The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 42


Hasn't Linglong caused enough trouble in Changting Hou Mansion? After offending Princess Xinlin, these people still want to invite Yu Linglong as a guest? Are you not afraid that she will get into trouble

Mrs. Mu rubbed the center of her brows wearily, and pushed the invitation on the table to Mama Cui: "Give it to her, she can go wherever she wants."

Giving the right to choose to Yu Linglong won't offend others by Mu's intervention.

In the evening, Yu Linglong's reply came back.

Very simply, don't go at all.

Listening to Mama Cui's words, Mrs. Mu had the urge to cry without tears.

These families were the ones she couldn't even find in her hustle and bustle. Yu Linglong was just a little concubine, shouldn't she be flattered to get so many invitations? Why not go? This is a good opportunity to show off!

Not only did he not go, but he refused so simply, didn't this implicate Yufu

Mrs. Mu sighed: "Reply all of them. Be gentle with your reply. Don't offend others."

Yu Linglong is not afraid of offending people, but she is!

Within three or four days, a new saying began to circulate in the elite circles of the capital: Miss Yufu's fourth lady is arrogant and noble, and ordinary people can't invite her at all!

The more you can't get something, the more precious it is. Yu Linglong rejected everyone's invitations, but made her look mysterious and noble. She was just a concubine, but her status doubled immediately, almost becoming a legendary existence.

No matter what people outside talked about, at this moment Yu Linglong was concentrating on doing another thing.

Bai Xiangu's injury has recovered, but she still stays in the Yufu and refuses to leave, she just wants to get more benefits. After all, I was beaten up by the lady for no reason. This kind of thing doesn't happen often.

What the rich people are afraid of, the most fear is the ruin of their reputation, and Bai Xiangu is sure of this, so she decides to stay for a longer period of time. Anyway, Yufu has food, drink and shelter, which is much better than her dilapidated house.

But she didn't expect that what was waiting for her was not white money, but another disturbance.

Yu Linglong couldn't help sneering when she heard the news that Bai Xiangu was still living in Yufu.

It's really not greedy enough, Mrs. Mu has given her so much money, yet she is still hanging on here!

Since you don't leave, don't blame sister for being rude.

Yu Linglong has always acted swiftly and resolutely, since she has made up her mind, she will act immediately.

That night, she ordered Ling'er to "invite" Bai Xiangu over.

Seeing how Aunt Bai Xiangu's Taoist robe was ripped into crumpled pieces, rubbing her arms and standing on the ground with a mournful face, Yu Linglong nodded in satisfaction.

Well, it seems that Ling'er lived up to her expectations, and she was not polite at all.

You don't need to think about it, once Bai Xiangu heard that it was Yu Linglong who asked her to come over, she would definitely not be able to live or die. The reason why Yu Linglong used Ling'er was because Ling'er was good at punching and kicking. dragged.

When Bai Xiangu saw Yu Linglong, she knew that she was an unbelieving master, so she simply stopped pretending to be a fairy, and lowered her head and asked, "I don't know if Miss Four asked me to come over, what's your order?" ?”

I don't call myself an immortal anymore, how nice it is to speak so normally.

Yu Linglong's eyes twitched, and she looked at Bai Xiangu: "The last time Yu Peng came back, why did you frame me and trouble you again?"

Bai Xiangu was startled, it has been such a long time, why did Yu Linglong ask today

Thinking of Yu Linglong being beaten up by General Yu and being unable to get up for several days, Bai Xiangu shuddered, and honestly replied: "Yes... Madam gave me money and asked me to say so."

Yu Linglong snorted coldly, and knew that it was Mu Shi's old woman who did the trick. Yu Linglong had also heard about the open and secret struggle between Mu Shi and Aunt Mei, so after a little thought, she knew that Mu Shi must have used her as an excuse to find an opportunity to give her a hand. Aunt Mei's expression changed.

She doesn't care about these things. The Mu family and Aunt Mei's wives and concubines can fight as they like, and it has nothing to do with her.

But right now, she could just make a fuss about it.

Glancing at the guilt-ridden Bai Xiangu, Yu Linglong smiled coldly: "Tell me, how should I settle this account with you?"

Bai Xiangu trembled in fright, raised her head and glanced at Yu Linglong quickly.

What do you mean by this

It's just using Yu Linglong as an excuse, and she has nothing to lose to Yu Linglong, so why should she pay money

Bai Xiangu was used to blackmailing people, and with her thinking, she immediately thought that Yu Linglong was also trying to blackmail her.

Seeing Fairy Bai's bewildered look, Yu Linglong smiled slightly, stood up, and walked towards her slowly.

Every time she took a step, Bai Xiangu couldn't help shivering, she had experienced Yu Linglong's hot hands before, could it be that her newly recovered body was going to be beaten again

Seeing Yu Linglong walking in front of her, her eyes staring at her coldly, Fairy Bai felt that her heart was in her throat, and she forced herself to say: "You, what are you going to do?"

Yu Linglong suddenly smiled, her small face was like a hibiscus blooming, its brilliance flowing.

"You are afraid of me."

A faint sentence, but affirmative tone.

Bai Xiangu tried her best to support herself, not to collapse on the ground under Yu Linglong's sharp gaze, but she didn't even have the strength to speak.

Yu Linglong looked at Bai Xiangu's shrunken shoulders, and continued, "You think I'm a ghost, don't you?"

Bai Xiangu's legs began to tremble, this girl is either a demon or a demon, she is definitely not a human being!

How could ordinary people have such sharp eyes, and how could they see through her thoughts so easily!

Yu Linglong looked down at Fairy Bai who was getting lower and lower, and said softly: "I'm not a ghost, but I know, there are no ghosts."

Fairy Bai, who was about to collapse, suddenly raised her head, what did Yu Linglong mean by that

Yu Linglong gave a rare smile: "I want you to do one thing, after you finish this thing, you can get out of Yufu safely."

Her voice had an oppressive aura, Bai Xiangu absolutely believed that if she did not agree to Yu Linglong, then she would definitely not be able to leave with all her arms and legs.

At this time, Fairy Bai started to regret it, she should have packed up her bags and left after getting the money, so that she would not fall into Yu Linglong's hands again like now.

Now that the matter has come to this point, Bai Xiangu has no choice but to agree.

"...Miss Si, please give me instructions." With a slightly trembling voice, with the helplessness of wanting to cry but no tears, Bai Xiangu bowed her head in mourning, waiting for Yu Linglong's order.

"Aren't you here to exorcise ghosts?" Yu Linglong sneered, "Miss Ben, as you wish!"

056 Is it really a wronged soul

As soon as Mrs. Mu came back from Yu Qianjiao's courtyard, Shuangtao came over and said, "Ma'am, Fairy Bai is here, and she has been waiting in the wing room for a long time."

Ever since using the detoxifying elixir that General Yu brought back from Northern Xinjiang, Yu Qianjiao's body has begun to recover, and the big stone in Mu's heart has gradually let go, and now when she heard Bai Xiangu came, her heart tightened again: "Her? What is she here for?"

Shuangtao said: "I don't know about this servant either, but looking at Xiangu's appearance, it seems that there is something important."

Mrs. Mu sighed: "Call her in."

What an eventful year!

Wearing a light blue Taoist robe, Bai Xiangu floated into the room with a dust whisk in her hand.

"I haven't seen you for a few days. How is Madam?" The wounds from Yu Linglong's beating had already healed, and Fairy Bai had turned into an outsider again. At this time, she bowed to the head and greeted Mrs. Mu with both respect and dignity.

Mrs. Mu really couldn't say a good word, the whole family in Yufu was disturbed by Yu Linglong, so how could she be good as the head of the house

Mrs. Mu forced a smile and raised her hand to give up her seat: "Thank you Xiangu for your concern, everything is fine."

Fairy Bai sat down slowly, but her eyes looked at Mu Shi's face from time to time, with an inscrutable look.

Mrs. Mu felt a little uneasy when Bai Xiangu looked at her, and couldn't help but ask, "May I ask why Xiangu is here?"

Fairy Bai smiled faintly: "It's because of the fourth lady of your mansion last time—"

Mrs. Mu hurriedly said: "This matter is all her fault. I offended Aunt Xiangu, and I ask Mrs. Aunt Xiangu to have a lot of money. Don't worry about it."

After thinking about it, he still asked, "I don't know what other conditions Xiangu has?"

Mrs. Mu thought that Bai Xiangu was here to extort money again. Although Bai Xiangu failed to exorcise ghosts last time and was beaten, but after all, most of them were the responsibility of Yufu. Never dare to offend.

This is what is meant by the saying that asking God is easy and sending God away is difficult.

Unexpectedly, Fairy Bai shook her head slowly, with a dignified and righteous look: "What does Madam think of this fairy? Is this fairy a greedy person who forgets righteousness!?"

After saying this, Mu's heart became even more uncertain. Bai Xiangu took the initiative to come to the door this time, and asked for money without a clear price. What is she going to do

Fairy Bai flicked the whisk lightly, and said: "Since I was entrusted by my wife, I want to drive away evil spirits for your house. Last time...well, something happened..."

The last time she was beaten up by Yu Linglong, but nothing was done, Bai Xiangu was much more depressed than Mu Shi. If this matter gets out, do you still want your own signboard

Fortunately, Yu Linglong gave her another chance. If this matter is done, she can not only restore her lost reputation, but also earn a fortune.

Of course, the most important thing is that Yu Linglong can let herself go.

Fairy Bai cleared her throat, and continued: "I've been living in the mansion these days, and I've seen a lot of clues. This evil spirit is really cunning, and it even fooled me..."

Mrs. Mu stared blankly at Bai Xiangu's lips fluttering up and down, hearing it in a fog.

What does Bai Xiangu mean