The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 217


He suddenly burst into violent laughter.

An unprecedented ecstasy flooded his heart. This feeling is like passing through the gate of hell once. This feeling is the feeling of being reborn. From then on, his life will be different .

With the tattered rope on his body, Yan Huzi jumped up from the ground, quickly rushed out of the crowd, and ran straight into the city.

The onlookers talked a lot, and they asserted with certainty: "This person must be crazy!"

Hearing other people's comments, Yan Huzi didn't take it seriously, saying he was crazy? No, from now on, he will know what is the meaning of life and what is his most precious thing!

He only looked at Yan Huzi's crazy figure running away, and when the troublemaker raised his head to look at the city wall, he found that the black-robed woman had disappeared.

Yu Linglong walked down the tower slowly, calmly as if nothing had happened just now.

She is not a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately, and what she wants is only Tianshatang. Although Yan Huzi brought someone to smash her wishful gambling house, the crime is not worthy of death.

So she played a trick, leaving a hidden buckle on the rope, once cut, Yan Huzi would fall, but at the last moment, she would be pulled by the thinnest but toughest rope.

After going through this life-and-death moment, I believe that Yan Huzi's courage will be gone, if not frightened.

She didn't see that outside the crowd below the city tower, there stood a handsome man in a black robe on a black horse, looking at her all the time.

It wasn't until seeing her lightly jumping off the city wall that a faint smile appeared on King Xu's face.

This little girl really knows how to play.

In the blink of an eye, it was the end of the new year, and this was Yu Linglong's first time celebrating the new year with members of the royal family. Needless to say, it was tedious and complicated, and wearing a dress and heavy jewelry every day was also a tiring job.

This day it was the turn of Princess Pingyang's house to entertain everyone, and with the events of those women last time, the place Yu Linglong was most reluctant to go to was Princess Pingyang's mansion, even though she was accompanied by Prince Xu, she still showed a reluctance.

Seeing her lazy appearance early in the morning, Xu Wang could not know what she was thinking, walked to the dressing table, looked at the dawdling woman, he couldn't help laughing.

Yu Linglong has always been a straightforward person, this is the first time she has seen this delaying appearance.

Rubbing her head lovingly, Xu Wang smiled and said: "If you don't want to, don't go, just rest at home, I will be back soon."

Yu Linglong put down the jade comb in her hand, glared at Xu Wang in the bronze mirror, and said angrily: "Is it okay if I don't go? That good sister of yours has nothing to do every day, so she just wants to send the third and fourth children to other people's homes." Yes, this time you go in person, she will probably arrange a large group of women to jump on you!"

"Little San'er, Xiao Sier?" Hearing this new vocabulary, Xu Wang couldn't help laughing, "You don't believe me that much?"

Yu Linglong clutched the ends of her hair, turned around and looked him up and down.

Because he was attending a banquet, today Xu Wang wore a dark brocade robe with a dragon pattern and a white gold crown with swallow wings on his head. There is no smile, almost people can't help but immerse themselves in it at the first sight.

Yu Linglong sighed deeply, what's the use of marrying a handsome husband, if it's not because she's worried all the time.

Turning around angrily, Yu Linglong combed her long hair fiercely, and said angrily: "It's not that I don't believe you, I just don't believe those women!"

Even she herself didn't expect that she would have such a day to worry about a man.

Seeing her jealous appearance before she even left the house, King Xu's heart softened, he almost snatched the comb from her hand, and combed her long hair by himself.

"Silly girl, with you here, who else can seduce me? Even a vixen is useless."

Yu Linglong was amused by his words, raised her little finger slightly, pointed at Xu Wang in the mirror and said with a smile: "You said that, I remember it."

Passing the jade comb to Hemerocallis behind him, King Xu smiled and said, "Well, I will never break my promise."

168 Princess, please respect yourself!

Although it is winter, the big flower hall in Pingyang Princess Mansion is as warm as spring, surrounded by huge charcoal stoves, dispelling the winter chill.

Yu Linglong was dressed in a palace attire of flowing colorful dark flowers and brocade, with a flying cloud bun on her hair and Lishui Zimo Jin Buyao on her hairpin, she looked charming yet precious, graceful yet generous, at this moment she was sitting with King Xu, On the table in front of them were delicacies from mountains and seas that could be eaten by the two of them. They didn't eat much. Most of the time, the two of them laughed and talked in a low voice, looking like they were talking to each other.

In this kind of place, it is impossible for the two of them not to attract attention. Although King Qi and Princess Qi sitting on their right were also present at the same table, they were sitting upright, in stark contrast to Xu Wang and his wife.

Concubine Qi has always been cunning and mean, now she sees the tenderness and sweetness of the young couple beside her, the more she looks at it, the angrier she gets, and she can't help but sneer: "It's really outrageous!"

Her words were not loud, but enough to be heard by several tables around. Princess Ding, Princess Lu and others all cast inquiring gazes, but no one opened their mouths.

Concubine Xu's fiery temper is notorious, no one is like that bastard Concubine Qi, always trying to make herself uncomfortable.

Yu Linglong raised her head and glanced around, just in time to meet Princess Qi's looking for fault.

Yu Linglong averted her gaze lightly, this Princess Qi is really straightforward, she can say whatever comes to her mind, she never hides it, and she doesn't know how her temper survived in the scheming royal family.

Sipping the wine in the emerald glass, Yu Linglong raised her head and looked at Princess Qi with a smile: "The sky is dry and irritable, Princess Qi must take care of herself, otherwise she will get angry, which will affect her mood very much."

Seeing her continue, Princess Qi snorted heavily: "I'm so angry, I'm fine!"

Yu Linglong shook her head lightly, her words were full of gunpowder, and she said she wasn't on fire

Putting down the wine glass, the smile on Yu Linglong's face remained unchanged, and she continued: "That's right, now that Prince Qi's residence is flourishing, and you are enjoying the blessings, Wangfei, how could you get angry?"

Princess Qi immediately lowered her face: "What do you mean by this, what kind of family is prosperous? You are mocking me—"

She stopped her words, but her eyes drawn with thick black lines seemed to be on fire, staring at Yu Linglong firmly, as if she wanted to burn Yu Linglong to death.

Who doesn't know that she has been married to King Qi for many years, but she has only one daughter under her knees. This has always been her heart disease. But Yu Linglong actually said that the family members of Prince Qi's mansion are prosperous. Isn't this ironic that they have few people and no sons

Yu Linglong looked at her with a little surprise, and said: "Where did I satirize Princess Qi? I heard people say that recently, Prince Qi's mansion is adding more people and buying a lot of maids, all of whom are rare figures in a hundred. Wangfei, do you think it can be regarded as a thriving family?"

Concubine Qi could not give birth to a son, so King Qi used this as an excuse to buy maids everywhere, making the Qi Palace even more lively than the harem. This is a well-known fact, but it is all because of Princess Qi's face, just a few words of ridicule behind her back Forget it, it was the first time that Yu Linglong said it straight to the point.

Seemingly not seeing Princess Qi's livid face, Yu Linglong leisurely picked up a honey peanut and said with a smile: "I also heard a saying in the market: Entering Prince Qi's mansion, you can enjoy Qi's blessings. I am young, Don't understand the meaning of this sentence, Princess Qi, tell me, does this mean that the Qi Palace has a large population?"

Listening to Yu Linglong's words, King Xu made Princess Qi blush with anger, but she was so choked that she couldn't say a word, so she couldn't help smiling.

This little woman is really unwilling to suffer at all.

Concubine Qi couldn't say no to Yu Linglong, seeing King Xu standing beside her without saying a word, just smiling lightly, she couldn't help being even more angry, and immediately rushed to King Xu: "I said Jiudi, how did you fall in love with her? Back then You still humbly begged your father for a marriage, I really don't know what you like about her? De Rongyan meritorious deeds, what does she occupy? How can this kind of woman be worthy of you!"

Except for Yu Linglong, the other eight concubines are all from well-known families, and they can be regarded as the top daughters of wealthy families in the capital. However, the most favored Prince Xu married a concubine from a small family as his concubine. This was seen by Princess Qi and others. Come on, it's incredible.

The quarrel between Yu Linglong and Concubine Qi had already attracted everyone's attention. Seeing Concubine Qi targeting Xu Wang this time, everyone couldn't stop looking at Xu Wang's expression, secretly guessing how he would respond.

There was a faint smile on the corner of Xu Wang's mouth, he took Yu Linglong's hand naturally, and said lightly: "Lun De, she has a clear distinction between love and hate, and she has to put on a show of defiance compared to those who clearly hate others. A person with a smiling face is much more real; in terms of speech, her words are more beautiful than those who are full of empty talk; in terms of merit, she manages the family well, manages the affairs of the house in an orderly manner, and the business is booming. I I really can't think of any shortcomings in her body."

After a pause, he continued: "I'm not going to talk about it. Everyone has their own favorites. If you look like Princess Qi, I won't be interested in it."

As soon as this sentence was finished, someone at the table next to him couldn't help laughing out loud. Princess Qi was furious, and stood up from her seat, pointing at King Xu and Yu Linglong, her voice trembling with anger : "You, you two—"

King Qi, who had been by her side all the time, finally gritted his teeth and said, "Sit down for me! Isn't that embarrassing enough?"

Princess Qi