The Film Emperor

Chapter 83: Finale


One of the hosts of the personal interview was Ye Lang's partner host just now, and the other was a foreign superstar. Several people greeted each other and sat down. Dozens of reporters next to them found their seats one after another, waiting for the solo interview to start.

The three of them knew each other, and after a few polite words, the interview officially started. The foreign actress asked a few official questions on behalf of the organizer, and asked a few questions about "Qin Qin" as requested by Ye Langfang. Ye Lang answered the question about the movie "Sheng" very formally, and after a few minutes, the right to interview was transferred to Ye Lang's partner to host.

"Hey, you know that we are live broadcasting here, and there are many fans posting questions at any time, and many of them are quite sharp." The male host smiled, "I'll just ask a few symbolic questions, and how many symbolic answers do you have?" One, we both take it easy."

Gentleman Ye Lang smiled: "Just ask, all comers are welcome."

"Many... are about another artist, why is it like this?" The male host looked at the script, Nahan turned his head to look at the staff, and deliberately lowered his voice, "Did we not actually invite Ye Yingdi, but Did you invite another male artist? How did Yingdi Ye get in? Didn't anyone check it out?"

Everyone laughed.

On the set of "Qin Sheng", everyone looked towards Jiang Chi's direction tacitly, and smiled teasingly. Jiang Chi didn't blush and shy as usual, but for some reason, his heart suddenly jumped.

In the vanity field, Ye Lang pondered for a moment and then smiled: "I know, you all want me to talk about Teacher Jiang."

The default rule in the circle is to call those who are older than you elder brother, and those younger than you are called teachers, but Ye Lang has a special status in the circle, because he is young and senior, so he seldom calls anyone brother, and he never cares who he is. Mr. Jiang, but in his recent interviews, he called Mr. Jiang one by one in a natural and casual way, and he pronounced this somewhat alienated word in an ambiguous way.

The male host raised his eyebrows: "Thank God, it was you who said his name first."

Ye Lang smiled: "Let's talk about the works first."

"You can search for your awards and works by yourself, so you don't need to take up such precious time." The male host smiled wickedly, "Why don't you talk about his works first?"

Ye Lang paused, and smiled: "I haven't read Teacher Jiang's works much, so I don't have anything to talk about."

The male host asked: "Are you interested in making it up?"

The corners of Ye Lang's mouth curled up slightly: "No."

Everyone couldn't help laughing again.

Ye Lang used to be rude to his friends with a vicious tongue, the fans knew it well, after a few words, everyone almost believed that the two were really just friends, the male host has always been known for his sharp hosting style, let alone today's informal occasion , was even more unscrupulous, for the sake of the effect of the program, he smiled and said: "Speaking of this, many people said before that Jiang Chi only got good resources after signing Ye Lang's studio. In the past, those were all for the sake of popularity. It was just taken, isn't it?"

Ye Lang was silent for a moment, licked her lower lip, and smiled: "Is there anyone in this circle who doesn't want to be popular?"

Not far away, Cen Wen's face turned pale.

Anya went to the bathroom and came over after adjusting her mood. Seeing Cen Wen's expression changed, she frowned: "What's wrong?"

"This is not the script that was given to us earlier..." Cen Wen looked at Anya in surprise, and instantly understood, "Yu Xijia! I said why he hasn't moved, and I can't find him... He changed the script, this male host do not know!"

Cen Wen looked around instinctively, and sure enough, she saw Yu Xijia who suddenly appeared not far away!

Anya was taken aback, then turned her head to look at Ye Lang.

From the very first question, Ye Lang knew that the script had been changed.

The original script will not stick to the topic of Jiang Chi all the time, let alone make fun of Jiang Chi's bad movies before.

Ye Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, he knew that the male host was not so bold to play with himself, there must be something tricky in the middle... But it doesn't matter, it won't hinder him.

The male host was stunned. I didn't notice anything. I thought it was the effect of the show, so I smiled and made a powerful gesture to Ye Lang: "Okay, so I really don't understand, right?"

"It's true that I don't understand the works, but I understand people's words." The interview this time was different from Ye Lang's previous expectations, and the finished drafts were useless. Ye Lang relaxed on the high chair, and simply followed the male host's question, "Before signing into my studio, I will definitely evaluate the artist."

"Everyone must be curious about this!" The male host was enthusiastic, "What did you learn during the evaluation? Is there any gossip?"

"Just some basic things." Ye Lang smiled, "For example...he debuted in his sophomore year, and now he has been in the industry for five years; for example...he debuted many years later than me, but he has made more film and television works than me …”

Linking to the stalk of "Jiang Chi specializes in receiving bad movies" just now, everyone burst into laughter again.

Ye Lang looked not far away...Yu Xijia, who had been hiding for a long time, stood in the distance with a glass of wine at some point, with excitement in his eyes, waiting for a good show.

Ye Lang sneered.

Depending on you, you dare to fight with Dad.

"Another example." The smile on Ye Lang's face gradually disappeared, and he said lightly, "He debuted five years later than me, but the number of times he was injured is several times that of mine."

The host was dumbfounded.

"Since filming five years ago, he has had a large area of sunburn once."

"Right leg fractured once."

"The left leg was broken once and the bone was cracked twice."

"Cracked wrist once."

"Wia had two accidents."

"A large area was scratched several times."

"Numerous soft tissue contusions."

"This is just what I learned. Of course, as you said, Mr. Jiang was not popular at the time, so these things were rarely reported." Ye Lang looked at the main camera, "But I know, I know that he has been How did I get here, and I know...why he is popular."

When filming "The Scum", Director Xu Haozheng came to the crew to meet Ren Haichuan. The two were not together at that time. Ye Lang wanted to introduce Jiang Chi to Director Xu Haozheng, but failed. There are too many "dramas", which has defeated the leading edge.

Jiang Chi smiled helplessly: "At that time, when I first entered the industry, the only resources I could get access to were those. I had nothing to choose, and I really wanted to be popular, so I accepted everything."

What did Ye Lang say at that time

Ye Lang smiled and asked Jiang Chi: "Want to be popular?"

Jiang Chi smiled and said nothing at the time.

Ye Lang was heartless at that time, but now he suddenly remembered that he realized that there was something Jiang Chi didn't say:

If you are not popular, how can I contact you

On the "Qin Sheng" crew, on the backlit makeup chair, Jiang Chi turned his back to the quiet crew. He was wearing earphones, and his face was turned away from the light. No one could clearly see the expression on his face.

During the interview in the vanity field, the male host was also stunned. He faintly realized that his question just now seemed too sharp. Seeing Ye Lang's reaction, he didn't know it in advance.

The male host has experienced many battles, and he has realized that he has been used as a gun.

The male host never wanted to offend Ye Lang, so he nodded and sighed, and responded carefully, following Ye Lang's topic: "It's true... I didn't expect Mr. Jiang to work so hard before..."

Not far away, Yu Xijia's face changed slightly after watching the show. He didn't expect Ye Lang to deal with it like this, with a stick in his throat, he swallowed a glass of wine angrily.

"I'm working very hard now." Ye Lang squinted at Yu Xijia in the distance, and smiled, "Recently filming "Qin Sheng", in order to shoot "Qin Sheng", he lost almost 20 catties. Director Ren and I forced him to lose weight. of."

Yu Xijia was stunned for a moment, and firmly grasped the wine glass.

The male host was startled and sighed constantly, Ye Lang looked at the host with great interest, and said seriously: "As an artist, these are all things you should... Don't you know? He has always been like this, and he used to support LGBT group..."

Ye Lang picked up his wine glass and smiled: "After passing the audition, I voluntarily asked for zero pay, just because I liked the script and the story... To be honest, among the younger generation of filmmakers, I am the artist who is willing to accept zero pay." I only know him so far.”

Anya and Cen Wen at the scene: "..."

That is, a few years ago, after Ye Lang explained a nonsense football match with nonsense, the two of them saw Ye Lang's ability to talk nonsense again.

Yu Xijia had prepared several months of expensive materials, and just like that, Ye Lang exploded them one by one.

No matter what Yu Xijia said afterward, it was all second-hand fabrications and could be strangled to death.

In the distance, Yu Xijia's eyes were shattered, and he almost vomited blood. Ye Lang smiled, raised his glass to him, and took a sip.


Don't hate it? Dad will blow it up for you first, and see what else you can blow up.

"I've never heard of this! Oh my god, did we earn two people today?!" The male host said pleasantly, "Unexpectedly, Jiang Chi has such sentiments at such a young age..."

"Okay, I've been talking for a long time, Mr. Jiang, can you give me some time? I have a movie to be finalized soon, yes, it's "The Regent", and I'm in it..."

On the crew of "Qin Sheng", Jiang Chi stared blankly at the live broadcast interface that had ended, unable to recover for a while.


Is it just like that

"The live broadcast is over, let's start work." Unlike the sighs and sighs of the rest of the crew, Ren Haichuan still had the same old face, "All departments are in place."

Jiang Chi closed his eyes and walked slowly to the camera.

Before Ye Lang left, he promised him that he would not be scolded.

Jiang Chi did what he said.

"The 213th scene of "Qin Sheng" takes one shot! Action!"

In the center of the bare-walled room, there was a lonely chair.

Qin Sheng sat on the chair for a long time.

Before leaving, the man said to him: It's nothing, it's hard to get through.

There is nothing that can't be overcome... Unspoken rules without knowing the truth, drug use and slander, just passed.

After Jiang Chi sat for a long time, he slowly got up, hesitated, and opened the safe on the wall.

Inside was his student ID, and some documents that used to be important but now seem irrelevant.

People always have to look ahead.

Jiang Chi picked up the student ID card, and a folded letter paper fell out. Jiang Chi frowned, not understanding how it got in.

He bowed his head and picked up the letter paper.

The lens changes and advances.

In the play, this is "that man", the last gift left to him.

The movie is coming to an end, and almost everyone has discovered that "that man" is weird.

He will do his best to help a stranger who has no relatives and no reason for no reason.

He didn't seem to care about the branch he said needed his overseer.

He always has a lot of time.

When he first arrived in this city, no one knew the model of the car he was driving.

In a place where no one was around, he would hold Qin Sheng's mother's will on his chest and weep silently.

When asked what his name was, he was always silent, and a few times his answers didn't even match up at all.

In fact, his name is also Qin Sheng.

He is Qin Sheng from ten years ago.

In the letter, Qin Sheng took notes ten years ago calmly, and told Qin Sheng ten years later to be brave and strong.

Tell him to learn to compromise with himself, but not with the world.

Told him that in the past few months, the one who helped him was actually himself.

Tell him that in this world, anyone and anything can knock him down, but after falling down ten thousand times, only you will help you get up ten thousand times.

Outside the scene, Jiang Chi held the letter tremblingly with his fingertips trembling, as if realizing something, he slowly and slowly unfolded the letter.

Jiang Chi's eyes paused...

This letter was actually written by Ye Lang himself before he left.

No one knows Ye Lang's font better than Jiang Chi.

Ye Lang's brushstrokes are vigorous and flamboyant, each stroke expressing a man's tenderness and reluctance for him ten years ago.

With tears in Jiang Chi's eyes, he read each word with hunger and thirst.

The last line, the original text in the play is:

Qin Sheng, I always thought, hug me who was ten years ago.

On the letter in Jiang Chi's hand, Ye Lang's handwriting was clear on the last line:

"Jiang Chi, I've always wanted to hug you from five years ago."

Five years ago, with boundless love and nostalgia for Ye Lang, Jiang Chi stepped into this circle step by step.

This road is too long, it took him nearly five years, suffered a lot, and used some disgraceful tricks to get to Ye Lang.

And those little tricks that made him worry about it, for fear of affecting Ye Lang, were exposed one by one by Ye Lang in front of everyone just now.

A year ago, the sapling that sprouted beside Ye Lang can finally grow into a towering tree safely, and the tree has flourished ever since.

Jiang Chi clutched the letter Ye Lang left for him, pressed it hard on his chest, and wept bitterly.

The author has something to say: I didn't expect the number of words to explode in the end, this time it's really, really over.

Thank you for your support


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