The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 113


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Chapter 113 Zhenxiang Warning (Part 2)

Ruan Tang knew that Chen Yuanwu and Cao Jun's basic skills were very solid, so he gave Chen Yuanwu the kitchen knife and asked him to handle the rabbit and Cao Jun to handle the pheasant. Rabbits need to be peeled with a kitchen knife and then cut into small pieces, while pheasants need to be depilated with hot water.

Seeing the picture of the rabbit being handled again, the audience started arguing again. Many people think that rabbits are very cute animals. People in the ancient earth era should have kept them as pets, not for food. But some people who have studied the history of the ancient earth came out to argue that rabbits are edible, and for a while the two sides were at loggerheads.

[Ye Liushang: Bunny is so cute! How can you eat rabbits? !]

[Miao Miao loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor: The dishes we cook in Tangtang must be delicious, if you don't want to eat them, don't use your chopsticks for a while!]

However, the guests at this time were completely unaware of the situation in the live broadcast room. Both Chen Yuanwu and Cao Jun moved very neatly, and they dealt with the rabbit and pheasant in a short time.

Ruan Tang put the cut rabbit meat into the plastic basin that he just received today, soaked and washed it with clean water, and put it into a small bowl after all the blood foam was washed away, and added salt, soy sauce and a small amount of starch Knead well and marinate for a while. Because rabbits are herbivores, rabbit meat will have an earthy or grassy smell. The steps to remove the smell must be meticulous, otherwise it will make it difficult for these soldiers with sensitive five senses to swallow.

Afterwards, Ruan Tang heated the oil in an iron pan, put in the chopped onion, ginger, and garlic and sautéed until fragrant, then added bean paste and chili sauce to fry the red oil, then added the marinated rabbit meat, and stir-fried over high heat until the color changed. Finally, add clear water and chopped chili rings, and simmer over low heat. A strong spicy smell wafted out through the gap of the pot lid, causing everyone to swallow their saliva.

After simmering for about five or six minutes, Ruan Tang poked the rabbit meat in the pot with his homemade wooden chopsticks to make sure the meat was fully cooked, then used the high heat to collect the juice and it was ready to be taken out of the pot.

"Mr. Ruan, can I have a taste?" Chen Yuanwu couldn't help asking.

The chopped rabbit meat was soaked in red oil, which looked extremely attractive. With the tangy and spicy taste, it was impossible to imagine that it was made of rabbit meat that was difficult for him to swallow before.

"Of course." Ruan Tang handed over the chopsticks in his hand.

As soon as the spicy rabbit meat is in the mouth, an indescribable spicy taste blooms directly on the tip of the tongue. Because it has been stewed, the rabbit meat is very tasty and tender, because the outer layer is covered with a thin layer of starch. After being oiled, the outer layer of the rabbit meat has an extremely thin and crispy crust. If the oil temperature is not well controlled, then the shell may make the taste hard, but Ruan Tang's control of the oil temperature is just right, so that the thin layer of crispy shell adds a burnt aroma to the rabbit meat, and more The unique taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The audience who were watching the live broadcast in the live broadcast room saw the intoxicated expression on Chen Yuanwu's face, how could they bear it? I didn't care about arguing about whether the rabbit should eat or not, so I picked up the chopsticks and started eating.

[The shadow is a little bit cold: ah, it's so delicious! How can it be so fragrant?]

[Day and night: Uh... is this really the rabbit meat that Chen Yuanwu and the others ate yesterday? Why do I feel that there are all different kinds of meat... My Tang is really amazing!]

[Yue Mingya: Don't you just want my knee? Take it and take it!]

[Ye Liushang: Really fragrant o(╥﹏╥)o]

At this time, He Yunchen didn't know when, he had already made a boxy wooden table with the cut wood, which looked strong and durable. Chen Yuanwu and Cao Jun helped to bring the spicy rabbit diced and stewed fish soup to the table. Chen Yang and Gu Yan also actively stepped forward to pick up the pot and wash it by the stream. They couldn't do anything else, but Things like washing and scrubbing can still be done.

Chen Yuanwu picked up the plastic basin and was about to bury the viscera and fur, but was stopped by Ruan Tang, "Leave the rabbit head and chicken offal for me."

Spicy rabbit head is a famous dish in Sichuan. It tastes very good. Although the chicken offal is not much, it can also be fried and eaten as a side dish.

Only then did Chen Yuanwu and Cao Jun know that this kind of animal with white fur, long ears and red eyes is called a rabbit.

[Qing Xiang in Bai Yi: I Tang is so smart! To know that this is a rabbit, you must have read a lot of ancient history!]

[Yi'er: That's amazing, my Tang! Offer crystal flowers!]

Ruan Tang took the rabbit's head in his hand, peeled off the skin of the rabbit's head with a kitchen knife, and cut off the ears, eyelids and throat. Because the picture was a little bloody, considering the audience's acceptance, he deliberately used his body to Blocked the lens. By the time everyone sees it, it will already be a processed rabbit head.

Then he soaked the rabbit head with a little cooking wine, ginger and green onions to remove the fishy smell, and it was almost done after 30 minutes.

Then he started to make beggar chicken, broke the bones of the pheasant with the back of a knife, folded them into a ball, then smeared the processed pheasant with salt, pepper and onion and ginger juice, and then wrapped it with fresh lotus leaves. The moistened earth coats the chicken before it is roasted in the hearth.

The audience had never seen this kind of practice before, and they were all very surprised, especially when they saw him smear mud on the chicken, many people came out to accuse this practice of being too unhygienic, and seriously doubted whether the chicken was in the end. Really edible. Only those old fans of Ruan Tang expressed their composure and planned to sit and wait for them to slap them in the face.

[Hehehehe: What the hell is putting mud on the chicken? Is this kind of thing really edible? Sensation is the wrong way, right?]

[Yu Jingshu: Do we Tangtang need to sensationalize? His strength is obvious to all, okay?]

[Xiao Qingming: Since that's the case, you all must refrain from coming to eat later!]

Zha Panpan sent the bear paws yesterday. He had boiled them in a pot with cold water before, and now they have been dried. It is just right to burn off the hair on its surface, remove its sharp nails and the old skin on the soles of its feet. Take out the phalanx with a knife on the back of the palm, put it into boiling water again, add onion, ginger, garlic, rice wine and pepper and simmer for an hour, and it is almost done.

When the audience saw this scene, they once again expressed that they were all bad. One moment was the head of a rabbit, another moment was this ugly bear paw, and there was also a pheasant wrapped in mud. Except for the pot of fish soup and the Spicy diced rabbit, almost none of the remaining three dishes can be eaten.

And many people have seen the bear meat cooked by Zha Panpan. Although Zha Panpan used a lot of seasonings, the final taste of the bear meat was not bad, but the taste was very old and it was too laborious to eat. The furry bear's paw is so thick and ugly, in the view of the audience, it is not even as good as leftovers, which creates a feeling of resistance.

Many people expressed doubts in the barrage, and then quarreled with the fans who defended Ruan Tang.

Half an hour later, the rabbit's head was almost gone. Ruan Tang took out the rabbit's head, put it in a pot and simmered in boiling water, completely removed the remaining blood foam in the rabbit's head, and then put the rabbit's head in In the oil pan, stir-fry the red oil with bean paste and chili oil to taste, add soy sauce and a little sugar, simmer for 15 minutes and then take it out of the pan.

The rabbit's head has fully absorbed the red oil and sauce, and it looks oily, smooth, ruddy and delicious. If it is not a rabbit's head, some people will still be willing to try it.

Generally speaking, to eat a rabbit head is to grab the upper and lower jaws of the rabbit's mouth with your hands, break the rabbit head in half, and then eat it. However, this method is too difficult for future people who have never eaten rabbits. It was too bloody and violent, so Ruan Tang used chopsticks to tear off the edible meat from the rabbit's head bit by bit, and put it on a clean lotus leaf. As for the remaining skull, brain flower and tongue, you can wait Go back to the wooden house and eat slowly.

The rabbit's head is not big, so there is very little edible meat on it, so in the end, there are only six small pieces of rabbit head meat on the lotus leaf, and each of them will have one piece, which is just enough to taste.

[Xiao Qingming: Aww, oh my god, what kind of fairy meat is this? How can it be so delicious?]

[Baomu can't hold it: Mommy, this meat is numb, spicy, fragrant and tender, with a little sweetness, it's so delicious! Why is it so little? I ate it in just a few bites!]

[Ye Liuzhang: Is this really a rabbit head? ! ! ! I was wrong! I shouldn't have doubted Ruan Tang just now... o(╥﹏╥)o]

When the rabbit head is stewing in the pot, it fully absorbs the spicy and sweet taste in the sauce. The meat that the rabbit head can eat is actually the masseter muscle, which is very elastic and tough because of the chewing action of the rabbit. It will taste very good!

Not long after, the beggar chicken in the stove was almost finished roasting, Ruan Tang pulled out a scorched lump from the stove with a wooden stick, which looked ugly and ugly.

The voice of doubt that was suppressed by the delicious spicy rabbit head just now reappeared. The audience still couldn't imagine that this black pheasant wrapped in mud and roasted was really edible

However, these spectators were destined to be slapped in the face. Ruan Tang picked up the roasted beggar chicken and threw it on the ground, smashing the mud wrapped in the outer layer, revealing the roasted yellow lotus leaves inside. Remove the lotus leaf, and you can see the shiny chicken inside. An indescribable fragrance rushed to the face, and the audience was caught off guard.

[Gu Shanxiao: Oh my god, why is it so fragrant? !]

[Mu Wange: I can't help but start to doubt life, can a chicken baked with mud be so delicious?]

[Little Swallow Fei Ah Fei: I couldn't help but take a bite... I just want to say... it smells so good! ! ! !]

Because it has been sealed and baked in the soil for a long time, the chicken is fragrant and tender, and it melts in the mouth. The fragrance of the lotus leaf is also brought into the chicken by the high temperature, and there is a unique fragrance when eating. For this The beggar chicken adds a lot of color.

Chen Yuanwu and Cao Jungen don't need to taste it, they can know that the taste of this chicken baked with mud is absolutely the same just by smelling it. They admire Ruan Tang's culinary skills more and more. They really deserve to be a top chef with the ability to turn decay into wonder!

[Genuine Devil: Hmm... so maybe that black bear's paw is also delicious?]

[Tatamile Tada: Suddenly, inexplicably, my face hurts...]