The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 205


Jiang Duzhan was accused of revenge and other crimes. When the emperor saw this memorial, he was furious. He took off Feng Shangshu's top wearing flower feathers in court, and handed it over to the Ministry of Punishment for investigation.

Feng's family was caught off guard by such a drastic change, and they were looking for someone to clear up their joints, but they had nothing in their pockets. They had just sold off all their property and handed it over to Yu Linglong. When doing business, even close friends for many years would avoid seeing them, for fear of being affected by Feng's family's bad luck.

Since the case was personally ordered by the emperor, the Ministry of Criminal Justice did not dare to be negligent, and quickly collected countless evidences. Even Mr. Jing Zhaoyin and Liang himself testified, produced a lot of files against Feng Sihuai, and explained that Feng Shangshu was finally arrested. The forced suppression proved Feng Shangshu's crime.

The emperor was furious, and personally criticized Feng Shangshu, demoting Feng Shangshu for thousands of miles, and never allowed to return to Beijing for employment.

The wall fell and everyone pushed, and the Feng Mansion, which was once extremely prominent, was completely defeated in a short period of time.

Yu Linglong finally smiled when she heard the news of the complete downfall of the Feng Mansion.

Whoever asked Feng Shangshu to dare to help the prince to shade her and break him down would be a bit of interest.

Night, soft, quiet, with countless flickering stars hanging in the dark blue sky, surrounded by a brilliant silvery Milky Way, which is extraordinarily bright and radiates dreamlike brilliance, like a huge beautiful picture scroll, hanging on top of their heads.

In the courtyard, the petals of various colors blooming on the branches swirled silently, and the petals fell among the flowers. When the night wind blew, the soft petals fell on the slim figure on the beauty's couch, adding a bit of charm to her.

Yu Linglong slowly shook the sandalwood fan in her hand, and leaned lazily on the couch, with a slight smile in her bright eyes, she looked at King Xu: "... the left servant of the Ministry of War, is it yours?"

Xu Wang's deep eyes reflected the starlight in the sky, looking extremely deep. He raised his hand and rubbed Yu Linglong's head, and said with a smile, "What do you think?"

Yu Linglong deliberately turned her eyes away, pretending to appreciate the stars in the night sky: "Maybe it's not, maybe it's just a coincidence..."

Before the words were finished, a big hand pulled the soft waist, and the body immediately fell into his firm embrace.

Stretching out his hand to pinch her delicate face, Xu Wang's voice was full of pampering: "Of course, what the lady told me must be done beautifully. The left servant has long been dissatisfied with him, I just pushed He just gave it a hand."

With Xu Wang's full support behind him, who would be afraid of a mere Minister of the Ministry of War? What's more, if Feng Shangshu is defeated, the Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War who submitted the letter will naturally be promoted to replace Feng Shangshu.

Yu Linglong sighed, with a bit of emotion in her voice: "Being an official in the court is really like walking on thin ice. If one is not careful, the foundation of many years will be ruined."

Although she was the one who planned the downfall of the Feng Mansion, seeing Feng Shangshu's miserable situation, she was a little apprehensive. Maybe this is how being with a king is like being with a tiger. talk.

The world is turned upside down, but only in an instant.

So what if he was born in the emperor's family? Look at Xu Wang, although he has everything, but who knows the bitterness and suffering behind him? And once everything involves power disputes, even if they are as close as father and son, they must be wary of each other and cannot rely on and trust each other.

Life is alive, age is geometric, what is the pursuit? The greatest happiness is just such a moment, holding hands with the one you love, with deep affection.

Yu Linglong unconsciously leaned into his arms, although it was a hot summer night, but his chest was very cool, with a faint scent of mint, which made her feel boundless dependence in her heart.

"Husband, if I can live in seclusion among the mountains and rivers with you and enjoy this kind of leisure all the time, I will have nothing else to ask for in this life."

King Xu kissed her lightly on the forehead, and said in a low voice, "There will be days like this soon."

Wrapping her fingers around the strands of hair scattered on his chest, Yu Linglong asked, "How is that going?"

Xu Wang paused, and then said: "You guessed right, the prince is indeed a little confused now, and the counselors around him have made many suggestions, but he is still hesitating."

It is not something that can be done in a short period of time to force the prince to take the initiative to raise troops. Just like what they discussed before, it is indeed not easy for the prince to give up the current stable life and embark on a road full of hardships and dangers.

In their plan, the first step is to allow King Xu to gain real power, arouse the prince's vigilance, and force him to take action, but now it seems that the prince is not as impetuous as they imagined. Waiting for a reason, a reason for him to change his plan.

Yu Linglong raised her head from his arms and looked at the dark blue night sky. The ancient night was so beautiful, and there were so many stars in the sky, which shocked her.

During the silence, a bright ray of light suddenly flashed across the sky, dragging its long tail, and falling to the sky.

With a movement of her slender fingers, before Yu Linglong could react, the corners of their clothes had already been tied into a knot by King Xu. Yu Linglong raised her eyes to look at him, and was meeting the ink eyes he was staring at affectionately.

"I heard people say that if you tie a knot on the corner of your clothes when the meteor is falling, your wish will come true."

Bowing his face, his forehead was pressed against hers, and his deep and shallow breaths lingered between her brows. He whispered, "My wish is to be with Linglong forever."

Warm thin lips fell on the corners of her lips, delicately depicting the shape of her lips, tender and tender.

Yu Linglong couldn't help closing her eyes, and let him pick Jie from time to time, his tenderness made her tremble, his love made her warm, and his deep affection made her heart move.

In her previous life and present life, she has never had such tenderness, to be able to be so dependent and accompany a person, life and death.

After a long time, the four lips parted reluctantly, and she and him looked at each other and smiled at the same time.

Zhenshou leaned on his shoulder, watching another meteor fall, Yu Linglong's heart suddenly moved.

Aren't the ancients very superstitious? if…

She sat up straight from his arms, looked at him with sparkling eyes, and said softly, "I have a way."

In the thirty-fourth year of God's Blessing, the summer was drier and hotter, and even in May, there was no rain. The crops in the suburbs of Beijing had entered the growth period, but due to lack of water irrigation, the ground was barren and cracked, and all the crops were facing extinction disaster.

Jing Zhaoyin responded urgently, looking for water sources everywhere, and organized the people to irrigate the farmland, but after all, it was a drop in the bucket and could not solve the drought problem at all.

In June, the Qin Tianjian reported that the recent and night observations of the sky showed that the light of the closest and brightest companion star to Dixing was dim, and it seemed to be covered with a layer of black air, which was an ominous sign.

As if to confirm this statement, it didn't take long for the long-drought fields to usher in the second disaster-locust plague.

Countless locusts flew over the sky and covered the sun, and landed in dense numbers on the farmland, devouring the crops wantonly. It seemed that they were starving. No matter whether it was smoke or powder, they could not stop the spread of the locust plague. In just a dozen days, more than half of the farmland outside Beijing was wiped out.

All of a sudden, the prices of rice and vegetables in the capital skyrocketed one after another, the people were panicked, and rumors and rumors were flying everywhere.

Some people say that the companion star next to Dixing represents the prince, and the companion star is surrounded by black air, indicating that the prince's death is approaching.

someone said

, this drought and locust plague, which has not happened in a hundred years, is a sign that the prince will not be favored by heaven.

There are also people who say that the sky is angry and the people are complaining, and the country is about to fall. Only by setting up another prince can the peace of the country be preserved.

There are more and more comments that are not conducive to the prince, and some people even think of the last time that the Qinglian Sect supported the prince's ascension to the throne, and said that such unnatural things are actually riots secretly planned by the prince, but the current sage is in a bad mood. Wang, so the prince fell short.

In the face of natural disasters, the reputation of benevolence, morality and filial piety that the prince had accumulated among the people over the years was destroyed.

What is benevolence and morality, what is filial piety? If the people are left hungry, can benevolence and filial piety be eaten

Seeing that his reputation among the people plummeted, the prince finally couldn't bear it anymore and decided to make a move.

In July, the prince wrote a letter requesting the emperor to reform the legal system, and put forward a series of reform measures, the most important of which was to cut taxes, subsidize the people's livelihood, and suggested that the royal family should increase revenue and reduce expenditure to reduce expenditure. And take the lead in setting an example, starting from the Prince's Mansion, and reducing all unnecessary expenditures.

In such a severe natural disaster, these measures are indeed measures to benefit the people, but in the eyes of Yu Linglong and King Xu, the crown prince has already taken the first step towards his downfall.

Perhaps thinking that the prince's suggestion could reduce the losses caused by drought and locust plagues, the emperor agreed to the prince's request and temporarily implemented these policies for one year to see the effect.

The reform proposed by the prince has temporarily restored the hearts of the people. Among the people who suffered serious losses due to the disaster, many people are grateful to the prince. For a time, the voices of the people praising the prince for loving the people are continuous. The image in my mind is much taller.

But amidst the praise, there was a huge undercurrent rising and falling in the court.

In August, when it was time for the autumn harvest, due to the severe disasters, many places had no grain to hand over, while other places that had harvests, because of the new policy measures of the prince, only received very little grain. The income of officials who made a fortune in the autumn harvest has been greatly reduced.

One of the measures to reduce imperial expenditure is to reduce the salaries of officials, which has led to such a phenomenon: the salaries of officials are reduced, and the oil and water are gone.