The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 232


In the carriage.

Even though the wooden wall of the carriage is thick and thick, arrows still pierced through countless small holes. Yu Linglong and Ling'er sat tightly in the carriage, surrounded by densely packed arrows shining with cold light. There were more and more arrows, almost To tear the chariot apart.

With a bang, a sharp arrow came in through the gap in the desk of the car door, flew past Yu Linglong's shoulder, and plunged straight into the wooden wall behind the car.

Ling'er pulled out the arrow and stood up awkwardly: "Princess, servants are going to fight with them!"

Yu Linglong pulled Ling'er back and said in a deep voice: "Now is not the time to be brave, sit down quickly!"

Ling'er held a long arrow in her hand, and her voice changed anxiously: "Princess, should we just wait like this? If this continues, the carriage will sooner or later—"

Ling'er stopped talking, but she couldn't understand what she meant, they just stayed in the carriage like this, they were simply waiting to die.

Yu Linglong listened attentively to the movement outside, and said, "Sooner or later, their arrows will run out."

One sentence reminded Ling'er, Ling'er held the arrow in his hand and pressed his lips tightly.

Yu Linglong took the arrow from her hand and observed it carefully. The arrow was well-made and the clusters of arrows were sharp. Although there was no mark, Yu Linglong could tell at a glance that it was an arrow made by the government.

This also confirmed her conjecture that the person who chased and killed her was indeed sent by the prince.

It seems that she still underestimated the prince. She thought that the prince just wanted to incite the people to surround her carriage, but now it seems that the prince's plan was a series of tricks. If Yu Linglong didn't hurt the innocent people, then she could only choose to escape. Get out of the siege of the people and take refuge temporarily. The prince had already arranged for people to follow him all the way, and once he found Yu Linglong stopped, he would immediately strike, ready to take her life.

Yu Linglong's skill is well known, and there is another martial arts expert like Linger beside her. The prince was afraid that they would escape, so he arranged so many archers to shoot them alive.

Such a circle surrounded by arrows like locusts, even if Yu Linglong and Ling'er had two pairs of wings, they couldn't escape at all.

More and more arrows were shot on the carriage, almost covering the four walls of the carriage, even though Yu Linglong was bold and calm, seeing this situation, she couldn't help but hold Ling'er's hand tightly.

She didn't know the situation outside at all, if the prince really arranged enough archers, then once the carriage was shot by arrows, she and Ling'er would have nowhere to hide.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of the rain of arrows finally gradually decreased, and the surroundings returned to silence.

Yu Linglong covered Ling'er's mouth and signaled her to keep quiet, while she listened carefully to the movement around her.

The archer's arrows should not have been shot. The enemy may just want to check if the master and servant have not made a sound or moved for so long, so they have been shot to death.

If this is the case, someone will approach the carriage soon, and at that time, they will have a chance to escape.

Sure enough, as Yu Linglong expected, there was a sound of footsteps in the bushes, apparently walking towards the carriage.

Yu Linglong felt as if she was facing a formidable enemy, she couldn't help clenching the dagger tightly in her hand, she listened intently to the movement outside, and was ready to strike at any time.

She heard the man approaching the carriage, and saw a hand stretched out from behind the table, as if she wanted to push the table blocking the door of the carriage to see what was going on inside the carriage.

As soon as the table was pushed away, Yu Linglong stabbed out the dagger quickly, and the person outside immediately let out a painful cry, but before Yu Linglong could see where the person was injured, she heard the pain that had just subsided. The sound of arrow rain became dense again.

The person who pushed the case away uttered a cry of fear again, but this time it was not Yu Linglong who hurt him, but his companion, who mercilessly shot a sharp arrow into his body.

Yu Linglong's heart sank, she wanted to grab that person as a hostage or a shield to block the locust-like sharp arrows outside, but now it seems that those people only want their own lives, even if they sacrifice their own lives. No hesitation.

If so, it would be even more difficult to escape from here.

What's more terrible is that the desk at the door used as a shield was pushed away by that person, and now the car door is completely wide open, completely unable to block the rain of flying arrows.

At this critical juncture, there was a huge commotion outside, and before Yu Linglong and Linger could react, a figure fell from the sky and landed on the door of their carriage, immediately blocking part of the flying arrows.

Yu Linglong and Ling'er looked at each other, and before they could say anything, they heard screams of distress one after another in mid-air, and one after another figures fell from the sky onto the carriage, and in just a short time, the entrance of the carriage was blocked tightly by corpses. Yan Shishi immediately solved the crisis of Yu Linglong and Linger.

Ling'er boldly looked out from the gap in the car wall, Yu Linglong only saw a blue figure flying quickly in the air, and heard Ling'er's surprise cry: "Brother Feng, is that you!?"

Yu Linglong frowned, Feng Xuanyuan? Why is he here

But now is obviously not the time to think about this issue. Feng Xuanyuan's sudden arrival has attracted most of the enemy's attention, and the rain of arrows shooting at the carriage has obviously decreased a lot, and there are random sounds of shooting arrows in the air, all aimed at Feng Xuanyuan. The figure went.

Feng Xuanyuan's figure was fast, even though he was in the rain of arrows, he still dexterously avoided the clusters of arrows aimed at him, and from time to time he pulled out the archers hidden in the bushes and threw them to the carriage, blocking the flying arrows for Yu Linglong.

Seeing that Feng Xuanyuan was alone, Ling'er turned her head and said to Yu Linglong: "Princess, this servant is going out to help Brother Feng."

Yu Linglong took a deep look at Linger, paused, and then nodded in agreement: "Be careful."

Ling'er replied yes, then pushed away several corpses and flew out.

As soon as Ling'er went out, there were a few more shrill screams in the bushes. After being forced to hide in the car for so long by the arrow rain, Ling'er obviously held back a lot of energy. One was killed, and several archers were killed in a blink of an eye.

Although there are two masters, Feng Xuanyuan and Linger, there are hundreds of archers sent by the crown prince. Even if Feng Xuanyuan and Linger can outnumber ten, they still cannot completely stop the enemy's attack.

Just as many archers were aiming towards the sky, continuously firing bows and arrows that could not catch up with Feng Xuanyuan and Ling'er in vain, someone suddenly shouted: "Turn around, shoot the carriage!"

The archers immediately came to their senses, and aimed their bows and arrows at the carriage again. As long as they finished killing Yu Linglong, they could escape without any need to play hide-and-seek with Feng Xuanyuan and Linger.

Seeing a large cluster of arrows flying towards the dilapidated carriage, Ling'er exclaimed, and subconsciously flew towards the carriage, as if she wanted to block the lightning-fast arrows with her body.

It was too late, but before Ling'er's figure landed on the carriage, Feng Xuanyuan suddenly jumped over, pulled Ling'er from the air abruptly, and dodged a few flying arrows.

With just such a movement, a big gap was exposed in Feng Xuanyuan's figure, and a sharp arrow flew out unexpectedly, piercing deeply into Feng Xuanyuan's right chest.

Feng Xuanyuan let out a muffled groan, and before his feet landed on the carriage, he casually pulled out a long arrow from the hedgehog-like corpses at the door of the carriage, swung it back without looking at it, and suddenly there was a horrible sound in the woods. yelling, apparently hit by an arrow.

As soon as Ling'er saw the arrow on Feng Xuanyuan's body, she immediately let out a cry of surprise, she hurriedly pushed the corpse away, pushed Feng Xuanyuan into the carriage, followed in, and quickly blocked the door of the carriage with the corpse.

In the carriage, Ling'er looked at the arrow on Feng Xuanyuan's body with tears in his eyes, and stretched out his hand to pull it out, but he really didn't dare, so anxious that he burst into tears: "Brother Feng, what can I do..."

However, Feng Xuanyuan didn't seem to notice his injuries at all. From the moment he got into the carriage, his eyes stayed on Yu Linglong's body, and he didn't leave for a moment.

Yu Linglong glanced at him coldly, and said, "Why are you here?"

Feng Xuanyuan paused, and then said: "I heard that you are in danger."

Yu Linglong looked away, no matter how powerful Feng Xuanyuan was, it was impossible for her to guess the trap the crown prince set for her, that is to say, Feng Xuanyuan heard that the people knew her identity as Qinglian Saintess and wanted to treat her During the siege, Feng Xuanyuan just followed all the way, but unfortunately fell into the encirclement of the archers together with them.

Looking at Yu Linglong's indifferent face, Feng Xuanyuan's lips twitched into a familiar evil smile, and he whispered: "Yu'er, if it wasn't like this, I wouldn't be able to see you."

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, what time was it, Feng Xuanyuan was still thinking about these messy things.

Ling'er was very worried, and cried: "Brother Feng, what do you think, does it hurt? You... why are you so stupid... woo woo woo..."

Feng Xuanyuan smiled lightly, as if he didn't feel the pain at all, he glanced at Ling'er, and sighed: "Silly girl, why are you crying, I won't die, your princess... cough cough... let alone die …”

Perhaps because he spoke too hastily, Feng Xuanyuan suddenly coughed, and with the violent coughing, a smear of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, lining his pale face, it looked shocking.

Yu Linglong only took one look, and knew that he had hurt his lungs, so she couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said, "Stop talking, be careful not to hurt your body."

It was just a cold sentence, but Feng Xuanyuan suddenly raised his eyes to look at her, with unconcealable surprise in his eyes: "Yu'er, do you care about me?"

Yu Linglong listened carefully to the commotion outside, her face was cold,