The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 230


Even though the city is in chaos now, the business in Baihua Lane is still booming, and there is no shortage of people coming and going.

After walking out of Baihua Lane, the street became much deserted, and the pedestrians on the road seemed to be in a hurry, obviously unwilling to stay outside.

Walking to the corner, Yu Linglong was about to turn, but was suddenly hit hard by a figure running towards her head, and before Yu Linglong could react, she heard Linger sternly shout: "Who is it!?"

Seeing the person bumping into Yu Linglong, Ling'er immediately subconsciously made a move, kicking the person away, accompanied by a series of women's cries of pain, the person who bumped into Yu Linglong had already fallen to the corner of the wall.

Yu Linglong was a little surprised, she knew that Linger's skills were not as good as before, but she didn't expect Linger's movements to be so fast now, so fast that she didn't even have time to see the face of the person coming.

As the woman fell to the ground, a maid-like person followed out of the alley, and rushed straight to the woman who was kicked against the wall, with a bit of crying in her voice: "Master, master, how are you!?"

The servant girl immediately turned her head around and yelled at Yu Linglong and Ling'er, "You guys are so courageous, you even dare to kick my master, don't you want to kill yourself?"

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows. In her memory, it has been a long time since anyone dared to talk to her like this.

Ling'er was even more unwilling to take a disadvantage, she stepped forward and scolded the maid, and was about to strike before she could say a few words, but was stopped by Yu Linglong.

It wasn't that Yu Linglong was afraid of that little maid, it was just that when she saw the figure of the woman curled up by the wall in pain, she always felt a little familiar, so she told Ling'er, "Go and see where the man is hurt."

Ling'er gave the little maid a hard look, stepped forward and turned the kicked woman over, seeing the woman's face, Yu Linglong couldn't help frowning slightly: "Why are you?"

The woman who was kicked by Linger turned out to be Princess Zhou whom she had not seen for a long time.

As soon as Princess Zhou saw Yu Linglong, she forgot about the pain, and hurriedly hid back until her back touched the wall before stopping.

Yu Linglong raised her eyes and looked into the depths of the alley, but she didn't find any other figures, so she asked, "Why are you here?"

The world is so chaotic, why is Princess Zhou only bringing a little maid to run around in the street, isn't she afraid of danger

Concubine Zhou's face was pale, obviously from the pain. Seeing Yu Linglong recognized her, she couldn't help but look down, lowered her head, and said softly: "Ninth younger siblings, you...don't tell my lord..."

Yu Linglong hummed lightly, and then Princess Zhou whispered: "My lord, the city is very chaotic, I'm not allowed to go out, I was suffocated in the palace, so I sneaked out... No, no, I want to go home and visit my parents …”

Seeing Princess Zhou's flickering expression, Yu Linglong realized that Princess Zhou was lying.

Thinking about it, if it was just to visit her parents, then what was she doing so fast just now? It was obvious that she was escaping from something like that.

It's just that it has nothing to do with Princess Zhou's purpose for coming out and who she is avoiding, and she doesn't care.

Concubine Zhou couldn't make it up by herself, so she raised her head to look at Yu Linglong, and quickly changed the subject: "Ninth siblings, why are you here?"

Yu Linglong didn't answer her question, she looked down at Princess Zhou's leg, and said calmly, "You are injured."

Linger's strength is not small, and she regards Princess Zhou as an assassin, so naturally she will not show mercy. This kick kicked Princess Zhou into the wall. Got soaked.

Concubine Zhou shrank her feet subconsciously, but gasped from the pain again and dared not move.

Yu Linglong nodded to Linger: "Take her to the nearby medical center."

Hearing Yu Linglong's words, Princess Zhou moved her lips a few times, but she never refused Yu Linglong's kindness.

The little servant girl heard that Princess Zhou called Yu Linglong's ninth younger sibling, so she no longer dared to speak out against her, and the two pairs of master and servant left the alley and walked outside.

Fortunately, there was a medical clinic not far away. Ling'er entered the door with Princess Zhou on her back, and greeted, "Come here, someone here is injured!"

Ling'er's domineering voice let people know that they were not young, and the doctor inside hurriedly lifted up his long gown and trotted out to meet them, saying, "Come in quickly, and carry them over there—"

As soon as the doctor looked up, he saw Yu Linglong who entered the door last.

Seeing the doctor, Yu Linglong couldn't help frowning slightly, what day is it today, why do you meet people you know everywhere

The doctor in front of me is the doctor who found out that Mrs. Yu was poisoned, that is, Mr. Huang, one of the followers of Qinglian Sect.

As soon as Mr. Huang saw Yu Linglong, he saluted immediately, his expression couldn't hide his excitement: "I will see the saint!"

Upon hearing this address, Yu Linglong couldn't help but feel dizzy, but Mr. Huang still looked surprised, and while bowing to give up his seat, he said hastily, "Saint, how are you doing these days? Last time..."

He raised his eyes and looked around, then lowered his voice: "The leader said, you were taken away by King Xu to save us. Your great kindness and virtue will never be forgotten by thousands of members of the Qinglian Sect. "

Yu Linglong heard his words getting more and more outrageous, and couldn't help interrupting him: "I'm not a saint!"

Only then did Mr. Huang realize his gaffe. He quickly glanced at Princess Zhou's master and servant over there, and said in a low voice, "Yes, this subordinate is being rude... Please forgive me, Holy Maiden."

Yu Linglong pursed her lips tightly, unwilling to waste any more words. She knew that for a person like Mr. Huang whose mind was full of the deep-rooted teachings of Qinglian Sect, no matter how she explained or denied, he would think that she was Qinglian. Lotus Saintess.

Yu Linglong was standing in the center of the medical hall, Ling'er was standing beside her, the master and servant obviously had no intention of staying for long. Mr. Huang didn't dare to be negligent, he personally checked Princess Zhou's injuries, and after confirming that the calf was only slightly injured and her body was fine, he reported the truth to Yu Linglong.

Of course, from beginning to end, he dared not bring up the topic of Qinglian Sect and the saint.

Seeing that Princess Zhou was fine, Yu Linglong didn't want to stay any longer, and asked Linger to leave a few ingots of silver for medical expenses, and left the clinic.

As for Princess Zhou's matter, she was not interested in inquiring about it. To send the injured Princess Zhou to the hospital, it was already the utmost benevolence for her.

But she didn't know that this seemingly ordinary episode almost brought her a fatal disaster.

Three days later, when Yu Linglong's carriage left the intersection of Prince Xu's Mansion, it was surrounded by a large group of people pouring out from nowhere.

"It's her! This is her car!" An indignant voice sounded from the crowd. Along with this voice, Yu Linglong suddenly felt the carriage shake a few times, as if being pushed vigorously.

"Demon girl, get out!"

"Sorceress! Harmful!"

"The vixen who has brought disaster to the country and the people, go to hell!"

The overwhelming cries seemed to smash Yu Linglong's carriage into pieces, Ling'er's face darkened, and she said in a low voice: "Princess, servant girl, go out and have a look."

Yu Linglong stretched out her hand, stopping Linger's movements.

Countless hands stretched out scrambling to push the carriage desperately. The thin curtains swayed violently, making people's eyes dazzled. Looking around, there were dense numbers of angry faces, men, women, old people, My child, everyone's expressions were full of deep hatred, as if they wanted to drag Yu Linglong out of the carriage immediately and tear it to pieces.

In the distance, more people rushed over. It seemed that the news spread quickly. More and more people knew that Yu Linglong was the holy girl of Qinglian Sect, the demon girl who was hated by countless people.

With such a mood, Yu Linglong can understand how many people in Qinglian Sect have given up their parents, wives and children, and family property, and only concentrate on practicing in the mountains. It seems that the Qinglian Sect is a demon sect that took away their relatives. How can they not hate and be angry

She can understand the excitement of the common people, but that doesn't mean she will make herself a scapegoat for Qinglian Sect.

More and more hands reached out to her carriage, and the carriage shook even more violently. If this continued, the carriage would soon be pushed down by the crowd.

At that time, she and Ling'er will have nowhere to hide.

The situation outside is critical, but Yu Linglong is not afraid. She has seen bigger scenes and experienced more dangerous moments than this. What she has to consider is how to minimize the loss without letting herself get hurt .

Although it happened so suddenly, she knew very well that the person who exposed her identity as the saint of the Qinglian Sect was Princess Zhou.

She doesn't have time to think now, what is the psychological reason for Princess Zhou to publicize her identity, and the most important thing at this moment is how to get out of these excited crowd.

She didn't want to hurt these innocent people, these people were just being used by others.

Suddenly there was a cracking sound outside the carriage, Ling'er probed out to have a look, and said: "Princess, the shaft is cracked."

If this continues, the carriage will really be torn apart by the crowd.

Yu Linglong was thinking about the countermeasures in the carriage, but she didn't notice that on the other side of the street, a healthy horse with a pine-green figure on its back was slowly passing by.

Seeing the noisy scene here, Gan Lin frowned, and was about to ride away when he heard a surprised voice from his entourage: "Hey, isn't that the carriage of Prince Xu's Mansion?"

Gan Lin was startled, and immediately looked over here, only to see golden bells hanging from the four corners of the carriage, which rang out under the pushing and shoving of the crowd.