The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 215


What a terrible end!

Obtaining Yu Linglong's order, all the brothers of the Dragon and Tiger Gang were dispatched one after another. For a while, the capital was full of tension and anxiety.

Before this, it can be said that the Dragon and Tiger Gang mainly focused on legitimate business. Because of Yu Linglong's orders, although the Dragon and Tiger Gang had great influence and involved a wide range of areas, they acted quite low-key and rarely caused trouble. Once the Dragon and Tiger Gang took action, people could see the tip of the iceberg of its strength.

Almost on the same day, all the properties under the name of Tianshatang were smashed to pieces. These people held swords and sticks, had a clear division of labor, and acted swiftly. On the neck, he put on a posture of killing anyone who dares to resist, and then smashed all the furnishings in the shop in front of everyone.

After smashing, the leader of the Dragon and Tiger Gang let go of the hostages. Before leaving, he did not forget to say: "We are all members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang. If you have any objections, ask Yan Huzi to find us!"

After finishing speaking, the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang walked away, leaving only a mess and a group of people looking at each other in dismay.

And the group responsible for looking for Yan Huzi is even more terrifying. They gather at least 180 people each time, each carrying a gleaming knife on their shoulders, walking around the places where Yan Huzi used to haunt, those "unfortunate people" "When Yan Huzi visited the shop, they all went in and shouted: "Where is Yan Huzi? Tell that grandson to come out!"

When meeting such a character, even if it is a store with a hot business, all the customers will disperse like birds and beasts in an instant. The shopkeeper hurriedly came out nodding and bowing, explaining that Yan Huzi was really not in his shop.

After confirming that Yan Huzi is not there, this group of people will leave. Before leaving, they still did not forget to say loudly: "If you see that grandson, tell us immediately, otherwise, hehe, you will end up messing with the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Do you know what it is?"

No one was stupid enough to really ask what happened to the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Everyone was full of apologetic smiles, and they didn't dare to say anything. They just wanted to send these vicious people out as soon as possible.

What's even more wicked is that these people wandered around the streets carrying knives for several days, and the Yamen of Jingzhao Yin and the yamen patrolling the street didn't even ask a question!

That's because Yu Linglong said hello to King Xu, and when they met members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, even the Nine Battalion and Twelve Guards ignored them, and who would dare to stand out from the other little shrimps

Even if she uses power for personal gain, it's just that the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang only look scary on the outside, and the target is only Yan Huzi. As for the outrageous things, they really didn't do it, and it's not considered a disturbance of law and order.

But in the eyes of those who don't know the inside story, these situations have added a lot of mystery to the Dragon and Tiger Gang. What are the origins of these people? How big is their backing? Why do they swagger through the city with knives on their shoulders, and the government doesn't care

Some people already had a premonition that the situation in the capital's rivers and lakes might undergo earth-shaking changes.

Long after Yu Linglong released the rumor that he wanted to catch Yan Huzi at all costs, Yan Huzi disappeared as if out of thin air, and no one saw his shadow again.

Yu Linglong had already expected this point, with so many people in the Dragon and Tiger Gang, and such a big commotion, someone must have notified Yan Huzi long ago. This guy knew that he had encountered a difficult problem this time, so he found a place to hide up.

Yu Linglong is not in a hurry, anyway, her goal is not all Yan Huzi, let the Dragon and Tiger Gang hit the ground running, and severely dampen the arrogance of the Tianshatang, this is her most important goal.

After going through this incident, Yan Huzi wanted to make a comeback, but it was not so easy. People in Jianghu value loyalty and face the most. All the shops in Tiansha Hall have been smashed, but Yan Huzi still dare not come out like a turtle. How can he mess around in the road in the future

A few days later, someone finally got the news that Yan Huzi was hiding in the house of one of his concubines in Nancheng, and Qinghuahu immediately led someone to "invite" Yan Huzi over.

The big room on the third floor of Ruyi Casino is full of people, all of them are the leaders of the Dragon and Tiger Gang. Most of these people are members of the original Dragon and Tiger Gang, and they are also the most loyal brothers to Qinghuahu and Yulinglong. Now they Each person is in charge of the business in a certain area of the capital, and they are all figures who dominate their own side.

With so many people standing here, the atmosphere on the third floor immediately became more solemn.

In the middle of the room, Yu Linglong was wearing a long robe with black moiré patterns and silver trimmings, her hair was tied up with a black jade hairpin, and there were two black pearl earrings hanging on her earlobes, which made her white as jade and cold and stern.

At this moment, she was sitting on a huge grand master's chair, with a pair of ice-clear eyes looking at Yan's beard, who was tightly bound on the ground, with a mocking smile in her eyes.

Have you given up so quickly? useless!

Yan Huzi still exposed his hairy chest, but this time it wasn't because he was trying to be cool, but because his clothes were torn to pieces during the fight.

At this moment, he was pushed down to the ground, and he said stiffly: "Speak quickly if you have something to say, and let go if you have to fart! I am very busy!"

Seeing his stern look, Yu Linglong couldn't help but sneered: "Busy? What are you busy with? Are you busy asking people to clean up the shop and reopen it? Or are you busy recruiting people to make a comeback? Yan Huzi, do you know the current Tiansha Hall? , How helpless is it?"

In just a few days, the reputation of Tianshatang in the capital plummeted, even Yan Huzi hid, and the people underneath even went their separate ways and joined Mingzhu one after another.

To put it bluntly, the gang that recruits the most boys from Tianshatang is the Dragon and Tiger Gang.

Yan Huzi's face turned pale, even his full beard couldn't hide his pale face. Undoubtedly, Yu Linglong's words touched his sore spot.

He knew that the world is not so easy to mess with, but he didn't expect that more than half of his foundation for many years would be lost in a few days.

To blame can only be blamed on him for provoking the wrong person. He originally wanted to overthrow Ruyi Casino and establish Tianshatang as the No.

It turned out that the prestige in the rivers and lakes he imagined was not that he was strong enough, but that he had never met a strong enough opponent.

Facing Yu Linglong, he was just as vulnerable as an ant. Yu Linglong just stretched out her toes and twisted him lightly, and it was enough to crush him into powder.

The gangsters in the rivers and lakes belong to the underworld after all, and they are always a bit afraid of the court. No matter how powerful they are, they dare not show it at the feet of the emperor. Dao is all over the street looking for him. This kind of battle is something he has never seen before in the rivers and lakes for many years.

So, he was afraid, he was really afraid.

He could stick seven or eight knives on his body without wrinkling his eyes, but when he saw hundreds of men with swords on their shoulders searching for him from a distance, his legs were still timid and weak.

He stabbed himself with a knife because he knew that he would not die, but when he saw the members of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, he had only one feeling: if he was found, they would definitely tear him to pieces.

This is the so-called, the strong are afraid of the hard, and the hard are afraid of death.

Yan Huzi is tough, but the Dragon and Tiger Gang is desperate.

After a long time, he forcibly suppressed the anxiety in his heart, looked up at Yu Linglong, and asked, "You, what did you ask me to do?"

Seeing Yan Huzi's unconcealable panicked eyes, Yu Linglong smiled lightly.

"It's nothing serious, just to tell you something."

Hearing these calm words, Yan Huzi became even more uncertain. He was used to those guys who bluffed, and he also saw those guys who tried to hold on to their swollen faces to pretend to be fat, but this was always the same. The indifferent Yu Linglong made him feel his heart beating.

Intuition told him that this astonishingly young woman was really unpredictable.

Looking around at the burly men who were staring at him, Yan Huzi knew that if he fell into the hands of the Dragon and Tiger Gang, he could only be reduced to a fish on the chopping board and be slaughtered by others.

Fish doesn't need to have ideas, or in other words, no one cares about what fish thinks.

Yu Linglong obviously did the same, so she didn't give Yan Huzi any chance at all, and said directly: "From now on, the Tiansha Hall will belong to me."

The seven words sounded like a bolt from the blue to Yan Huzi's ears. He couldn't believe that this woman was so straightforward, she was telling him that it was as simple as asking for this candy.

Before he came, he had planned for the worst, it was nothing more than to shed some blood, to learn a lesson, he bowed his head to admit his mistake, and even gave up some territory as the price, but he didn't expect that when Yu Linglong came up That is, the lion opened his mouth and directly asked for his entire Tiansha Hall.

Yan Huzi was so angry and angry that he almost forgot to be afraid, and blurted out: "Fuck! Can you afford it!?"

Hearing his rudeness to Yu Linglong, Qinghuahu and the others immediately stepped forward, but their movements were stopped by Yu Linglong's raised hand.

Seemingly not hearing Yan Huzi's scolding, Yu Linglong looked at him condescendingly, and said coldly: "Or, if you die, the Heavenly Demon Hall will belong to me."

Yan Huzi's curse was choked in his throat, but he couldn't say it anyway.

Yu Linglong's words were concise and easy to understand, but he still didn't want to accept this result. The Tianshatang was the painstaking effort of half his life, so why should he give it up to others like this? Just relying on this little girl who is only fifteen years old

People tend to lose their minds when they are excited. At this moment, Yan Huzi seems to have not thought about it at all, why all the big men in this room are respectful to a little girl, but shouted loudly