The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 80


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Chapter 80 Happy Birthday

When he came to He Yunchen's room, Ruan Tang couldn't help sighing the benefits of a big house. Just one bedroom is comparable to the size of his small single apartment. The room is in a clean black and white style, and the owner of the room is character is quite similar. The floor is covered with soft blankets, and it feels very comfortable when walking. There is a soft big bed with a width of at least 2.5 meters in the room. Just looking at it makes people feel very comfortable. I want to lie down on it .

There is also a large induction cabin in the room, which is exactly the same as the one I saw at the military headquarters. It should be the one used by He Yunchen when he logged into the virtual battle system. Wardrobe, bookcase and other furniture are all available, and there is also a separate gravity training room, which contains some exercise equipment.

Ruan Tang visited He Yunchen's room with great interest, thinking that his new house should be made more comfortable like this in the future.

"Brother Chen, where is the bathroom? I want to take a bath." Ruan Tang has developed the habit of taking a bath every day.

wash, bathe...

He Yunchen took a deep breath, pointed to a door on the right side of the room with a sullen face, and said, "Here."

"Okay." Ruan Tang took off his coat and strode into the bathroom, "By the way, Brother Chen, can I borrow your towel? I just bought some toiletries and a change of clothes online, it should be soon I just sent it over, Brother Chen, you can help me sign for it later."

"good… "

The sound of running water soon came from the bathroom, He Yunchen continued to take a deep breath, then turned around and left the room, and went downstairs to sign for Ruan Tang for the items he had just purchased.

The speed of Interstellar Express is very fast, and the item was delivered within a few minutes. He Yunchen took the things upstairs, unpacked them, and found a pair of underwear, a light nightgown and a set of travel-sized toiletries inside.

His eyes were uncontrollably glued to the pair of white underwear, he estimated Ruan Tang's size, and when his nose became hot, he immediately shook his head with his hands, forcing himself to look away.

"Brother Chen, I finished washing, has the express delivery arrived?" Ruan Tang's voice came from the bathroom.

"It's here." He Yunchen pressed his beating heart and answered calmly as much as possible.

"Please pass it to me!" The bathroom door was opened a crack, and a wet arm stretched out from inside. Ruan Tang's skin is extremely white. Under the light, it is as lustrous as fine ceramics. There are still a few drops of water that have not been wiped off, shining like diamonds, meandering from his skin. Pass.

He Yunchen suddenly closed his eyes, grabbed his clothes indiscriminately, and stuffed it for him.

Bai Nen's smooth arms retracted, and the bathroom door was closed again.

When Ruan Tang came out of the bath comfortably, he had already changed into the light bathrobe, and a belt was loosely tied around his waist, revealing a fair chest, and his skin turned a beautiful pink color due to the steaming water, which made He Yunchen's eyes dizzy. straight up.

"Brother Chen, aren't you going to take a shower?" Ruan Tang asked while wiping her hair with a towel.

"I'm going to take a shower." He Yunchen hurriedly dropped these words and rushed into the bathroom.

When the switch was turned on, bone-piercing cold water sprayed out from the shower head, extinguishing the flame that should not have been born.

Ruan Tang didn't know He Yunchen's turbulent mood, he quickly turned on the optical brain while He Yunchen was taking a shower, browsed in the shopping mall, added all the materials that might be used tomorrow into the shopping cart, and waited until the birthday was confirmed Make a purchase after checking the number of people attending the banquet.

So when He Yunchen came out of the bathroom, he saw Ruan Tang laying on the big bed, fiddling with the light brain, with two long white and slender legs stretched back, making those legs especially slender and straight. The shiny and full toes are still moving, like a child, the bathrobe is scattered because of his bad posture, and the round buttocks wrapped in white underwear can be vaguely seen.

He Yunchen subconsciously reached out and pressed his nose...

"Brother Chen! Have you washed? Come and sleep!" When Ruan Tang was in college in his previous life, he lived in the boys' dormitory. When traveling with classmates and friends, he also had the experience of squeezing a bed, so it was very natural. He greeted He Yunchen without hesitation, and didn't think about anything else at all.

"Um… "

"Brother Chen, you have such a good figure!" Seeing He Yunchen approaching, Ruan Tang couldn't help sighing enviously. Wide shoulders, narrow waist and long legs, with tight muscles and beautiful lines, he is simply a standard model figure. He believes that the other party must have eight-pack abdominal muscles and mermaid lines under the cover of the bathrobe, and he is definitely weaker than himself. The body of the white chicken is much better...

Stared at by Ruan Tang's fiery eyes, He Yunchen pursed his lips, feeling that wrong flame seemed to be burning in his body again.

Seeing that Ruan Tang seemed to want to touch him, his heart skipped a beat. He walked over in two or three steps, lifted the quilt next to him, and wrapped Ruan Tang in with his head. On the quilt, he took a deep breath, folded his clothes and lay down next to him, and said in a deep voice, "Go to sleep."

Ruan Tang thought that he couldn't help making trouble, and couldn't help being a little shy. He pulled the quilt down to his neck and found that He Yunchen was not covered, so he gave him half, said "good night" softly, and then closed his eyes and fell asleep obediently. He fell into dreamland.

A good night's sleep.

When Ruan Tang woke up the next day, He Yunchen was no longer on the bed. Ruan Tang stretched his waist, then got out of bed sleepily to wash.

After he went downstairs, he found that He Yunchen was sitting on the sofa downstairs, half leaning against the back of the sofa, with a little tiredness under his eyes.

"Brother Chen, did you not sleep well yesterday? Did I disturb you because of my bad sleep?" Ruan Tang was very guilty.

He Yunchen said: "No, I... was thinking about something yesterday."

Ruan Tang nodded, thinking that it was really his own fault, so he volunteered to make breakfast. The delicious steamed dumplings and porridge with fresh shrimp and fish fillets won everyone's praise.

After eating and drinking, the He family members got ready to go to work.

"Ah Tang, shall I see you off? Are you going home or to the military headquarters?" He Yunchen looked at Ruan Tang and asked.

"I'm going to the Academy of Sciences today, just follow Brother He's car. Brother Chen, can you help me bring the porridge to Xiaoyu?" Ruan Tang handed him the fresh-keeping box containing fresh shrimp and fish porridge.

"Okay." He Yunchen suppressed the inexplicable disappointment in his heart, took the fresh-keeping box and went out.

Soon there were only He Yunyi and Ruan Tang left in the family. He Yunyi couldn't help laughing and said: "Look, I said he is a log? He doesn't remember birthday at all."

Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing, "Brother He, have you told your aunt and uncle yet?"

"I said, they will definitely come on time at night, and will also notify some relatives and friends who are close to our family to come and celebrate together."

"How many people will there be that night?" Ruan Tang began to think in his heart.

"There should be more than a dozen people." He Yunyi counted the heads in his heart, paused and said, "Actually, you can broadcast the birthday party tonight."

Anyway, the friendship between Ruan Tang and their two brothers is well known throughout the country. There is no need to keep it secret to celebrate He Yunchen's birthday specially. At the same time, it can let more people know about birthdays. For natural ingredients Popularization and promotion are very beneficial.

"Okay." Ruan Tang naturally agreed, so that his younger brother in the hospital could also enjoy a big meal.

If there are more than a dozen people, there will be almost two tables. It seems that more ingredients should be prepared.

Next, it was time for Ruan Tang to be busy. He Yunyi didn't know anything about cooking, so he couldn't help much if he stayed, so he also went out to work. Ruan Tang needs bullfrogs, crayfish, cola, cooking wine, etc., and will deliver them back to him after he arrives at the Academy of Sciences.

Ruan Tang had too many things to prepare. If he was alone, he would be too busy. After thinking about it, he turned on his optical brain, dialed the communication number of President Gu, and planned to borrow it from him. His apprentice Tao An used it.

The last time Ruan Tang and Tao An worked together at a banquet for the Lutes. Although Tao An's voice was a bit loud and his personality was a bit out of character, his work was absolutely crisp and neat, and many things were easy to understand. With his help, it will definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort. If Tao An hadn't already been President Gu's apprentice, he would have wanted to poach him here.

President Gu also received the invitation. Knowing that he was going to prepare for He Yunchen's birthday party, he naturally agreed. If it wasn't for the restriction of his status, he would have wanted to help Ruan Tang himself. After finishing the communication with Ruan Tang, he grabbed his apprentice and told him to listen to Ruan Tang after he passed, work hard, listen more, read more and learn more, so as not to cause trouble to Ruan Tang.

Tao Anlai is a fan of Ruan Tang, his head is like a chicken pecking at rice, and he rushed over after packing up his things.

He arrived with the courier, and Ruan Tang moved the things to the kitchen with him, then clapped his hands and said, "Then let's start."


As night fell, He Yunchen finished his day's work and returned home in a hoverboard.

As soon as he entered the house, the house was pitch-black, with no lights at all. In the silence, he could vaguely hear some shallow breathing sounds, which made him vigilant, and his handsome eyebrows furrowed even more tightly.

With the He family's security system, no one should be able to break into it.

He bent down slowly, took out his light blade dagger from his boots, and put on a defensive posture vigilantly.

At this time, a fire suddenly lit up in the darkness, and He Yunchen was about to make a move when he heard a clear singing voice, "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you..."

He Yunchen was very familiar with this singing voice. He immediately put the dagger in his hand back into his pocket, and then looked in the direction of the fire with some disbelief.

Ruan Tang pushed the small cart with cakes and walked towards He Yunchen, followed by a group of onlookers.

"Brother Chen, I wish you a happy birthday." Ruan Tang's face became more and more beautiful under the reflection of the fire. Make a wish, then blow out the candle above, and the wish will come true."

He Yunchen stared deeply at Ruan Tang's face, silently made a wish in his heart, and then blew out the candle as Ruan Tang said.

After the candles were blown out, the lights were turned on. Only then did He Yunchen realize that there were many familiar faces gathered in the house, even Ran Jing and He Weiye were among them. Ribbon, there is a different kind of festive feeling.

He Yunchen was a little surprised and said, "This is...?"

"Please take your seats, the birthday party is about to begin!" Ruan Tang said with a smile.