The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 197


time, but did not tie her up at all.

A wave of ecstasy surged in her heart, she struggled to get off the bed, and staggered towards the door.

"Open the door, open the door! Come here!"

She yelled, she yelled until her voice became hoarse, but there was no response at all.

Her body slumped from the door panel to the ground, she really felt like falling into a trap.

This is the courtyard she specially selected, and it is the most secluded place in the Prince's Mansion, and no one passes by it for most of the day.

She looked around the room, this room was designed by herself, even the dowels on the windows were nailed in by her own eyes, the purpose was to prevent Yu Linglong from escaping.

She didn't need to get up to check, she knew that she couldn't escape from here by her own strength, even the mouse hole was blocked by her order, how could she escape

I don't know if it was because of shouting for too long, but she suddenly felt hot and hot all over her body, as if a pot of fire was burning in her heart, which made her whole body itchy, her throat was dry, and her whole body seemed to have fallen into a pile of burning coals. The stove was baked extremely uncomfortable.

This feeling is so strange, but it made her feel a terrifying premonition. Her eyes searched around the room. Even she wasn't sure what to look for, but she just felt that there was some key clue that she missed. up.

Her eyes suddenly fell on the golden armor beside the bed, and almost subconsciously, she touched her little finger, her hand couldn't help shaking because of nervousness.

It's empty there.

What about her armor? Where did the armor with the hidden aphrodisiac go? When did she drop the armor, why didn't she find it!

She approached the bed step by step, the closer she got, the more clearly she could see that the armor on the ground belonged to her, the armor with the aphrodisiac, and the tip of the tail was still stained with blood.

With trembling hands, she touched her cock, where it was slightly swollen, and the pain was still unbearable at this moment. She remembered very clearly that before she woke up, something sharp pierced into her cock. , Woke her up from a coma.

In other words, it was this bloody armor that pierced her middle.

Her heart suddenly fell into the abyss.

This is the most powerful aphrodisiac. Just a little bit is enough to make people lose their minds and lose control of their bodies. The person who gave her the medicine has vowed that even the most chaste and staunch woman will be infected with this medicine. There is nothing you can do, you can only let people do whatever they want.

And it was this medicine that penetrated into her body.

The exhortations of the person who gave her the medicine are vivid in her ears at this moment, making her heart feel like it has been bitten, full of sharp pain and deep despair.

"If this medicine enters the human body from the blood, the potency will be a hundred times that of usual..."

Her body was getting hotter and itchy, and the princess closed her eyes in pain.

All the senses seem to be much sharper than usual, every skin on her body is screaming with hunger and thirst, and a certain part unique to women is even more sensitive, desperately longing for comfort and filling, the incomparable fear in her heart, But completely unable to control their own behavior.

She clasped her shoulders tightly with both hands. She wanted to use this posture to keep herself sane, and she also wanted to control her hands so as not to do anything humiliating.

Who knew that as soon as she touched her skin, her body immediately reacted instinctively. She only felt a layer of goose bumps all over her body, which made her tremble uncontrollably.

At some point, her hand had been stretched out from the collar uncontrollably, responding to the call of her body, she closed her eyes, and various unsightly scenes could not help appearing in her mind, the emotional and tactile stimulation overwhelmed her. Her greater temptation made her sink into it, unable to extricate herself.

Her hands unconsciously tore off the clothes on her body. When her hot skin touched the solid ground, she felt extremely cool. She couldn't wait to take off all her clothes, and her naked body was tightly pressed against the bluestone ground, enjoying this moment comfort.

She has fallen into boundless fantasies. In the fantasies, the bluestone under her body seems to be a man's rough fingertips, stroking her and comforting her, but she is becoming more and more unsatisfied. Gripping the slate deeply, her teeth unconsciously leaked a murmur to herself: "Give me... I want... hurry up..."

At this moment, the door opened.

The princess couldn't feel the sound of the outside world at all, even if the sun outside hit her naked skin, she didn't have any reaction, her hands and her whole body were desperately searching for comfort.

Yu Linglong glanced at her disdainfully. A quarter of an hour ago, the lady who was extremely noble and dignified, now her white and tender skin was flushed, and she was stained with dust from constantly rubbing on the ground. Unbearably groping every corner of her body, Yu Linglong only glanced at it, then turned her gaze away.

Opening the bag on her shoulder, she threw a fainted palace guard into the room.

Almost instinctively, the princess got up from the ground suddenly, and couldn't wait to pounce on the body exuding a strong masculine aura.

The crown princess was like a female beast in heat, desperately scratching at the guard's clothes. After a while, the two naked bodies rolled together, but one of them was completely passive.

Gently closing the door, Yu Linglong's voice sounded sinister and cold.

"Enjoy it, this is a big gift from my sister!"

During the banquet, there was still laughter and laughter. The noble ladies enjoying the delicious food and beautiful scenery never imagined that in the backyard of the Prince's Mansion not far from them, a messy scene was being staged.

Sitting in the banquet, Yu Linglong gracefully raised her slender wrists, supported the gold-plated winged Jade Luan step hairpin on her head, and looked coldly at the hypocritical smiles of the princesses and princesses around her.

The previous foreshadowing is done, and the next step is the first part.

This was originally the scene set by the princess, but the protagonist was replaced by herself.

After a while, someone finally noticed that the princess had been away for too long.

Princess Qi looked up at Riying, and said, "Where did sister-in-law go, why haven't you come back for so long?"

Princess Lu on the side said: "It seems that someone reported just now that something happened in the backyard, please ask sister-in-law to deal with it."

Princess Qi has always been mean, she couldn't help curling her lips when she heard this: "You have invited so many people to be guests, but the master has gone to deal with housework instead, what's the matter!"

Although she was dissatisfied, Princess Qi didn't dare to say anything more because of her status as the crown princess, but the young Princess Jin said bluntly: "Could it be that something really happened? Otherwise, sister-in-law wouldn't be able to put us here Never mind!"

Princess Ding cleared her throat. Apart from the Crown Princess, she was the oldest. Everyone looked at her, as if they regarded her as the backbone.

Wiping the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief, Princess Ding said casually: "Sisters, don't forget, this is the Prince's Mansion, what big things can happen? Don't make a fuss."

Princess Jin blushed and dared not say anything more.

Yu Linglong glanced at Princess Ding. If she remembered correctly, the second prince, Prince Ding, had a lot of limelight during the Spring Hunt, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that the relationship between Prince Ding and the crown prince was not harmonious. At this moment, what is the intention of helping the Prince's Mansion, inside and outside the words

The next moment, Princess Ding changed the subject and said: "Sisters sit down first, I'll go to the backyard to have a look."

The corner of Yu Linglong's mouth curled slightly, so she was waiting here, first she would say a few good words for the Crown Princess, and then logically go to the backyard to look for the Crown Princess, so that if something really happened that would damage the reputation of the Prince's Mansion, it would definitely The concubine will definitely publicize it with embellishments, so as to step on it hard.

It's just that the Crown Princess is so good at being a person, and those present will definitely be biased towards the Crown Princess, so it's not so easy for Ding Wangfei to watch the excitement of the Crown Princess.

Sure enough, upon hearing Princess Ding's words, someone immediately stood up.

Concubine Zhou shook the round fan in her hand and said with a smile: "The weather is so hot, the second sister-in-law can just sit down, and leave it to the younger sisters to find the elder sister-in-law."

Princess Pingyang also said: "I am very familiar with the Prince's residence, sister-in-laws, rest well, I'll go."

Princess Ding showed an imperceptible sneer on her face, but she looked at Princess Zhou and Princess Pingyang with more cordial eyes: "If sister-in-law knows that everyone cares about her so much, she must be very happy."

Yu Linglong was really impatient to hear them chattering, she simply stood up and left the table.

Everyone was arguing over who should go to find the crown princess, seeing Yu Linglong leaving like this, she was naturally very sensitive, several voices immediately stopped her: "Ninth siblings, where are you going?"

Yu Linglong sneered, no one paid attention to her just now, now seeing that she was leaving, she opened her mouth nervously to call her.

Looking back and smiling, Yu Linglong opened the sandalwood folding fan in her hand and shook it gently a few times.

"I'm going to change clothes, why, you want to go too?"

Seeing that she was going to the toilet, everyone couldn't help showing a bit of embarrassment on their faces, and they had to ask questions when they went to the toilet, which was really trying to cover up.

Concubine Ding cleared her throat in a concealed manner, and said: "I have an idea, let's sit here for a long time and get tired of looking at the flowers, why don't we all go for a walk in the back garden, maybe we can meet my sister-in-law. "

Everyone looked at each other, knowing that whoever went to look for the princess alone would be blocked by others, so it was better to go, so they all readily agreed.