The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 18


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Chapter 18 Three Eating Eggplants - Part 2

Ruan Tang's stir-frying action did not pause at all, allowing the barrage to discuss and guess.

"Fish-flavored eggplant is ready, everyone can try it." Ruan Tang put the fried fish-flavored eggplant into a white porcelain bowl, sprinkled with green onion, and then invited the audience to try it.

The attention of the arguing audience was immediately attracted by the hot fish-flavored eggplant, the sweet and sour aroma was extremely alluring.

[Meow loves meat: Oh my god! Delicious!]

[Baomu can't hold her arms: Upstairs, I think you may have to change your name again... [laughing and crying jpg]]

[Liu Yebai: It's delicious, even better than the steamed eggplant at Rose Restaurant!]

Chinese food is all about color, fragrance and taste. Although these interstellar viewers don't understand this, they can unreservedly receive the triple stimulation and temptation of food in terms of sight, smell and taste. The taste of fried meat dishes is attractive enough, and the reddish-brown minced meat is spread in the bowl, with a strip of eggplant sandwiched in the middle, it only looks soft and tender, and the whole bowl is covered with orange-brown Oily, coupled with the embellishment of green onion, it looks oily but not greasy, colorful but not vulgar. Take a bite and put it in your mouth. The eggplant strips are fried until crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. The still steaming eggplant is incredibly soft. Even if the teeth are slightly numb from the heat, it makes people reluctant to let go. The sweet and sour taste is mouth-watering, especially with the addition of minced meat, which adds a meaty flavor to the eggplant.

[Paji: (ㄒoㄒ)~~ I was wrong, the anchor's cooking skills are perfect! Rose restaurant counts!]

[Qinghan Lengyou: Uh, it seems to be delicious... If you don't sing it, it will be a blockbuster. The crystal flower is my deep love for you!]

At this time, Ruan Tang has already started making fried eggplant boxes.

He first poured the remaining minced meat into a large bowl, added salt, light soy sauce, minced ginger and green onion, and raw powder, and stirred vigorously until the seasoning was fully blended with the minced meat.

Then he took another bowl, poured a little flour, added eggs and pepper, then added a small amount of water, and stirred it into a uniform batter.

Ruan Tang picked up the eggplant that had been sliced, only then did the audience realize that the eggplant slices were actually sticking together.

[Qibao: Hey, it seems that many eggplant slices are not cut well, did the anchor do it on purpose?]

[Xiao Qingming: It must be intentional, right? The anchor is so powerful, it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake.]

[id27791075: Hehe, such an obvious mistake in knife work, you brainless fans are still bragging, it's really funny.]

[vivian wind: I'm afraid the upstairs is not a former professional sunspot? This familiar digital id really makes me want to laugh.]

[The original scenery of my hometown: (づ●─● )づ]

"Everyone should remember that when slicing, one knife should be deep and the knife should be shallow. If it is cut, it will easily fall apart when it is fried in a frying pan." Ruan Tang picked up two sticky eggplants , stuff the meat stuffing in the middle, and then put it in the batter and wrap it evenly in a circle.

After stuffing all the eggplant boxes with meat and wrapping them in batter, Ruan Tang took out a clean pot and poured in a small half pot of cooking oil. The boxes were put in along the side of the pot one by one.

"When putting down the eggplant box, it's best to slide it in from the side, don't throw it directly, so as not to be splashed by oil."

The eggplant box was crackling in the frying pan, and the sticky batter gradually turned yellow, and a strong aroma slowly spread out.

After the eggplant boxes were fried until both sides were golden, Ruan Tang took them out one by one, drained the oil and put them on a white porcelain plate. They looked a little ugly, just pieces of yellow, covered with uneven paste The small cakes exude a fresh and sweet meaty aroma.

Thinking of the eggplant and minced meat wrapped inside, everyone was looking forward to it, and even looking at the dough outside, they felt that there was a lot of connotation.

"This is the fried eggplant box. You can eat it, but be careful not to burn it."

[Meow loves meat: Oh my god! I'm going to heaven! How could there be such a delicious thing!]

[Baomu can't hold her arms: tears streaming down her face, will this thing draw a lottery after a while? I am willing to donate half a month's salary, and beg the anchor to open a back door for me...]

[Sixteen Night Que: Think beautifully! The anchor looks at me, looks at me! Open a back door for me qaq]

The freshly fried eggplant box has a faint egg smell on the surface, and the skin is a little crispy, but the eggplant wrapped inside is soft and juicy, and the meat filling is even more delicious. When you bite down, you will find all kinds of flavors and textures in it. The collision in the mouth is so delicious that people want to ascend to heaven.

Ruan Tang took out another small plate of tomato sauce, "If you like a stronger taste, you can also try dipping some tomato sauce."

He is a native of the south, and his taste is relatively sweet, so he always likes to add some sugar when cooking, and he also likes to dip a little tomato sauce or sweet and sour sauce when eating eggplant boxes.

"The braised eggplant should be ready, let's take a look."

When the lid of the pot was opened, there was another tempting aroma. The audience was completely impressed by the first two dishes, and they were looking forward to the third dish.

As soon as Ruan Tang took the stewed eggplant out of the pot, some viewers already sent bullet screens to marvel at the deliciousness of the eggplant. One can imagine how impatient they were.

The braised eggplant is cut into hob pieces, because there is no beef powder, Ruan Tang also put a little minced meat in it. The eggplant has not been peeled. Now when it comes out of the pot, the eggplant is like a small purple drum, which is shiny with oil, but the surface of the drum is cleaner, with slight wrinkles. You can tell that it has been completely stewed. delicious.

When they can't wait to take a bite, the first is the meat-flavored oil juice, and the tongue licks it lightly, and then it all slides down the throat, wait for the vegetable juice to be sucked, and then gently bite it down with the teeth , the fragrance of eggplant mixed with the freshness of meat immediately conquered the mouth. In particular, there are a few grains of fat and thin minced meat sticking to it, which is soft and springy when bitten, but not overwhelming, which is really a rare delicacy.

[Meow loves eggplant: Eggplant is my favorite dish from today on!]

[Baomu can't hold it: It's so delicious, all three dishes are so delicious!]

[Follow the host to learn how to cook: Braised eggplant is soft and tender, super tasty and delicious! If there is a pot of fragrant white rice next to it, I can definitely eat it all!]

[Xinxin Yulin: Agree! I decided to go buy that thing called a rice cooker! In case you win the lottery in a while, there is no food to go with it!]

[Baomu can't hold her back: The smelly upstairs is shameless, the prize is mine!]

There are three kinds of eggplants, each with its own flavor, and Ruan Tang's cooking skills are beyond words. All kinds of crystal flowers and colorful fireworks bloomed on the screen for a while, and the audience seemed to feel that only in this way could they vent their excitement. This is a dish that is even more delicious than the highest-level rose restaurant in the empire! After being a fan of such an anchor, they feel that they have extra face when they say it.

[Mixia: Pray for winning the lottery.]

[Flying at low altitude: pray for winning +1]

[Drink cool in the middle of the night: pray for winning +2]

The daily prayer for winning the lottery started again, which seemed to have become a landscape in Ruan Tang's live broadcast room.

"Now I'm going to draw five lucky viewers to give away the fried eggplant box I made by myself." Ruan Tang opened the backstage lottery function as he spoke, and quickly drew out five IDs.

"Congratulations to the original scenery of my hometown, Sixteen Nights Que, Yu Nian, Kong Yan and Jiuye Liuli, the courier will be sent later, remember to check it!"

The winning rate was too low, and the audience who failed to win the prize were immediately disappointed, but Ruan Tang was also very helpless. After all, he only had one person, and it was impossible to satisfy the needs of every audience.

"This is the end of today's live broadcast, see you tomorrow."

Simply shutting down the live broadcast, Ruan Tang, with the help of Xiao Bai, put the fried eggplant box into the fresh-keeping box. At the same time, he did not forget to set aside a part of each dish and prepare to send it to the dean of the Academy of Sciences.

Today, the other party sent over a rice cooker, so he reciprocated. In addition, he also wanted to report to the Academy of Sciences about the recovery of ingredients such as tofu and preserved eggs. After all, brine, amino acids, lime, etc. were needed, and it was not convenient for him to get them.

After sending the things out one by one, Ruan Tang stretched his waist. He was sleepy in spring, tired in summer, napped in autumn and hibernated in winter. In short, he was always tired in four seasons, so he had to take another nap.

When He Yunchen came home from get off work, he found a courier package on the table, which might have been collected by the smart housekeeper. Looking at the familiar package and the "food" label, He Yunchen couldn't help reaching out and tearing open the package. After seeing the fresh and warm eggplant inside, a smile appeared on his face.

The address associated with his account is the military department. Although he didn't know how Ruan Tang knew his home address, he subconsciously ignored this doubt and felt very grateful for Ruan Tang's special care for him.

What a little fudge, he couldn't help thinking sweetly.

At this moment, He Yunyi came down from upstairs and saw his younger brother holding a fresh-keeping box with a bewildered smile on his face. He suddenly realized that the other party might be thinking about it.

Pretending to find nothing, he walked down the stairs slowly, glanced into the fresh-keeping box, nodded and said: "Today is eggplant, there are three boxes, and I also brought a piece of rice, which is not bad."

He Yunchen was interrupted by him, and he didn't pay attention to the recipient's name on the courier slip, and said in a showy tone: "Of course."

"Yes, I think so too." The smile on He Yunyi's lips widened, "Let me see who the recipient is—"

He Yunchen said without hesitation: "There can still be..."

A black-and-white courier slip was viciously pasted in front of his eyes, and He Yunyi always read in an aria-like tone: "Ah, that's right, who else could it be? Of course this courier belongs to me." .”

"Hey, you don't think the anchor sent it to you, did you? After all, no one knows you."

Seeing the slight distortion on the face of his brother who has always been expressionless, he couldn't help laughing out loud: "Hahahahaha my silly brother—you don't know yet? My dear little gummy just became Adviser of the Academy of Sciences~"

He Yunchen sat down without saying a word, waiting for Ran Jing and He Weiye to come back for dinner, but he didn't even want to look at He Yunyi.

Hmph, angry.