The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 55


Ru generously moved to a table by the table, waved her hand to signal the two maidservants who came in with her to go down, and said to Yu Linglong with a smile: "Let me intercede with you on their behalf, I insisted on coming in, with them That's all right!"

Yu Linglong looked worried: "What do you want from me?"

All of them ran directly to her yard, thinking that her place is a vegetable market? Anyone can come

Shi Huiru cast a reproachful glance at Yu Linglong: "Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do? Last time I saw you, I couldn't say a word properly. I posted so many posts for you, but you refused to come even once. If I If you don't just break in, I'm afraid you won't see me yet!"

Yu Linglong said lightly, "I'm not familiar with you."

Shi Huiru smiled and said, "Who says you're not familiar? You'll be familiar with it after seeing it a few times!"

As he spoke, he lowered his voice again, with an excited look on his face: "You don't know, do you? Last time you poured wine on Princess Xinlin's face, everyone admired you secretly!"

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows, admire her

Shi Huiru covered her mouth with a smile and said: "That Princess Xinlin, relying on being the queen's goddaughter, always squints her eyes when seeing people, and looks superior. Hmph, she still thinks that she is really a relative of the emperor, In fact, she is not the same person as us! Everyone dares to be angry and dare not speak out, but you took care of her that day and vented your anger for many people!"

No wonder the ladies from various families invited Yu Linglong's invitations to come like snowflakes. It turned out that because of the last incident, everyone was full of goodwill and curiosity about Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong didn't look happy, and picked up her chopsticks to eat again: "There's nothing else, you can go back, I still have breakfast..."

Shi Huiru grabbed her chopsticks before she could eat the goose feet with red oil that had just been picked up: "What's so delicious about this? I'll take you to a place that guarantees that you will never forget it once you eat it." No! Come with me!"

Yu Linglong was stunned, Shi Huiru was the first person who dared to snatch her chopsticks, no matter in her previous life or in this life.

Before she could recover, Shi Huiru grabbed her hand and dragged her out of the door.

Yu Linglong couldn't laugh or cry for a while, this little girl is really familiar, but she is so passionate that it makes people feel angry.

Without saying a word, Shi Huiru pulled Yu Linglong and walked out. Yu Linglong only had time to call Ling'er before she was dragged out of the gate.

Ling'er quickly took the purse, and quickly followed Yu Linglong out the door.

It wasn't until Shi Huiru pulled her into the carriage that Yu Linglong said, "You should tell me, where are you taking me?"

Shi Huiru smiled and said, "You're bored at home all day, what's the fun? I'll take you to a good place."

Then he told the servant girl: "Tell the coachman to drive quickly, let's go to Pudu Temple."

Seeing Yu Linglong's puzzled expression, Shi Huiru said: "The vegetarian restaurant there is very good. I had someone book a table for us early on. This is the right time to go."

Yu Linglong looked at the sky outside, so early in the morning, to eat vegetarian

Shi Huiru smiled triumphantly: "Let's burn incense and pray to Buddha first, and then eat vegetarian food. I also invited a few ladies. If they know that I can invite you, they must admire me very much!"

Yu Linglong was speechless, she didn't expect that she would become a famous person in such a short time since she came to ancient times.

After walking in the carriage for a while, Yu Linglong understood why Shi Huiru had come to invite her so early. Transportation was inconvenient in this day and age, and their destination, Pudu Temple, was far away on a mountain in the suburbs. Start early.

Along the way, Shi Huiru chattered about the new things of each family, coupled with the rugged mountain road and bumpy carriage, it made Yu Linglong dizzy.

When she was drowsy, Shi Huiru suddenly shouted excitedly: "Wake up, the front is here!"

Yu Linglong reluctantly opened her eyes, lifted the curtain on the car window and looked out. At the end of the mountain road, there stood a simple and majestic temple. The ground was paved with blue stones, and the fence was made of white jade. From the outside to the inside, there were three tall temples. The plaque above is engraved with various beasts, which adds a lot of majestic momentum to the entrance.

Shi Huiru helped the maid to get off the carriage, and said, "Let's go up from here, after burning the incense, we can go to the guest room at the back."

Yu Linglong also got out of the car with Ling'er, and she hasn't gone out for a long time. Seeing this fresh scenery at first glance, Yu Linglong felt refreshed.

Pudu Temple is located in the mountains, cool and secluded, the mountain wind blows, bringing a burst of fresh breath unique to the mountains and forests, mixed with the fragrance of flowers, which makes people feel refreshed.

Seeing Yu Linglong admiring the scenery, Shi Huiru smiled and said, "I knew you would like it, let's go, let's go in first."

At this time, it was not a festival, and there were not many tourists on the mountain. Yu Linglong and Shi Huiru went up the steps and went straight into the Guanyin Hall.

In front of the Buddha statue, a young monk was tapping the wooden fish lightly and reciting scriptures in a low voice, which added a bit of solemnity to the hall. The faint scent of sandalwood lingers in the nose, and the mood is much calmer without knowing it.

Shi Huiru pulled Yu Linglong to kneel on the futon, looked up at the Buddha statue, kowtowed reverently, then folded her hands together and bowed her head to pray.

Kneeling on the futon, Yu Linglong suddenly had a strange feeling that she had never believed in the cycle of life and death, but she had traveled to this era and had a brand new life again, just like she once believed in love so much, but her fate followed her. She made a cruel joke.

What should be believed and what should not be believed, she has been a human being in two lives, but at this moment she feels at a loss.

Yu Linglong knelt down on the futon with her eyes downcast, she didn't kowtow, and she didn't wish for anything. Even if there were gods in this world, she was unwilling to entrust her fate to the illusory gods and Buddhas.

At this moment, she was wearing a clear water-colored spring shirt, sitting silently on her knees, like a lotus flower blooming slowly in the quiet hall.

In the quiet hall, any sound is so obvious. Before Yu Linglong got up, she felt that someone was behind her. She thought it was a believer who was going to pay a visit to Guanyin, but the next moment, her feet suddenly tightened. , was pinched by someone.

Yu Linglong's reaction was extremely quick, she immediately broke free from the hand and stood up abruptly.

Shi Huiru next to him immediately got up and looked at the people behind him in surprise.

The leader was a young man in a ochre-colored gown, with a medium build, a face like a powder, a pair of peach eyes looking at Yu Linglong unscrupulously, with a frivolous expression on his face: "What a beauty, but unfortunately her feet are not small enough."

Seeing this, Shi Huiru only brought a personal servant girl with her. Seeing this, she couldn't help but timidly stepped back, quietly stretched out her hand to pull Yu Linglong, and said in a low voice, "Don't pay attention to him, let's go first."

Yu Linglong's beautiful eyes narrowed slightly, and a sharp cold light shot out, this kid was so daring that he dared to tease her!

074 How is it? Is it fun

Seeing Shi Huiru's terrified expression, the young man couldn't help but feel a little more proud, and said complacently, "Which family are you girls from? Why don't you go with the master and guarantee that you will enjoy good food and spicy food, and enjoy endless blessings for the rest of your life!"

Yu Linglong snorted coldly: "What a big tone! What the hell are you?"

The servant behind the man immediately shouted: "Bold! Our master is a dignified son of the Minister of the Ministry of War. You, a commoner girl, dare to speak wild words, are you not afraid of being punished!?"

Yu Linglong sneered, these brats probably saw that Shi Huiru and Yu Linglong only had a little girl with them, and they thought they were Xiaojiabiyu from common people, so they dared to molest them openly.

Seeing that Yu Linglong didn't speak, the man thought she was scared, and said with a smile: "Your name is Feng Sihuai, you might as well inquire about what kind of person you are, if you follow me, I will definitely not treat you badly—"

As he said that, Feng Sihuai reached out to lift Yu Linglong's chin, and his face was narrowed, which made people feel disgusted.

Ling'er stepped forward in two steps, and blocked Feng Sihuai's hand: "Let go, you are not allowed to touch our young lady!"

Feng Sihuai said with a smile: "Hey, this little girl is hot enough! What are you in a hurry for? I'm just playing with your lady. After playing, it will be your turn!"

Yu Linglong's patience had reached its limit, after hearing this, she immediately kicked Feng Sihuai to the ground!

"Ouch!" Feng Sihuai was caught off guard, clutching his stomach and howling miserably!

Seeing that his master was at a disadvantage, the servant behind him rushed forward with his arms and sleeves rolled up, and scolded in a dirty voice: "Little bitch, it's your blessing that our son has taken a fancy to you, you fucking don't pay me back!" Dare to hit someone? I think you don't want your life!"

Yu Linglong coldly snorted disdainfully, grabbed the arm of the boy in front, pulled backhand, immediately removed the boy's arm, then kicked his ass, kicking him to the ground.

On the other side, Ling'er also stepped forward to meet him, knocking down two servants with three punches and two kicks.

At this time Feng Sihuai had already stood up, clutching his stomach, grinning his teeth in pain, stumbled forward a few steps, pointed at Yu Linglong and said: "Fuck me, grab this little bitch—"

Before he finished speaking, Yu Linglong appeared beside him like a ghost, her little hand precisely pinched his chin, twisted it along with the trend, and only heard a click, Feng Sihuai's chin was dislocated, and then He also swallowed half a sentence vigorously.

After listening to the master's words, the rest of the servants still rushed upwards recklessly. Yu Linglong casually pushed Feng Sihuai to the side, and with a beautiful swinging leg, the servants were hit one after another, and fell to the ground on their backs. on the ground.

The silent and empty hall was now full of painful groans. Feng Sihuai and his dog legs each hugged their wounds and twisted their bodies on the ground, no longer the arrogance they had just now.
