The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 221


, The faces of all the people present changed.

Just now Xu Wang just said briefly that Princess Pingyang came to toast, and did not mention that she also drank a sip of poisoned wine, but Pingyang did not know whether he really drank too much, or was shocked by the successive changes, and seemed to have forgotten This time, when Yu Linglong mentioned it, Princess Pingyang suddenly came back to her senses.

That's right, if it's really the laxative she said, how could she still be kneeling here after half a day

If it’s not a laxative, it’s…

Pingyang was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he couldn't care about anything. He got up from the ground and rushed straight to the queen, grasping the hem of the queen's dress with both hands, and said in a panic: "Quick! Queen Mother, go find the prince quickly!" Brother needs an antidote—"

As soon as the words were spoken, everyone's expressions changed.

Yu Linglong and King Xu involuntarily clenched their hands even tighter, and it turned out to be the prince again!

The queen's face changed drastically, and she scolded in a deep voice: "What are you talking nonsense? Shut up!"

However, the emperor changed his calm expression just now, stood up from the seat abruptly, and shouted sharply: "Pingyang, what are you talking about!?"

Pingyang was startled and frightened, his body was like a fallen leaf in the autumn wind, trembling, crying loudly, "I'm... my son, this medicine was given by the elder brother of the prince, woo..."

The queen turned her head back suddenly, the movement was so fast that the phoenix hairpin on her head was crooked, she didn't care about her appearance, she immediately interrupted Pingyang's words, and said to the emperor: "Your Majesty! Pingyang has been poisoned, please send the word to the imperial physician quickly Enter the palace for diagnosis and treatment, and ask about other things later—"

Before she could finish speaking, she felt a blur in front of her eyes, and she was slapped heavily on the face!

She subconsciously raised her hand to cover her swollen cheek, and looked at the emperor in disbelief.

For so many years, the emperor has always treated her with respect, although it can't be said that he has favored her, but this time, the emperor beat her with his own hands!

The emperor was furious, pointed at the queen and reprimanded: "You have taught them to be good sons and daughters. They have repeatedly harmed their own brothers. This time even Pingyang has been dragged in! If this continues, my sons and daughters will be killed by him." Yes! When that day comes, he will kill his father and mother!"

The emperor kicked Pingyang away and pulled the queen's hand, pointing at her and roaring: "Say! What's going on!?"

Pingyang was so frightened that his face turned pale, and he said incoherently: "Yes... it's the brother of the prince... Ever since his sister-in-law was abolished, the brother of the prince has been very unhappy. I have asked him many times, but he refused to say anything. He just told my son today, The sister-in-law was framed by someone, and the person who framed the sister-in-law is the ninth sibling!"

Princess Pingyang pointed at Yu Linglong, and continued to cry: "I don't like the ninth younger siblings. I was even angrier when I heard from the prince's brother that she dared to frame my sister-in-law. I told the eldest brother that I want to show the ninth younger siblings a little color." Look, the elder brother of the prince did not agree, and the son was in a hurry, so the elder brother of the prince gave the son this small medicine bag, saying that it was an ordinary laxative, and told the son to stop it in moderation and not to play too much... Father, please forgive me, if I really know that this is poison for killing people, I will not dare to give it to my ninth brother and younger siblings!"

The more Yu Linglong heard it, the more chilling she became.

The crown prince even plotted against his own sister!

Thinking about it, Princess Pingyang is so restless, if the crown prince really wants her to kill her and King Xu, then Princess Pingyang will definitely show her feet. It is better to lie to her and say it is an ordinary laxative, and it will be easier to deceive everyone.

If Princess Pingyang really knew that it was a deadly poison, would she dare not drink it herself

Prince, prince, are you disregarding the life of your own sister for your own selfishness!

The emperor obviously thought of this too. At this moment, his face was full of black clouds and anger, and he waved his robe embroidered with cloud patterns in gold thread, and roared angrily: "Come here, send a servant to enter the palace, I want to Abolish him!"

Yu Linglong and Xu Wang looked at each other silently, it seemed that the emperor was really furious this time.

If it is said that the prince has been harming Xu Wang before because he has no sense of security and always thinks that his position as the crown prince is unstable, but this time even Princess Pingyang was used by him, even at the expense of Princess Pingyang's life. It's too unscrupulous.

This time, he finally touched the emperor's bottom line.

Such a son, even treats his own sister so cold-blooded and ruthless, the emperor has really lost all confidence in the prince.

Seeing the emperor's livid face, the queen had a premonition that something was wrong, and immediately knelt down: "Your Majesty, please think twice!"

The emperor gave her a cold look, and said: "Pingyang is poisoned, don't you want to call the imperial physician? Why don't you hurry up!?"

The queen held back her shame, stepped forward on her knees, and said earnestly: "Your Majesty, the prince is the heir apparent of the country, and he cannot be deposed!"

The emperor said angrily: "I've made up my mind, there's no need to say more! I'll step back immediately!"

The queen bit her lip tightly, stood up slowly, bowed and took her leave.

Before leaving the hall, she raised her eyes to look at Xu Wang and Yu Linglong, her eyes were full of hatred that could not be concealed.

These two people are the chief culprits who caused the crown prince to be deposed!

Suppressing the hatred in her heart, the queen walked out of the Qianqing Palace with her head held high, leading Princess Pingyang with a terrified expression.

After leaving the hall, Princess Pingyang dared to speak. She grabbed the queen and asked in a trembling voice: "My queen... what should I do? I'm so scared..."

Pushing away Princess Pingyang's hand quietly, the empress called out to the maid next to her in a deep voice, and ordered: "Take Pingyang to Fengyang Palace for a rest, and immediately send the imperial physician into the palace to detoxify her."

After finishing speaking, the queen turned around and walked out. Princess Pingyang looked at her back in surprise and asked in panic: "Mother, mother! Where are you going!?"

She is likely to die. How could the empress leave her without even looking at her

The queen heard her words, but did not answer. At this moment, there are more important things than Princess Pingyang's poisoning, waiting for her to do.

It wasn't until they reached a corner where no one was around that the queen ordered in a low voice: "Send someone to deliver a letter to the prince, the emperor wants to abolish him!"

171 The King of the Qing Dynasty

In the study room of the prince's mansion, the prince was holding a note secretly sent by the empress in his hand, and was frowning tightly, obviously having a hard time making a choice.

And beside him, a group of counselors were arguing.

"Your Highness, the person who summoned you to the palace has been waiting for a long time, you should say something!"

"Your Highness, you'd better enter the palace quickly. The emperor is just angry. As long as you bow your head and admit your mistake, you will be fine if you pass this level first!"

"Your Highness, this matter has nothing to do with you. You just need to tell the emperor that it's all Princess Pingyang's fault, and your charges can be cleared!"

"Your Highness, if you resist the decree and don't obey it now, the emperor will be even more angry. You still—"

No matter how anxious they were, the prince just squeezed the note in his hand and remained silent without saying a word.

What he had been worrying about for years was finally about to happen...

It is impossible for the queen mother to lie to him, that is to say, the father was really angry and wanted to abolish him.

As a deposed prince, when he thought that he would live his whole life with this title, he felt it was a great shame.

The goal of his life is to sit on the high dragon chair. Every book he reads, every word he speaks, and every good teacher and helpful friend he makes is to enable him to be able to make himself enough when he sits on that seat. Perfect.

But the fluffy note in his hand told him that all his efforts were in vain, and from now on, he was just a useless person.

Although he had been worried for so many years, when he really knew the news at this moment, he still felt like he had been hit by a bolt from the blue, which made him unbelievable.

He had been the crown prince for so many years, yet one day, his father wanted to abolish him with his own hands.

He is his own son, why should he be so cruel to him!

Besides the shame, he couldn't even imagine how he would live in the future.

No matter which younger brother becomes the emperor, he will definitely be regarded as a thorn in the flesh. By then, is there any possibility for him to survive

He couldn't see his way out, nor his future, and the note in his hand seemed to block all his way out.

Even though he had been raised in the mansion for many years, he always thought that these counselors who were loyal to him were all persuading him to enter the palace quickly. He looked at the familiar faces around him, but felt that they were so strange, It turned out that they were not loyal to him, but the position he sat in.

When one day, he is no longer the prince, the true face of the people around him will be exposed to him disgustingly.

The world he had always thought was unbreakable was so easily torn apart.

No one persuaded him to fight for himself again. These people only want to be rich and powerful, but they dare not let him stand out, for fear that if the crown prince falls, they will be dragged into the abyss of destruction together.

He really wanted to look up to the sky and laugh, irony, how ironic!

These selfish fools, these wastes who are greedy for life and afraid of death!

At this moment, the door of the study was suddenly opened.

The counselors who were arguing very lively didn't seem to notice the strangeness outside the door until a clear voice shouted: "Your Highness!"

Hearing this steady voice, the prince, who had been dazed for a long time, moved his body and looked up.

Seeing that person, the prince couldn't help but stood up and said, "Master Daoist, you are here."

Daoist Jing Ming was wearing a blue Taoist robe, with a serious face, and walked in stridingly, swinging his long sleeves.

Startled by the aura around him for a moment, everyone in the study retreated subconsciously to give way to him.