The Film Emperor

Chapter 82


The Centennial Celebration Dinner in the Greater China Region of "Fantasy Field" is about to be prepared. The venue is set to be in Haishi, which is more than two hours away from the crew of "Qin Sheng". Ye Lang, as the guest host, needs to go to Haishi two days in advance to make preparations , After the centennial celebration is over, I have to attend a VIP reception at the internal club of "Fashion Field", back and forth, and need to leave for three days and four nights, which happens to be the heaviest scene in Jiangchi's whole play.

Although Ye Lang didn't have a direct role in that scene, he knew about Jiang Chi's minor problems in filming. With himself, Jiang Chi would enter the scene much faster. Ye Lang thought about playing shameless with Ren Haichuan and asked him to change the arrangement. Let go of that scene and wait until I come back to shoot.

"No need." Jiang Chi opened the safe, took out Ye Lang's watch ring and other valuables, neatly stacked them in the jewelry storage box, and put them in the suitcase. gone."

Ye Lang chuckled: "Really? What if I get scolded again?"

Ren Haichuan was extremely harsh on Jiang Chi, reshooting dozens of times at every turn, and his voice became louder when he was dissatisfied. Ye Lang never stopped him on the set, but it didn't mean he was willing to let Jiang Chi be scolded.

Ye Lang is short-sighted.

"Try not to be scolded." Jiang Chi counted the time and said embarrassedly, "I will definitely be able to shoot well that day... I have to finish work as soon as possible, so I can go back to the hotel to watch your live broadcast."

Ye Lang's heart moved, and he said, "Don't worry, my fans in the production team will definitely broadcast the live broadcast on the set, so you can't delay you watching me."

"I'm too embarrassed to look at it in front of others." Jiang Chi said cheekily, "I'm too embarrassed to get too close."

Ye Lang sneered: "Baby... We've been getting better for so long, right? Everyone put you to sleep, why are you still acting like a fanboy?"

"I'm used to it, and..." Jiang Chi lowered his head and packed his suitcase, "The more we get along... the more I like it."

Ye Lang smiled in surprise, wondering what happened to Jiang Chi today, his mouth was so sweet, and then he figured it out - he would be separated for several days soon, Jiang Chi couldn't bear it.

"Hey... Let me tell you something." Ye Lang deliberately didn't answer this question, and instead said, "Didn't we two have an affair because of drinking water two days ago? Half-truth and half-false... Many acquaintances know about it. Yin Jiehong contacted me today and told me that the rough cut of "The Regent" has come out and is in the final stage. Ask me, your supporting role with only half of his face is marked... "

Ye Lang dragged his voice on purpose, and waited for Jiang Chi to look up at him before he licked his lips, as if casually said: "Is it marked, Jiang Chi - starring in friendship, or...Jiang Chi, starring in family?"

Jiang Chi was stunned, and stood up subconsciously, holding Ye Lang's shirt in his hand, his face flushed: "Of course it's a friendship, how could it be, could it be..."

Acting with affection, isn't it...

"Yin Jiehong is actually pretty casual, he just asked me to pass it on to you and let you decide." Ye Lang coughed and turned around, "Don't clean up, I'll send a WeChat message and ask Zhu Jing to wake up an hour early to clean up. sleep."

Jiang Chi lay down on the bed in a trance, turned off the light and stared wide-eyed for an unknown amount of time, then suddenly his Adam's apple moved, and said softly: "Brother, you are not afraid..."

"What have I been afraid of?"

In the dark, Ye Lang chuckled, and hugged Jiang Chi into his arms: "Look at you... I know it's not appropriate to come out now, but this kind of petty trouble is fine, just treat it as a joke to you, you If you like to write about friendship, you should be friends, and if you want to write about family, you should be family.”

Jiang Chi pursed his lips, he wanted to settle Yu Xijia's matter, and he would answer Ye Lang after he cleaned up the mess that had been pending in order to get close to Ye Lang.

Ye Lang knew it well and didn't rush him.

The next day, Ye Lang dressed coquettishly and left in high spirits.

Before leaving, Ye Lang was not that chic after all, so he told Ren Haichuan to stop yelling at Jiang Chi for the next few days, and stop working if he couldn't finish the filming, and talk about it when he came back.

"Jiang Chi's acting skills are worse than yours, but after a few more years of polishing, he will still be able to win awards." Ren Haichuan looked at Ye Lang coldly, "Stop work? No matter how bad I am, I'm better than you when it comes to acting."

Ye Lang laughed loudly, blew a kiss to Ren Haichuan, and got into the car with two assistants, a stylist and others.

Ye Lang went to Haishi on the front foot, and Anya followed with his assistant on the back foot. In troubled times, Anya was afraid of Yu Xijia, worried about Jiang Chi, and sent Geng Tian, who had successfully switched to Starlight, to the crew of "Qin Sheng" Gu Gu, because Geng Tian was afraid of Ye Lang, he was not very happy at first, but when he learned that Ye Lang had gone to "Flower Field", he happily rushed over with a visit gift.

After all, Geng Tian was considered a big business, and after joining Starlight, he was highly valued. He knew a lot of "inside information", and when he got to the crew, he found an opportunity to tell Jiang Chi everything he knew.

"Your senior brother Yu Xijia..." Geng Tian was stunned, and said in a low voice, "I think he has been holding back for so many years, and he is stupefied. Now he is going out to let people sneak in. He has lost all face, and he has almost torn face with the company. If I catch someone and bite someone, I will not resign, and I will probably be kicked out by him at this moment. In fact, he also knows that his little boy has no sex, and he is just playing with him, so take advantage of this energy, endlessly It’s been a lot of trouble, this time he spent all his money, and he insists on punishing you.”

Jiang Chi lowered his eyes, and said lightly: "I'm looking for someone... Let's see if I can get rid of it."

Yu Xijia clearly came for Jiang Chi, Geng Tian was not optimistic about the PR matter, he hesitated and said, "What if it can't?"

Jiang Chi paused. He has been thinking about how to deal with this almost unsolvable matter recently. Thinking that he will end up in a dead end, he said in a low voice for a long time: "There can be no way, the big deal is that the fish will die and the net will be broken. I don't care."

"You!" Geng Tian looked around and stared in a low voice, "Don't think about the trick of dying together! You forgot how angry Ye Lang was after tearing up with Shi Shi last time in order to protect Ye Lang? How did you do it when you were young? Don't worry about being so ruthless... The people in your studio also have arrangements, but I can't find out. Yingdi Ye wants connections, money and money, so maybe this matter can be suppressed..."

Geng Tian himself has no confidence in what he said. Once the unspoken rules of drug use are revealed, it is really a piece of shit that can't be shaken off. Even if Ye Lang has all-hands and eyes, he can't ask the fans to explain it one by one. Guarantee it

Not to mention that Jiang Chi is indeed a little braided with the original company.

"Yu Xijia's playing like this is not as good as him." Although Geng Tian is not a gentleman, but he doesn't like people like Yu Xijia, and couldn't help scolding angrily, "What the hell... when I was filming "Human Scum" Make trouble everywhere, pick people up and step on them, and I will see who dares to work with him in the future. Don’t worry, even if he punishes you, you have to wait for your movie to be announced, there is still a lot, there is always a way.”

Geng Tian patted Jiang Chi on the back to cheer him up: "The day after tomorrow will be your big show. The assistant director just came and told you to adjust your state and cheer up."

Jiang Chi let out a breath and nodded.

Jiang Chi kept in mind that he wanted to stagger the time of the live broadcast of "Fashion Field", and go to watch Ye Lang's live broadcast immediately after filming. The time of Jiangchi's big show was set on the night of the centennial celebration, which completely cut off his desire to watch the live broadcast.

Jiang Chi accepted his fate and could only wait to watch the replay. He settled down to ponder the scene, and this scene was useless even for mere replacements. He cooperated with Ren Haichuan and started to go through the scene over and over again when the set crew adjusted the set.

Although it is a night scene, the overall tone of the lighting and scenery corresponds to the plot, and the arrangement is bright and fresh. The crew of "Qin Sheng", the situation of Qin Sheng's case has become clear little by little. After Qin Sheng gritted his teeth for nearly a hundred days, The person who ran away with the money finally came to justice in him, and there was new hope for reversing the case.

Of course, Qin Sheng's family still had huge debts to bear, his mother's death was irreversible, and his father hadn't been released yet, but it was much better than before.

At least there is new hope.

Before this scene, there was a scene of Qin Sheng's dispute with the man, which was filmed a few days ago.

A summer vacation has passed, the case has progressed, and everything is going in a good direction. The man thinks that Qin Sheng should continue to go to school as a matter of course, but Qin Sheng is cowardly.

Even if the case can be overturned, Qin Sheng is also a well-known "son of a fraudster" in the local area, and his family will still be impoverished. Qin Sheng's former friends, classmates, and senior sisters who have a crush on him will also be indifferent when facing him. Embarrassed or not, the expression is cramped.

When the typhoon passed by, the things he once ignored became precious, and he missed everything. Now he survived with his own dignity, but he was too close to his hometown for the things he wanted in the future.

In just a few months, he became more and more out of place, refusing to let him integrate into this world.

Qin Sheng wanted to drop out of school and go to work to help his father repay some of his debts. The man felt that he was simply whimsical, so he told him to stop making excuses and go back to school right away.

Qin Sheng, who has always been obedient to men, hesitated for the first time, lowered his head and asked if he could not go.

The man was laughed at by Qin Sheng, and left Qin Sheng's house. Before leaving, he took a deep look at Qin Sheng and let him make his own decision.

Qin Sheng felt depressed and didn't look back at the man.

Qin Sheng didn't know at the time that it was the last time he saw that man.

"I'm just talking about drama with you. Brew your emotions first. Don't follow me. If you accidentally vent it out for a while, you will lose your energy." Ren Haichuan stared at Jiang Chi and told him about the drama in a low voice, "He left Your things are in your student ID card, he is very careful and cruel, and only when you decide to go to school will you open the safe and see the letter."

"When you first saw the letter, you couldn't see the content. You should be surprised at first. The student ID card is a symbol in this movie, a symbol of your normal life. As early as when your home had an accident, you got it from the safe When I took out all the money and deposit receipts, and locked the student ID and other things in, they had already been sealed. Whether it was a metaphor or a real thing, how did this letter get in? That man couldn't touch it. How could he know the password of your safe, right?" Ren Haichuan stared closely at Jiang Chi's eyes, "You are surprised at the moment because you don't understand how he put this thing in. Keep it in your pocket, don’t let it out, save it, wait for you to see the content of the letter, and then vent it together.”

Jiang Chi closed his eyes and nodded to understand.

At the same time, Ye Lang had already appeared on the stage at the dinner party in the vanity field.

A few of Ye Lang's diehard fans on the set secretly watched the live broadcast on their mobile phones. Ren Haichuan, uncharacteristically, turned a blind eye and ignored it. Jiang Chi calmed down and restrained himself from thinking about Ye Lang.

The early stage of the play went for almost two hours, and Ren Haichuan didn't let go until the natural luminous light at night reached Ren Haichuan's picky standard.

At this moment, the home party of the Centennial Celebration is over, and the dinner begins.

The assistant director was watching the live broadcast with some make-ups and whispering to You Rongyan: "During the dinner, there will be a solo interview with Actor Ye. It is said that we will mention our crew!"

The girls in the make-up team immediately perked up and waited impatiently.

Jiang Chi had already entered the scene, he adjusted his breathing, and he didn't dare to distract himself from thinking about Ye Lang when he heard other people's comments.

No, Ren Haichuan, who was just satisfied with the lighting, suddenly said expressionlessly: "Ye Lang's solo interview, if you want to see it, go and see it first."

Jiang Chi was taken aback for a moment, then said dumbly: "No way...all departments are in place..."

Ren Haichuan's usually stiff brows miraculously softened a little, and he gave Jiang Chi a kind look: "Ten minutes at most, don't delay."

"Thank you... Thank you Director Ren!"

Jiang Chi didn't dare to laugh too much, turned around and hurried back to his makeup chair not far away, sat down, picked up the tablet computer, and quickly opened the live broadcast software.

Before Ye Lang's solo interview started, Jiang Chi breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there was no delay. He lowered his head and took out a pair of earphones from his coat, and put them on carefully.

There were no subtitles for the live broadcast, and the set was too noisy, he was afraid that he might not be able to hear what Ye Lang said.

Ren Haichuan looked at Jiang Chi from a distance, and suddenly remembered the first time he saw Jiang Chi.

At that time, Jiang Chi was already very popular, and the little girls in the crew would blush when they saw Jiang Chi, hesitantly pushing and trying to take a group photo to sign, but Jiang Chi still looked like a fresh graduate, polite and humble, let the "zero" Ren Haichuan, who was wary of him, took a liking to him.

One month before joining the group, Ren Haichuan saw Jiang Chi alone, holding a script, standing far away, fixedly looking at Ye Lang who was playing with the supporting role... that's Jiang Chi watching the video now That focused look.

Ren Haichuan understood what was going on at that time.

Ren Haichuan was very dissatisfied with Jiang Chi's resume, which was also an important reason why he rejected Jiang Chi's entry into the crew of "Scum" at the beginning. Thinking, a person, a not-so-talented artist, has to like that bastard Ye Lang so much that he can fight for this step by step

Ren Haichuan smiled unbelievably, walked to the side to rest, turned his head, and watched the live broadcast of the vanity field dinner on the assistant director's computer.

Haishi, Ye Lang raised his head slightly, asking the staff to adjust his portable microphone.

Cen Wen lowered her head and scrolled through Weibo, beaming with joy: "It's well received on the Internet... Everyone said that Brother Ye is all-powerful. At the beginning of the show just now, his aura exploded."

Ye Lang smiled lightly and didn't care. He looked around and murmured: "Yu Xijia, that bastard... I even met Yu Xinze just now, heck... complained to me again, blaming me for digging the river pool."

Anya had a lawsuit on her head, and she wanted to follow, firstly, to show the organizer that she valued it, and secondly, to keep an eye on Ye Lang, in case he would get angry and fight Yu Xijia here.

"He should not be able to attend the dinner party, he has already left." Anya coaxed Ye Lang in a low voice, jealous of other staff members, "What the hell is he doing? Do your interview well...don't think about Yu Xijia, I just heard that, Someone saw that Huasheng's young master had dinner alone with an actress yesterday, so that's a playboy, and Yu Xijia's good days won't last long."

Ye Lang smiled contemptuously.

Anya was restless, flustered for no reason, and her fingertips trembled uncontrollably. After a while, the staff finished checking, and the stylist brought by her family tidied up Ye Lang's hair and nodded to indicate that it was all right. Ye Lang turned to leave. Anya suddenly lost her composure and grabbed Ye Lang's wrist.

Ye Lang turned around unexpectedly, Anya raised her eyes, and two lines of tears suddenly flowed down.

Ye Lang frowned for a moment, and immediately pulled out the decorative handkerchief he was wearing. Anya quickly pressed Ye Lang's hand, nodded and shook her head hastily.

Ye Lang stifled, knowing in his heart that Anya didn't want him to get a dirty handkerchief and affect his image.

Ye Lang gently broke away from her thin hand, and wiped her tears with a handkerchief.

"The year you just graduated, I, when I accompanied you to participate in the film festival for the first time, I had a hunch that we would not go in vain, and we would definitely bring the trophy back to China. After so many years, what happened, I always ... You can guess." Anya clenched her fingers tightly, tried her best to suppress the choking in her throat, raised her eyes, and wiped away her tears. She tried her best to maintain the calmness and professionalism of the big economy, "I know you have been hiding it from me recently. Don't prepare less, you are afraid that I will be troublesome. Ye Lang, I have been too strict with you these years, I am worried... I am afraid that you will go astray, but after knowing that you really like him, I really, never thought of stopping anything … Go ahead."

Ye Lang paused for a moment, put the handkerchief into Anya's hand, lowered her head and kissed Anya's hand, then turned and left.