The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 78


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Chapter 78 Preparations for the Birthday Party

Ruan Tang came to the canteen of the military headquarters. It was not meal time at this time, so the canteen was empty, only a few intelligent robots were doing daily cleaning. Ruan Tang walked towards the back kitchen familiarly. There is also a smart terminal at the door of the back kitchen for identity verification. After all, it is related to the food safety of the soldiers of the entire military department. People without authorization are absolutely unable to enter.

Ruan Tang pressed his palm on the smart terminal at the door, and after passing the biometric information inspection, the sensor door opened in response.

"Master!" Several people who were busy in the kitchen, after hearing the sound of the sensor door opening, immediately looked towards the door, and when they found that the person who came was Ruan Tang, they all showed pleasant surprises.

Although Ruan Tang did not often come to the military canteen to teach, he still keeps in touch with his six apprentices from time to time, answering their doubts in the process of cooking, and the six of them will also watch his live broadcast. And learn from his videos. The six of them now all regard Ruan Tang as their master, and they no longer call Mr. Ruan as before, but directly call them master.

"Well, what are you doing?" Ruan Tang asked with a smile.

"We are discussing today's lunch menu." Wen Zeyang replied immediately.

"Oh? Are you going to do something?"

Wen Zeyang nodded and reported everything, "Sauce pork ribs, tomato scrambled eggs, hot and sour potato shreds, fungus scrambled eggs, cucumber fried pork slices, green pepper fried pork shreds, potato stewed beef brisket, chicken stewed mushrooms, tomato tofu soup, winter melon pork ribs soup , a total of eight dishes and two soups."

"Not bad." Ruan Tang nodded slightly, and was very pleased to see that they had learned new dishes.

He chatted with them a few more words, and let them go to their own business.

Several apprentices started to get busy preparing ingredients, while Ruan Tang sat aside and began to think about what gifts to prepare for He Yunchen. Birthday cake is a must, and longevity noodles are also indispensable. Longevity peaches and eggs are also ingredients that represent blessings.

Thinking of this, Ruan Tang couldn't help but smile bitterly. He really couldn't change his habit. When it comes to birthdays, the first thing he thinks of is food. After all, the only thing he can sell is his cooking skills.

Rather than racking his brains to prepare some birthday presents, it's better to carefully prepare a birthday banquet for He Yunchen to have a good time.

Just at this time, Ruan Tang's optical brain rang. He glanced at the screen, and the name of the caller displayed on it was He Yunyi.

"Brother He?" Ruan Tang immediately got through the communication.

"Xiaotang, are you free today?" He Yunyi rang out with a teasing voice.

"I'm free, Brother He, is there anything I can help you with?"

"The Academy of Sciences just restored two new ingredients, which look a bit weird. I would like to invite you to take a look. In addition, here is a big surprise for you."

"Surprise?" Ruan Tang was a little curious, and readily agreed, "Okay, I'll take a taxi right away."

He paused, and then asked: "By the way, Brother He, I heard that tomorrow is Brother Chen's birthday. Do you... have any plans?"

After all, He Yunchen has a family. If their family already has plans to celebrate his birthday, then he needs to think of other ways.

"Yes, tomorrow is his birthday, but what are the arrangements?" He Yunyi asked with some doubts.

It sounded like they didn't celebrate He Yunchen's birthday at all, Ruan Tang couldn't help hesitating, "You guys...don't plan a birthday party or something to celebrate?"

"Birthday party? It's just a birthday, just send a gift. Do you need to celebrate?"

It's not that He Yunyi deliberately ignored his younger brother, but that people in the Blue Star Empire don't have the concept of birthdays. After all, they have been taking nutrient solutions for a long time before, but there is no group of people around a box of nutrient solutions to celebrate birthdays Habit. In the past, on their brothers' birthdays, they basically took a day off to do something they liked, or go to Starnet to play mecha battles, and then relatives and friends gave gifts.

"Why don't I prepare a birthday party?"

"Okay, no problem." As long as there is something delicious, He Yunyi will not object, "Where are you going to do it?"

"This..." Ruan Tang also hesitated, he hasn't bought a house yet, his house is really too small, it's okay to entertain three or four people, no more is definitely not possible.

"Why don't you just stay at our house. Aren't you going to see the house at night? You can just come to our house and sleep here at night."

"Will it be a little disturbing?" Ruan Tang hesitated. After all, the He family also has He's father and mother, and one of them is the big boss of the live broadcast platform. He always felt that his past would affect their work.

He Yunyi smiled and said: "It's okay, they also like you very much."

"Okay then..." Ruan Tang nodded, "I don't know who to invite, Brother He, please come and draw up a list, and I'll see how many people there are, is that okay?"

"Of course!" He Yunyi readily agreed, "Then you come here now, you should also need the things from my side."

"Okay! Thank you, Brother He!"

Ruan Tang sent a message to He Yunchen, telling him that he was going to the Academy of Sciences, and He Yunyi's side was over at night, so he could go to the Academy of Sciences to find himself.

He Yunchen naturally agreed.

Ruan Tang immediately called a hovering car and came to the Academy of Sciences.

He Yunyi personally picked him up at the door and brought him to the research institute. The two new ingredients they have just restored are really hard to describe in terms of their appearance.

"Look at this, when we just restored the embryos, they were still small black spots, and we didn't know what they were. After a few days, a tail came out, and legs grew. Green, the size is getting bigger and bigger, the longer it is, the uglier it is, these things are not poisonous, but... we think they should not be eaten?" He Yunyi took him to the No. 1 laboratory, pointed to the things in the cultivation cabin and said, " You see?"

Ruan Tang stepped forward to take a look, and couldn't help but chuckled. He thought it was something, wasn't it a bullfrog? The dry pot bullfrog is very delicious. Although many people said that they did not accept this ingredient, he was quite satisfied with this new ingredient.

"Brother He, don't worry, these are indeed ingredients and can be eaten."

"Is that delicious?" He Yunyi immediately connected, afraid that what he said was a word game. Ruan Tang chuckled, "It's delicious."

"That's good, that's good." He Yunyi nodded repeatedly, since Ruan Tang said it was delicious, it must be delicious.

He Yunyi brought Ruan Tang to the second laboratory, and the things in the training cabin looked familiar.

"And this one, I don't know what's going on with this thing, but it looks very similar to the water monster lobster on Planet Nineteen, but it's much smaller in size, this should be edible, right?"

"Crayfish!" Ruan Tang's eyes lit up immediately. This is an authentic earth food, and it's not an alien mutant! With the addition of this ingredient, He Yunchen's birthday banquet can have another delicious dish.

Seeing these two ingredients, Ruan Tang unconsciously began to plan the menu for the birthday party in his mind. Since it's a birthday party, although the Blue Star people don't have the habit of celebrating birthdays, they certainly won't have only four or five people in their own family, so the portion of the dishes must be small, or it would be bad if everyone can't eat enough.

He Yunchen likes to eat spicy food, so he planned to have Sichuan dishes as the main dishes for the birthday banquet, including spicy chicken, fish head with chopped pepper, mapo tofu, spicy crab, boiled fish, dried pot bullfrog, spicy crayfish, soy pot mandarin fish, twice-cooked pork , foie gras steamed egg and garlic scallops, etc. For soup, he is going to stew tomato, potato and beef brisket soup, and the staple food is dan dan noodles, birthday peaches and birthday cakes.

"Okay, the problem is solved, let's go and see the surprise for you." He Yunyi laughed, "We have developed three versions of the happy fat house water you mentioned, but we don't know which one is the best. Why don't you taste the taste you mentioned." He Yunyi didn't notice Ruan Tang's departure, and only led him to the next laboratory.

"Okay!" Ruan Tang immediately came back when he heard that. He didn't know whether what they researched was beer or cola. If the research was successful, then He Yunchen's birthday party would have drinks to drink. It happened that the banquet was full of spicy dishes, and it would be refreshing if paired with bubbly ice cola or cold beer.

When he arrived at the laboratory, He Yunyi asked someone to bring three cups of black drinks that were still bubbling and bubbling, and asked Ruan Tang to try them one by one.

Ruan Tang took a sip and his eyes lit up. It really deserves to be a science academy where talented scientists gather. In just a few days, the taste of this drink has been mixed to perfection. There are three flavors of Coke, one of which tastes a little bit like Diet Coke. The other is a bit sweeter, and the other tastes like traditional Chinese medicine.

"These two cups are not bad, but it would be better if the second cup was lightened." Ruan Tang pointed to the first and second cups he had just tasted.

"okay, I get it."

"By the way, Brother He, how is the cooking wine I want, how is your research?" Ruan Tang has wanted cooking wine for a long time, and it is really inconvenient to cook without cooking wine.

"Ah... Don't tell me, I almost forgot. I heard the report yesterday that there is a sample, but the taste is a bit weird. Come with me."

He Yunchen took Ruan Tang to another laboratory and tasted the cooking wine sample just developed.

"Well... that's it!" Ruan Tang took a sip and then laughed with satisfaction.

Cooking wine has the function of removing fishy smell and increasing fragrance. It can be said that it is a must for cooking meat. With cooking wine, the taste of birthday party dishes must be improved to a higher level.

This trip to the Academy of Sciences was fruitful, and Ruan Tang was very satisfied.

He went to the gate of the Academy of Sciences and waited for He Yunchen to come over. He Yunyi looked at him, and couldn't help but said: "You two have a good relationship." He sighed a few times pretending, and seeing Ruan Tang looking at him, he said again: "My birthday is three months later than Ah Chen's. When it's my birthday, can you make me a birthday party too?"

"Okay, no problem." Naturally, Ruan Tang would not reject this light of science.

He Yunyi nodded in satisfaction, and then said that he would prepare these ingredients and send them home during the day tomorrow. As for how to hide it from He Yunchen, he was not worried, "This guy has no fun at all, and he never takes trivial things like birthdays to heart. He will definitely go to the military headquarters tomorrow as usual, so don't worry."

Ruan Tang nodded, and remembered something, so he said: "By the way, Brother He, I remember that when you came back from Planet Nineteen, you brought some water monsters for research. I wonder if you can share some with me?"

"No problem." He Yunyi made a gesture, and then saw a hovering speed car coming from the front, so he said, "Your Brother Chen is here, go."

He watched Ruan Tang yell happily, and then ran towards He Yunchen. He Yunchen's serious and serious face also had a rare smile. Smiling and shaking his head.

He was worried that his younger brother would be too dull to even chase people, but now it seems that the iron tree is not far away from blooming.