Linglong gritted her silver teeth, it seems that her prediction was correct, Feng Xuanyuan would never let her have a chance to come back!

Meimei squinted, Yu Linglong turned her face slightly, raised her eyebrows, and said with a faint smile: "Oh? Then maybe after they calm down, they will be very curious, why Qinglian Saintess didn't show up early, why didn't she show up late? Did it appear when the Qinglian Sect was hit hard?"

Feng Xuanyuan's eyes suddenly turned cold, and Feng Xuanyuan's voice became a bit serious: "What do you mean by that?"

Yu Linglong looked at his nervous expression in a leisurely manner, and said slowly: "Feng Xuanyuan, don't think I don't know, you have always used me, first you used me to save your own life, then you used me to save Gan Lin, Now you are using me to become the Holy Maiden of Qinglian to stabilize the shaky Qinglian Sect. Feng Xuanyuan, what else do you do to me besides using it? I really regret it now, how could I save such a white-eyed wolf like you back then? !"

Before she could finish her last words, that ghostly blue figure had already flashed in front of her, and before she could react, her body had already fallen into a domineering embrace.

"How dare you say that!?"

How could she think so? Thinking that he has been using her, that he has no affection for her? Is she blind? I can't see how much he cares and is serious about her!

If he didn't really want her to stay by his side, how could he have given her the hard-won Qinglian jade pendant, and how could he have single-handedly stopped her sedan chair and prevented her from marrying someone else

She was in his arms right now, but no matter how tightly he hugged her, he still couldn't feel her presence. Could that tight and awkward body be her? Why was he so close to her, but still didn't have the slightest sense of security, as if as soon as he let go, she would disappear completely, never to be caught again.

He just wants her, he just wants to have her, is that wrong? Why does he do so much, but she never feels his heart

He only felt the pain in his heart, the pain that went deep into the bone marrow, which was heavier and more ruthless than any injury.

The pain gnawed at his heart so cruelly that he couldn't feel Yu Linglong's resistance.

The white teeth bit his muscles mercilessly, grinding them vigorously, Yu Linglong knew that her skills could not beat the evil Feng Xuanyuan in front of her, so she could only use the most instinctive move of a woman, bite!

The tiny teeth bit him fiercely until his mouth was filled with the taste of blood, but the man who was holding her tightly didn't seem to notice it, and held her motionless.

After a long time, feeling the strength in his arm gradually loosen, Yu Linglong finally broke free from this iron hoop-like embrace.

Seeing this, even she herself was a little surprised, Feng Xuanyuan's left chest had already been bitten out by her with two rows of fine blood holes, the blood soaked his blue robe, and was still bubbling out continuously.

Does this man feel no pain, and he doesn't even move

Yu Linglong's heart trembled slightly, but she calmed down in an instant, reached out her hand to wipe the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said in a deep voice, "Give me back the dagger, I won't tell your secret."

Feng Xuanyuan, who was bitten bloody by her but didn't realize it, frowned at her words. He looked at Yu Linglong carefully and said, "Is this dagger very important to you?"

She was so arrogant and unruly, but she was willing to give him a dagger and promised him not to tell the big secret. This dagger must have a very important meaning to her.

Yu Linglong nodded, not intending to hide it: "It was given to me by my husband."

Feng Xuanyuan was shocked by a soft word.

Her husband!

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