The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 14


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Chapter 14 Pancake Fruit

After eating and sleeping at home for a few days, Ruan Tang felt that his physical condition had improved significantly, and he should be able to eat some big meat to make up for it. After eating light food for so many days, he was really hungry, and now he wanted to indulge himself and eat big pieces of meat!

Ruan Tang turned on the optical brain, and happily landed in the shopping mall to start the big business of purchasing.

He bought a large piece of pork belly, several large bones with meat, winter melon, flour and seasonings, etc., and prepared to make stewed pork noodles. Big bones are used to make bone soup, which can be used to make noodle soup and supplement calcium by the way, while wax gourd is used to enhance the umami taste of bone soup.

But the bone soup can't be cooked well unless it boils for two or three hours, so Ruan Tang plans to boil the bone soup first, and then eat stewed meat noodles at night. Today's brunch should be a little simpler.

He thought for a while, and decided to make pancakes, which was one of the most popular breakfasts in his previous life, and he was full of nostalgia for that taste. So he bought some cornmeal, eggs, lettuce, tenderloin, and when he saw soybeans, he also bought a catty. He also really wants to drink soy milk. Drinking a cup of fragrant and mellow soy milk in the morning will make him feel very comfortable, but the soybeans need to be soaked to grind the soy milk. I am afraid that this morning will not be in time, so he can only grind the soy milk himself at night.

Because I bought a lot, I needed to pay more than 600 common coins at the checkout, but Ruan Tang confirmed the payment without blinking. He is not what it used to be now, the balance in his account has already reached five figures, and he has the confidence to spend money.

While waiting for the interstellar express to deliver the goods, Ruan Tang searched for the Chefs Association on Starnet, found their official website, and went in for a stroll.

The homepage of the official website is basically the production methods of various ingredients. According to the order of the ingredients announced by the Academy of Sciences, the newer the ingredients, the higher the ranking, but it can be seen that there is a certain lag compared to the time announced by the Academy of Sciences. Not very efficient.

The position in the middle is the very conspicuous sign-up office for the Chef Level Qualification Examination. Click on it to see the relevant instructions. The chef certificate is divided into five stars according to the level, which is consistent with the level assessment that Ruan Tang knew in his previous life. The highest level is a five-star chef.

Chef star rating must be tested from low to high, level by level. After becoming a one-star chef, you can work in a restaurant as a chef, but only when you reach the three-star chef qualification can you have the qualification to open a restaurant independently, and if you continue to upgrade, the restaurant under the chef's name will also be upgraded accordingly. That's how those so-called star-rated restaurants come about.

After obtaining the chef certificate, you can enjoy the benefits of the chef association. For example, you can get a lot of money if you research a new food cooking method. award.

These systems seem to be quite humane, and there are no hard requirements for chefs. Many star chefs will also choose to become private chefs hired by powerful people.

The chef level assessment is held once a month. Ruan Tang took a look at it. The latest assessment is ten days later. He reckoned that his body should be well-fed by then, and it should be no problem to go out.

So he signed up on the official website, paid the examination fee of 300 common currency, and then withdrew it.

It didn't take long for him to receive a notification from the Chefs Association, informing him that he had successfully registered and telling him the location and time of the assessment.

Ruan Tang set up an event reminder on the optical brain, and asked Xiaobai to remember it, so as not to make an oolong that he forgot to take the assessment.

At this time, Interstellar Express arrived just in time. After Xiaobai signed for him and arranged them one by one, Ruan Tang started the live broadcast.

"Hello everyone, I'm the anchor Ruan Tang. Today I'm going to bring you pancakes." After the routine greeting, Ruan Tang couldn't help but frown as he watched the rapidly increasing number of online users.

Pancake fruit is a famous snack in Tianjin. In the previous life, it was spread around the campuses of various provinces. The thin crispy skin is brushed with sauce, and then rolled with various materials. It is convenient and delicious. It is a favorite of many students and office workers. Quite a favorite food for hunger.

[Drink cold in the middle of the night for nothing: send crystal flowers to my dearest anchor, chicken wings and potatoes are super delicious! ! I didn't even waste the remaining soup, I mixed it all into the rice, and ate up a pot of rice raw!]

[Liu Yebai: I didn't say anything, I almost ate without a plate...]

[Vivian Feng: Ahh, I forgot to lock the door when I was eating in the dormitory, and I only had time to stuff a chicken wing into my mouth, and the rest went into the stomachs of the animals! ! 〒▽〒]

[Meow likes to eat chicken wings: Those who didn't win the lottery burst into tears and cursed you in circles!]

[Baomu can't hold her arms: woo woo woo, I want to eat delicious chicken wings too...]

Seeing this, Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing, "There is still a chance today, and the pancakes are also delicious."

[Moshang, who is on the night shift every day: anchor, anchor, what are pancakes?]

"Panbing Guozi actually means 'wrapped in pancakes'. It is similar to the egg pancakes I made before, but with lettuce, shortbread and other things rolled inside, and the pancakes are thinner and crisper." Ruan Tang didn't agree. Knowing that we should explain the history of pancake fruit to future generations, we can only briefly describe the origin of the name.

He poured flour and cornmeal into a large basin in the same ratio, added two eggs, a little cooking oil and water, and then stirred vigorously. While stirring, Ruan Tang explained to the audience, "When stirring, everyone has to be a little patient. It must be mixed evenly, otherwise it will affect the taste of the noodles."

The batter for making the bread was ready soon, and Ruan Tang took out another basin, poured a small half bag of flour into it, added an appropriate amount of salt, oil and warm water, and started kneading the dough.

[Xiao Jiangsi: Why did the anchor make two pots of noodles? Are you going to make a lot of pancakes and share them with us? (ˉ﹃ˉ)]

Ruan Tang explained: "No, that batter is used to make noodles, and the dough I have in hand is for making shortbread, but I will indeed save a few copies for everyone to draw."

[Magic Moon Purple: Is there any difference between noodles and shortbread?]

"Uh, the bread is used to wrap the outside, and the shortbread is sandwiched inside. After a while, everyone will understand after watching me make it."

Ruan Tang quickly kneaded the flour into a smooth dough, put it in a fresh-keeping box, and put it aside.

While the dough was resting, Ruan Tang made another sweet noodle sauce. When making omelets, everyone had already watched Ruan Tang make it once, so they became more and more looking forward to the finished product.

To prepare the sauce for brushing, Ruan Tang opened another small frying pan. In the pancake fruit, he is going to roll the tenderloin. The tenderloin is smooth and tender, and it is cooked relatively quickly. It is a common combination to roll pancakes, Luomo, and finger cakes. He cut the tenderloin into 2-3 mm slices, put it in the pan and fry it until both sides are cooked through, and it turned into a greasy beige, and then he took it out and put it on a nearby plate for later use.

[Miaomiao loves to eat chicken wings: qaq, this meat smells so delicious, why is there no taste at all...]

[Baomu can't hold it: put on that sauce! It becomes delicious immediately!]

[Xiao Qingming: Really? I will try it too!]

[Alaan: I want it too~]

Ruan Tang couldn't help feeling amused when he saw that the two live treasures started to steal again and even attracted other viewers. Anyway, what they ate was just virtual data, and it had no effect on him, so he let them go.

At this time, the dough has almost woken up. He took the dough out of the fresh-keeping box, cut it into small rectangular pieces, and then rolled them into thin cakes with a rolling pin, put them in an oil pan, and fried them until Take them out after they are crispy. At this time, they have turned into a slightly burnt golden yellow color, a bit similar to Sanzi, with noodle bubbles of different sizes bulging up on them, thin and brittle, and will shatter when tapped lightly. into chunks.

"Now we can start making pancakes." Ruan Tang took out the pan and heated it, brushed a layer of oil on it, and then poured a spoonful of batter into the pan.

The pancakes made at home are slightly different from those outside. After all, the pans are different, so it is not suitable to use a scraper. Because the dough is thin, he moves very quickly. Holding the pan, he turns his wrist quickly a few times, and the batter turns around in the pan, gradually forming a round cake, and then quickly rises slightly. Yellow is half cooked.

After the dough was set, he cracked an egg on it, and gently scraped it with a spatula, so that the egg covered the entire dough. When the bottom side of the pancake is almost cooked, turn it over until both sides are golden brown and burnt.

He spread the sweet bean sauce he had just adjusted on the pancakes, put tenderloin, chopped green onions, washed lettuce leaves, and crushed shortbread, rolled them up on all sides, and then gently chopped a strip in the middle with a shovel, and folded them in half. A bulging pancake fruit is made.

"Okay, everyone can have a taste." The fragrant pancakes were placed on the plate, and Ruan Tang invited the audience to try them, while he continued to make pancakes and prepared to give them away as prizes later.

[inkraine: Why did you put raw vegetable leaves in it? Is this really edible?]

[Xing Xin: It looks like a newcomer at first glance upstairs. Everything the anchor makes must be edible, and it's especially delicious!]

[I Chang'an:! ! ! ! delicious! ! !]

[Meow likes to eat chicken wings: qaq, I can see it! The anchor just wants me to change my name every day!]

[Baomu can't hold it: it's delicious! Delicious! How can it be so delicious (ㄒoㄒ)~~]

[Learn to cook with the host: soft on the outside and crispy on the inside, with the freshness of the meat and the crispness of the vegetable leaves, and the sauce, my God, how can there be such a rich taste, I feel like a bird after taking a bite Children fly in the sky, fish swim in the bottom of the sea... I can't make it up anymore, please accept me as an apprentice!]

[Mixia: Delicious.]

For a while, a large number of crystal flowers and colorful fireworks bloomed in the live broadcast room. Almost everyone was conquered by the deliciousness of this pancake. It was salty and fragrant, and the heat was steaming in the mouth after biting it. The tenderness of the eggs and the smoothness of the tenderloin, the strong taste of the sweet bean sauce, and the sweetness of the lettuce are well neutralized, the taste is long and the aftertaste is endless.

Ruan Tang has already made all the remaining pancakes, five servings, exactly five people, "Okay, today we will draw five lucky viewers, and after the live broadcast is over, I will give away the pancakes I made myself."

[Flying at low altitude: Seek to win the prize!]

[Baomu can't hold it: I want to win the lottery! +1]

[Meow loves to eat shrimp: I want to win the prize! +2]

[Seven Treasures: Seek to win the prize! +3]

Turning on the lottery function, Ruan Tang quickly selected five lucky viewers from the online audience. I don't know if it was a coincidence. Xiaoxuan from Mojia, Daimo, and Ah Laan, five audience members, the courier will be sent out later, please pay attention to sign for receipt."

The audience who failed to win the lottery wailed as expected, and Ruan Tang could only comfort them that they would still have a chance at night.

"User 'he' gave the anchor a meteor shower."

Seeing the familiar system prompt, Ruan Tang smiled for some reason. Could this rich real estate manager imply that he also wants to eat it

"Thank you." Ruan Tang thanked with a smile, and then said slightly teasingly, "Today there are only five pancakes in total, so bribing the anchor is useless."

The directivity of these words was very clear, and the live broadcast room suddenly became a sea of joy.

[Baomu can't hold it: Thank you to the anchor for letting me understand that you can't do whatever you want even if you have money!]

[Meow loves to eat chicken wings: I really didn’t laugh, hahaha]

They laughed and posted a lot of bullet screens, only to notice that Ruan Tang unexpectedly didn't directly close the live broadcast today.

"Tonight I'm going to make braised pork noodles, and I'm going to teach you how to make a very delicious and nutritious drink, but because the preparation takes a long time, I need to start preparing now."

Ruan Tang said as he took out a small bag of soybeans and soaked them in a large basin, "These are soybeans, which can be processed into delicious soy milk, but they need to be soaked in water for several hours before making them, so we put them here , I'll deal with it tonight."

"Now we have to boil another pot of bone soup." Ruan Tang took out a few more large bones, rinsed them briefly with warm water, and then directly split the large bones with a kitchen knife, exposing the dark red bone marrow inside , Put the split big bones into the pot, add green onion and ginger, then fill up with water, and then put it on the stove to start stewing. "Bone soup also needs to be boiled for several hours. At night, everyone can I saw the changes in these two ingredients."

"Then today's live broadcast ends here, and we'll see you tonight."