The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 54


I entered the living room in the front yard of Yufu.

As soon as General Yu entered the room, he respectfully saluted King Xu: "Chen Yupeng, I have met Prince Xu."

As soon as the words fell, he heard Xu Wang snorted heavily: "How did you become a father? Linglong was bullied, do you know that!?"

General Yu was taken aback, he didn't know about these messy things in his inner courtyard, and even if he wanted to, he wouldn't dare to take care of that fierce woman Yu Linglong!

He has seen how much Xu Wang cares about Yu Linglong these days, and now seeing Xu Wang coming to question him, he was at a loss and frightened for a while, and hurriedly said: "My lord, forgive me, I don't know if Linglong is here. What is it that made the prince so angry?"

It's okay if he doesn't ask, but Xu Wang's face becomes even more ugly when he asks: "What happened to your daughter, you still want to ask me!?"

General Yu wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, and asked cautiously: "My lord, did you say that Linglong was bullied by someone? May I ask who was bullied?"

Xu Wang was annoyed: "How does this king know? This king only saw that Linglong was covered in blood, and she is still recuperating in the room!"

This was half-truth, half-false, but General Yu was really taken aback. He was able to hurt that fierce girl Yu Linglong like this. What happened to his backyard

Regardless of King Xu still sitting in the upper seat, General Yu immediately called the manager of the mansion: "What happened in the backyard? Why is Fourth Miss covered in blood!?"

The steward took a peek at King Xu, mumbled his lips, and said in a low voice, "Yes... it's between Miss Six and Miss Four..."

Although the courtyard where Yu Qianjiao's accident happened is remote, the news spread quickly. In just a while, the head of the Yu Mansion had already heard about Yu Qianjiao's injury. Knowing how to report to the master, at this moment when General Yu asked about it, he had no choice but to say it in detail.

When General Yu heard that Yu Qianjiao had been beaten beyond recognition, with not a single tooth left in his mouth, he was so shocked that his mind went blank. Although he had just whipped Yu Qianjiao a few days ago, it was his only whip after all. The daughter of the prostitute is Mu's favorite, now she has become like this, how does Mu know how she feels!

However, in front of Xu Wang, General Yu had to suppress his worries about Yu Qianjiao, but to fully show his concern for Yu Linglong. He calmed down and asked, "What about Linglong? What happened to her?" place?"

Attacked by a group of vicious dogs, what will happen to a delicate woman? Just looking at Xu Wang's furious and tense expression, General Yu decided that Yu Linglong must be seriously injured.

Although he put on a concerned expression on his face, he was still somewhat happy in his heart. If that rebellious woman dared to beat him up, it would be better if she was bitten to death by a vicious dog this time!

072 Uninvited Guest

But the manager's words made the joy that had just surged up in his heart vanish, and the manager replied: "Master, don't worry, Miss Fourth is doing well, not a single hair was hurt."

General Yu was stunned, but King Xu stood up abruptly: "What? You still say that Linglong is very good? I personally saw her covered in blood, yet you said she was very good!"

The manager was so frightened that he fell to his knees on the ground with a thud, and kept kowtowing: "Your Majesty, forgive me! The servant also heard what the servants said. They said that the fourth lady killed all the dogs and beat the sixth lady... The servant is really innocent. I heard that Fourth Miss was also injured!"

General Yu stood aside, feeling extremely miserable, his daughter had all her teeth knocked out by Yu Linglong, yet King Xu wanted to complain for Yu Linglong

The person who hit the person was not injured at all, but he still needs to be beaten up to hold the person who was beaten accountable. Where can he justify this matter!

Looking at Xu Wang who was eager to ask him to give an explanation, General Yu could only knock down his teeth and swallow it in his stomach: "This... I really don't know that there is such a thing. Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely punish them severely."

"What?" Xu Wang raised his eyebrows, "Linglong was bullied like that, and you still want to punish her!?"

General Yu was speechless, King Xu only saw that Yu Linglong was covered in blood, but didn't he hear that Yu Qianjiao didn't even have any teeth? Could it be that after Yu Qianjiao suffered such a big loss, King Xu wanted him to punish Yu Qianjiao again

Although Xu Wang is interested in Yu Linglong, but this... this is too unreasonable!

However, although General Yu's brain is not bright, he is not stupid enough to reason with King Xu, so he could only say: "Yes, yes, I am wrong, Linglong is not wrong, I dare not... I will not punish her. "

Only then did King Xu nodded with satisfaction, and added: "Hurry up and ask Linglong to have a look! A little girl who has been chased by several big dogs for a long time must be terrified!"

General Yu was sweating coldly, did King Xu not hear clearly what the manager said just now? Several vicious dogs were killed by Yu Linglong, how could she be frightened!

General Yu didn't dare to look directly at King Xu anymore, he just lowered his head and kept agreeing: "Yes, I will send someone to invite the doctor right now."

Xu Wang snorted: "If I let this king know that some of you are bullying Linglong again, I will never forgive you!"

Throwing down these words, Xu Wang swaggered away, leaving General Yu standing there blankly.

After a while, he turned his head and saw the manager who was also stunned in place.

The suffocation that had been held for a long time was vented instantly, and General Yu roared angrily: "Are you deaf? Hurry up and get the doctor!"

Even if Yu Linglong wasn't injured, he still had to let someone come and see Yu Qianjiao!

On the second day after Yu Qianjiao was injured, Yu Qianliu, wearing only plain clothes and bare feet, knelt at the gate of Pinlanyuan and wept bitterly, saying that she was also used by Yu Qianjiao and begging Yu Linglong for forgiveness.

The gate of Pinlan Court was closed tightly, Yu Linglong didn't hear Yu Qianliu's wailing, but all the servants in Yu Mansion roughly deduced the whole story from Yu Qianliu's words.

Yu Qianjiao used Yu Qianliu to trick Yu Linglong to go to that remote courtyard. Originally, she wanted to use the vicious dog to bite Yu Linglong or even kill Yu Linglong, but Yu Linglong killed the vicious dog and beat Yu Qianjiao to death. seriously injured.

There were a lot of discussions among the servants of the Yufu, but not many people sympathized with Yu Qianjiao. Yu Qianjiao was usually coquettish and tricky, so she was unpopular, but this time she took the initiative to provoke her and was punished. How can there be a few people who really feel sorry for Yu Qianjiao.

Hearing the news that Yu Qianjiao had lost all her teeth by Yu Linglong, Mu Shi, who was still injured, had a high fever that night and fell into a coma.

As for the perpetrator, Yu Linglong, no one dared to hold her accountable.

Not to mention that she has King Xu as her backer to protect her now, she has spoken to General Yu, and no one is allowed to embarrass Yu Linglong, even if there is no King Xu, no one in Yufu would dare to provoke that fierce woman Yu Linglong.

Mrs. Mu, General Yu, the two leading figures in the Yu Mansion were all beaten up by Yu Linglong, and now Yu Qianjiao, the noble daughter-in-law, was also beaten terribly by Yu Linglong. Who would dare to look for Yu Linglong

For a while, Pinlanyuan became a place that no one dared to approach in Yufu, and it was even quieter than when it was haunted before.

This was just right, Yu Linglong couldn't wish for this kind of tranquility.

Although no one dared to disturb Yu Linglong, she knew exactly what happened in the mansion.

Mrs. Mu was bedridden with injuries and illnesses, Aunt Mei took the opportunity to pamper the inner courtyard, and even began to intervene in the big and small affairs of the mansion, and euphemistically called it: share the worries of the master and wife.

Aunt Mei was able to win over General Yu in northern Xinjiang for nearly three years. After all, she had certain means. Unlike the Mu family who was dignified and strict, Aunt Mei was gentle and kind, and she never smiled or talked to her servants. Even if the punishment is light, it won the hearts of many people for a while.

Aunt Mei even made a special trip to Pinlanyuan twice to greet and care about Yu Linglong, but Yu Linglong took it indifferently, but she became a little wary of Aunt Mei in her heart.

In this Yu Mansion where everyone avoids her, Aunt Mei dares to get close to her. This woman is bold and careful, not a simple character.

It's a pity that such a woman is just an aunt, and she is destined not to become a big climate. Moreover, Yu Linglong knew that once Mu's injury healed, Aunt Mei would definitely become a thorn in Mu's side, a thorn in her flesh, and she must be pulled out as soon as possible.

At that time, there will be another disturbance in Yufu.

However, these things have nothing to do with her. In her eyes, Aunt Mei's overtures are nothing more than a clumsy trick. If she wants to use these things to make her stand on Aunt Mei's side and help fight against the Mu family, that is Absolutely impossible.

She would just watch the affairs of the Yufu with cold eyes.

Peaceful days are always so short, this morning, Yu Linglong was having breakfast in her room, when there was a sound of footsteps in the yard.

Ling'er entered the room and hurriedly said: "Miss, someone is here!"

Yu Linglong put down her chopsticks and frowned: "It's that guy again? Let him go!"

As soon as Xu Wang was mentioned, Yu Linglong was filled with displeasure, and just wanted him to disappear from her life immediately.

Ling'er waved her hands anxiously: "It's not the prince—"

Before the words were finished, there was a burst of laughter like silver bells at the door, followed by a girl's crisp voice: "Yu Linglong, are you at home?"

Yu Linglong was a little strange, she didn't know anyone, who would come to her

The door curtain was lifted, and a young woman had already entered the room, followed by two panicked little maids: "Miss Si, I really can't stop this lady..."

073 Dare to Molested Her!

Yu Linglong raised her eyes and saw that the visitor was wearing a dark blue dress with pinched flowers, her round face was full of smiles, it turned out to be Shi Huiru who had met once in Changting Houfu.
