The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 25


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Chapter 25 Four Seasons Feast - Part 1

The so-called Four Seasons Banquet is to use simple dishes to create the feeling of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It was Ruan Tang's previous life when he celebrated his birthday at home to entertain guests at home, and he also named it himself. At that time, he felt that this kind of sweet and sour dish was very suitable for eating in summer, and now it is suitable for this assessment.

[Bao Mu couldn't hold her arms: ah, this opening line is so familiar! Give the host a crazy knee!]

[Meow loves to eat all the dishes of the host: I've been waiting for a long time! The best broadcaster!]

[Listen to the lingering sound: Four Seasons Banquet or something, it sounds very high-end!]

[Gu Tiante: Same as above, although I don't understand what it means, it just feels amazing!]

[Sansheng Shiliye: Hehehe, let me give you some popular science for those who have studied the history of the ancient earth. A banquet means a family gathering together and cooking a table full of dishes to enjoy together. But I only listened to the teacher in class, I didn't expect to be able to see it with my own eyes today, I am really happy!]

[Zixi: I also studied the history of the ancient earth, but I only heard about the Manchu Banquet, and never heard of the Feast of Four Seasons?]

Since this is a very formal assessment, it is a different concept from doing a live broadcast on the platform, so although Ruan Tang wears live broadcast glasses, it only plays a role in allowing the audience to see his every move more clearly. Others It is impossible to see the comments of the audience in the live broadcast room. This is also to prevent candidates from being affected by the barrage during the assessment period.

So Ruan Tang didn't know that the audience had already started a heated discussion around the name of Four Seasons Banquet, but he started cooking in an orderly manner.

The first thing he wants to do is two cold dishes, one is cold cucumber and the other is potato salad. The recipes of the two cold dishes are very simple, and they are very classic appetizers.

There is no difficulty in cold cucumber salad. You just need to crush the washed cucumber, then stir it with sugar, vinegar and soy sauce garlic. Considering that some people can’t eat spicy food, he only put a little crushed pepper, which tastes slightly Spicy, but definitely not unacceptable. For the sake of appearance, Ruan Tang also added some diced carrots that were very finely chopped, and the green was dotted with some red, which looked very harmonious and refreshing.

Ruan Tang divided the prepared cucumber salad into two parts, and put one part in the fresh-keeping cabinet to be used when setting up a table for the audience to score, and the other part is to be sent to the judges and the audience to take the lead. For evaluation.

The audience stood in front of the cooking table, and before they had time to move their chopsticks, they watched Ruan Tang put one of the cold cucumbers into the fresh-keeping cabinet, while the intelligent robot took the rest and headed towards the ancient meeting room. Send them to the judges' seats where they are. The audience immediately screamed and hurriedly chased after the cucumber.

The judges' seats are facing the direction of the cooking table, which is within the scope of the live broadcast, so as long as the audience zooms out, they can also taste the food placed on the judges' seats.

However, Ruan Tang's practice of cooking a dish in three minutes still made some viewers question it.

[Sweeping monk: Isn't it too perfunctory? Just put some seasonings casually, and treat it as a dish? Why not just give us a cucumber and let us nibble on it ourselves?]

[Yuehuangquan: The presentation is quite attractive, but no matter how beautiful it is, it can't change the fact that it is a root cucumber!]

[Qinghan Lengyou: Let the two of you upstairs taste it first before talking. Simple doesn’t mean it’s not delicious. Do you have to carefully craft each dish for half an hour?]

[Yangui: That's right, I'm blind before I eat it, it's so delicious!]

When the several elders of the association sitting on the judges' table saw this somewhat shabby first dish, their expressions became complicated, and they hesitated whether to use their chopsticks.

President Gu, on the other hand, had already happily picked up the spoon and unceremoniously scooped a large spoonful of cucumbers from the plate.

The second one who held out the spoon was the old Ge who presided over the two-star assessment for Lin Luo at that time. He also scooped up a big spoon and put it on the small plate in front of him.

Influenced by them, the others also held out their chopsticks hesitantly, but they still had some doubts, and everyone only picked up one piece.

However, as soon as the cucumber was in the mouth, everyone couldn't help opening their eyes. This cucumber is very fresh, crisp, tender and juicy. After mixing with the sauce, it becomes more delicious, sweet and sour, with a little bit of spicy in it. Chewing can also hear the sound of gaba gaba, which makes the mouth fluid, and the more you eat, the more you want to eat.

The few remaining people finally realized that simplicity does not mean that it is not delicious, and they quickly picked up their spoons to scoop it up, and there was nothing left of a plate of cold cucumbers in an instant.

[Yikeyue:! ! ! ! Why are you eating so fast! I haven't had enough!]

[Moonfall Wushuang: Damn it, my cucumber!]

The audience in the live broadcast room suddenly cried out. Although they can taste the food simulated by the holographic data, if the food is eaten, the data will be cleared. If they want to taste it again, they have to wait until all the dishes are cooked and the table is arranged You can only eat it when you rate the audience.

President Gu wiped his mouth and said seriously, "It's delicious."

[Sariel: (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻We can taste it ourselves, we don’t need you to tell us!]

At this time, Ruan Tang's potato salad was almost ready.

The salad dressing is homemade by Ruan Tang. The main ingredients are egg yolk, vegetable oil, white vinegar and sugar. In order to make this salad dressing, he also specially contacted the Academy of Sciences and asked Dean He to help him make an egg beater.

The efficiency of the Academy of Sciences is very high. The efficiency and speed of people in the future are beyond his imagination. Simple things like egg beaters can be made by He Yunyi within 20 minutes after listening to Ruan Tang's description.

With the idea of giving it a try, Ruan Tang asked him to help him make a few more things, and the other party actually made them all one by one, and the speed was very fast, which really surprised him.

It's just that in order to get these things before seven o'clock, Major General He drove his modified hover car to help out.

Ruan Tang secretly decided that when the assessment is over, he must make more delicious food and send a copy to Major General He and Dean He.

Compared with the shabby cucumber salad just now, this potato salad looks much better. Pale yellow potatoes with corn, carrots and peas, and then mixed with a creamy white salad dressing, look fresh and rich in color, very beautiful.

[Yan Ting: It's delicious! ! ! ! !]

[Chachawan: Super powerful! (ˉ﹃ˉ) Is this spring?]

In order to prevent the tragedy that they didn't have enough to eat again, the audience started to eat directly when Ruan Tang set the plate, and they kept admiring while eating.

The potatoes were steamed by Ruan Tang in a steamer, and the taste is soft. After mixing with the sweet and sour salad dressing, the taste is even more extraordinary.

Because they had a preliminary sense of trust in Ruan Tang's level, the judges did not hesitate any longer. After the food was served, it was divided up almost instantly, which caused many complaints from the audience.

The third dish Ruan Tang was going to make was scallion chicken. After cleaning the chicken, he poured it with soy sauce, and added sliced ginger and scallion as usual, then put the whole chicken and the bowl into the pot, covered it Cover the pot and cook for 30 minutes until the chicken is so tender that even the bones are soft, then take it out.

While cooking the chicken, he also burned a small dish of oil, added chopped green onion to it, fried it until it was fragrant, then filtered it out, then added light soy sauce and stirred it a few times to make a sauce.

He carefully salted and peppered the chicken, and after letting it cool down, he took a knife and cut the chicken in half, then cut them into small pieces about the width of a thumb, and arranged them on two plates. Then sprinkle the light yellow chicken nuggets with shredded green onion, ginger and red pepper.

In the end, Ruan Tang slowly poured the sauce on the arranged chicken pieces, and a strong fragrance rushed out immediately.

[Yu Chen: Oh my god! ! ! This taste! ! This taste! ! !]

[There is a fat cat cub: It's so delicious! ! ! [Wind and tears.jpg]]

The fragrant chicken melts in the mouth, the meat is tender and delicious, not only the skin is thin, but even the bones are very crispy. Although it is poured with half a pot of oil, it does not feel greasy at all. On the contrary, because of the fragrance of onion and ginger, it makes people feel Refreshing and delicious.

This plate of chicken was sold out almost as soon as it arrived at the judges' table. Everyone ate it with great relish, and almost forgot their duties as judges, and just indulged in the delicious food.

[Baomu can't hold her arms: I'm so envious of these judges!]

[Xinxin Yulin: Damn it! I also want to be a judge, ahhh]

At this time, Ruan Tang had already started to cook the fourth dish, he never wasted any time, when he was cooking the scallion chicken just now, he was already processing the shrimp.

According to the number of judges present, he selected eight very large prawns, shelled them, cut them open from the back, removed the prawn threads, put a thin layer of salt on them, rinsed and drained, and then cut the lettuce and pineapple into slices. small pieces.

Obviously what he wants to do is pineapple shrimp balls, but for future people, fruit is just something that can be eaten raw, and they have never thought that fruit can also be used for cooking.

[Xiao Qinqin: Huh? Isn't that a pineapple? How can you take out the fruit?]

[Chu Xia: Can fruit be used as a dish? I have eaten pineapple once, it is sweet and sour, and it tastes good!]

Due to the sense of surprise brought by the first three dishes, no one questioned Ruan Tang's approach, but looked forward to the birth of this dish even more.

The making of this dish is also very simple. Ruan Tang wraps the shrimp with a thin layer of starch, deep-fries them with hot oil, and then uses kitchen paper to absorb the excess oil. Lettuce, pineapple, he poured the prawns in, mixed them slowly, and then took out another flat plate, and slowly spread them on the porcelain white plate.

The audience who followed him couldn't hold back their temper for a long time, and they couldn't wait to scoop up a spoonful of the salad before he even mixed it.

[Miao Miao loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor: - Good! eat! arrive! cry!]