The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 23


Looking down at the panicked Yu Qianfang: "Don't you think, you should explain it to me?"

Yu Qianfang's body was trembling uncontrollably. She had seen Yu Linglong's methods before, and she was almost scared out of her wits at this moment: "Fourth sister, I really didn't mean it! I... I just passed by here by accident!"

Yu Linglong couldn't help but sneer, she said just now that she was here to visit her, but she turned into passing by unintentionally so soon, is this Yu Qianfang scared stupid? Although she is insidious, she is still just a teenage girl!

These little tricks that she thinks she can do are really ridiculously stupid!

"At this hour, I don't know why you came here for a stroll?" Yu Linglong stood up slowly, her slender figure made her even more imposing, "Don't you know that this place is haunted all the time?"

The voice was biting heavily on the word "haunted", Yu Qianfang naturally heard the implication, and subconsciously grabbed Chunyan beside her with both hands to force herself to stand in front of Yu Linglong.

"I... I'm... yeah, I heard that it's not peaceful here, so, that's why I want to see the fourth sister..."

"Let's see if this ghost scared me to death? Did it?" Yu Linglong smiled coldly on her beautiful face, "Then I'll tell you something."

The bright and unparalleled face slowly bent down, and Yu Linglong's pink lips slowly approached Yu Qianfang's ear, exhaling like blue.

"There really are ghosts here!"

The categorical words resounded in Yu Qianfang's ears, like a thunderbolt and an electric shock, instantly shattering her last illusion!

Yu Qianfang looked up at Yu Linglong in disbelief, what did she say

Yu Linglong dared to bring her here because she could probably see through her thoughts, so she would naturally guess that this haunted incident was planned by her. But now, what does Yu Linglong mean when she says there are ghosts here!

Soon, she knew exactly what Yu Linglong was going to do.

Because the next moment, Yu Linglong grabbed her carefully combed hair and dragged her to the ground viciously!

"Help!" Yu Qianfang couldn't bear the torment of fear any longer, and shouted heart-piercingly.

At that moment, she thought of Yu Qianliu's fate. Yu Qianliu just scolded Yu Linglong a few times, and then she was poured with muddy water. Now that she is pretending to scare Yu Linglong, how will Yu Linglong punish herself?

Yu Qianfang desperately reached out to grab Chunyan. In this yard, she could only rely on this close servant girl. But Chunyan was crushed to death by Ma Changgeng's family and others, and she couldn't take care of herself, how could she take care of her master!

Yu Qianfang's hands grasped the air in vain, but she couldn't touch anything. The three thousand black hairs that she had always been proud of were now being dragged by Yu Linglong, and she couldn't break free. The pain made her couldn't help screaming: "Come on, help me—"

"Scream, scream louder." Yu Linglong's voice was cold, "Don't forget, this is the haunted Pinlan Garden, let me see who dares to rescue you!"

Yu Qianfang burst into tears of despair. That's right, she designed it all by herself. Now that Pinlanyuan is haunted by everyone, who would dare to appear here at this time? Not to mention coming in to save her!

Yu Qianfang, who has always relied on her intelligence, finally tasted the taste of being in a cocoon.

Effortlessly dragging Yu Qianfang to the sunniest place in the center of the yard, Yu Linglong pulled her hair casually, and raised the scissors with her right hand.

"You, what are you going to do—" Yu Qianfang gritted out a few words between trembling teeth, "Please forgive me—"

Yu Linglong played with the scissors in her hands, and the tricks emerged one after another, dazzling but frightening.

Yu Qianfang was so frightened that she burst into tears: "Fourth sister, we are all concubines, just let me go—"

"A concubine?" Yu Linglong narrowed her eyes slightly, as if she felt that Yu Qianfang's words were very interesting, "You mean, you think I'm the same as you?"

Yu Qianfang trembled all over: "No... that's not what I meant..."

Yu Linglong snorted coldly: "You think I'm the same as you!?"

Get close to her? Ridiculous, she, Yu Qianfang, is worthy of being compared with her!

The next moment, a crisp sound of iron blades colliding suddenly sounded, and to Yu Qianfang's ears, it was a sound from hell.

"If you insist on coming to this haunted place, don't blame me for giving you a meeting gift!"

A burst of cold iron came from the neck, and the hairs all over Yu Qianfang's body stood up, and she was so frightened that she didn't dare to move. Is Yu Linglong going to kill her!

The next moment, she knew she was wrong.

There were bursts of merciless clicking sounds from the top of her head, but she didn't feel any pain at all. Yu Qianfang watched helplessly as her hair was cut off by Yu Linglong in large quantities, and it floated in the bright sunlight.

Yu Linglong even shaved off her hair!

Body, hair and skin are affected by parents, the ancients cherished hair to the point of loving their lives, especially women, who dare not go out to meet people when their hair is a little thinner, but at this moment, Yu Qianfang's black and thick hair has been taken away. Cut it clean!

Yu Qianfang felt her heart ache like a twist, she couldn't even cry, she passed out in an instant.

In a daze, she heard Yu Linglong's icy voice: "Come here, go out and tell everyone that our second lady came to Pinlanyuan, accidentally got haunted by a ghost, and even her hair was shaved off!"

Not only will you have to cut off your hair, but you will also have nowhere to hide, and you will have no way to hide it!

She wants to see if this Yu Qianfang can marry without her hair!

If you want to play yin, let's see who is more yin than who!

-----Off Topic-----

Special thanks to [Clouds Gone with the Wind 0_0] and [Light of Time and Space] for their flowers! What, time and space, why do you send me flowers every day, I almost secretly agree~

030 Madam Overjoyed

It has to be said that the cooks are really good at spreading rumors, and the news reached Mrs. Mu early the next morning.

"What? The ghost shaved his head!" Shi Mu almost overturned the medicine bowl in Shuangrui's hand, "Who do you think was shaved by the ghost?"

Mother Cui hurriedly said: "I also heard from the daughter-in-law in charge who delivered the meal this morning, and now everyone in our house knows that the second lady went to Pinlanyuan yesterday, and she became bald when she came back. Everyone said He was shaved by a ghost!"

"Pin Lan Yuan?" Upon hearing this name, Mu's eyes flashed an inexplicable panic, "It's all right, what is she doing there?"

Cui's mother replied: "I don't know about this slave girl. I heard that the second young lady hid in her room yesterday when she got back. She didn't see anyone."

Yes, a young girl who was in her cardamom prime turned into a bald nun in a blink of an eye. Who would want to go out? Isn't that embarrassing

Mrs. Mu said irritably: "These girls really don't stop! It's not worrying to compare each other!"

Just as Yu Linglong was appeased with one thousand taels of silver, something happened to Yu Qianfang again. Of course, it was not because she felt sorry for Yu Qianfang's loss of hair. She added a little trouble.

Yu Linglong's temperament changed drastically, and Yu Qianfang encountered a ghost who shaved her head again. Mu's became more and more convinced that there was something wrong in the Yu family's mansion.

"Let you find the witch, how is it going?"

Mama Qian said: "This servant has already invited Fairy Bai, who is highly educated, but Fairy Bai said that she has been very busy recently, and she will not be able to come until a few days later."

Mu's brows were furrowed, she didn't want to wait any longer, so many messy things had happened in just a few days, if she waited a few more days, maybe something serious would happen.

"Didn't you say that General Yu's mansion wants to invite her?"

Mother Qian apologized and said with a smile: "I said it, but... but Fairy Bai said that there are so many dignitaries who have invited her, and she can only look at them one by one in order, and she can't afford to offend any of them!"

Mrs. Mu snorted: "What offends you? Don't you want more money? You go and say, as long as you can get rid of the evil spirits in our house, I will give her a hundred taels of silver!"

One hundred taels of silver is not a small amount, and Fairy Bai would not shirk the amount.

Seeing that Mrs. Mu was angry, Mama Qian had no choice but to obediently agree.

While discussing, I suddenly heard a series of voices from outside: "Madam is overjoyed, Madam is overjoyed!"

Mrs. Mu rubbed her forehead, and raised her eyes to look out. She really couldn't think of any happy event for her at this time of internal and external troubles.

I saw a few maidservants walking in quickly following a daughter-in-law in charge of the second sect. Everyone was very happy. The class teacher is back!"

"What?" Mu's eyes widened immediately, and she sat up abruptly, forgetting the pain on her body, "Isn't it coming back at the end of the year? Why is it half a year earlier?"

The daughter-in-law said with a smile: "As soon as I heard that the master is coming back, I was so happy that I forgot everything, so I thought of hurrying to announce the good news to my wife. The boy who announced the news is still waiting at the second gate, why don't I ask him to come in and ask?"

Mrs. Mu hurriedly waved: "Go, go!"

The daughter-in-law ran out in a hurry, and everyone in the room smiled happily, and they all stepped forward and said, "Congratulations, Madam, congratulations Madam! The master has returned victorious this time, and he must be promoted again!"

Mrs. Mu couldn't hide the pride on her face, her face with bruises and wounds glowed brightly: "It's good that the master is back, it's a great blessing to come back safely!"

After General Yu left for three years, it was really not easy for the Yu mansion to be supported by a single woman from the Mu family. Now that the pillar of the family is back, the Mu family is naturally happy.