The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 69


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Chapter 69 The Edible Water Monster

Seeing his strange expression, He Yunchen thought that he was frightened by the appearance of the water monster, so he snapped off its feet so that it could no longer attack people, and threw it back.

Ruan Tang opened his mouth, then closed it silently.

— This crab leg is delicious, don't waste it!

However, although this water monster looks very similar to a king crab, there are still differences. For example, a king crab is not a real crab, it only has six legs, but this water monster has eight. When I arrived at Interstellar, I don't know if it is a mutant of the king crab, or if it is poisonous.

The two of them returned to the third floor, and everyone was relieved to see him come back safe and sound.

"Excuse me, how is the situation below?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"The water level is rising very fast. These water monsters are lurking in the water and are very aggressive. They not only have high defense power, but also have high attack power. In addition, there are a lot of them. Without weapons, it is difficult to deal with them." He Yunchen looked around. Looking at the crowd gathered in the corridor, there are so many wounded and ordinary people who have not received combat training, it is impossible to deal with these water monsters, "The garrison has already started to search and rescue, and now it is safe here, as long as you don't enter the water, you can There will be no danger."

After hearing He Yunchen's words, everyone was slightly relieved. The second floor is too close to the first floor, and if the water level rises, it will be dangerous, so everyone stays on the third floor with the same will.

However, the third floor is the intensive care unit, and the patients in the ward need to recuperate. It is impossible to share the ward with them, so under the arrangement of the medical staff, they sat down in the corridor against the wall. The hospital has a cleaning robot, which cleans every three hours, so the ground is very clean. Besides, they were injured in the rain, and they were in a mess, so they didn't care about these trivial things at all.

Although the situation has changed now, the treatment of patients cannot be left behind. Dr. Tang looked at the time on the optical brain, and said to the nurse beside him, "It's time for Xiaoyu to have the second treatment, go get the medical cabin and the treatment solution."


Two male nurses immediately ran towards the warehouse, and pushed the medical cabin into Ruan Yu's ward in a short time. Ruan Yu was obediently carried into the treatment cabin for the second treatment today. Doctor Tang stepped forward to set up the operating procedures of the medical cabin.

"Inject No. 3 potion, and get another bag of nutrient solution."

A nurse added healing medicine to the medical cabin according to Dr. Tang's order, while the other nurse who was supposed to get the nutrient solution showed a puzzled expression, "Doctor Tang, the warehouse for storing nutrient solution is on the first floor..."

The first floor has been flooded and has become the territory of the water monster.

Dr. Tang frowned suddenly. So many people are trapped in the hospital. If there is no nutrient solution, it means that there is no food, which means that everyone will go hungry. These healthy people will go hungry for a meal or two It doesn't matter, but what about those who are seriously ill? Many of them, like Ruan Yu before, rely on nutrient solution to maintain their lives. Once they lack the supplement of nutrient solution, their lives may be endangered!

And the rescuers don't know when they will arrive. If they starve for a day or two, they may die...

He Yunchen and Ruan Tang also followed in just now, and their conversations were naturally heard by them.

"Where is the warehouse on the first floor?" He Yunchen asked, he wanted to go to the warehouse on the first floor to get the nutrient solution before the water level rose too high. Just a skin injury.

"It's too dangerous!" Two voices sounded at the same time.

One of them was sent by Dr. Tang. He didn't dare to let He Yunchen take risks by himself. The attack power of those water monsters was very powerful. If something happened, he couldn't bear it.

Another voice came from Ruan Tang. These alien creatures that looked suspiciously like king crabs were very aggressive, and there were a huge number of them. Even if He Yunchen's physical fitness was very strong, he might be in a crisis of being outnumbered.

"I don't know when this rain will stop. The water level keeps rising. After the first floor is completely flooded, even if we want to go down, we won't be able to go down." He Yunchen has always been decisive in doing things. Tang's personal information was displayed in front of Dr. Tang and others, "I am He Yunchen, Major General of the Empire, and my physique level is S-level. No one here can successfully obtain these nutrient solutions except me."

"Please wait a moment, I need to seek the opinion of the dean." Only then did Doctor Tang realize that this person's identity is so unusual, but such a big decision is not something that an ordinary doctor can make.


Doctor Tang immediately contacted the dean with a communicator, informed him of the situation here, and asked him how to deal with this matter.

"Yes, I see."

After hanging up the communication, Doctor Tang looked at He Yunchen and said, "Major General He, I will leave this matter to you."

The dean went to the central city to attend a meeting today, and happened to be not in the hospital. The central city is an important area for the local garrison to search and rescue, so the dean is safe now. But the scope of the rescue is too large, the location of their hospital is far away, and the garrison is short of manpower, it may take some time to rescue them, so when the director learned that Major General He was in the hospital, he immediately agreed to let them He went to get the nutrient solution. After all, Major General He's military rank was obtained through solid military achievements, and these mere water monsters couldn't do any harm to him.

"I'll show you the way!" said one of the male nurses.

He Yunchen nodded, and strode downstairs with him.

"Brother Chen..."

He Yunchen turned his head.

"Be careful."


At this moment, the stagnant water downstairs has risen to the position of the third staircase, and there are countless black shadows in the water, which makes people feel infinite pressure just by looking at it.

"Major General He... just turn right in this corridor, and at the second door, there is a blue airtight box on the shelf, which contains the nutrient solution." On the stairs, he pointed out the way to He Yunchen.

He Yunchen nodded again and stepped hard, the figure disappeared directly in front of that person. The male nurse could only hear the sound of splashing water, which showed He Yunchen's speed.

The dark shadows under the water seemed to be attracted by He Yunchen, and rushed towards the direction he was heading, which made the male nurse startled.

Time passed by every minute, and the sound of fierce fighting filled my ears. The male nurse looked at the direction of the corridor full of water in fear, not even daring to breathe.

Ruan Tang was also at the stairs, his heart fluttering.

Finally, there was another sound of rushing water, and He Yunchen rushed out of the passage at an extremely fast speed, and ran towards the direction of the stairs, carrying a large blue box on his shoulders, followed by a series of huge shadow.

"Run!" Before reaching the male nurse, He Yunchen said loudly to him.

The male nurse was taken aback for a moment, and then saw the huge black shadows chasing behind He Yunchen, and immediately turned pale with fright, turned around and ran upstairs.

The water monsters chased them all the way up the stairs, but they didn't dare to leave the water too far, so they crawled back into the water reluctantly.

"Fortunately." He Yunchen wiped his face, put away the light blade dagger that was almost exhausted, and then handed the box in his hand to Dr. Tang.

Open it, and a box full of 600 nutrient solutions is enough.

"Thank you!" Dr. Tang took one and injected it into the medical cabin, and asked the nurse to take out the rest and distribute it to everyone.

"Brother Chen, are you alright?" Ruan Tang stepped forward nervously, checking He Yunchen up and down, for fear that he might be injured somewhere.

"I'm fine."

He Yunchen took another shower, changed into dry clothes, shared a nutrient solution with Ruan Tang and drank it. Although they have been fed up with all kinds of delicacies, they really don't like this tasteless nutrient solution, but in this situation, they don't have the right to pick and choose.

It wasn't until night fell that the rain gradually decreased, and the search and rescue team sent by the garrison finally arrived, driving the speeding car, and transferred the trapped people out of the hospital overnight. But Ruan Yu's situation is special. If he leaves this gravity-free ward, his body will be oppressed by gravity. Maybe new injuries will be added before the old injuries heal. How can Ruan Tang be willing to do this

Fortunately, the garrisons who came to search and rescue had already made preparations to transfer patients, and drove a large medical vehicle, which was loaded with ten medical cabins. Although the effect of reducing gravity was not as good as that of a gravity-free ward, It will definitely make Ruan Yu feel better during the transfer process. In addition, they also contacted a hospital with a relatively high terrain and a relatively light disaster to receive these patients. When they arrived at the hospital there, Ruan Yu could return to the weightless ward again.

The transfer process was very smooth, and all the procedures were completed in advance. When they arrived at the hospital over there, Ruan Yu was sent directly to the gravity-free ward, where she could sleep peacefully.

Coincidentally, Wang Kun and Zhang Peng were also in this hospital. After reconciling with He Yunchen, they began to discuss how to solve the water monster problem on this planet. The torrential rain this time caused extensive flooding, and countless people were injured due to the attack of the water monster. These water monsters are large in number and very aggressive. If they continue to reproduce, the next time this happens, the casualties will become more serious.

Ruan Tang listened silently to their discussion, and he hesitated to speak when He Yunchen asked if he wanted to mobilize troops to eradicate these water monsters.

"That... have you ever thought that these 'water monsters' might be edible?"

"Ah?" Several people were taken aback, Zhang Peng said: "You really think like a chef, you can't eat anything, right?"

Although Wang Kun was a little moved, but when he thought of using these ugly water monsters as ingredients, even though he had learned Ruan Tang's cooking skills, he still resisted, "I can't..."

He tried to make Ruan Tang give up this idea with an example, "You haven't seen this thing up close, it's very ugly, with a big shell on its back, protruding thorns all over its body, hooks on its feet, and its faces are crowded together , the mouth is scary!"

Ruan Tang didn't expect that these future people would like to "judging food by appearance", the more Wang Kun said, the more his mouth watered.

The thick shell is opened, and there are plump and plump crab roe underneath. When the crab legs are opened, the meat inside is even more tender. It is best to catch it alive. It is fresh. As long as it is tied up and steamed over water, it will be delicious. It can also be fried with different materials to make different tastes. The fat and tender crab meat is exposed, smeared with chili and sesame oil, and added with some balsamic vinegar. The crab meat is soft and glistening. It's all this soft and fresh full taste.

He took a deep breath.

After He Yunchen came back from catching a water monster, he couldn't help thinking about a hundred ways to eat crabs. God knows how long he hasn't eaten seafood. When it comes to crabs and lobsters, I don't know when I will wait.

It's just that the shell of this water monster crab is much harder than ordinary king crabs on the earth. If you want to cook it, you have to order special kitchen utensils. In addition, they are alien creatures after all. It is difficult to guarantee whether there are any mutations or toxins in the body. It is necessary to test whether it is a safe edible food.

Ruan Tang said: "I'm not lying to you, the taste they make will be top-notch, much tastier than fish, fat and tender, you see they are rampant here, they love exercise so much, the meat must be particularly firm..." He swallowed Swallowing, turned his gaze to He Yunchen, and said expectantly: "Isn't it enough to test whether it can be eaten or not?"

"Then catch it back and test it." As soon as He Yunchen heard that it could be eaten, He Yunchen became interested. If these water monsters are edible, then they will transform from dangerous predators into edible ingredients. Let's solve it Much simpler.

"Yeah!" Ruan Tang suddenly became happy, and immediately sent a message to He Yunyi who was far away in the capital, saying that he had discovered a new ingredient that might be super delicious.

Sure enough, He Yunyi immediately became interested, and immediately said: "Okay! I'll take people and things there!"