The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 207


At some point, a cyan figure silently appeared on the surface of the water. As the spring water poured down, the water wave trembled slightly, and the figure could not be seen clearly in a trance.

Yu Linglong raised her head, and her eyes immediately fell on the tall figure on the other side of the puddle. Although she was already mentally prepared, she couldn't help but pursed her lips tightly.

The feet in green shoes stepped on the gravel ground slowly without making a single sound. The familiar pair of phoenix eyes stared at her fixedly for an unknown amount of time.


Yu Linglong quietly clenched the purse at her waist, and slowly stood up.

"The martial arts of Master Feng Da is really getting more and more superb."

She has always been proud of her keen observation skills and high vigilance, but this time, she was completely unaware of Feng Xuanyuan's arrival.

This place is far away from the capital, and it is deserted. How could Feng Xuanyuan appear here for no reason? Obviously, he followed all the way from the capital.

And she didn't notice him at all along the way.

With a light tap of both feet, the ghostly cyan figure had landed in front of her eyes. Feng Xuanyuan glanced at the purse tightly held in her hand, and said with a hint of amusement in her long and narrow eyes, "You can hurt me?" Got me?"

Yu Linglong smiled coldly, raised her exquisite chin haughtily, and met Feng Xuanyuan's sharp eyes: "Feng Xuanyuan, if you are a man, you will fight Yu Lieyang with real swords and guns! Follow along like this sneakily What am I?"

Almost in the blink of an eye, his figure suddenly appeared in front of her, so close to her face, she could almost feel his heavy breathing, sweeping towards him with the anger that was about to burn.

"Do you think that I followed you because of him!?"

Pushing away his outstretched hand, Yu Linglong said coldly: "Isn't it? Master Feng, you underestimate me too."

He thought she didn't know? Every time he appeared, he was using her. From Gan Lin to Xu Wang, he was using her identity every time to achieve his own goals.

She was fed up with this kind of use, and she didn't want to guess his real intentions. She just wanted to stay away from him now, and it was best not to see him forever.

There seemed to be a storm brewing in the long and narrow eyes, staring at her motionlessly, Feng Xuanyuan snorted lightly, and said: "I really want to look up to you, but—"

Before he finished speaking, the sound of rushing footsteps could be heard in the distance, accompanied by the man's shout: "Princess, concubine!"

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi, who had been guarding the mountain depression, didn't realize Feng Xuanyuan's appearance until then, and rushed over as quickly as possible.

At this moment, Yu Linglong thought that Feng Xuanyuan would take herself as a hostage to force her rescuers back like last time, isn't this his usual method

But no, Feng Xuanyuan stood still, turning a deaf ear to the voice in his ear, and just stretched out his hand to her.

"I once said that I will give you everything you can't imagine." He paused, his phoenix eyes gradually deepened, "Be my saint, and in this world, you can do as you please."

Yu Linglong believed what he said. From Xu Wang's mouth, she knew that the Qinglian Sect is a unique existence with financial resources and power that no one can imagine. In Chu State, even in Beiyuan and Xixia, her status is unexpectedly noble.

As long as she nodded and agreed, it was all hers.

However, Yu Linglong just smiled lightly, as if she was simply refusing a candy he handed over, and said: "If I can't be with him, what's the use of this world?"

Her words, like a sharp awl, stung his eyes instantly.

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi had already rushed in front of them, and they were about to rush towards Feng Xuanyuan immediately.

Feng Xuanyuan raised his hand seemingly casually, two golden lights flashed, and precisely pierced the acupuncture points on the two of them. Gong Cheng and Lei Shi immediately froze in place as if they had been cast by a spell, and they couldn't even move. He couldn't move, let alone come forward to attack Feng Xuanyuan.

Yu Linglong lowered her face and said coldly, "What are you doing?"

Is he going to knock out the people around her and kidnap her to Cuihua Mountain like last time

Feng Xuanyuan looked at Yu Linglong, and said expressionlessly: "I only show mercy to them for your sake."

Yu Linglong remained silent, she knew very well that with Feng Xuanyuan's skill, it could not be easier to kill Gong Cheng and Lei Shi with one strike.

But since he didn't kill them, it doesn't mean that Yu Linglong will accept his love. Yu Linglong's eyes became colder and she said, "What are you going to do?"

Feng Xuanyuan didn't answer her, but just looked around at the bare hills and asked an irrelevant question: "Where are you going?"

Yu Linglong paused, and then said: "Ling'er is injured, I'm going to see her."

She knew that if she didn't answer his question, the two of them would stand by the puddle and entangle.

Upon hearing Ling'er's name, Feng Xuanyuan frowned slightly: "Why is she here?"

Here in the wilderness, you can't even see half of the people, what does Ling'er do living here

Yu Linglong told the story as quickly as possible, and when Ling'er forcibly opened up Ren Du's second channel, Feng Xuanyuan's face moved slightly imperceptibly.

After hearing Yu Linglong finished speaking, Feng Xuanyuan raised his eyebrows and said, "Why do you have to work so hard? You have joined my Qinglian Sect, and thousands of followers are at your disposal."

Yu Linglong ignored his words at all, and just gave him a cold look: "Can I go now?"

No matter what Feng Xuanyuan's purpose is, but she is not interested in the identity of Qinglian sect saint at all.

Feng Xuanyuan looked at her deeply, turned around and took the gold needles from Gong Cheng and Lei Shi's bodies, and then calmly turned to her.

"Take me there."

-----Off Topic-----

In fact, Ruyi loves Xiaofeng very much, really~!

161 reject

After pulling out the golden needle, Gong Cheng and Lei Shi could finally move. They looked at each other with surprise on their faces.

This man's kung fu is really evil, he only needs to raise his hand, and he instantly casts the body-fixing technique on them. Although Gong Cheng and Lei Shi are also very skilled, at this moment, they can't understand Feng Xuanyuan's martial arts at all.

Yu Linglong didn't need to look at the faces of Gong Cheng and Lei Shi, but she knew that with the strength of the three of them here, Feng Xuanyuan could not be stopped at all, so she simply got on her horse and walked straight up the mountain.

She didn't want to waste too much time with Feng Xuanyuan at the foot of the mountain, she was still thinking about Ling'er's injury.

Chasing the moon briskly galloped up the mountain, Yu Linglong who was riding on the horse didn't even look back, but she knew that Feng Xuanyuan must be following her closely.

Gong Cheng and Lei Shi, who were left at the end, were at a loss and couldn't figure out the situation. Seeing that the princess didn't object, they had no choice but to follow up the mountain.

It was already dusk at the top of the mountain, Yu Linglong got off her horse and looked at the simple houses on the mountain.

This is her first time here, even though from the very beginning, she gave a clear order that she must find a place with poor mountains and rivers, because she felt that only under difficult conditions can people abandon distracting thoughts and concentrate on practicing martial arts, but when she When I saw this with my own eyes, I was still secretly surprised.

This is a stone house of Isshiki. Obviously, the materials used to build the house are all local materials. Rows of low houses are piled up with disorganized stones, and there is only one small window. Maybe it is almost dinner time. There is a strong smell of food in the air, but this taste can't arouse the slightest appetite.

Yu Linglong's expression was serious, she couldn't imagine how Ling'er lived under such difficult conditions.

Lei Shi led Yu Linglong and Feng Xuanyuan into a stone house, Yu Linglong entered the room, and it took a while to get used to the dim light.

Lei Shi lit a candle and said, "Princess, Miss Ling'er is here."

Under the flickering candlelight, Yu Linglong saw Ling'er lying on the kang made of stones, her body was only covered with a thin layer of quilt, her eyes were closed tightly, her complexion was pale, and her breath was extremely weak, Yu Linglong's concern was chaotic. , I even forgot that Feng Xuanyuan was by my side, and went directly to hold Ling'er's hand: "Ling'er, how are you—"

This time, she caught nothing.

Lowering his head, he saw that Ling'er's hand had fallen into Feng Xuanyuan's at some point, and the latter was putting his fingers on Ling'er's wrist, thinking about something.

Seeing this situation, Yu Linglong pursed her lips tightly and said nothing, but Lei Shi at the side said, "Gong Cheng and I have already checked her pulse, the pulse is weak, and her breath is messy, although I know she is forcibly getting through Ren Du Er My pulse is insane, but I dare not untangle it easily, otherwise, if my behavior loses my breath, it will be harmful to Miss Ling'er."

Yu Linglong frowned, and said in a low voice: "Could it be that we can only resign ourselves to fate?"

Lei Shi showed guilt on his face: "This... princess, my subordinates are really incompetent."

Seeing that Feng Xuanyuan, who came from nowhere, was still feeling Linger's pulse, Lei Shi suffocated and couldn't help but said: "Miss Linger is already like this, so don't disturb her, let her rest well !"

He really doubted whether this man came in to take advantage of the opportunity. If it wasn't for seeing that the princess hadn't said a word, he couldn't help but throw him out a long time ago.

Feng Xuanyuan put down Ling'er's hand, with a bit of sarcasm in his eyes, he glanced at Lei Shi: "You think if you can't cure it, I can't cure it either?"

Hearing this, Yu Linglong's eyes lit up: "Can you save her?"

She knows Feng Xuanyuan's details, if Feng Xuanyuan is willing to help, say no