The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 41


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Chapter 41 The Jedi Strikes Back

The next day, Ruan Tang got up early and made some fresh meat and glutinous rice cakes, paired with a bowl of hot milk, the taste was really good. Fresh meat glutinous rice cake is a unique snack in Ruan Tang's hometown. It is convenient and delicious to make, which meets the requirements of the canteen's big pot dishes, so Ruan Tang plans to teach his apprentices to make this this morning.

He packed the remaining fresh meat and glutinous rice cakes in a fresh-keeping box, and sent them to He Yunchen and He Yunyi respectively by courier.

Although for He Yunchen's sake, Ruan Tang can bring it to him when he goes to the military headquarters, but today is the day to prepare to fight back against Internet public opinion. He Yunchen must be very busy, so it's better not to disturb him.

After calling a hovering car, Ruan Tang went to the military headquarters.

With the consultant status that He Yunchen gave him, he passed the test of the smart terminal at the door very smoothly. There are many special pick-up cars parked at the door. He randomly found a car, scanned the position of the door with optical brain sensor, and the door opened automatically. Ruan Tang gave the command, and the speeding car automatically navigated to the temporary location. Teaching kitchen.

Walking into the room, all six of his apprentices have arrived, and they are reviewing the content taught by Ruan Tang yesterday. The room is full of egg fragrance. Such hardworking and serious students have always been liked by the teacher, and Ruan Tang can't help but reveal A satisfied smile.

"Mr. Ruan!" When everyone saw Ruan Tang coming in, they saluted him in unison.

Ruan Tang nodded with a smile, and then asked, "Have you had breakfast yet?"

Everyone nodded first, then shook their heads.

Once the sea was difficult for water, and after eating real natural food, the tasteless nutrient solution became difficult to swallow. They came to practice early, on the one hand, to consolidate what they learned yesterday, and on the other hand, they were also prepared The finished product is intended to be eaten for breakfast. So before Ruan Tang arrived, they had already eaten a small bowl of stewed eggs, but no matter how full the stewed eggs were, they were still a bit hungry at the moment.

Ruan Tang smiled and said, "That's just right, I'll teach you how to make glutinous rice cakes with fresh meat today."

As Ruan Tang said, he took out glutinous rice flour and pork belly from the safe, washed the pork belly first, then chopped it into minced meat, put it in a bowl and cracked an egg on it, then poured a little green onion and ginger water to remove the fishy smell, and added a little Season with salt and soy sauce, and the minced meat is ready.

Next, pour the glutinous rice flour into a bowl, and add a spoonful of flour. The purpose of adding flour is to make the glutinous rice balls more tenacious, and it will not be too sticky to eat after frying. Then add warm and cool water and knead it into a smooth and firm glutinous rice dough. Because it is glutinous rice, there is no need to wake up the dough, just divide it into even small balls.

Ruan Tang explained while making: "The glutinous rice flour must be kneaded evenly, so that the cake will not crack."

Like glutinous rice balls, he spread out the glutinous rice balls and put them in the meat filling, then closed the mouth and kneaded them into rounds, then gently flattened them with the palm of his hand, and put them on the plate one by one.

He took out a frying pan, poured oil into it and heated it, and when the oil was hot, he put the glutinous rice cakes into the pan one by one and fried them at a medium temperature. Circles of oil bubbles suddenly opened up around the glutinous rice cake, and after a while, the bottom slowly turned golden yellow. Ruan Tang added a little water to the pot, covered the lid and continued frying. After the water dried up, he turned the glutinous rice cakes over and continued frying. It didn't take long for the glutinous rice cakes to become golden on both sides and slightly burnt, which is ready to be cooked.

"When adding water at the end, don't pour the water on the cake, but add it along the edge." This time Ruan Tang not only let them observe by themselves, but also explained in detail all the details that need to be paid attention to. I hope they When I do it myself, I can succeed at the first time, "Is it all?"


"Okay, come and have a taste." Ruan Tang said, putting the fresh meat glutinous rice cakes he had just fried on a plate, and serving them to his apprentices to taste.

The golden and crispy fresh meat glutinous rice cakes exude a tempting aroma. The portion is not a lot, but it is just enough.

Fresh meat glutinous rice cakes are relatively small, because instead of flour, they are made of softer, more glutinous and sweet glutinous rice flour, and then fried, they are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, with a soft and sweet taste. The stickiness of glutinous rice combined with the simple and delicious meat filling, when you bite down, the delicious gravy overflows, it is really delicious.

"It's delicious! It's so delicious!" Several people ate it hungrily, obviously liking the taste of the fresh meat glutinous rice cake.

"Eat it, do it yourself, and strive for a success!"


These soldiers are very strong, whether they are chopping meat or kneading dough, there is no problem, but when adding seasoning, they are a little unconfident, for fear that adding too much or too little seasoning will affect the taste.

Ruan Tang saw the problem, thought for a while and added: "Two spoonfuls of ginger water, one spoonful of soy sauce, and half a spoonful of salt."

With the spoon as the unit of measurement, everyone had a bottom line, and the movements of their hands accelerated a lot, and they soon entered the stage of pancakes.

When adding water along the side of the pot, the oil will inevitably pop out, but no one has a big reaction, and they don't even hide for a while.

Soon, golden and crispy fresh meat glutinous rice cakes came out of the oven one by one. Judging by the appearance, there was basically no major problem. Next, you need to taste it.

Ruan Tang took a knife and cut a small piece of the glutinous rice cakes made by everyone to taste. After all, glutinous rice is a very important staple food. If he didn't cut it, he couldn't eat six glutinous rice. cake.

Zhao Guangming and Wang Jun did the best job, making the two elements of the delicious meat stuffing and the glutinous rice cakes crispy on the outside and sticky on the inside very well. Although the others are a little lacking in fire control, the taste is still acceptable. Especially Liu Haitao, the round-faced soldier, and Cui Liang, who is not very talented in cooking, performed very well today.

"Everyone is doing very well, keep it up!" Ruan Tang praised everyone without hesitation, and then asked those who were not full to eat more.

After everyone was full, they entered the second stage of teaching. This time it was also a relatively simple entry-level dish, hot and sour potato shreds.

There is almost no difficulty in this dish. The only thing that needs to be tested is knife skills. Seeing these soldiers clumsily peeling potatoes, Ruan Tang finds it funny. Especially Xue Rui, who has always performed well, the potato in his hand has been peeled like a dog gnawed by him at this moment, and the appearance is quite miserable.

Just as Ruan Tang patiently taught his apprentices, the exploded.

After these two days of cold treatment, because Wei Zhuo has been unable to dig out new revelations for a long time, the heat of this matter has dropped a lot, and the audience has returned to reason, and began to question why they think Ruan Tang is hiding his identity It's a malicious act. After all, according to the logic, this is clearly a great selling point for attracting fans. He is also a movie star and a four-star chef.

After much deliberation, Wei Zhuo's Weibo post was too misleading, and there was a navy behind it, which made them go astray. Another point is that Ruan Tang became popular too quickly without enough foundation. Although there are many fans, there are very few real fans, so after being brought into the rhythm, it will appear so vulnerable.

Just when public opinion began to question, Zhou Jing, the most well-known first-class lawyer in the empire, suddenly posted a Weibo, saying that he would initiate a lawsuit against Wei Zhuo on behalf of the four-star chef Ruan Tang, which immediately sparked the attention of netizens again.

"Zhou Jing V: Authorized by Mr. Ruan Tang, he will sue Mr. Wei Zhuo for risky infringement of commercial secrets and personal privacy on his behalf. [Picture] [Picture] @黑汤V@威卓V"

Attached are two pictures, one is a power of attorney and the other is a formal lawyer's letter. In the lawyer's letter, Wei Zhuo's illegal means of obtaining the termination of the contract with a signed confidentiality agreement and the illegal access to the hospital's medical files are all clearly stated, making it impossible for him to refute.

According to the serial number of the lawyer's letter, it can be seen that Zhou Jing has already registered and filed in the Imperial Court, which shows that they are serious this time, rather than deliberately scaring people.

"Zhou Jing V: [Picture] [Picture] [Picture] will file a lawsuit against @八口大王@共来吃蓝@赵乱传媒… for defamation of reputation."

Before everyone could reply, Zhou Jing posted another Weibo, suing all the marketing accounts that followed Wei Zhuo.

Zhou Jing's strong attitude made Wei Zhuo and his subordinates panic. They never thought that the termination contract was actually signed by a non-disclosure agreement, and they thought it was their smartest way to get the termination contract through secret photos by insiders. Unexpectedly, a move of chess turned into a stone that smashed their own feet. All of a sudden, these media outlets on Weibo frantically deleted their blogs to apologize, but Zhou Jing was like a devil, and immediately posted another Weibo.

"Zhou Jing V: All Weibo content has been backed up and notarized. [Picture] [Picture] [Picture]"

No one would have thought that Zhou Jing seemed to have expected that they would delete the previous Weibo, and had already archived and notarized their speech. Such a welcome reversal immediately made netizens pick up melons again.

[I want to eat supper: hahahaha I just smiled and didn't speak [doge]]

[Eat herbal pills: Excuse me, does @魏竹V face hurt?]

[Baba V: Hahahaha laughed to death, Wei Zhuo: I don't dare to break the news casually anymore!]

Because the marketing accounts of Wei Zhuo's family were frantically jumping up and down two days ago, but there was no real black information, and Ruan Tang's side was quiet and peaceful. Now that the situation has turned sharply, they also quickly ushered in public opinion. rebound.

However, they can't just catch them. Although the infringement matter is likely to be a certainty, but if they don't take a bite of Ruan Tang, how can they be reconciled

Without the pretense, their speeches became more blunt and sharp.

"Wei Zhuo V: Ming people don't speak dark words, so I just asked directly. @黑汤V, I dare to ask you, an actor who entered the show business circle before he was an adult, and worked hard to study acting skills, how did he suddenly awaken his culinary skills? ? There are so many new ingredients, do you know how to make them at a glance? So many dishes and cooking methods that you have never seen before, are you really so talented? Or is there some ulterior secret behind it!"

The biggest doubt about Ruan Tang is his extraordinary culinary skills. After all, his cooking techniques and innovation speed are too monstrous, and have already surpassed the current development level of the interstellar food industry.

[Whether I can hug or not: I'm suffocating, when is it wrong to be too smart and outstanding?]

But no matter what, in most people's cognition, Ruan Tang's "intelligence" is unusual and impossible to exist. Although public opinion no longer attacks Ruan Tang, it is inevitable that many people are mutter about it.

At this moment, the Academy of Sciences officially changed its name quietly and published a new piece of content.

"Unspeakable Academy of Sciences V: With the help of Academy of Sciences advisor @黑汤V, the shopping mall has grandly launched three sauces with unique tastes, and a batch of new processed ingredients will be launched soon, so stay tuned!"