The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 226


Liang made an earth-shattering bang, and with sparks flying around, he pressed down straight on top of their heads.

Yu Linglong ran in the front, there was no way to hide, she was about to be hit by the heavy door beam, but at this moment, a huge force suddenly came from her back, directly hit her and flew out of the room The door escaped the thunderous blow.

Even though she escaped the catastrophe, Yu Linglong's heart sank suddenly, she quickly turned around, and saw the burning door beam at a glance.

She was right in guessing that it was Shi Huiru behind him who pushed her out with all his strength, saving her life, but also depriving herself of the chance to escape.

Looking at the motionless body under the door beam, Yu Linglong felt a great pain in her heart. Regardless of whether the door beam was still burning, she immediately lifted her foot and kicked the door beam out, pulling Shi Huiru out of the room and hugging her yard.

The house was burning violently, but the courtyard paved with bluestone bricks was extremely cool. The evening sun had lost its temperature and fell on the two gray-faced women in the center of the courtyard.

Shi Huiru's face was covered with a few smears of gray-black smoke and dust, but she was not injured, her clothes were burned to pieces, and there was no obvious external injury, but the corner of her mouth was bleeding continuously. It hit her on the back, obviously causing her serious internal injuries.

Yu Linglong hugged Shi Huiru's head tightly, her voice was rarely trembling: "Huiru, Huiru! Wake up!"

It took a long time for Shi Huiru to open her eyes with difficulty, and it took a long time for her scattered pupils to concentrate before she could see Yu Linglong's face clearly.

"You... are you okay?"

Seeing that she opened her eyes, the first thing she said was to ask about her own safety, Yu Linglong's throat was a little choked up: "I'm fine. How do you feel?"

Shi Huiru moved her body slightly, but her beautiful face instantly twisted in pain: "It painful..."

Every time she said a word, a stream of blood gushed out and splashed on her skirt.

Seeing her so painful that she could hardly breathe, Yu Linglong tightly pressed her lips together.

Huiru used to be such a delicate woman, even if her finger was accidentally pricked by an embroidery needle, she would complain for several days, but now, in order to save her, she suffered such a serious injury...

Yu Linglong carefully carried Shi Huiru on her back, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I will take you home."

Trying to keep her pace steady, Yu Linglong walked out of the gate, glanced at the carriage outside where the corpse lay on the ground, and walked towards the setting sun without looking back.

Yang Yunzheng is indeed a delicate woman, she can do whatever she wants, even the carriages and drivers outside.

The setting sun gradually sank to the horizon, and in the cold night, water gently covered Yu Linglong's figure.

With her petite head hanging down on Yu Linglong's temples, Shi Huiru seemed to have no strength at all, her voice rang in Yu Linglong's ears, as thin as a gossamer.

"Linglong...can I call you Linglong again... Actually, I really miss the old days..."

Yu Linglong bit her lips desperately, resisting the pain in her heart, and said in a deep voice: "Well, don't talk, save your energy."

Shi Huiru tugged at the corners of her mouth with difficulty, trying to reveal a faint smile, but was suddenly twitched by the pain in her body, and she said softly: "Linglong, listen to me, if I die, you... don't blame him …”

Hearing Shi Huiru's words, Yu Linglong's voice couldn't help but tinged with anger: "You still want to protect him now!?"

Hearing Yu Linglong's angry tone, Shi Huiru panicked and coughed violently a few times. Yu Linglong only felt her shoulders heat up, and a stream of wet liquid flowed down her shoulders. She knew that it was Shi Huiru's vomited blood.

Forcibly suppressing the anger in her heart, Yu Linglong said in a deep voice: "Okay, I promise you."

Only then did the stiff body behind her relax, and Shi Huiru leaned on her shoulders, her weak voice was a little hoarse: "Linglong, no one knows my feelings for him better than you... Do you know, I I really like him... I used to think that if I could be his wife, even for just one day, I would be willing to sacrifice my life... But now, I'm going to die, but I won't even be able to see him for the last time... "

Yu Linglong resisted the choking in her throat, and whispered: "Don't worry, you won't die, I won't let you die!"

Shi Huiru laughed lightly, her voice rang in Yu Linglong's ears, like a dying butterfly flapping its fragile wings.

"Linglong, I'm stupid enough, why are you even stupider than me? I know, I'm going to die...cough cough..."

The wet liquid on her shoulders became cold and hot, hot and cold again, Yu Linglong almost didn't dare to look back, she didn't dare to imagine how much blood flowed from Shi Huiru's body, and she didn't know how long she could hold on .

The setting sun was like blood, dragging Yu Linglong's figure for a long time, and the sky had already turned dark.

Shi Huiru lay on Yu Linglong's back, Yu Linglong felt her body getting heavier and heavier, but her voice became softer and softer, floating intermittently in the cold spring night wind.

"...Linglong, I once heard a saying that love can't live forever... When I heard it, I thought, can I count my love for him? If so, I can live long if he treats me like this. How long?"

Yu Linglong gritted her teeth and said in a low voice: "I promise, as long as you live, you will live a long, happy, and better life than anyone else! Shi Huiru, support me! You must die! hold on!"

Shi Huiru's icy face was pressed against Yu Linglong's neck, as cold as the snow in the twelfth lunar month, no matter how hard she could cover it, she couldn't warm it.

"Linglong... I'm so tired... I want to sleep for a while..."

Looking at the distant city gate looming in the night, Yu Linglong lifted Shi Huiru up and said, "Huiru, don't sleep, I'll sing for you."

Shi Huiru's voice was low, with a slight smile: "I've known you for so long, and I've never heard you sing... Okay... I won't sleep, you sing, I'll listen carefully..."

As the evening wind picked up, Yu Linglong sang softly:

Your eyes can smile and bend into a bridge, but the end is me, and you will never reach it.

I feel that when you come, it is the howling of the wind, and longing is a bitter medicine, but it is so difficult, every minute and every second.

I can't find it, I can't reach it, I don't want anything for your so-called beautiful future, do you know, if you understand me this second.

I want to see, I am looking for, the beauty of the so-called love, I rely on it tightly, keep it firmly, and dare not miss a single bit, I hope you see...

Her voice drifted into the night, and seemed to be able to travel far, far away.

Shi Huiru said in a low voice: "Linglong, what song is this, I've never heard it..."

Yu Linglong said: "This is a song from my hometown, which is far, far away."

Shi Huiru smiled softly, and said softly, "It's really nice..."

Her voice disappeared into the night sky, never to be heard again.

Yu Linglong only felt that Shi Huiru's body sank, as if she could no longer hold her back, she tried her best to hold Shi Huiru, even though Shi Huiru didn't make a sound, didn't make a movement, and couldn't move anymore. Not a breath.

"Hui Ru, we'll be home soon..."

Yu Linglong no longer knew what time it was, where it was, and how long the time had passed. She just walked mechanically, with Shi Huiru on her back in a fixed posture, her feet pointing aimlessly go forward.

The subconscious action brought her back to Prince Xu's Mansion. When she walked to the gate of Prince Xu's Mansion, it was already completely dark at night.

The red lacquered gate of the palace looked so imposing, Yu Linglong felt cold all over her body, she didn't even have the strength to shout.

A slender figure walked towards her, she stared blankly at him, at this moment, she almost thought she was dreaming.

The colorful fallen flowers fell on the thin shoulders of the visitor, exuding a faint fragrance in the middle of the night, which seemed to have diluted a lot the bloody smell around her.

In the darkness, Ling'er's eyes were extraordinarily bright, she looked at her steadily, and said softly: "Princess, the servant is back."

Every time there was an accident, people in the capital were panic-stricken. Every day before it was dark, every house closed its doors and windows, for fear of being affected by the rioting soldiers outside.

The number of the prince's pro-army is not large. After occupying Chaoyang Gate, King Xu immediately deployed troops. The most elite troops were responsible for guarding the palace, and the others were divided into two parts. One part guarded the other gates of the capital, and the other part went to surround Chaoyangmen and the Prince's Mansion are controlled by the prince's forces.

The imperial court was also in turmoil. The civil servants quarreled in the court hall every day. Some supported the crown prince, some supported Xu Wang, and some remained neutral. Most of the generals stood still, but they were also closely observing the situation. Some military generals loyal to the prince mobilized his troops to support the prince, causing the situation in the capital to become more unstable, and even more rebellious soldiers took the opportunity to loot houses, causing chaos in the area where many people gathered.

I don't know when, there have been rumors that are not good for the prince among the common people. Some people say that the crown prince has already had the intention of treason. The last time he asked the emperor to issue an order to reduce taxes, he wanted to win over the people and prepare for his future rebellion; The emperor complained in every possible way, and even cruelly harmed his brothers and sisters. Even his first wife, the princess, was divorced because he dissuaded him from being too cruel and annoyed the prince. Unrighteous brothers, unkind to wives