The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 56


Where had Ru ever seen such a scene, his teeth were chattering with fright, and he shrank in the corner of the hall with his little maid, not daring to speak, let alone get up.

Yu Linglong patted the dust off her hands, walked in front of Feng Sihuai, picked up the embroidered shoes, and pushed his dislocated chin straight up, Feng Sihuai immediately grinned in pain and let out a ho-ho moan.

Yu Linglong looked at him condescendingly, her face was full of coldness: "How about it, is it fun?"

Doesn't he want to have fun? Then she will play enough with him!

Feng Sihuai was so painful that he couldn't speak, his eyes looked at Yu Linglong in horror, his face was full of begging for mercy. He moved back little by little, and moved himself directly under the desk, as if it would be safer this way.

Yu Linglong casually picked up the large incense burner on the table, and put it on Feng Sihuai's head with a bang: "Sister tells you, how to play is fun!"

The heavy incense burner hit his head, and immediately smashed Feng Sihuai dizzily, thick incense ash covered his eyes, his nose, his mouth, he wanted to run, but couldn't see the way clearly; wanted to gasp, but couldn't breathe out; I wanted to call for help, but I couldn't open my mouth.

Yu Linglong looked at the big iron-headed doll waving its hands wildly in front of her, smiled coldly, and kicked directly on the incense burner with a sharp kick!

With a loud bang, Feng Sihuai flew out with the incense burner in an instant, and fell heavily on the high threshold of the main hall, without even humming, he remained motionless.

Yu Linglong blew on the incense ash in her hands, and walked towards Shi Huiru without blushing or panting: "What are you still doing hiding here, get up quickly!"

Shi Huiru stood up tremblingly, then looked at the people stumbling around on the ground, and could hardly believe her eyes: "This... this is..."

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows: "What are you afraid of? It's not you who hit me."

On the way just now, wasn't this little girl pretty good at talking? Why can't you say a word right now? The courage is small enough!

Shi Huiru took a deep breath before saying what she wanted to say: "Linglong, you are too courageous!"

Yu Linglong snorted coldly with disdain: "What's wrong with beating him? Who told him to dare to provoke me!"

Shi Huiru said frightenedly: "Didn't you hear? He is the son of Feng Shangshu of the Ministry of War! That is your father's immediate boss!"

Yu Linglong was startled, and then laughed, really, Minister of the Ministry of War, isn't that old bastard Guan Yupeng

How should Yupeng's daughter beat Feng Shangshu's son

This is enough for Yupeng to drink a pot.

Yu Linglong was in a surprisingly good mood after beating the man, and said with a smile, "Why do you care so much? I'm hungry, let's go, let's eat vegetarian food!"

The backyard of Pudu Temple is covered with four or five neat rows of wing rooms, surrounded by high walls, and behind it is a deep mountain. Because there are many female guests who come here to burn incense and worship Buddha, most of them are official family members, so here Separated from the main hall in front by the double mountain gate, it is very quiet.

Yu Linglong and Shi Huiru were sitting in the room, with a large table of exquisite vegetarian dishes in front of them, but Shi Huiru looked preoccupied and had no intention of eating at all.

Yu Linglong was just the opposite, she was dragged out by Shi Huiru before she finished her meal in the morning, she tossed and tossed all morning, she stretched her muscles and bones just now, and now she has a big appetite.

All kinds of dishes in this vegetarian banquet are made of raw materials such as yuba, winter bamboo shoots, radishes, fresh mushrooms, mushrooms, tofu, and magnolia slices. Perhaps because of the reason in the north, most of the dishes are heavy in color and flavor. The aroma, taste, and shape are all good, and it makes people's index fingers move when they look at it.

The dishes that Yu Linglong can name are probably golden taro balls, sweet and sour chrysanthemums, Dongpo melon meat, lily and aloe vera, Jinzhenchuansun rolls, shiitake mushroom gluten, eight treasures fried sugar vegetables, etc., and a few other dishes are hers Never seen before. Yu Linglong was in a good mood today, and she started talking a lot, pointing to one of the dishes and asking, "What is this?"

075 He has nothing to do with me!

Shi Huiru looked up and said, "It's a curly fruit with a peculiar smell. Use pulp, jujube paste, yam, honey, white sugar, osmanthus, roll it with oil skin, steam it and fry it, then soak it in honey, add green red silk and golden cake before putting it on the plate. It tastes sweet."

Yu Linglong took a piece of it, it melted in the mouth, it was sweet but not greasy, with sweet osmanthus fragrance, the taste was really good.

Seeing Yu Linglong eating happily, Shi Huiru couldn't help asking: "Are you not worried at all?"

Yu Linglong stopped her chopsticks and looked at Shi Huiru: "Worried? What am I worried about?"

Shi Huiru sighed helplessly: "You beat Feng Shangshu's son like that just now, I'm afraid their family will ask you for a crime tomorrow! Aren't you afraid that General Yu will teach you a lesson?"

Yu Linglong couldn't help but smile: "Him? He wouldn't dare to lend him two more guts!"

Shi Huiru was stunned. In this feudal era, women talked about three obediences and four virtues. As unmarried women like them, they paid attention to obedience to their fathers before marriage. That is to say, they had to obey their father's teachings completely and unconditionally. She had to obey her parents' instructions in every move, not to mention that Yu Linglong was causing trouble and beating people outside now.

But what seemed earth-shattering in Shi Huiru's eyes, to Yu Linglong, it was overturned with a single sentence. Although she still admired Yu Linglong's courage to pour wine on Princess Xinlin's face before, Shi Huiru still finds it incomprehensible to hear Yu Linglong's rebellious words.

Looking at Shi Huiru's staring round eyes, Yu Linglong couldn't help pursing her lips and smiling. She put down her chopsticks and turned her head to look at Shi Huiru: "Are you afraid?"

Shi Huiru frowned: "If my mother knew that I was causing trouble outside, she would definitely not let me go."

Yu Linglong raised her eyebrows slightly: "I was the one who beat someone, and you didn't do anything, what did she punish you for?"

Shi Huiru had a bitter face: "I originally ran out today secretly. If my mother finds out that I went to Pudu Temple to beat people, I will definitely not be allowed to go out again."

Yu Linglong shook her head, not caring about the girl's petty thoughts, and changed the subject: "Didn't you say that you invited someone else? Why are we the two of you?"

Only then did Shi Huiru think of something: "Hey, Yunzheng said she would come over today, why hasn't she arrived yet?"

Yu Linglong raised her eyes suddenly: "What did you say, Yang Yunzheng is coming too?"

Shi Huiru nodded: "Yes, she said that she admired you very much, and she was the one who suggested that I invite you to eat vegetarian food here!"

Yu Linglong keenly sensed that there seemed to be something wrong, but she couldn't grasp any clues, she pondered for a moment, and said: "It's getting late, I'm afraid Yang Yunzheng won't come, let's go back."

When it came to going back, Shi Huiru's face was full of bitterness, and he stood up while sighing: "I'm afraid the Feng family already knows that we two beat their son, and they don't know what my family is like now."

Yu Linglong got a little dizzy: "I told you that you didn't hit me, so you wouldn't tell your mother that you didn't do anything?"

Just like her, when she sees a fight, she knows to hide in a corner and tremble, and she said that she partnered with her to beat Feng Sihuai

Shi Huiru stomped her feet, looking desperate: "Forget it, let's take it together if there is a problem!"

Yu Linglong was a little surprised, before she could speak, Shi Huiru had already taken her hand, her face was full of regret: "Don't worry, I won't ignore my loyalty and leave you alone!"

Looking at Shi Huiru's earnest round face, Yu Linglong was speechless for a while.

This little girl also knows what loyalty is

When she was pinched by Feng Sihuai just now, Shi Huiru hid behind her and didn't dare to say a word!

Shi Huiru obviously didn't notice Yu Linglong's helplessness, and she clenched her little hands more and more tightly: "If it wasn't for me, you wouldn't be molested by that bad guy Feng Sihuai; if it wasn't for you, I would be bullied by him too! From now on we will be good Sisters, share weal and woe!"

Yu Linglong's head was full of black lines, she hit Feng Sihuai only because that boy molested her, not because of Shi Huiru, but seeing Shi Huiru's behavior now, it is obvious that she thought she was standing out for her.

Yu Linglong didn't bother to explain, and directly pulled out her hand that was hurting from being grabbed: "You can do whatever you like."

To her, Shi Huiru was just a teenage girl, not really a good sister.

Now that she has decided to share good and bad, Shi Huiru's mood is obviously much better. On the way down the mountain, she lifted the curtain from time to time to look out of the car, and whispered in her mouth: "This Yunzheng, who promised to come, didn't come , I will definitely ask her carefully when I go back. You must know how difficult it is for me to invite you!"

Yu Linglong couldn't help but laugh, when did she become such a popular figure? It actually made Shi Huiru feel that it was a great honor to invite her.

Shi Huiru talked to herself for a while, then suddenly remembered something, turned her head and said, "You and Prince Xu, what's going on!"

Yu Linglong didn't expect her to be so direct, so she couldn't help being startled. This short pause made Shi Huiru mistakenly think that Yu Linglong was a little shy, so she patted Yu Linglong's hand reassuringly, and lowered her voice: "We are all good sisters, just tell me what you think, don't worry, I won't tell others."

Yu Linglong's eyes became colder: "He has nothing to do with me!"

Shi Huiru was a little surprised: "No way, why does Prince Xu come to your house every day? Everyone in the capital knows that Prince Xu is pursuing you!"

Yu Linglong's expression became more and more ugly, but Shi Huiru still asked mysteriously: "Has Prince Xu ever mentioned marriage with your father? Although it is said that the emperor's marriage will be designated by the emperor in the future, but with his attitude towards With your attitude, it shouldn't be a problem to make you a side concubine in the future..."