The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 206


Gradually, it was full of complaints, and even deliberately put on patched court clothes to "protest" the prince's political reform policy.

Cutting expenses, another important measure is to significantly reduce the expenses of the harem, even the emperor's daily life has shrunk a lot, not to mention other concubines.

Although the queen supported the prince, the harem was still full of complaints, and those noble concubines even made harsh remarks and even played tricks on purpose, stirring up complaints inside and outside the palace.

Yes, the prince wants a good reputation, why should they pay the bill? These women have spent their entire lives trying to gain access to the imperial palace to become masters and enjoy all the blessings in the world, but the prince's torment has greatly reduced their enjoyment. Will they be happy

After half a year of tossing like this, the situation became more and more serious. Although the prince won the hearts of the people, what he lost was the support of the officials and nobles. For a while, the dissatisfaction with the prince accumulated in the court, and it was almost on the verge of breaking out.

The crown prince has been devastated by the political reform this year, and he doesn't care about framing King Xu. King Xu and Yu Linglong take advantage of this opportunity to recruit elites, cultivate forces, and wait for the final decisive battle.

Just when everything was going smoothly, an unexpected thing happened.

It's late autumn, the weather is getting colder, the Wangfu is a bleak scene, Yu Linglong is reading a book under the window, Dayliflower comes in and reports: "Princess, someone from the mountain has come."

on the mountain

Yu Linglong knew that the mountain mentioned by Hemerocallis refers to the barren mountain where she bought the slaves for training. In the past half a year, the affairs on the mountain have been carried out in an orderly manner according to her arrangement, and it has always been smooth. But at this time, why did the mountain suddenly Who is coming

A faint uneasiness flashed across her heart, as if something bad was about to happen.

Closing the book in her hand, Yu Linglong said in a deep voice, "Follow me to the Flower Hall."

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Standing in the flower hall were two people in gray robes, about thirty years old, when they saw Yu Linglong, they knelt on one knee and said in unison: "My subordinates see the princess!"

Yu Linglong nodded and said politely, "Get up."

These two people were the martial arts master Xu Wang sent her to teach her slaves martial arts. One was named Gong Cheng and the other was named Lei Shi. Xu Wang told her that these two people were originally one of the top figures in the dark guards, and they almost died because of their mistakes. It was given to Yu Linglong.

Knowing that these two people have extraordinary skills, Yu Linglong has always been very polite to them. Several news from the mountain also showed that these two people picked by King Xu are indeed very good. He is also very hardworking in martial arts. There are a few talented and intelligent children, and their skills are already quite outstanding now.

Yu Linglong sat at the head, and asked straight to the point: "You two are looking for me, what's the matter?"

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi looked at each other, then suddenly knelt down again: "Princess, my subordinate is incompetent, please punish me!"

Hearing the decisive voice of the two, Yu Linglong's heart skipped a beat, and she said in a deep voice, "What happened?"

Gong Cheng lowered his head, showing some remorse on his face, and said, "It's Miss Ling'er..."

Yu Linglong stood up abruptly, and said nervously, "What's wrong with Linger?"

The two were taken aback by her reaction, and quickly explained the whole story.

Ling'er is Yu Linglong's personal maid, so since she went up the mountain, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi did not treat her like other people, but respected her very much, almost obedient. After seeing the skills of the two of them, she was extremely envious, so she took her younger brother Fu Yong out of the Martial Arts Hall, and practiced martial arts with them.

The two siblings worked very hard, and they got up to practice martial arts every day before dawn, and they didn't go back to their room to sleep until midnight. I already have a good foundation, and I have been taught by a famous teacher for more than half a year. Linger and Fuyong's skills are already the most outstanding among their peers, but Linger is still not satisfied, and always pesters Gong Cheng and Lei Shi for advice. In terms of martial arts, strive to improve.

Once, when Gong Cheng and Lei Shi were chatting, they mentioned that after someone opened up Ren Du's second vein, martial arts would advance a thousand miles a day. The two knew that this matter was no small matter, so they refused to teach it anyway, and strictly instructed Ling'er that they were still young and could not forcibly open up the second channel of Ren and Du, otherwise it would be harmful to the body.

Who knew that Ling'er was so persistent that she even stole martial arts books from Lei Shi's room, and found a way to get through Ren and Du's two veins by herself, and secretly practiced with Fuyong. It wasn't until today that the siblings were found fainted in the room, and they didn't know that Ling'er had been trying to get through Ren Du's second channel.

Now, the two brothers and sisters have been in a coma because of practicing Qigong against their breath. Even though Gong Cheng and Lei Shi have deep internal skills, they dare not rescue them at will, for fear that if they are not careful, they will be in a more dangerous situation. In a situation like Ling'er's, the breath is reversed, and the silver needle medicine stone can't be saved, so he can only resign himself to fate.

Because of Ling'er's special status, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi did not dare to neglect, and rushed down the mountain immediately, reported the news to Yu Linglong, and asked Yu Linglong to punish them for not investigating.

The more Yu Linglong heard it, the more frightened she became, she couldn't help but burst into flames, and said angrily, "Confused!"

How could Ling'er be so stupid to do such a thing

Yu Linglong was heartbroken and angry at the same time, she walked out quickly, and raised her voice to order: "Prepare my horse!"

She wants to go to the mountain herself to see that silly girl!

Even though she knew there was nothing she could do if she went, Yu Linglong just couldn't sit in the palace with peace of mind, and she was extremely worried when she thought that Linger's life was dying.

As Yu Linglong walked out, she glanced at the worried daylilies, and said, "What are you still doing in a daze, what panacea is there in the mansion, quickly find it for me!"

This sentence reminded Daylianocallis all of a sudden, she didn't even bother to salute, she immediately lifted her skirt and ran away.

Yu Linglong changed into men's clothes, and led Gong Cheng and Lei Shi straight out of the gate. Chayue hadn't gone out for a long time, and now she was raising her hooves and neighing outside the gate, looking very excited.

Hemerocallis tied a package tightly beside the saddle, fearing that it would not be strong, and fastened a few more buckles, raised her head to look at Yu Linglong on the horse, and stammered: "Princess, slave... slave also wants to see Ling'er …”

The relationship between her and Ling'er is extraordinary, hearing that Ling'er is in trouble, she is no less anxious than Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong glanced at the daylilies, and said in a deep voice: "You stay at home and watch carefully, if there is any news, I will notify you."

Hemerocallis didn't dare to disobey, so she had no choice but to say yes, and then backed away.

Shaking the reins of the horse, Yu Linglong galloped away with whips on the horse.

Hemerocallis raised her eyes and saw that Yu Linglong and Zhuiyue had already rushed to the corner of the street. She looked at Wang Hao's back anxiously, and her heart was full of worry.

I don't know how Ling'er is doing now...

While worrying, she suddenly felt a blue figure flashing in front of her eyes, passing by, but when she looked carefully, she couldn't see anything.

The front of Xu Wang's Mansion was empty, only the autumn wind was blowing the fallen leaves, swirling in the air, and slowly falling on the green brick ground.

Hemerocallis shook her head, maybe she was too worried and dazzled.

Taking one last look at the direction in which Yu Linglong disappeared, Daylily turned around and went back to the mansion.

The mountain that Yu Linglong bought had no name, because most of it was barren, so Gong Cheng and Lei Shi called it Stone Mountain, and the three of them rode their horses for half a day before arriving at the foot of the mountain.

At the mouth of the mountain, Gong Cheng stopped his horse first, pointed to a spring in the crevice of the cliff and said, "Princess, there will be no water when you go up the mountain. This is the nearest water source. Do you want to rest here? Go up the mountain again?"

Seeing Zhuiyue panting, Yu Linglong said hello, got off the horse, and led Zhuiyue to the mountain spring.

There is not much spring water in the crevices of the rock, and the spring water flowing down is only about three fingers wide. Over time, a puddle has been formed under the cliff.

Yu Linglong led Zhuiyue to the waterhole, and after running for half a day, Zhuiyue saw the spring water, immediately hissed happily, bowed her head and drank heavily.

Yu Linglong sat silently on the sand, looking at the sand under her feet.

At this moment, she thought of many things. The first time she saw Linger, she was stubborn. So many times, Linger accompanied her through life and death. Even in the most critical moment, Linger would use her petite body to block the jade. In front of Linglong.

I don't know when it started, Ling'er was no longer as simple as a little maid to her.

Perhaps it was because of too much influence from modern times. In Yu Linglong's heart, the feudal concept of superiority and inferiority was not so serious. Perhaps in the hearts of Ling'er and Hemerocallis, serving and protecting the master was a matter of course, but in Yu Linglong's heart , Whoever treats her well, she will remember every bit in her heart.

She has a cold personality and hardly any friends, except for Shi Huiru, maybe only Ling'er and Daylimer are considered her friends here.

But now, because her life is in danger, Ling'er is really worried. Only by going up the mountain in person, seeing Ling'er with her own eyes, and staying by Ling'er's side, can she feel a little comfort.

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi stood far away in the valley, while Yu Linglong sat by the puddle, meditating, surrounded by only the rustling autumn wind and the rustling of the weeds being blown by the wind.

Yu Linglong raised her eyes and looked at Zhuiyue, who was drinking contentedly, the corners of her eyes swept over the water, but her heart was shocked.