The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 91


It is impossible that there is no sound at all, but after asking all the maids and servants in Mu's room, no one has heard any abnormal sounds, and what is even more strange is that on the night of the accident, all of them were asleep. It was surprisingly heavy, I slept until dawn, and slept until I was woken up by Shuangtao's screams.

In the later inspection, someone found Mixiang in the rooms of the maids and maids, which explained the mystery of why no one heard the voice.

In just a few days, General Yu lost his mother first and then his wife. He has experienced great changes in his family and has barely recovered from the blow. Normally, he never cared about family matters, but this time when Shi Mu passed away suddenly, he was completely confused, and Yu Mansion immediately became a mess.

Jiang Yuezhen, a newcomer to the family, had no choice but to be ordered in the face of danger to take on the heavy responsibility of funeral arrangements.

On the day Mu Shi died, Yu Weiwu came back.

Since he was beaten up by Yu Linglong last time, he healed his wounds and went to the barracks in desperation, buried this shame and shame deeply, and refused to go home easily. He didn't return until the last time he got married. Yufu. Fortunately, Yu Mansion is not small, and Yu Linglong is only in Pinlan Garden and Jingshan Hall on weekdays, Yu Weiwu finally did not meet this ruthless concubine girl again.

This time when he heard of his mother's death, Yu Weiwu felt as if he had been hit by a bolt from the blue, and he was about to return home immediately.

After seeing Mu Shi's inhuman corpse, Yu Weiwu was about to burst into tears. Without thinking, he turned to General Yu and shouted, "Who did this!"

General Yu furrowed his brows deeply: "How would I know? It was fine the first day, but it turned out like this when I woke up the next day!"

Rao was General Yu who had killed countless people, and seeing Mu's body, he couldn't help feeling his scalp tingling. He really didn't know which god his wife had offended to be killed alive by such a method.

Yu Weiwu was young, but his temper completely followed General Yu's. At this moment, he looked at General Yu with hatred, and roared: "You don't know? How many days have you not seen your mother? How many days have you seen your mother? How dare you kill her like this? do not know anything!?"

How could General Yu allow his son to yell at him like this, and immediately stood up and shouted loudly: "Little bastard, why are you talking to your father!?"

Yu Weiwu couldn't control his anger, and unconsciously raised his voice a lot: "You only care about your bewitching woman all day long, why did you even take a look at your mother?"

General Yu's voice was like a bell, and he spoke eloquently: "Is it your turn to take care of my affairs?"

Beside Mu's body, the father and son glared at each other, their swords were on the verge of breaking out, and they were about to fight.

Jiang Yuezhen on the side was completely naked, looking at the father and son, she didn't know how to persuade her father-in-law on one side and her husband on the other, she really didn't know what to say.

After hesitating for a long time, she stepped forward timidly, and lightly tugged on La Yuweiwu's sleeve: "Don't be in a hurry, sir, talk slowly if you have something to say, let's discuss it first, what should I do about my mother's funeral."

Yu Weiwu was so angry that he threw off his sleeves without even thinking about it: "You don't have to worry about my family's affairs!"

Jiang Yuezhen was taken aback for a moment, tears gradually welled up in her eyes, and she didn't dare to speak anymore.

Yu Weiwu looked back at Mu's body, feeling sad and angry at the same time, and fell to his knees on the ground: "Mother, you died so badly! Who killed you? My son will avenge you!"

Seeing Yu Weiwu crying pitifully, General Yu couldn't scold the eldest son who had just lost his mother, so he snorted heavily, walked aside and sat down.

When Jiang Yuezhen saw her husband start crying, she knelt beside her too, sobbing and crying along with her.

Yu Weiwu cried for a long time before gradually quieting down his voice. While wiping away his tears, he said, "Mother's death is unknown, have you reported it to the government?"

General Yu jumped up suddenly: "What? Report to the police? Are you crazy? You think the trouble is not big enough?"

The cause of Mu's death is indeed strange, but if it is reported to the officials, it will inevitably cause another disturbance. Now that Yufu and Ganfu have just married, if people know that Mu's death is like this, won't this marriage start again? Have you had twists and turns

It's not that General Yu is not sad for Mu Shi's death. After all, they have been husband and wife for so many years, and it is impossible to say that they have no feelings at all. It's just that General Yu is selfish and cold in nature, and Mu Shi's death is only sad for a while. Forget it, anyway, she still has the gentle beauty Aunt Mei to accompany her, so it doesn't matter if she has Mrs. Mu or not.

Besides, I and Mrs. Gan became in-laws. If I want to marry in the future, I can naturally marry a better step-wife. As for Mrs. Mu, he will die when he dies. Except that there is no housekeeper for the time being, there is actually no impact on General Yu's life. too much impact.

What General Yu meant was that since he was dead anyway, he should hurry up and discuss the funeral, and stop worrying about it. If it affects my official career or my marriage with the Gan family, then the loss outweighs the gain.

Yu Weiwu saw that General Yu was firmly opposed to reporting to the police, and felt grief and indignation: "Father, mother has been murdered like this, don't you want to catch the murderer?"

General Yu said angrily: "Catch the murderer? Will she be able to come back to life after catching the murderer?"

Yu Weiwu's knuckles were cracking, he glared at General Yu angrily, turned around and walked out: "If you don't report it, I'll report it!"

General Yu was furious, he stepped forward and grabbed Yu Weiwu, and without thinking about it, he beat him around the head: "Report me, get out of here!"

Yu Weiwu was staggered by General Yu, and while protecting his head and face from General Yu's beating, he shouted angrily, "Did my mother die in vain? If you don't let me report to the police, then tell me, Who is the murderer!?"

General Yu said angrily: "Where did the murderer come from? Your mother is a housewife, where is she going to make enemies?"

A sentence suddenly awakened Yu Weiwu, he lowered his arms in a daze, even forgot to block General Yu's beating and scolding, and muttered to himself: "Yeah, mother doesn't even come out, how could she talk to others?" start a feud?"

Seeing that Yu Weiwu was no longer arguing to report to the police, General Yu stopped his hands: "I'll just say, where is there any enemy? You stay at home and take care of your mother's funeral..."

Yu Weiwu didn't seem to hear General Yu's words, his face changed a few times, and suddenly he said through gritted teeth, "That's right, it must be her!"

095 Let Her Pay Her Life!

As soon as Yu Weiwu said a word, everyone in the room was startled.

Jiang Yuezhen was the first to react: "Master, what are you talking about?"

Yu Weiwu looked at General Yu coldly, and said: "Father also said that mother is just a woman in the inner house, and she doesn't even go out often, so how could she make enemies with others?"

His eyes fell on Mu's unrecognizable corpse, and his voice choked up again: "My mother is kind, how could she form such a big enmity with others, and let her die so miserably? This person must It's from the mansion!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the room was stunned.

Yu Qianjiao, who had been crying with a headache, raised her head, and looked at Yu Weiwu with eyes like two rotten peaches crying: "Brother, what do you mean by that? Could it be that the people in the family caused mother to be like this?" huh? Brother, who do you think this person is!?"

Yu Weiwu's eyes were full of hatred, and he said grimly: "Isn't this obvious? In our family, who else is so inhumane that he can do such a cruel thing to mother?"

All the people fell silent and looked at each other. Everyone vaguely guessed who Yu Weiwu was talking about, but no one dared to speak.

Even General Yu pursed his lips, frowned, and said nothing.

Yu Weiwu looked at General Yu and said angrily, "Father, why don't you speak? Tell me, among these people in the family, who is so vicious?"

General Yu lowered his head slowly. No matter how stupid he was, he would naturally know who Yu Weiwu was talking about. He subconsciously stroked the bridge of his nose with his hand. There was still the scar from Yu Linglong's whipping, which had not completely healed. .

Seeing that everyone was silent, Yu Weiwu stood up suddenly and said loudly: "Since Yu Linglong entered our house, our family has never had a good day! Now even my mother died in her hands, if If father doesn't deal with her, I'm afraid the whole family will be overthrown by her!"

General Yu cleared his throat in embarrassment, and his tone rarely slowed down: "Brother Wu, your words are not unreasonable, but what about the evidence? What evidence do you have to prove that she did it?"

Yu Weiwu said angrily: "What evidence do you need? She has always been disobedient and unfilial to her mother, and she would punch her when she was dissatisfied. Now that her mother died so badly, if she didn't do it, who else could it be?"

General Yu also felt that what Yu Weiwu said was reasonable, but subconsciously, he still didn't want to provoke that ruthless concubine.

At this moment, Yu Weiwu was pressing every step of the way, and General Yu didn't know what to do, so he simply pushed away: "Then what do you say?"

Yu Weiwu showed a fierce look on his face, and said viciously: "Of course I will let her pay for her life!"

General Yu was startled: "What?"

Who doesn't know that Yu Linglong is famous outside, and it's so easy to punish Yu Linglong

Needless to say anything else, just say that in this Yufu, who can beat her? If you want to send someone to catch her, isn't that asking for trouble

In the crowd, Yu Qianfang touched the back of her head subconsciously, remembering that after Yu Linglong shaved her head, she had been living a life of neither human nor ghost; There was a muddy smell in Tian's mouth that couldn't be washed off; Yu Qianjiao thought of Yu Linglong's cruelty of slaughtering dogs with a single sword, and then licked her bare gums, her body couldn't help shivering.
