The Film Emperor

Chapter 26


Ye Lang looked at the string of messages sent by Jiang Chi, but didn't reply, and looked up at Anya: "Give me the script."

Anya handed a few notebooks to Ye Lang, looked at his face, and asked tentatively, "Jiang Chi's signing of Starlight is not going well?"

Ye Lang didn't answer. He lowered his head and flipped through the notebook in his hand. He glanced at the plot outline before throwing it aside, and said, "I don't want to shoot sci-fi... I can't keep up with the post-production special effects and force to do 3D. I don't know what to make of me." It’s astonishing to come out like a ghost.”

Ye Lang picked up another book to read, opened it and glanced at it, then threw it away: "Xiaoqingxiaoai..."

Ye Lang has always been picky about choosing books, but Anya is also used to it. She handed Ye Lang the thickest one, and said, "Then take a look at this book... This is a big production. The fly in the ointment is that the schedule of the show is very tight. Basically you After leaving the crew of "Human Scum", I had to rest for a month before I had to join the crew again."

"One month is enough to rest." Ye Lang didn't care about this, and took a look at it, unexpectedly, "Ancient costume film?"

Anya nodded: "In "The Regent", the protagonist is nominally the eldest son of the eldest princess, but actually the illegitimate son of the emperor and a foreign woman. He grew up in the palace since he was a child. He is talented and intelligent. The crown has long been famous in the capital, and the emperor's sons have been ignored. The old emperor wanted him to recognize his ancestors several times, but his relatives obstructed him, and the protagonist himself was unwilling. This matter was dragged on until the emperor died. .”

Ye Lang flipped through the script page by page, and said, "Continue."

"That's how it started. The emperor was unwilling before his death. He couldn't let the protagonist recognize his ancestors, so he left a will and made him the regent to assist the new emperor who was less than ten years old." Anya took a sip of tea, " The monarch is young, the ministers form a clique, and famine continues on the border... The protagonist has worked hard for nearly ten years to calm down the internal and external troubles...but now the new emperor has grown up."

Ye Lang looked at the book and nodded: "The birds are gone."

"Yes." Anya said, "The little emperor trusted him at first, and the regent really wanted to help the little emperor. Later, the little emperor was big-hearted and provoked by his family, thinking that the protagonist would steal his throne. In the end, the monarch and his subjects were divorced, the little emperor began to secretly cut down the regent's military power, and the protagonist was disheartened."

Ye Lang nodded: "What happened in the end? The protagonist was killed, or did he take the initiative to delegate power to the little emperor?"

Anya shook her head and smiled: "Not at all. The regent originally thought that if the little emperor's wings were really strong enough to defeat him, he would be willing to give up power. But in the end he really couldn't stand the little emperor's stupid and outrageous things. It was a trick. While disappointed that the little emperor no longer trusted him, he wondered what kind of idiot he had cultivated. Before the little emperor seized his power as regent, he abolished the little emperor and helped one of the little emperor's younger brothers. The throne, he himself continues to be his regent, and the world is still peaceful."

Ye Lang's eyes lit up.

Anya knew that Ye Lang would be interested in this kind of character, but the filming of this film is estimated to take four to five months, and it is in spring and summer. This season is making costume movies, and she will suffer if she thinks about it. She persuaded: " Don't worry, let's take a look."

Ye Lang looked at the director, relieved, continued to read the book, and said casually, "Aside from this unlovable idiot little emperor, are there any other important supporting roles in the play?"

Anya didn't understand Ye Lang's meaning, so he hesitated and said, "Old Emperor? Eldest Princess?"

Ye Lang smiled: "Forget it."

There is no good role, and it is meaningless to force Jiang Chi to play soy sauce.

Ye Lang looked at his phone with a smile in his eyes.

Now that he has made up his mind to punish him slightly, he can't just say that Ye Lang hasn't replied to Jiang Chi's message from just now until now, deliberately trying to keep him cold for a while.

That night, Ye Lang went to a well-known entertainment club for Ye Huaquan's appointment. Ye Huaquan likes to be lively, so he called a lot of people. He was afraid that Ye Lang would find it boring, so he specially called a few young men and women to talk with him.

Ye Lang thought it was just himself and Ye Huaquan, at most there would be the few people Ye Huaquan often brought to accompany him, and he didn't want to open the door of the box when there was already a room full of people inside.

Ye Lang looked at the whole room of men and women, and for a moment, he seemed to have returned to the set a few months ago, where he was filming the group scene in the nightclub.

The layout of the box in that nightclub is similar to that here, the position of the bar and the sofa are the same. The last scene of that scene was shot many times, the last time, he did not inform Jiang Chi in advance, improvised and kissed Jiang Chi during the filming.

After that shot, Ren Haichuan was satisfied, he felt that he had captured enough waves, and felt sorry for Jiang Chi, as if he had been uncomfortable for a long time.

The phone in Ye Lang's pocket vibrated again—it was Jiang Chi's WeChat.

Ye Lang opened it and took a look. It was a short video of fireworks recorded by Jiang Chi.

Ye Lang smiled. Jiang Chi seemed to be really short-tempered.

I let him hang out for a long time, but he didn't seem to feel anything at all, he was still happy, and when he saw something new, he came to wag his tail.

On the contrary, Ye Lang, who was playing the cold war unilaterally, was very awkward. He wanted to reply with a few words to tease Jiang Chi, but he couldn't let go of his face.

"What are you thinking about?" Ye Huaquan pulled Ye Lang to sit down, frowning, "I've lost so much weight! I'm still energetic... What's going on with you? What are you shooting now? Who is the producer? Who is the director? I Give them a call and ask what's going on...”

Ye Lang teased a smile: "The director is Ren Haichuan."

Ye Lang looked at Ye Huaquan expectantly, waiting for him to call Ren Haichuan.

Director Ren is well-known in the industry for his bad temper and difficulty. When Ye Huaquan heard that he put down his phone calmly, he blamed him: "You have to care about yourself! Are you staying up all night and drinking alcohol? And smoking, Young, relying on good health to toss around, don't you know how to take care of yourself until I am this age? If you continue to do this, I will really... "

The person sitting next to Ye Huaquan persuasively persuaded Ye Lang, telling him to pay attention to his work and rest. Ye Lang smiled and agreed, looked around, and asked, "Why did you call so many people here?"

"Isn't it because you have been in the group for half a year, and you haven't seen anyone, so boring." Ye Huaquan lowered his voice, "Talk with you, and relieve boredom. If you like it, I will wink, and these people can..."

Ye Lang interrupted Ye Huaquan with a smile: "No, I don't think so."

Ye Huaquan frowned: "If it's someone else, they can't agree to it. This is the highest price I know. Not only is it beautiful, it's also..."

"No matter how tall I am, can I be taller?" Ye Lang smiled narcissistically, "It's too bad, forget it."

Ye Huaquan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, picked up a cigarette case and threw it at it: "Fart! Are you comparing yourself to them?"

"Where, I'm not as good as others." Ye Lang took the cigarette case, took out one casually, and didn't light it. He was preoccupied with something and lost interest, and suddenly said, "This afternoon..."

Ye Huaquan looked at him: "What's wrong?"

Ye Lang smiled: "I told Anya about what happened this afternoon, and asked her to find an opportunity for someone to contact Jiang Chi directly. I'll know what's going on at that time, so you don't have to worry about it."

Ye Huaquan took a sip of his wine and smiled: "What? I'm afraid I won't have a good impression of him. When he comes in the future, give him some shoes?"

Ye Lang had a smile in his eyes: "How can you? What kind of stomach do you have, can you care about this?"

"Stop flattering." Ye Huaquan smiled, reassuring his nephew, "How free do you think I am? I'll put on shoes for him, do I have that time?"

Speaking of this, Ye Huaquan complained a few words, both real and fake: "Your parents have a good life, and they were born to enjoy the blessings. Unlike me, it will be the New Year's Eve tomorrow, and I only took time to meet you today."

Ye Lang clinked glasses with Ye Huaquan and smiled: "Those who are able do more work."

Speaking of which, Ye Huaquan is indeed taking care of the Ye family's current business.

Ye Lang's parents met when they were studying in graduate school. The two are brothers and sisters led by the same mentor. They mainly focus on academic majors. After studying in the ivory tower for several years, they are very far away from the fireworks of the world. It is very unrealistic to take over the family business, and Ye Lang's parents have no intention of doing so. The burden of the family just falls on Ye Huaquan's shoulders.

Ye Lang's parents took care of Ye Lang while doing academic work in the early years. Later, Ye Lang developed into the entertainment industry and entrusted him to Ye Huaquan.

The relationship between Ye Lang and Ye Huaquan is better than that of ordinary uncles and nephews, and it is also due to the upbringing of those years.

Ye Huaquan was in a good mood, and unconsciously drank a little too much. When he drank too much and was happy, he talked more, leaving others aside, pulling Ye Lang to chatter, laughing and chatting with the left and right. The immoral things they have done.

Ye Lang's forehead twitched... Trying to control his temper, he didn't shout aloud to be presumptuous.

However, Ye Huaquan felt that recalling Ye Lang's black history like this is very warm, and Ye Lang's brain hurts after chanting endlessly. Ye Lang asked the waiter for a pot of hangover tea, and poured Ye Huaquan a cup and handed it to him : "You moisten your throat and then criticize me."

"Nonsense, who scolded you." Ye Huaquan said without beginning or end, "That's why you don't follow me, you don't like to be persuaded, your eyes are quite high... like your father, you don't want to get involved with these people, right? Clean yourselves... quite it is good."

Ye Lang was amazed at Ye Huaquan's ability to be careless after drinking, what is this all about

Ye Huaquan patted Ye Lang's hand lightly, and expressed his tongue in relief: "You... like that Jiang Chi, don't you? He doesn't pay much attention to you, does he? Don't worry... just wait, wait until I sign him, what do you want? , whatever... I see if he accepts it! If he dares to be disobedient, I, I... "

Ye Huaquan glanced at the things in front of him in a daze, and suddenly pointed to the ice cubes in the champagne stand beside him and said, "I'll freeze him! Freeze him! He will honestly go to you..."

Ye Lang couldn't help laughing, can people be tricked and talk about it, so you want to scare people with Xuezang? Besides... Ye Lang said incredulously: "How did you know that I like him? What have you been thinking?"

Ye Huaquan squinted, looked Ye Lang up and down, and snorted: "You have been growing up... what do you like and what do you not like, when did I guess wrong?" sad person.

Ye Lang patiently explained to Ye Huaquan, trying to save face for himself: "You may have misunderstood our relationship, it's nothing like that, it's just a friend relationship! And it's him who should I put it, take the initiative! Yes, yes He is more active, he is my fan, he has always liked me very much, and has special respect for me."

"Bullshit!" Ye Huaquan said sharply, "Since he respects you so much! Why doesn't he want to come to me?!"

Ye Lang's face was livid, speechless.

Ye Huaquan's voice was too loud, and there was a moment of silence in the box. Everyone looked over in embarrassment. Seeing Ye Lang's gloomy expression, the next second they immediately turned their heads to talk to each other and chatted livelyly, pretending to be deaf and blind, pretending not to hear Ye Lang's words. An unknown person was ridiculed and ridiculed by his uncle for not being able to ask for it.

Ye Lang closed his eyes and gritted his teeth. If Jiang Chi were here now, he must, must...

Ye Lang drank a glass of wine, but couldn't think of any convenient punishment for a moment, and became even more angry.

At least pinch his ears twice!