The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

Chapter 95


Mother just died—”

As soon as she said this, Shi Huiru's eyes stopped on Yu Linglong's clothes, she was so shocked that she couldn't say a word.

At this time, Yu Linglong was wearing a water-red blouse with slanted breasts and a homely aviary skirt. She looked like a lotus, pretty like a spring breeze, with a faint smile on her face, obviously very good mood.

Shi Huiru's eyes widened, and he stammered, "You, why aren't you wearing filial piety?"

Yu Linglong couldn't help laughing: "Filial piety clothes? Why should I wear filial piety clothes?"

Shi Huiru looked at Yu Linglong in surprise, not knowing what to say for a moment.

According to the rules, Mrs. Mu is Yu Linglong's aunt. After her death, Yu Linglong has to obediently keep her filial piety for three years. During these three years, she can't talk about marriage, and she can't even go out at will. Zhang Xiaoyi.

But Mu's first seven have not waited, Yu Linglong, who is a concubine, is wearing bright red clothes, talking and laughing in her room, if this word gets out, won't it cause criticism

Shi Huiru hesitated for a moment, then said: "Then... there is a chrysanthemum appreciation party in Wu Wangfu today, do you want to go?"

Originally, she thought that Yu Linglong could not go out because she had to stay at home, but looking at the situation in front of her, Yu Linglong obviously didn't take Mu Shi's death seriously at all, and did what she had to do.

Yu Linglong smiled and sat up lazily: "Go, why not? I still want to celebrate!"

Seeing Yu Linglong's ruddy complexion and happy mood, Shi Huiru was completely stunned.

It wasn't until Yu Linglong finished dressing and the two of them walked out that Shi Huiru regained her thoughts and said, "Yunzheng didn't see you last time, and she said she was sorry, this time she was the one who reminded me to invite you. She will be very happy to see you later."

Yu Linglong's heart moved slightly, Yang Yunzheng, it was that Yang Yunzheng again.

The last time I met Feng Sihuai at Pudu Temple, it was Yang Yunzheng who said she would go there and eat vegetarian food with them, but for some reason she didn't show up. meeting.

It's just a one-time relationship. Will that Yang Yunzheng really have such a big interest in her

Glancing at the ignorant Shi Huiru, Yu Linglong felt a little wary in her heart.

Wu Wangfu.

At this time, the Mid-Autumn Festival had just passed, and it was the time when autumn was in full swing. The county magistrate Liyun of Prince Wu's Mansion specially ordered people to collect many famous chrysanthemums from all over the country, and distributed invitations widely, inviting the daughters of all families in the capital to come to the mansion to enjoy the chrysanthemums. He also used chrysanthemum as the theme to recite poems and paint paintings, so it is also known as the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Poetry Club.

Yu Linglong and Shi Huiru arrived at the garden of Prince Wu's Mansion, and saw that the place for the poetry meeting was chosen next to a spring. Skillful craftsmen built a three-meter-high rockery with strange stones next to the spring, and skillfully led the spring water to the rockery. A small waterfall is formed, the spring water is gurgling, the waterfall splashes jade, and the sloping water flows along the bluestone water channel in the garden, forming a long and clear stream.

And famous chrysanthemums of various colors are placed in the hollowed-out positions on the rockery. They are colorful and vying for beauty. They look beautiful everywhere, and they blend the beauty of various chrysanthemums harmoniously together, which makes people not notice it at all. unexpected. The splashed drops of water fell on the chrysanthemums bit by bit, making the chrysanthemums more and more charming and charming.

As for the lower-grade chrysanthemums, they are placed around the rockery, stacked on top of each other, in various shapes such as peacocks, unicorns, auspicious clouds and auspicious animals.

Yu Linglong looked up, and the only chrysanthemum varieties she could name were Gushui Liuxia, Yulu Chuntao, Nijin Leopard, Flying Pearl Sanxia, Autumn Knot Evening Red, Peach Blossom Beauty, Zhulian, Jingshan Zixia, Jinlv Liuxia, Jingshan Flowers and Birds, Red Plum Praise and so on.

The rest are more unknown varieties. It seems that this famous family in the capital spends money like water, and there are so many precious things that the rivers and seas are filled. The word "pity" has long since disappeared.

There are almost no women who don't like flowers, when Shi Huiru saw this sea of flowers, her mood suddenly improved, she took Yu Linglong to look at this pot from time to time, admiring that pot, she seemed very happy.

The two of them were admiring, when a piercing voice suddenly came from behind: "Hey, why is she here too? Such a person, what kind of famous flowers do you know?"

Yu Linglong looked back, and saw a girl in a goose-yellow chest-length Ruijinru skirt looking at her fiercely, her eyes were full of jealousy and anger, it turned out to be Princess Xinlin.

Yang Yunzheng stood not far behind her with a smile, lowered her head, and seemed to be looking at a pot of Hokuriku ruby with interest.

Shi Huiru knew that Yu Linglong and Princess Xinlin were not getting along, so she quietly tugged at the corner of Yu Linglong's clothes, signaling not to confront her head-on.

Yu Linglong paused slightly, looked at Princess Xinlin steadily, and suddenly smiled faintly.

"A mouth like yours should be washed with water, so as not to stink these flowers."

Princess Xinlin raised her brows upside down, pointed at Yu Linglong and said angrily, "You—"

Yang Yunzheng's voice suddenly sounded, calling her over: "Princess, come and take a look at this potted flower, it's a rare pair of twins!"

Shi Huiru hurriedly seized the opportunity to pull Yu Linglong away, and when she was far away from Princess Dexinlin, Shi Huiru patted her chest reassuringly: "Thanks to Yunzheng, otherwise, you two will quarrel again."

Yu Linglong smiled coldly: "Why, are you afraid of her?"

Shi Huiru opened her eyes wide and said, "What, you don't appreciate me helping you. Princess Xinlin and County Princess Liyun have a very good relationship. If you two quarrel, you will suffer a lot!"

Seeing Shi Huiru's concerned expression, Yu Linglong swallowed what she wanted to say unconsciously.

She is not the kind of person who doesn't know what is good or bad. Shi Huiru really cares about her, but this kind of concern makes her feel very uncomfortable.

Seeing Yu Linglong turning her head to look outside, Shi Huiru said: "The banquet is open, let's go."

Dozens of daughters from the capital had already been seated at the banquet. It seemed that the Chrysanthemum Appreciation Poetry Party held by the Liyun county lord had invited almost all the ladies from the capital.

It's no wonder that none of these ladies know some poetry and songs. Now that they have this opportunity, they naturally want to try their skills.

If they can compete for the first place, they can win the reputation of talented women in the capital.

After the banquet, the maids came up to change the table and put out various teas and fruits, and the poetry meeting officially started.

Some of the ladies rested their chins on the table and meditated; some left the table and wandered among the flowers; Poetry became famous.

Yu Linglong drank tea and tasted fruit leisurely, seeing Shi Huiru's round face flushed with suffocation, trying to come up with a perfect sentence, she couldn't help laughing.

The life of these ladies in ancient times was really boring, but a small poetry club can also have such a high popularity.

After more than half an hour, the Liyun county lord stood up and said with a smile: "I think all the ladies have got a good job, why don't you write it down and let everyone judge and criticize together."

After hearing this, the young ladies came out of the flower room one after another. Some maids had brought pens, ink, paper and inkstones for all the young ladies to splash ink with.

Ms. Wang from the Ministry of Rites and Ministers' Mansion drew a painting of black chrysanthemums. I saw the chrysanthemums hanging down and fluttering in the wind, looking lively and delicate, very pleasing to the eye.

Ms. Zhou from the cabinet bachelor's house wrote a poem: "When the wind in the west garden is warm and the flowers are falling, the green orioles sing in disorder. Leaning on the fence, silently cherishing the fragrant flowers, and the fluttering butterflies are flying. What is the reason, reducing the waistline? Sorrow and frown .Bo Lianchun, Chu, and the sky are falling, and the swallows have not returned."

Miss Wan Jia, the envoy of the General Administration, wrote a poem: "The orchids condense the summer frost, and the chrysanthemums on the shore shine in the morning light. Lu Nong smiles, the wind is strong and the fragrance is light. The thin leaves are light green, and the round flowers are bright yellow. It is still this year. The color, the fragrance of the year after the knot."

Yu Linglong listened to these polite moanings and felt a little ridiculous, maybe this was the daily life of ancient women, and she actually had fun in it.

Seeing that most of the ladies had finished writing and drawing, suddenly a contemptuous voice sounded and pointed in Yu Linglong's direction.

"Everyone is reciting poems and painting, so why doesn't the Fourth Miss of the Yu family not write? Could it be that the poetry club held by Lord Liyun is too small, so it's not worth letting Fourth Miss Yu keep her calligraphy?"

Yu Linglong didn't need to raise her head to know that the words were spoken by Princess Xinlin, who was determined to find fault.

Who in the capital does not know that the fourth young lady of the Yu family, who is famous but never sees her head, and Princess Xinlin's words, immediately attracts countless curious, envious or jealous eyes.

Yu Linglong slowly put down the teacup in her hand, raised her head to meet Princess Xinlin's mocking gaze.

"You want to hear me write poetry?"

Princess Xinlin sneered and said, "That's natural. Miss Yusi, who is famous all over the capital, must be extremely talented. Why don't you let us see it?"

These words were full of strong irony, and some of the ladies around had already chuckled.

Who doesn't know that Miss Yu Si has a great reputation, how can such a fierce woman have any outstanding talents? Princess Xinlin obviously wanted Yu Linglong to make a fool of herself.

Shi Huiru on the side was genuinely anxious for Yu Linglong, she kept winking at Yang Yunzheng who was sitting next to Princess Xinlin, hoping that she could intercede for Yu Linglong so as not to make a fool of herself in public.

But Yang Yunzheng didn't seem to see him, just said with a smile: "The princess said very well, Miss Yusi should not refuse."

Yu Linglong sensitively noticed that Shi Huiru's body beside her suddenly froze, as if she was stunned by Yang Yunzheng's words.

No wonder, perhaps until now, Shi Huiru still thinks that Yang Yunzheng really admires Yu Linglong and wants to get to know Yu Linglong, but Yu Linglong has already confirmed that this Yang Yunzheng is the same as Xinlin County.