The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 235


How well does the emperor treat the prince? For any good deed, the crown prince is given the first reward. That year when the Nanman rioted, it was General Zhenyuan who quelled the rebellion. The crown prince did not contribute money or efforts, but the emperor said that General Zhenyuan was recommended by the crown prince. General Zhenyuan made meritorious service. It is the crown prince's credit that rewarded the prince's mansion with a full hundred thousand taels of gold! But now, look, the prince wants to raise troops against his father! What an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf! "

"You don't understand this. The so-called habitual son is like killing a son. The emperor treats the prince so well that his appetite grows. Giving gold is not enough, and the emperor's country is also needed!"

Several scholars nodded one after another, and sighed: "It's really not enough to swallow an elephant!"

Another person said: "A good prince will not do anything, but insists on rebelling. What does this dude know about fighting? I heard that Prince Xu only used a little force to defeat the prince. From now on, it can be regarded as a war." Have a good day!"

A scholar hurriedly interjected: "You say, if the crown prince has fallen, who will be the new crown prince?"

Immediately someone laughed and said: "Do you still need to ask? It must be His Royal Highness Xu Wang. The emperor has been very respectful to Xu Wang these years. This time Xu Wang has made great contributions to suppressing the rebellion. If he is not appointed, who will be established?"

"It would be great if it was Prince Xu. Prince Xu loves the people like a son. He doesn't want to be like the prince, who has one thing on the surface and another on the back!"

"The downfall of the prince this time is a great thing for us ordinary people!"

These scholars talked with each other with great joy. They scolded the crown prince to the brim and praised Xu Wang like a phoenix in the sky. It was obviously a joy.

The prince's guard couldn't hold back, and stood up awkwardly: "Your Highness, this subordinate will kill all these ignorant people!"

Glancing at the gray-faced prince, Daoist Jing Ming shouted in a low voice, "Sit down!"

The guard clutched the handle of the knife in his hand and sat down angrily.

Although he was fleeing, Daoist Jing Ming was still wearing Taoist robes, looking calm and calm. He whispered to the prince: "In the Kangqian Rebellion in the previous dynasty, tens of thousands of soldiers forced the palace, and Emperor Wu was forced to escape from the capital. Two little eunuchs..."

Speaking of the past, the prince's eyes moved, and the light gathered again.

Daoist Jingming continued: "When Emperor Wu was the most downcast, he couldn't even fill his stomach, and he used chaff and grass roots to satisfy his hunger, but in the end he still achieved hegemony and became a famous emperor of a generation. Your Highness, the temporary difficulties are nothing. When he ascends the throne in the coming day, If you think of today's difficulties, you will feel that this is a test for you from the heavens, allowing you to experience and become an emperor through the ages!"

Hearing Daoist Jingming's encouraging words, the prince took a deep breath and said in a deep voice, "Thank you, Daoist, I will definitely do my best to make a comeback!"

It doesn't matter if he is a traitor that everyone despises, even if he is an unkind and unfilial son, as long as he can ascend to the supreme dragon chair, all these histories will be rewritten by him one by one. Later generations will praise his great achievements and his fortitude, and he will be famous forever!

And he knew that once he walked on this road, he could never turn back, either succeed or die. This is the price one pays for wanting to be king.

A guard looked towards the back vigilantly, and said in a low voice, "Your Highness, it seems that someone is chasing you."

The prince stood up and ordered: "Go!"

Everyone got on their horses together and raised their whips. The road was suddenly dusty, and they started the next journey of escape.

No one noticed that Daoist Jing Ming was last, and quietly left a strange-shaped mark on the shelf of the arbor with a dagger.

Not long after, a group of men in black riding a black horse galloped up. When they saw the mark on the shelf, someone immediately said, "Commander, there is a mark here."

The leader looked up at the sky, then at the panic-stricken shopkeeper of the tea shed, and raised his whip towards the setting sun.


Hundreds of men in black chased in the direction where the prince was fleeing like a storm in the night, and disappeared in an instant, leaving only a few scholars and the shopkeeper of the tea shed looking at each other.

Who are these people, and why do they look so terrifying? Is it possible for those who are chased by them to escape

The night sky seemed to be splashed with ink, and it was so dark that it made people feel uneasy. There were not a single star in the sky, and there were dark and unknown shadows everywhere in the mountains and forests, making weird calls from time to time.

The prince and his party walked towards the mountain path exhaustedly. The higher they went, the steeper the mountain became. They had to get off their horses, tried their best to identify the direction in the dark, and climbed up by feeling.

Even they themselves don't know where is their destination.

Walking to a flat ground with slightly gentle terrain, Daoist Jing Ming said, "Your Highness, rest here for one night, and it won't be too late to hurry tomorrow."

The prince had exhausted his strength a long time ago, so he just nodded and sat down first.

On the opposite side was the endless night, a guard tentatively threw a stone over there, but there was a rolling sound of bones, from near to far, as if falling into a deep place.

Daoist Jingming said in a deep voice: "Everyone, be careful, there is a cliff over there."

Everyone was terrified, they couldn't help leaning towards the mountain, and gathered together.

It was very cold on the mountain in the summer night. They were afraid of being discovered by the pursuers, but they did not dare to light a fire, so they had to get close together as much as possible to keep warm.

The prince sat alone on a rock, wondering what he was thinking.

Daoist Jing Ming distributed dry food among the crowd, and finally walked up to the prince, and handed him a piece of dry food.

"Your Highness, let's have something to eat."

The crown prince took the dry food, and by the feel of his hand, he knew it was a piece of dry and hard rough cake. He had no appetite, let alone eat it.

Holding dry food in his hand, the prince's eyes became even more dim in the dark night. He began to miss the rich life of the past, and even for a moment, he doubted the purpose of his rebellion. He is a noble prince. What if you can't be the emperor? How could it not be possible to eat such hard-to-eat pancakes with the cold wind blowing on the dark mountain at this moment!

But the next moment, he immediately denied his own thoughts. This path was chosen by himself, so he had to bear the consequences.

What's more, he didn't count as a loser until the last moment!

After pumping himself up enough, the prince brought the pancake in his hand to his mouth, and was about to start eating when he heard an exclamation from the guards.

The prince raised his eyes, but found that at some point, a group of black figures had gathered around them, silently surrounding them. In the darkness, these figures seemed to be ghosts, exuding bursts of biting chill.

"Who!?" The pancake in the prince's hand suddenly fell to the ground, he stood up abruptly, and subconsciously grabbed Daoist Jing Ming beside him. At this time, it seemed that only Daoist Jing Ming was his greatest support.

But he caught a blank, Taoist Master Jing Ming had left his side at some point and disappeared into the darkness.

The prince's hands were hanging in mid-air, empty-handed, and suddenly there was a feeling of loneliness in his heart that he had never felt before.

Someone blew on the fire pocket, lit the torch, and the wind on the cliff whistled past. In the flickering light of the fire, the prince finally saw who was coming.

The figure in the black robe seemed to have completely merged into the darkness, with only a handsome face staring at him coldly.

"Yu Lieyang, you are finally here."

At the moment when he saw King Xu, the prince's heart actually calmed down. He was exhausted from running away all day and night. Seeing King Xu, the first thought in his mind was: He doesn't have to run away anymore.

King Xu took a hidden guard and took a step closer to him in unison, shrinking the encirclement even tighter.

"You should go."

The prince took a few steps forward with a wry smile: "Okay, take me to see the father, and I will personally apologize to the father."

In the darkness, Xu Wang looked at him quietly, but did not answer his words.

An ominous premonition suddenly rose in the prince's heart, he suddenly increased his tone, and said, "Why, don't you dare?"

Under the firelight, Xu Wang's eyes were piercing, and he looked at the prince fixedly.

"You are not qualified."

Hearing these extremely cold words, the prince's legs suddenly went limp.

He is not eligible

What does Xu Wang's words mean? Does it mean that he is not qualified to see the emperor again, or that he is not qualified to live anymore

King Xu shook the edict in his hand, and said in a deep voice: "The emperor has an order, anyone who sees the abolished prince and his party will be shot to death!"

The weakness in the prince's legs became more obvious, which made him almost unable to stand. He had to squat on the ground, barely supporting his body.

"Impossible... Impossible! You must be falsely preaching the imperial decree! Father, it is impossible to kill me! This is absolutely impossible!"

Looking down at the desperate and terrified face of the prince, Xu Wang said coldly: "You are no longer the prince, and the emperor no longer recognizes you as his son. Your current status is just a rebel, a traitor, a human being." Anyone who gets it will be punished!"

The prince collapsed on the ground, his face full of disbelief, how could it be possible, the father loves him so much, how could he order someone to kill him!

He never thought that he would have such a day, he never thought that he would fail, let alone that he would be given death after failure, he is the prince, the eldest son of the emperor, and the benevolent heir of the people for many years, His future should soar into the sky and reach the sky, how could he die here!

Looking up at King Xu who was approaching him, the prince's voice was full of begging: "Ninth Brother... you take me to see Father, I don't want to die... You have always been kind, you won't