The Film Emperor

Chapter 37


The next day, because the two leading actors had already prepared, the recording process went smoothly unexpectedly.

In the morning, the two re-recorded a few shots of their youth, mostly long-range shots and large panoramas, focusing on lighting and scenery. It was very easy to shoot. It's all over.

Since then, the filming timeline of the crew has returned to normal, and the recording of Zhan Ming and Pei Ran's reunion after several years of separation has resumed.

"Okay, let's serve dinner first, the actors eat first, remove makeup and change their looks immediately after eating, both of them will change into their adult looks, pay attention to makeup and looks." Ren Haichuan directed the assistant director, "Go and stare at Ye Lang, The hair on the back of him can be shortened a little bit, the front doesn’t need to be touched, the stylist can handle it, so don’t cut too much.”

Ren Haichuan sneered: "Ye Yingdi Jingui is wearing it. Shorter hair and weight loss will shake the foundation of the country. If there are too many hands shaking, people from his studio will come to make noise again."

Jiang Chi held back his laughter, Ye Lang kept looking at Jiang Chi, saw him smile and tapped his head, and at the same time said helplessly to Ren Haichuan: "I haven't left yet, can you say these things behind my back?"

"Don't waste time!" Ren Haichuan frowned, "The scene in the evening is the highlight, experience the characters well while putting on makeup, and try to shoot all five scenes of this scene today."

The two of them went to their respective dressing rooms and started the lengthy transformation time. Jiang Chi's hair was also cut short. His hair color needs to be changed from dark brown to black, but there is no time to slowly dye his hair right now. Yes, the stylist quickly changed his hair color with a disposable hair dye spray, put away his temples, and gathered all his bangs, revealing a smooth and clean forehead.

"The complexion is not good... I still have to dry the powder, and the eyebrows need to be treated, and they should be sharper, and the rest can be done as before." The stylist adjusted the indoor light, looked at it carefully for a while, and then nodded and smiled. It's very good, almost the same as the previous shape."

Jiang Chi smiled: "Actually, I've lost a little weight, but it's not obvious."

"Filming is too hard, the work intensity is high, the three meals are not fixed, and the sleep is not guaranteed." Modeling sighed, "Especially when I was always on location for the first few months, it was too much a test of the physical strength of the teachers."

Li Weili also sighed when he thought of the days when he poured Jiangchi ginger soup every day. Everyone was thinking bitterly and sweetly, when a scene manager outside knocked on the door gently, and said outside the door: "The play on Mr. Ye's side has already started, and it is expected to shoot The time is one hour, and Teacher Jiang worked hard to prepare makeup."

The model agreed, and laughed in a low voice: "Don't talk anymore, I'll call the makeup artist."

The scene manager didn't know who had heard a joke, so he hesitated and continued to spread the word: "Then what... If Mr. Jiang is willing, you can go to the set to take a look after putting on makeup..."

Jiang Chi raised his eyes, and the field staff outside the door said anxiously: "I don't know what Teacher Ye said, I'm sorry."

The two of them worked on this scene for a long time yesterday, and Jiang Chi knew that Ye Lang wanted him to go and watch him filming earlier.

Jiang Chi closed the script in his hand and smiled: "Got it."

Jiang Chi asked the makeup artist to hurry up, but within half an hour, he finished his work and hurried to the set.

Ye Lang has already finished one shot, and is taking a shot next to the elevator.

The time of this scene was not long after Zhan Ming and Pei Ran reunited. Zhan Ming tried his best to "speak clearly" with Pei Ran.

But Pei Ran thought that he had nothing to say to him, and didn't read his news, didn't answer his phone calls, and didn't allow the company security to let him in.

Whether he really doesn't want to see Zhan Ming, or dare not see Zhan Ming, Pei Ran knows it well.

Zhan Ming searched hard for Pei Ran for many years, and finally found him. He was not reconciled, and didn't believe that Pei Ran could really forget himself.

"You have been rolling in the mall for many years, your temperament and your whole person have changed, you have become calm and smooth, and you will be able to pierce a thousand arrows." Ren Haichuan looked into Ye Lang's eyes and said in a deep voice , "You are a real man now, but once you face him... your fake face and mask will crack a little, uncontrollably, revealing a little sincerity."

Ren Haichuan talked very fast when talking about the drama, Ye Lang leaned against the elevator and listened quietly, when Ren Haichuan said this, he raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Chi.

Ren Haichuan followed his gaze and saw Jiang Chi coming, so he simply called him over and talked together.

"You and Ye Lang are just the opposite. He only revealed the sincerity that he had forgotten for many years when he met you. After you met him, you immediately hid your heart." Ren Haichuan frowned and reminded sternly , "You have to show your strongest side to confront him, confront your own sincerity, understand?"

Jiang Chi nodded: "Try my best to draw a line with my first love and youth."

"Perfect." Ren Haichuan knew that Jiang Chi had already figured out the role, so he stopped talking, turned to Ye Lang and said, "On your side, pay attention to yourself. This is not the time when you are the most insane, you have to give it to the last one." There's room for a scene, a bit of layers, you know?"

Ye Lang said "hmm": "Understood."

Ren Haichuan looked at the time and urged: "For the last shot in a while, we need to 'compete for density', and we can shoot in half an hour. Adjust your status and don't keep NG."

Ye Lang made an acceptable gesture and cleared the venue.

"The 37th scene of "The Scum" takes two shots once! Action!"

Ye Lang just pushed and shoved a few times with the security guard upstairs, his meticulously combed hair was a little disheveled, he was holding his breath in his heart, his breathing was a little heavier than usual, and he was a little more angry in vain.

He stood at the side of the company lobby, pulled off his tie irritably, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a delivery man running between floors to deliver food.

Ye Lang silently stared at the delivery person for a few seconds, a sneer emerged from the corner of his mouth, he suddenly stood up straight, straightened his hair, quickly adjusted his expression, and walked over to the delivery person in large strides while the security guard had already left.

"Hello, is there any takeaway from Tengguang Economy on the 12th floor? Our colleagues who work overtime are a little anxious." Ye Lang smiled politely at the delivery staff, "I just happen to be going upstairs, so help me bring it up."

Ye Lang has an outstanding temperament and is decent and gentle. The suit fabric on his body is shining with a luxurious and soft luster. He really looks like an upper-class elite. He blurted out the specific name of the company on the 12th floor of the building, and he is busy as a delivery person for a spinning top Without doubting him, he hurriedly opened the takeaway box and took out two takeaways and handed them to Ye Lang, not forgetting to thank him, Ye Lang took the delivery bag and smiled: "It's okay."

The delivery staff lowered their heads to tidy up the delivery boxes, Ye Lang took the work cap he put aside while he was not paying attention.


Ren Haichuan signaled that the scene was over, and everyone quickly moved on to the next scene.

""Human Scum" has three scenes in 37 scenes! Action!"

In the bathroom, Ye Lang took off his suit jacket and threw it aside, then quickly unbuttoned the cuff buttons of his shirt and rolled the sleeves up to his elbows, then put the peaked cap printed with XX delivery on his head, lowered the brim of the hat, and carried two Picked up takeaway and got into the elevator.

The security guard who had clashed with him just now had changed shifts, and Ye Lang made his way to Pei Ran's floor smoothly.

It was getting dark outside, and there were few people on the entire 12th floor. Ye Lang left the takeaway at the empty front desk, and walked slowly towards Jiangchi's office.

Ye Lang stood in the empty corridor, quietly watching Jiang Chi who was working at his desk through the glass wall of the office.

Ye Lang stood motionless for a long time.

It's been a long, long time, and he hasn't been able to look at Pei Ran for such a long time.

A ray of afterglow before sunset projected into the long corridor, Ye Lan stood quietly against the light.

The camera moved forward little by little, and when the camera was stuck in the close-up of Ye Lang, Ye Lang pressed down on the brim of his hat, and in the camera, his eyes could be seen to be red through the dim light.

In the office, Jiang Chi got up suddenly, as if feeling something in his heart, he caught sight of Ye Lang in the corridor.

Jiang Chi's expression instantly became icy cold, not even a touch human.

Ye Lang was afraid that Jiang Chi would call the security again, so he broke into the office first.

"Call if you are not afraid of embarrassment." Ye Lang strode towards Jiangchi, covered Jiangchi's mouth and pressed him directly against the wall, his voice hoarse, "This is your company..."

Jiang Chi suppressed the overwhelming anger and struggled hard, Ye Lang tried his best to suppress him.

"I, I..." Ye Lang pulled off the hat he was wearing and threw it aside, clasped Jiang Chi's wrist firmly with one hand, pressed his hips against Jiang Chi's body, and said with a heavy breath, "I just like it when you fight with me, the more you can struggle, the more excited I am, baby... work hard, see if I can't hold you down..."

Jiang Chi was stunned for a moment, his eyes were red, and his strength of struggling suddenly increased several times. Ye Lang had no time to take advantage of his words, and the two silently fought with all their strength behind the small desk.

After all, Jiang Chi was weaker. After a while, he suddenly loosened his strength and leaned against the wall with empty eyes, no longer struggling.

Ye Lang's chest heaved violently, looked at Jiang Chi's face carefully, regretted it, and said worriedly: "I... I'm not serious... I hurt you? Pei Ran? Where do you feel pain?"

Jiang Chi lowered his eyes and murmured in a low voice: "My heart hurts..."

Ye Lang was taken aback, and her eye sockets instantly became wet.


Ren Haichuan let out a long breath, apparently he did not expect this mirroring to be so smooth, and was about to say a few words when he saw Jiang Chi hurried up to Ye Lang, apologetically saying: "I pushed your wrist just now, are you okay? ? I feel a little too strong, sorry... "

Ye Lang wiped the corners of her eyes and shook her head: "It's okay, I was quite energetic just now."

Jiang Chi pursed his lower lips, and said softly: "No... When you pushed me against the wall, I felt your hand on my back..."

Ye Lang didn't want Jiang Chi to notice, and smiled, "I'm afraid you'll hit the back of your head."

Jiang Chi's heart instantly became warm.

Ye Lang deliberately teased him: "Why don't you rub it for me? Just my left wrist..."

Ren Haichuan couldn't stand it anymore, and said coldly: "Ye Lang rests first, and Jiang Chi is ready for the next shot."

Ye Lang didn't want to rest, and was about to watch the show on the set. Cen Wen, who was standing by, came over and whispered a few words in Ye Lang's ear.

Ye Lang gave a soft "um" and followed Cen Wen back to the rest room.

Cen Wen apologized and said: "I tried my best, but I really couldn't get in touch with the relevant personnel, and I was afraid of disturbing other people in the crew and causing gossip to Jiang Chi, so... I asked Sister Anya for help."

Ye Lang had expected it, knew that this matter would be difficult, and said, "It's okay, did she get it?"

"I got it, I just sent it over." Cen Wen turned on her tablet, opened the video and handed it to Ye Lang, and said, "Sister Anya said that there is something else she wants to talk to you about, so you can call her when you are resting." .”

Ye Lang nodded absent-mindedly: "Okay... you go and guard the door, don't let others in."

Ye Lang held the phone and quietly watched Jiang Chi's audition video on the tablet.

In just four minutes of audition, he watched it quickly.

In terms of facts, Jiang Chi's audition video, according to Ye Lang's standards, can only be said to be passable.

Jiang Chi's performance was mediocre, at least not as good as his current performance on the set.

Ye Lang recalled the scene just now, and then watched the video, there was still a big gap.

Such an audition video, if Ren Haichuan came to the audition, he might not be able to pass.

Ye Lang narrowed her eyes slightly and exhaled lightly.

He called Anya.

The call was answered quickly, Ye Lang smiled: "I'm sorry... handle it properly, don't let others know that I'm looking for this."

This Anya naturally understood, but she didn't want to talk about confidentiality with Ye Lang, she said softly: "You asked Cen Wen to find this, because you thought... Jiang Chi joined the group in the first place was very strange?"

Ye Lang chuckled: "There's nothing strange about this, I'm just curious about his audition video."

Anya hesitated for a moment, and said, "Don't hide it from me. When I searched for this video for you today, I found that Jiang Chi's entry into the group does seem to be a problem."

The smile on Ye Lang's face faded a bit: "How do you say?"

"I'm an old acquaintance with the executive producer of your crew. I chatted with him today and asked a casual question. I found out that he didn't know anything about Jiang Chi's joining the crew at that time." Anya said after a moment of silence, "Regarding Jiang Chi, there seems to be a non-disclosure agreement before and after, which is a bit strange... Jiang Chi has no background and no capital investment. He passed the normal audition, how come..."

Anya hesitated to speak.

Ye Lang smiled faintly: "What do you mean?"

Anya laughed dryly: "I didn't say anything... I just think about it..."

Ye Lang interrupted Anya: "You suspect that Jiang Chi got this role by being unspoken."

Anya laughed: "What did I say, I..."

Anya said helplessly: "Well, I think so. Jiang Chi is good, but he was not the most outstanding in the audition, but he got the role. The new generation of Xiaosheng, the first show on the big screen is to play a double male with you The master's play, anyone who knows about this will think so."

Ye Lang listened quietly to Anya's words, then shook his head and smiled: "I'm worried that he has something else to hide, but you've already thought of this."

Anya was startled: "You... don't believe it?"

Ye Lang said: "I don't believe it."

Anya smiled: "Ye Lang, not everyone was born with a golden spoon in their mouth like you, it's too difficult to climb up in this circle, even if something happened to him, you don't have to make a big fuss, but he It's a risky move. Your subject matter won't help him much in the future. Maybe he just wants to become a filmmaker? Maybe... "

"Use your brain a little bit." Ye Lang interrupted Anya coldly: "If he is really willing to go out and let people sneak in, why did he spend so long playing around and making so many rubbish movies?"

Anya was speechless.

Ye Lang looked at the video on the tablet screen carefully, and said, "Based on his temperament and appearance, do you think there will be fewer people wanting to lure him

Anya laughed dryly: "This is... a bit strange."

Ye Lang sneered: "What? Stop pouring dirty water on him?"

"No..." Anya said embarrassingly, "I'm quite surprised, you occasionally cut hearts like this, and you can see clearly."

"Since the executive producer doesn't know about it, don't contact him, and don't spread bad words to Jiang Chi." Ye Lang ordered, "But don't put this matter on hold, I always have a vague feeling that... It will do me good to know the truth."

Jiang Chi will sign into Starlight in the future, Anya thought that Ye Lang was afraid of signing an uneasy contract for her own uncle, so she nodded: "Okay, I will try my best. But..."

Anya was puzzled: "How can you be so sure that he really didn't join the group through...that relationship?"

Ye Lang lowered his head and smiled, and slowly said: "During the Chinese New Year, I stayed with Jiangchi at my house."

"It was also because I drank some wine that day and got dizzy. I forgot that there was only one bed, so I let him sleep. One night...he stayed in the room obediently."

"He didn't pretend to ask me where the quilt was, where the pillow was, where the pajamas were; he didn't take off half of it on purpose, and then came out to ask me how to turn on the shower in the bathroom; he didn't pretend to be homesick and didn't say he recognized the bed...he didn't get out of bed at all all night. Find me upstairs."

Ye Lang has been in this circle for so many years, so he has never seen any scheming, and has never understood any routines.

Ye Lang said: "He is really that kind of person, how could he not do anything with this kind of opportunity? I was carrying wine at the time, if he was mean and flirted with me, it's really hard to say..."

Recalling that tender night, Ye Lang unconsciously brought a smile on his face: "I was sleeping on the sofa at that time, and he could completely take off his clothes and come under my quilt at night, why didn't he?"

"..." Anya was quiet for a moment, then said dumbly, "Talk well... Don't speak yellow accents, you are shameless and not afraid that people around you will hear it, and I am afraid that it will be out of control."

Ye Lang smiled arrogantly: "Whoever wants to listen should listen."

"I'm telling the truth. Jiang Chi is not a fool. Even if he wanted to let people sneak in casually, why didn't he come to me?" Ye Lang put his legs on the coffee table and said coldly, "This crew is from top to bottom. Everyone, except me, who else has such a high gold content that he is willing to take off his clothes?!"

Ren Haichuan pushed the door, and happened to hear Ye Lang's outrageous and outrageous words.

Ren Haichuan, the chief director of the crew: "..."