The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 73


Can't come out: "You, you..."

Mrs. Yu was obviously scolding Yu Peng, but she was actually scolding Feng Shangshu. All these things that disturbed Yufu's house were all thanks to Feng Shangshu!

Madam Yu looked at Feng Shangshu coldly: "If there is no evidence, then Feng Shangshu please go back!"

Feng Shangshu's face turned red from holding back, he wanted to have a seizure but couldn't, his people came to search the Yufu yesterday, and indeed they found nothing!

Feng Shangshu got up abruptly, and looked at Yupeng viciously: "Sooner or later, I will make you unable to eat, so walk around!"

Mrs. Yu was not happy, she slapped the table heavily, and said sharply, "Seeing off the guests!"

Feng Shangshu walked away without looking back, General Yu was in a hurry, and subconsciously wanted to chase him out: "My lord—"

Madam Yu was furious: "Yu Peng, get the hell out of here!"

Seeing that Feng Shangshu led people away from the Yu Mansion, General Yu came back resentfully, and couldn't help complaining: "Mother, what are you doing? You don't think things are messy enough, do you?"

Yu Linglong sneered, this Yupeng is really shameless, when facing Feng Shangshu he acted servilely, he couldn't even protect his own home, and had to rely on Madam Yu, an old lady, to support the overall situation. I have to come back and complain about my wife.

Mrs. Yu said angrily: "What do you think I am doing? You are a big man, you can't even protect your own wife and children, what face do you have to say you want to protect your family and the country!?"

General Yu was rendered speechless by the scolding, and with a sullen face, he never spoke again.

Even General Yu couldn't please him, and Mrs. Mu even lowered her head without saying a word.

Mrs. Yu looked at Yu Linglong, and her eyes softened: "Linglong, you were shocked last night. Those people smashed a lot of things for you. If you are missing something, just go to my place to get it."

Hearing Mrs. Yu's words of concern for Yu Linglong, Mrs. Mu was so angry that her molars itch, and the silver hairpin on her head trembled slightly.

Originally thought that after Mrs. Yu returned home, she would definitely restrain the arrogant Yu Linglong, but with Yu Linglong's temperament, she would definitely fight. When two tigers fight, there is bound to be an injury, and in the end the one who benefits is naturally the Mu family.

But seeing how close the relationship between grandparents and grandchildren is now, Mrs. Mu has a faint sense of crisis. If this continues, her position as the mistress will be even more precarious.

The muscles on his cheeks trembled slightly, and a terrible thought gradually rose in Mu Shi's heart.

In the early morning, the mountain road that has just drizzled has a moist earthy smell, mixed with the fresh aroma of green grass and mountain flowers, which makes people feel refreshed.

Chasing the moon obviously enjoyed this feeling, the horseshoe walked briskly on the road, looking high-spirited.

Chasing the moon passed the narrow and narrow corner easily, and Yu Linglong, who was sitting on it, couldn't even feel the extra vibration.

I have to say, good horse, really different.

Seeing that they were gradually approaching the place where they met the man in Tsing and the man in black last time, Yu Linglong shook the horse's reins, signaling Chayue to slow down.

The bloody scene was completely gone. The grass on the side of the road swayed slightly, and the delicate flowers trembled slightly. It was impossible to tell that just a few days ago, this place was still a killing field. The mountain road after the rain was a bit muddy, and the occasional splash of mud from horseshoes revealed the dark red traces below, so that people could roughly guess what kind of tragic massacres had been experienced here.

Yu Linglong got off her horse and patted Chayue's neck: "Wait here, I'll be back soon."

Looking up at the dense forest on the hillside, Yu Linglong walked up silently.

If it was really gold and silver treasures, Yu Linglong wouldn't take it seriously, but the address Feng Xuanyuan gave her happened to be here...

It is here that so many people in Tsing Yi are willing to fight with their lives for some mysterious reason, and they will not hesitate to sacrifice their lives.

Subconsciously, she felt that there must be a secret in it.

She was not a curious person, but the mysterious man in black made her feel vigilant for the first time. She wanted to know this person's background, so that in future fights, she would not be at a disadvantage every time.

Intuition told her that this place must hide the secret of the man in black.

The rugged mountain road continued to spread under her feet, and she finally came to the front of the dark forest.

087 Don't Believe Me, Don't Believe You

In the dense woods, there is silence, the sun is shining through the shade among the leaves, like stars twinkling in the sky, shaking faintly, a little dazzling, but very crystal clear and beautiful, revealing an elusive tranquility. Looking from the woods at one end to the other end, the endless green seems a bit hollow. Such a vibrant greenery gives people a mysterious and gloomy feeling, like a huge mouth, ready to devour it at all times.

Yu Linglong narrowed her eyes slightly. This place looked peaceful on the surface, but upon closer inspection, there was an evil aura everywhere.

It's like... just like Feng Xuanyuan's smile, cold and stern, making people feel chills when they see it.

Right at the edge of the woods, Yu Linglong stopped, carefully looking for the mark mentioned by Feng Xuanyuan, and finally on an inconspicuous tree, she found a small lotus flower mark.

It was just a hastily drawn trace, but it still seemed that the lotus was very agile, and the layers of petals were in full bloom, like flames, about to burst out.

Yu Linglong found the sign, followed the path under the tree and entered the woods.

As soon as she walked in, the coolness covered her back quietly. Even in the hot summer, it was still very shady here, and the sounds outside seemed to gradually fade away. Only a few crisp birdsong could be heard from the depths of the woods from time to time. It seemed more and more quiet here.

The trails in the woods were intricate, some seemed to be walked by pedestrians, and some were more like traces stepped on by wild animals, intermittently, if not for Feng Xuanyuan's guidance, I'm afraid I would have lost my way after only a few steps.

Third from left, eighth in front, fourth from right, seventh in front... Following the route Feng Xuanyuan told her, Yu Linglong silently counted the trees around her, walking faster and faster.

At the end, Yu Linglong had already reached the depths of the woods, raised her head, and was suddenly startled by the scenery in front of her.

A white waterfall appeared in front of me, jumping out from between the cliffs, and a cluster of sunlight projected in from the depths of the forest, refracting the water droplets splashing in the air colorfully, turning into countless small rainbows , Lining the whole waterfall is like a dream, like a fairyland.

In the silent mountain forest, all unnecessary sounds disappeared, only the ding-dong sound of the waterfall splashing, which was loud but very pleasant to the ear, which was dazzling and refreshing.

Gathering her mind, Yu Linglong carefully stepped onto the wet rocks and walked behind the waterfall.

Feng Xuanyuan told her that there was an extremely hidden stone room behind this waterfall, and the thing he promised her was in this stone room.

The splashing water wetted her clothes, and the small embroidered shoes were soon stained with a little mud, but Yu Linglong didn't care, and soon reached the bottom of the waterfall.

Looking up, I just feel that the waterfall is high above, very majestic, really breathtaking.

Looking from the side, I really saw a dark hole behind the waterfall, about two meters above the ground, with only fragmentary rocks in it, without any trace of artificial excavation. Obviously, this is a naturally formed stone chamber, and it was definitely not carved by man.

Pulling up her dress, Yu Linglong dexterously climbed up the rock. For a while, she fell in love with rock climbing, just for the sense of challenge and accomplishment of climbing to a high place, but she never thought that this skill would come in handy now.

Soon, she reached the entrance of the cave, and with a light leap, she finally stepped into this mysterious world.

The stone room was pitch black, and the only light was the sunlight outside the waterfall. After her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Yu Linglong realized that the stone room was not wide, but very deep. Because it was too dark, she couldn't see clearly inside. How far is it? Yu Linglong took out a fire pocket and walked slowly inside.

After walking only a few steps, I heard a strange sound, like a small animal whimpering like a wound, with panic and helplessness, it seemed to be struggling constantly.

Yu Linglong stepped forward quickly, and soon discovered the source of the voice.

A teenage boy was tightly tied up, twisting constantly, as if trying to break free from the ropes in his hands, his mouth was stuffed with rags, his pale face, a pair of big eyes in the faint light of the fire With a flash of fear, she stared straight at Yu Linglong.

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, and immediately raised her eyes to check the surrounding situation, this is already the deepest part of the stone room, except for a few large and small stones used as tables and chairs, there is nothing else.

Could it be that what Feng Xuanyuan was talking about was this boy!

This incident was full of weirdness, although Yu Linglong was surprised, she couldn't do nothing, she stepped forward and took out the veil from the boy's mouth, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

The boy's lips trembled slightly, and his childish voice sounded a little nervous and hoarse: "I... My name is Gan Lin, this sister, are you sent by Dad to save me?"

Yu Linglong frowned slightly, she couldn't figure out the situation at the moment, but she knew that it was not suitable to stay here for a long time, so she untied Gan Lin and said, "Get up first."

Gan Lin rubbed his sore wrist, and looked at Yu Linglong with big eyes without blinking: "Sister, will those bad guys come again?"

Yu Linglong paused, and said, "Go, I'll take you out of here."

Gan Lin wanted to stand up, but fell to the ground all of a sudden. In the light of the jumping fire, his expression looked very painful: "Sister, my feet hurt so much."

Yu Linglong snorted coldly