The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 193



If you love her, give her all freedom, instead of binding her wings, covering her eyes, and imprisoning her heart, he wants her to be herself, not the woman named Princess Xu.

Knowing that he would not object, Yu Linglong smiled and said, "I want you to do me a favor."

Xu Wang raised his eyebrows and said, "Say."

Yu Linglong told her plan, the more Xu Wang listened, the more serious his face became.

She bought mountains and slaves, he didn't think much about it at first, but after hearing her plan, he also felt that it was indeed a good idea.

Although he has nine battalions and twelve guards in his hands, this is not his direct power after all. The prince has his own army. Unless he really wants to rebel, King Xu has no good reason to mobilize the nine battalions and twelve guards. The troops went to fight against the prince's pro-army.

Although Yu Linglong's method won't work in the short term, it is after all a direct influence cultivated by himself. Even if the emperor changes his mind and withdraws the troops from him in the future, he will not become a lonely family and can't even protect himself.

Even if he doesn't need these people, these well-trained people can become Yu Linglong's people, helping her with things and keeping her safe.

Xu Wang pondered for a moment, then nodded and promised: "Okay, you want to find martial arts masters to train slaves, leave this matter to me, I happen to have a few suitable candidates in my hand, let them enter the mansion in a few days, and you choose them yourself .”

Yu Linglong smiled brightly, looking very happy, the most difficult problem was solved so easily.

Buying mountains and slaves, all you need is money, but finding qualified martial artists is not a problem that can be solved with money.

After dinner, the servant girl removed the remaining seats, day lily brewed the finest Lushan White Mist tea and served it, Xu Wang and Yu Linglong were drinking tea while talking.

After chatting for a while, Yu Linglong remembered what happened during the day and said, "Husband, do you still remember Feng Sihuai?"

Hearing this familiar name, Xu Wang's face darkened: "Of course I remember, why?"

Of course he would not forget this name, that brazen boy who dared to [Yan Zhou] play Yu Linglong, if it wasn't for the special circumstances last time, he really wanted to punish Feng Sihuai severely.

Seeing his obviously appetizing expression, Yu Linglong couldn't help laughing, while drinking tea, she slowly told King Xu about the Feng family.

Feng Sihuai [Yan Zhou] played with Yu Linglong, but was severely beaten, and later asked Madam Feng to come forward to trouble Yu Linglong, and later, when Feng Shangshu and General Yu were fighting, King Xu knew about it, and Yu Linglong just passed by. , Speaking of the following things.

From the time she found out that Yu Qianliu had been bribed and wanted to lure her into the game, to the time when Yu Qianliu froze to death at the gate of Feng's mansion, and then to General Yu and Feng Sihuai going to court, Feng Sihuai was beaten, and was later arrested. Feng Shangshu found a reason to take him away, and talked until the Feng family and Yufu completely turned their backs. Yu Linglong's tone was flat, but Xu Wang frowned more and more as he listened.

This Feng Sihuai is really courageous, he dared to provoke and retaliate again and again, if his woman was not smart and escaped from the trap, he would hardly dare to think about the consequences of her being framed by others.

The more Xu Wang heard it, the angrier he became, and he couldn't help but patted the table: "This bastard, let's see how I deal with him!"

Yu Linglong smiled and pulled Xu Wang back, with a smug expression on her delicate face, she whispered, "You don't need to do anything, I've already set up the game, just wait for him to jump in."

How could this kind of small shrimp be done by King Xu? It was more than enough for her to clean them up by herself.

Hui's shrewd eyes blinked, and she said slowly: "It's just that if you want to bring the Feng family back together, you still need a little help from your husband..."

155 Insincere

Before she knew it, it was the Grain Grain Festival. Yu Linglong didn't know until ancient times that the Grain Grain Festival was a very big festival in the eyes of the ancients, because the Grain Grain Festival was also called the Girl's Day. All kinds of gifts should be arranged to sacrifice to the God of Flowers. The girls in the boudoir usually have nothing to do, and they highly respect this custom. Shi Huiru has already planned to celebrate this Girl's Day seriously, so she made a deal with Yu Linglong in advance Say hello, and ask her to go to the Shifu to send the flower gods together, Yu Linglong has never been interested in the things of these little daughters' homes, so she declined with excuses.

Unexpectedly, on this day, the Crown Princess posted a post in person and assigned a carriage to pick her up. She insisted on asking Yu Linglong to go to the Crown Prince's Mansion to enjoy the flowers, and specifically said that all the Crown Princesses would go. Thinking that in this sensitive period, if she didn't go, it might appear that she was afraid of the Prince's Mansion, not to mention that it was only the princes and concubines admiring the flowers. Forgiving that they would not dare to do anything too outrageous, she agreed.

At this time, Ling'er had already left Xu Wang's mansion, and Yu Linglong brought out the two maids promoted by Mama Liu back then, one Hongxing and the other Qingmei, both of them were about fifteen or sixteen years old, this was the first time she had been with her. When Yu Linglong went out, she always waited on her with extra care.

Compared with the comfort and delicacy of Prince Xu's Mansion, the Prince's Mansion is more majestic and majestic. There are eight neat rows of copper nails on the tall vermilion gate, which is only one row less than the palace gate of the Imperial Palace. There are two mighty unicorns sitting at the gate. The divine beast, with a mighty expression and simple patterns, can be seen as an ancient thing at a glance, full of majestic aura, adding a lot of momentum to the entire Prince's Mansion.

When I arrived at the back garden, I saw green grass and velvet everywhere, flowers blooming like brocades, clusters of colorful bonsai spewed out from time to time on the rocky rockery, or bound with golden beads, or bearing red fruits, or tied with colored silk, or various exotic flowers and plants. Or strange rocks and strange scenes, which shine brightly in front of people's eyes and make people dizzy.

From a distance, the Crown Princess greeted her personally, with a smile on her face: "Ninth Brother and Sister, you are finally here. Everyone is here, and you are the only one waiting."

Yu Linglong glanced at the banquet, and sure enough, she came across a circle of faces with different expressions, some were indifferent, some were indifferent, some were disdainful, some were jealous, they were colorful and even more beautiful than the flowers in this garden.

Among them was a pair of eyes that were particularly vicious, as if they were spraying flames, as if they wanted to burn Yu Linglong to death.

Yu Linglong smiled slightly, but she didn't take it seriously at all, she turned her gaze away flatly, and directly ignored the troubled face.

However, the crown princess didn't seem to notice the abnormality of the crowd, she just led Yu Linglong to the side of the table, with a soft and friendly smile on her face all the time: "Ninth siblings, you have been married for so long, we don't have a chance to get close Get close. Last time I heard that you and the ninth brother were in danger in the snow valley, and my sister-in-law was worried. But I am a girl, so I can't help you. I can only pray in front of the Bodhisattva day and night, asking the Bodhisattva to bless you. .Fortunately, the ninth brother and the ninth younger brother and sister Ji Ren have their own natural appearance, and they came out safe and sound, not even a hair missing, which is really great."

While talking, the princess took her to the only empty chair beside the table, which happened to be next to the woman with fire eyes.

Yu Linglong sat down calmly, while the princess on the side was still warmly greeting everyone: "We are all from our own family today, sisters, please don't be polite, it's serious to eat and have fun."

When everyone arrived, everyone raised their chopsticks and prepared to eat.

The woman next to Yu Linglong stood up abruptly, and shouted at the princess with a puffy face, "Sister-in-law, I don't want to sit next to her!"

Stretching out her little hand, she pointed straight at Yu Linglong, the woman's face showed an undisguised anger: "This kind of person is not worthy for me to sit with her!"

The Crown Princess frowned slightly, and called softly: "Xinlin..."

The one who spoke was none other than Princess Xinlin, who regarded Yu Linglong as her greatest enemy in life.

The face of the crown princess looked very troubled. Princess Xinlin is the queen's goddaughter and also the princess's godsister, and her status is naturally different, so she can participate in this flower viewing party held for the princes and concubines. Seeing so many people lose their childish temper, the Crown Princess also found it difficult for her to deal with it.

The seats of the princes and concubines had been arranged long ago, so it would indeed be difficult to deal with changing seats for Princess Xinlin alone.

Seeing Princess Xinlin's angry appearance, the Crown Princess hesitated to speak, she didn't know whether to persuade Princess Xinlin or to meet Princess Xinlin's request. Moreover, she had to take Yu Linglong's feelings into consideration.

For a moment, all eyes were on the three of them.

Everyone was sitting neatly, only Princess Xinlin was standing on the ground, pointing at Yu Linglong with her little finger, looking very abrupt.

Yu Linglong took a sip of tea unhurriedly to moisten her throat, and then raised her eyes to Princess Xinlin.

This Princess Xinlin is really a brain-dead family. After being dealt with so many times by her, she still doesn't have a long memory.

Stretching out her hand to grab a few melon seeds and eating them slowly, Yu Linglong shifted her eyes to Princess Xinlin's finger pointing at herself, and said coldly: "Your mother never taught you, pointing at others is very rude?"

As soon as the words were uttered, the people in the banquet suddenly let out a low air-conditioning sound.

It is said that Concubine Xu has a tough temperament and vicious means, but I didn't expect this sight to be a well-deserved reputation.

Princess Xinlin was so angry that her hands trembled, and she screamed: "What are you, you dare to educate me!? You don't even look in the mirror. Are you worthy of my ninth brother?"

Seeing Princess Xinlin's face flushed with anger, Yu Linglong finally realized.

No wonder this girl always finds fault with herself, it turned out that it was the rotten peach blossoms that Xu Wang provoked outside.

If it was in the past, she wouldn't be too lazy to be as knowledgeable as this kind of girl film, but now Xu Wang is her husband, and if she wants to covet him, she has to ask her opinion first.

Eat the melon seeds in the palm of your hand,