The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 51


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Chapter 51 Reception - Part 2

The second dish is honey-glazed chicken wings. There are four shiny chicken wings on an exquisite small plate, exuding an unusually sweet smell. Almost as soon as the dish is served, everyone can't wait to taste it .

The chicken wings look a little greasy, but you can't feel it at all when you eat it. I don't know what kind of sauce is on the skin. There is some sweetness in the salty taste. The edges of the chicken wings are slightly burnt, but it's just right. It has a burnt aroma, and it has a crispy texture when biting. The chicken inside is also roasted very soft, and the sweet juice spreads in the mouth after one bite, which makes the mouth full of crispy fragrance and can't stop.

Before I knew it, all four chicken wings were eaten up. While they were eating, the viewers watching the live broadcast on Xingwang were not idle, and they all kept swallowing their saliva at the video.

[Mrs. Qu: Hey, the most painful thing in the world is being unable to eat...]

[Bai Yigu Jiu: I still remember that the anchor made roasted chicken wings with potatoes during the last live broadcast, it was super delicious QAQ]

[Baomu can't hold him: I can see the meat strips on him every time he bites! Please share with me! ! !]

"Hey, the portion of this dish is too small, just serve it in a big basin." A Lute man couldn't help but muttered in a low voice.

When the people next to him heard it, they glared at him, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Don't talk nonsense, the imperial people are famous for their precision in eating, if you want to eat a big pot of meat, go outside and eat with them go."

The man shut his mouth immediately and did not speak again. Just kidding, I have tasted the barbecue outside the last time I came here, and the taste is not comparable to the exquisite delicacies inside, so he is willing to go out because he is stupid.

The robot came up again to collect the plates, and served the third dish - squirrel perch. This dish was finally served on a large plate, each table was set up with a large plate, each containing a fish, each weighing four to five catties, Ruan Tang carefully selected from the fish provided by the Academy of Sciences It came out absolutely fat.

The squirrel fish is named after its resemblance to a squirrel. The head of the fish with a big mouth is placed on the plate as the head of the squirrel, and the slightly raised tail is used as the tail of the squirrel. The fish is cut into diamond shapes with a flower knife and fried. Standing up like thorns, it looks like the fluffy hair of a squirrel, and a layer of red sweet and sour sauce is poured on it. The heat is dense, and it looks very attractive.

[Li Ziduoduo: Oh my god, is this a fish? ! How can there be such a fish? ! How is this done?]

[Yueyueyuemengmeng: It looks delicious at first glance...]

[rrringo: Ahhh, I really want to eat, I really want to eat, I really want to eat!]

"How do you eat this...?" Gilbert looked at the fish in the middle of the table. Although his saliva was already dripping, he didn't know how to use his chopsticks.

Cheng Ji: "..."

His Majesty the Emperor, who also didn't know how to eat fish, could only turn his attention to He Yunyi for help.

"The fish has already been stabbed, you can just eat it." He Yunyi smiled and stretched out his chopsticks, as if demonstrating a piece of fish that stood upright from the fish. Since today's ingredients were all provided by the Academy of Sciences, He Yunyi had read the menu in advance, and asked about the general method by the way, so that he could answer their questions.

The surface of the fish is covered with a layer of starch, and it becomes extremely crispy after being fried in hot oil, but the fish inside is very tender. With the combination of the two, the taste is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. With the sweet and sour sauce, It tastes mouth-watering. He picked up a chopstick, and the sweet and sour taste was just what he wanted, so he couldn't help but pick up another piece before he ate it.

Gilbert imitated his movements, took a piece off the fish with a fork, carefully put it into his mouth, and then his eyes lit up slightly, and couldn't help but fork two more pieces. Seeing this, the others swallowed in unison, and then quickly lowered their forks towards the standing fish meat.

Not long after, the entire plate was swept away again. If He Yunyi hadn't stopped them, those Rooters would have been eager to chew on the fish heads and tails.

After three consecutive meat dishes, it was time to serve a vegetarian dish for adjustment, so the fourth dish was cabbage in soup made by President Gu himself, divided into twelve small plates and placed in front of everyone.

On the white jade-like plate, slices of crisp and tender cabbage are soaked in the light yellow thick soup, with some minced garlic and shredded red pepper dotted on the surface. The color matching is very beautiful, but it looks a little bland.

Therefore, the Lute people who love meat and love the big red and purple couldn't help frowning immediately after seeing such a plate of vegetables with clear soup and little water, showing hesitation and disgust. Obviously, I really don't like vegetarian food.

"Although this dish is not meat, the cabbage is stewed in broth. It is also very delicious. Why don't you try it?" He Yunyi recommended to Gilbert.

A trace of hesitation flashed in Gilbert's eyes, but it's not good to be picky and picky at such a banquet, it seems not enough... civilized and polite, and finally decided to give He Yunyi, the dean of the Academy of Sciences, this face, frowning , Heroically stretched out his fork to taste the soup cabbage in front of him.

However, to his surprise, the taste of the cabbage in this soup is so delicious and rich. It is obviously a vegetable, but it seems to be able to taste the taste of meat, and there is a little bit of the sweetness that is unique to vegetables. It's a bit unfamiliar to him, but after eating three meat dishes in a row, it has a special flavor, not to mention the slight meat flavor in it, which soothed his heart that "I can't like to be vegetarian". It made him take a second and third mouthful unconsciously.

"This... dish is not bad, not bad."

Watching their leader eat up the small plate of vegetables in front of him one bite at a time, the rest of the Lutes showed incredible expressions.

A picky person like the leader can eat it, so this dish... should, maybe, maybe... not bad

They looked at each other a few times, cheered each other up, then stretched out their forks hesitantly, and then they were completely overwhelmed by the delicious taste of the cabbage in the soup, and each of them gave the most despised vegetable dish to them. After eating everything, even the soup on the plate was drunk without a drop.

Every time the empty plate is withdrawn from the front, it is the greatest compliment to the chefs. Seeing that the vegetables he made are eaten up, this makes President Gu feel very satisfied. Letting the Lute people eat vegetarian dishes is really great. It's not easy.

The fifth course was beef brisket with potatoes. Although there was only a small bowl for each person, the aroma of the rich and delicious beef soup made everyone's eyes fixed on the tray in the robot's hand.

"This is too little, not enough to eat..."

Before the dishes were officially served, some Rooters couldn't bear it anymore. Anyway, they were not very reserved in front of them, and the Rooters are notoriously simple and rude, so they simply don't bother to put on a show right now. Yes, complain directly. Of course, this is not a real complaint, but a sweet wail of feeling that they don't have enough to eat, which makes people in the empire feel a little bit amused and a little proud.

Their 4 star chef is just that good!

Cheng Ji glanced at the menu and said with a smile, "This is the fifth course. I'm full now, but I won't be able to eat later."

"Also..." Thinking about such a delicious thing, if they are full now, they can only watch but not eat later, how uncomfortable it would be? Although the Root people are very confident in their appetite, but thinking of this possibility, they still can't help but feel nervous, and dare not say anything about the portion of the dishes.

When the small bowl was placed in front of them, Root realized that there were also vegetarian dishes in it, but after tasting the delicious taste of the cabbage in the soup, they were not so disgusted with the potatoes. But their first choice was meat, and as soon as the food was served, they couldn't wait to pick up a piece of brown beef with a fork and chew it. The beef is stewed very soft and delicious, and the delicious soup overflows when chewing, which makes people more mouth-watering. As for the potatoes, they have fully absorbed the fat of the beef and the umami flavor of the soup. It tastes a bit richer than the beef, and the taste is soft and rotten. It can be said that it melts in the mouth and tastes wonderful.

Several Lute people compared the two ingredients, and felt that they tasted exactly the same, which was a little unbelievable.

— Lord of the universe, are they going to abandon their belief in pure meat today? ?

The moods of the Lute people suddenly became heavy, but they had to eat delicious food. The speed of their spooning was not slow at all, but a little faster, and because they had an inexplicable tragic Emotions, the harder it is to chew, the more vigorous it is to eat.

Really fragrant, really fragrant!

The Root people who were tasting the buffet in the banquet hall outside smelled the alluring fragrance coming from nowhere, and stretched their necks to search around, but found nothing. Smelling this strong aroma, the barbecue in their hands seemed to become tasteless. Someone couldn't help finding a waiter and asking what kind of dish it was. After being told that it was the dish in the main banquet hall, they immediately showed expressions of envy and hatred.

No wonder everyone has to work hard to climb up. In order to eat better meat, it is worth the pain and tiredness!

At this time, the braised pork cooked in thick oil and red sauce was finally served. It was still a small bowl for each person. The fat and thin pork belly was cut into small cubes, with the skin facing up and the lean meat facing down. One piece is wrapped in red sauce, which looks a bit like a misty gem, with a tiger skin egg soaked in broth buried in the middle, presenting an enveloping gesture.

The rich aroma of meat makes people swallow their saliva, pick up a piece of braised pork, and the fully cooked fatty meat will shake tremblingly twice. It seems that it melted by itself, and all of it turned into sweet juice and slid down the esophagus. The lean meat fully absorbed the sauce, and it was extraordinarily sweet and soft when chewed, which made people intoxicated. After five hours of simmering, the characteristics of "fat but not greasy, crisp but not rotten, sweet but not sticky, thick but not salty" of braised pork are fully displayed. The egg in the middle is equally delicious. The skin of the egg should have been deep-fried and slightly wrinkled. Two shallow cuts were cut on it, so that the gravy can soak the inside of the egg smoothly, and it tastes delicious. More mellow.

"Oh my God! I've never eaten such delicious meat!" exclaimed a Lute.

"Such a small portion is not enough to eat! Seeing that the meat in the bowl is getting less and less, I feel so distressed!"

"The leader said, there are still dishes to serve, and it's only halfway through, so bear with it, there may be better ones later!"

"Alright alright… "

The Rooter unconsciously slowed down his eating speed, so that the sweet taste of the meat would stay on the tip of his tongue for a longer period of time, as if he could enjoy more wonderful tastes in this way.

[Siyue Mingjiu flicking its feathers: I remember this was the dish the host cooked during the last assessment, and I still remember the feeling of flying to heaven...]

[Salted Yuyu: Ah, look at their expressions of enjoyment when they eat meat! ! I want to eat too! ! [Sorrow and Roar.jpg]]

Probably feeling the resentment of the Lute people, the seventh dish was brought out in a large bowl with a deep mouth the size of a washbasin. There were snow-white fish floating in the bright red soup. The fresh and fragrant breath has already enveloped the entire main banquet hall.

In fact, according to the state banquet specifications of Ruan Tang's previous life, there should be no spicy dishes at the state banquet, and mostly light and harmonious Huaiyang dishes. But this is a different time and space after all, the Root people don't care about these details at all, they are a powerful alien race, there is nothing that cannot be eaten, and there is no taboo, even the strong The cosmic monsters are all on their recipes, not to mention these exquisite meats of the empire. So every time they visit, it is really just a simple meal, everything is delicious, and they don't care about the image at all, just like the last reception banquet, it was all about barbecue, but they still ate well Very fragrant, which is a big reason why the Imperials love their visits.

At this moment, these Lute people have seen the craftsmanship of the imperial chefs, and they have a strong sense of anticipation for this dish that smells a little exciting but is very fragrant.

Ruan Tang originally wanted to make fish head with chopped pepper for the seventh dish, but the processing time of chopped pepper was too long, and it was too late to make it now. He wanted to use Chaotian pepper instead, but the taste was not as good as it was. Desirable, it is always not as spicy and delicious as chopped peppers. So he simply changed to boiled fish, which is also a classic spicy dish, full of portions and easy to share.

Although they were busy in the back kitchen, they also opened the live news page so that they could better observe the reactions of the diners in the front hall to the dishes. After seeing the Lute people complaining that the portion was too small, Ruan Tang replaced it with the largest bowl, filled a large pot full of boiled fish, and asked the intelligent robot to bring it up. Anyway, President Gu promised that Lu The special people have a very big appetite, so there is no need to worry about whether they can't eat.