The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 61


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Chapter 61 Scallion Pancakes and Shrimp and Egg Fried Dumplings

The next day, Ruan Tang woke up early, packed her luggage, and put it into the smart suitcase. The size of the smart suitcase is similar to the suitcase in the previous life, but it has many functions, such as fingerprint unlocking and smart follow mode, allowing users to completely free their hands, which is very convenient and easy to use. Ruan Tang found a few sets of change of clothes and a few clean towels and put them in the box, and then couldn't think of anything else to pack. He Yunchen said that although the place is remote, there are basically things that should be there. Just a little bit worse in quality.

After packing his luggage, Ruan Tang began to prepare for the live broadcast in the morning, because the spaceship they were going to take off took off at noon, so the only time he could use was in the morning. Ruan Tang also wanted to take this opportunity to thank the audience for their support because he promised the audience to draw a lottery, so he decided to make a deluxe breakfast to reward everyone.

So for today's breakfast, Ruan Tang planned to make a traditional scallion pancake and a relatively new fried dumpling with prawns and eggs. Of course, he also prepared a special drink, which was super delicious strawberry milk.

Log in to the star network to buy the required ingredients, and after the ingredients are delivered, Ruan Tang starts the live broadcast.

"Hi everyone, I'm the anchor Ruan Tang, and today I'm bringing you scallion pancakes and fried dumplings with prawns and eggs!" Ruan Tang made a simple opening remark with a smile.

[Ajun 5456: Oh my god, why is the anchor so early today! When the light brain shook, I was still sleepy, and I clicked in immediately when I saw the live broadcast notification!]

[Ami Tofu: Me too! I am washing my face!]

[Luluo: You guys go to work so late? I'm already on my way!]

[Meow Meow loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor: prawns! ! The pan-fried dumplings I made last time were delicious, shouldn’t the enlarged shrimp be even better? My mouth is watering (ˉ﹃ˉ)]

[Nanxia Yu Wenjiu: What I am concerned about is how many slots will the anchor have in today's lottery draw?]

"There are a lot of places in the lottery today, so don't worry everyone, what I'm going to make now is scallion pancakes."

The most important thing about scallion pancakes is of course the scallions. Ruan Tang took out a large handful of scallions, cut the scallions into small pieces, and chopped the shallots into fine pieces. Then put the scallions into a large bowl, pour hot oil on the scallions, the fragrance of the chopped scallions burst out all at once, making the viewers who haven’t had breakfast feel hungry.

Because he was going to make scallion pancakes and fried dumplings with prawns and eggs for the audience, Ruan Tang reconciled a few big doughs in advance, and now he can use them directly.

Sprinkle dry powder on the chopping board to prevent sticking. Ruan Tang picked up the rolling pin and rolled the dough into a rectangular thin noodle cake. Then spread the scallion oil evenly on the surface of the noodle cake, sprinkle with chives, a little salt and pepper.

Then roll up the dough from top to bottom, roll it into long strips, cut the long strips into even small pieces, then pull the two ends of the dough apart, pocket the port in, so that the long square becomes a small airtight package, So that the green onions inside don't leak out. Then Ruan Tang rolled these small doughs into small round cakes, put them in a pan, put oil and fry them slowly at low temperature. The fritters are ready.

[Bao Mu couldn't hold her arms: Wow, I just woke up and smelled so good as soon as I came in! You can actually eat it directly, what a blessing!]

[Lalan: Huh, it's so hot~ But it's delicious!]

[Salted fish fish: Eating such a hot pancake in the morning is so comfortable!]

The freshly fried scallion pancakes are golden in color and look layer by layer. The skin is so thin that it is almost transparent. It is slightly warped when fried. It is crispy and fragrant. The emerald green scallions are dotted in it, which looks very delicious. There is an appetite, not to mention the taste, it is salty, fragrant and crispy, and it is delicious.

Ruan Tang spread out another scallion pancake and coated it with sweet noodle sauce, allowing the audience to choose according to their own taste.

"Next, let's make fried dumplings with prawns and eggs." Ruan Tang took out another wake-up dough, kneaded it into long strips, divided it into small doughs, and rolled them into dumpling skins with a rolling pin. It is easy to find that the dumpling skins he rolled this time are bigger than the last time he made fried pork dumplings.

Then he took out a few fresh and tender spring bamboo shoots, rinsed them with water, and then peeled off the outer hard shell, leaving only the crisp and tender meat. The bamboo shoots should be blanched in the soup pot first to remove the astringent and earthy smell. Ruan Tang took out the kitchen knife and cut the blanched bamboo shoots into diced bamboo shoots.

Then he took out another plate of fresh prawns, removed the heads, skins and threads one by one, peeled them all out and put them aside for later use. Then blanch the pork belly and chop it into minced meat, then add diced bamboo shoots, season with salt, sugar and soy sauce, stir well, and the filling of fried dumplings is ready.

Then he started to make dumplings, put the pork bamboo shoot stuffing in the center of the dumpling skin, and then took a prawn and put it on top of the meat stuffing, then folded the dumpling skin in half, making petal-like folds along the edge. Ruan Tang deliberately exposed the tail of the prawn, and didn't knead the dumpling completely, making it look very big.

Ruan Tang took out a new pan with cold oil, put the prawn dumplings in one by one, arranged them in the shape of petals along the side of the pan, and slowly fried the dough until the bottom was golden, and the translucent shrimp The tail also gradually turned a clear red. At this time, add a small bowl of water to the pot, cover it and simmer for five minutes.

While the frying pan was sizzling, Ruan Tang took another bowl, beat two eggs, added salt and pepper and a little water, beat them into a uniform egg liquid, and slowly Pour into a saucepan, cover and continue to simmer.

After all the water in the pot evaporated, Ruan Tang opened the lid, sprinkled a little chives, and fried dumplings with prawns and eggs were ready.

The dumpling wrappers have been fully stewed, showing a translucent white color, and the plump and bright red meat can be vaguely seen. A small piece of shrimp tail is extended from the unclosed end, which is crystal-like, crystal clear and full of elasticity . The bottom of the fried dumplings is fried golden and crispy, and the outside is covered with a thick layer of egg skin, which adds a bit of mellow taste. It is really delicious when dipped in vinegar and chili sauce. After one bite, the delicious gravy escapes from the meat filling, and the teeth collide with the fresh and tender shrimp meat, producing a more wonderful chemical reaction. The rich and delicious taste in the mouth makes people intoxicated.

[Miao Miao loves to eat all the dishes of the host: oh, oh, oh, it's so delicious! ! OMG! !]

[Qiaoqiu is not cute: Looking at the nutrient solution in his hand, he wants to cry without tears/(ㄒoㄒ)/~~]

[Yu Jintang: Mama asked me why I suddenly started drooling...]

[Little Swallow Fly, Fly: Ah, please win the lottery, please win the lottery! This prawn fried dumpling is really delicious!]

Ruan Tang looked at the cute reactions of the audience with a smile, and then said, "There is another delicious drink to recommend to everyone."

As he spoke, he took out a large handful of fresh strawberries, removed the leaves and stalks, cut them into small pieces, and crushed them into mud with a spatula.

Pour the strawberry puree into a small pot, add a little water, white sugar and lemon juice, stir and boil slowly at medium and low temperature, skim off the froth, and let it cool down to have a delicious strawberry jam.

"This strawberry jam can also be eaten on its own, or it can be used when making cakes, desserts, etc. It is also very convenient to spread on bread for breakfast." Ruan Tang said, "As for bread, I will find time to make it later, and then share with me The jam is sold together in the shopping mall, and those who are interested can also make it at home.”

[Lotus companion Xin'er: Wow, I was just about to say this! Call the anchor crazy! Hit the wall!]

[Pear Eddy Sheng Sake: Long live! Great host!]

[Edi Yun: I have loved you for ten thousand years, and I will send you crystal flowers!]

He took a transparent glass cup, dug two tablespoons of strawberry jam into the cup, and then shook the cup slightly to spread the strawberry jam on the bottom of the cup.

Then add two spoons of whipped cream, the red and white colors complement each other, it is really beautiful. The cream is bought directly in the shopping mall, and now the various semi-finished products launched by the Academy of Sciences are already on sale in the mall.

Then pour in pure milk, fill the cup, and finally decorate the cup with a few diced strawberries, and the strawberry milk is ready. The color is pink and tender, and it looks full of girlishness.

[KinlinKing: Oh my god, it looks so beautiful! It must be very sweet~]

[52yx(~O~): Is this really drinkable? I'm a bit reluctant!]

"Of course it's drinkable. This is just strawberry milk. Let's have a taste." Ruan Tang learned how to make strawberry milk from a Korean chef in his previous life. No matter from the exquisite appearance or the sweet and mellow taste It looks impeccable, sweet and sour, nutritious and appetizing, and it is perfect to accompany meals.

[Mr. Cui. : Delicious! sweet!]

[Misty Rain and Stars: After adding strawberries, there is no fishy smell of milk, and it becomes delicious!]

[Yueyu Xinhua: Yes, yes, strawberry jam was put, and there seemed to be cream under it. After stirring, the taste became very good!]

"Okay, now we can start the lottery draw. I'm pretty well prepared today, so I'll draw 20. Each person will have a scallion pancake, two fried dumplings with prawns and eggs, and a glass of strawberry milk."

[Gold coins fall: Oh my god! Twenty places! The anchor chooses me, chooses me, chooses me!]

[Shi Luo: Please win the prize! Seek to win!]

[Corgi's median value theorem: The denominator of ten thousand years is crying out for a higher position QAQ!]

Ruan Tang started the lucky draw function from the background, and then tried to choose the ID that he looked familiar with. Although it's a bit unfair to do so, but there's no way... he's just biased.

"Congratulations on the gold coin falling, the little swallow is flying and flying, Ajun 5456, I can't hold a tree, the old dream is the dream, Miao Miao loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor... Waiting for twenty lucky viewers, the courier will be sent later, remember to check! In addition, there are a lot of things that happened recently, I may need to spend some time to deal with them, the live broadcast tonight and tomorrow needs to be suspended, and when the live broadcast resumes, I will make more delicious food for everyone." Ruan Tang apologized Said, bowed to everyone.

[Miao Miao loves to eat all the dishes of the anchor: I was immersed in the joy of winning the lottery, but I was poured with cold water... Anchor, you have to come back early! Without your live broadcast, I would not be fine all day!]

[Jiumeng Yimeng: Yes, yes, anchor, we are waiting for you to come back!]

[Big-faced cat: The anchor goes to deal with things, we'll wait for you!]

The audience is very understanding, knowing that Ruan Tang's recent bad things happened only for two days, and they can afford to wait.

"Thank you everyone!" With the audience's support, Ruan Tang's whole heart was warm.

After closing the live broadcast, Ruan Tang continued to spread the scallion pancakes, preparing to deliver them to the audience who won the lottery.

At this time, Ruan Tang heard the movement of the flying car outside, so he went to the door to look, and as expected, he saw the familiar silver-white modified flying car.

"Brother Chen, why did you come so early?" Seeing He Yunchen get off the car, Ruan Tang immediately opened the door to welcome him in.

"I saw that you are live broadcasting, so come over to have breakfast." He Yunchen was very honest, smelling the fragrance from the kitchen, so he smiled, "It seems that I have a good timing."

Hearing this answer, Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing, "That's just right, and it saves me from sending you a courier."

After the two had eaten and drank enough, it was almost time to set off. Ruan Tang told Xiaobai to take good care of the house, and left home with He Yunchen.

The hovering speed was very fast, and it didn't take long to arrive at the interstellar port, where huge spaceships were moored.

"Let's go." He Yunchen parked his car in the parking lot. His car has a military license plate and has privileges. It parked in Xinggang's special parking lot for military personnel, so there is no need to compete with outsiders for parking spaces.

But even so, there are still a lot of people in the star port, almost all of them are in a hurry, and there are constant figures shuttling back and forth between the two of them. Ruan Tang suffered from not being able to squeeze, so he stopped every time and waited for them to walk by, and soon opened a short distance from He Yunchen.

After walking a few steps forward, He Yunchen turned his head and found that Ruan Tang was squeezed in the back. He couldn't help frowning slightly, pushed aside the crowd and walked over, took Ruan Tang's hand, and held Ruan Tang's hand on his back side with his broad arms. Help him block the crowds on both sides.

He explained: "There are too many people in Xinggang, so hold my hand so we can walk."

Ruan Tang nodded, not doubting him, and let He Yunchen hold his hand. The touch from the palm of his hand was dry and warm. He Yunchen's hand was bigger than his, with long fingers. The thumb and ring finger encircled his hand completely, which made people feel extra at ease.

There was a transfer between them, so He Yunchen took his hand again, someone beside them watched them quietly, the girls pointed at them and laughed, Ruan Tang was a little embarrassed, but just looked at He Yunchen's calm side He felt that he was being so hypocritical, so he pretended not to care, and calmly clasped hands with him, and didn't let go until he got on the spaceship.

With the flow of nebula outside the porthole, they finally landed safely on Planet Nineteen two days later.