The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 85


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Chapter 85 Edible Zerg

Ruan Tang has the status of a military adviser, and it is not difficult to ask to see Marshal He.

He Weiye saw that he came to the military headquarters to meet him on purpose instead of talking about it at home, so he knew that he was talking about this canned food as a matter of business, so he asked, "Canned food? What is that?"

"It is to seal beverages, meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. in metal cans for long-term preservation." Ruan Tang explained, "Compared with the fresh-keeping boxes currently used, the storage time is longer and more durable , I think it can be used as military supplies and supplied to the front line.”

In the previous life on the earth, all kinds of canned food were necessary for marching. The long storage time and the ability to withstand adverse environments made it a highly sought-after individual ration. ,enemy.

After He Weiye asked Ruan Tang about some information about this canned food in detail, he looked at Ruan Tang's nervous eyes, showing hesitation. He could see that Ruan Tang came to him specifically to include this canned food in the scope of military supplies. He didn't doubt that Ruan Tang wanted to take advantage of the war to make money for the country. Ruan Tang didn't have that at all. Necessary, and not that kind of person. He believed that Ruan Tang was trying to improve the food conditions of the soldiers fighting on the front line, but in such a tense situation, this canned food was like a chicken rib.

Not to mention the establishment of a factory and a set of assembly lines for the production of cans, it is very problematic to transport only one item. Now, with the wanton invasion of the Zerg before and the malicious looting of the Warrens later, it is very difficult to transport supplies to the frontline soldiers, so one of He Weiye's biggest requirements for military supplies is lightness.

The nutritional value, taste, and even satiety of canned food are higher than that of nutrient solution, but they are also heavier and more bulky than nutrient solution. As military supplies, it is definitely not as convenient to transport as nutrient solution. In his opinion, the improved version of the nutrient solution can play a similar role to this can, so there is no need to do more.

But He Weiye also knew that this was Ruan Tang's good intentions, and this canned food was indeed a good thing, so he said, "That's right, then go discuss it with Ayi, and when it's made, it can be put on the store shelves directly."

Ruan Tang heard that He Weiye did not intend to include this canned food in the scope of military supplies, so he said: "Marshal He, what if the canned food I mentioned is made of Zerg?"

"What did you say?!" He Weiye couldn't help but twitched his brows, and got up from his seat in shock.

Use Zerg as food? What a joke!

Ruan Tang smiled shyly, looked up at him, and said, "Since the water monster can eat it, why can't the Zerg be eaten? If the Zerg can be made into food, then our frontline soldiers no longer need nutrient solution, but can eat it." Using local materials, you don’t need to worry about not having enough to eat anymore.”

"We can even make the hard shell of the bugs into armor, so that it can completely defend against the corrosive liquid of the Zerg, and there is no need to worry about the personal safety of soldiers when they have no armor. Their shells can also be added to the mecha, Make a mecha specifically for Zerg for combat."

"The most important thing is that the soldiers on the front line must be exhausted, and there are more and more Zerg. In this way, they will inevitably feel pessimistic, but if the Zerg in front of them is no longer an enemy representing death, but food And precious materials? Will they still be afraid?" Ruan Tang couldn't help laughing, "No, the more Zerg there are, the more excited they will be."

Attracted by his words, He Weiye frowned, but his eyes gradually brightened.

Indeed, as Ruan Tang said, in front of the constant army of Zerg, without any new supplies, the morale of the frontline soldiers is quite low. Despite their efforts to encourage them, a sense of pessimism still spread in the army :

Can the Zerg really be defeated? Will they make it back alive

A warrior who has lost his fighting spirit is just a walking corpse. When facing the Zerg, they are already afraid and shrinking, which makes the death rate higher and higher. For this reason, the military department has been worried for a long time, but there is nothing to do. Now Ruan Tang proposes to transform the identity of the Zerg into a "resource". Once the soldiers accept this setting, they will not be afraid when facing the Zerg. Instead get excited.

When businessmen see benefits, they will be as excited as sharks when they see blood. Don't underestimate the power of capitalism, which is stronger and more stable than any other regime.

At that time, it's not that they are begging various financial groups and chambers of commerce to provide funds, but these people are holding the banknotes and want to invest in the front line!

He Weiye breathed out, walked up to Ruan Tang, bowed slightly to look at him, "I'm very excited. But, are you sure that Zerg can be eaten and made into mechas?"

Knowing that he would agree with it, Ruan Tang relaxed and said with a smile: "I don't know if it can be made into a mecha, but it's okay to eat it."

Before coming to the military headquarters, he was discussing canned food with He Yunyi in the Academy of Sciences. He Yunyi also thought it was a good thing, but it could only be applied to the war and civilian use in the future, but it was powerless for this war.

Ruan Tang was feeling disappointed, but the Zerg corpses transported from the Celt planet just arrived. Out of curiosity, he went to check with He Yunyi.

In the various interstellar and games in the previous life, the Zerg race was a big OSS that could not be bypassed, but in the world that had nothing to do with food, the Zerg race became the human food without exception. Ruan Tang thought, he is a food live broadcaster, so if he put it here, it must be a food article, right

In that case, maybe the Zerg can... eat

Thinking about it, Ruan Tang couldn't help but scratched his head and smiled, feeling that he was really whimsical. He followed He Yunyi into the warehouse.

A total of 18 Zergs were sent, with a total of six varieties, ranging from small bugs the size of fingernails to beetles the size of hills.

When He Yunyi saw these things, he couldn't help closing his eyes, "It's so ugly."

Ruan Tang was stunned for a moment, thinking that his brain might have been enlightened.

The worm, which was only the size of a fingernail, was golden yellow in color, with variegated red and green worms in it. Except for the addition of a pair of small jagged feet, it looked similar to the grass worms he had seen in his previous life. .

Although he was a nerd in his previous life, as an amateur gourmet, he also likes to travel, see the scenery, and taste the specialties of various places, including Guangdong and Yunnan. People in these two places have a wide range of recipes, including birds, animals, seafood, and even bugs and purple river carts. In Guangdong, there was even a meme of "eating Hu Jianren" that became popular on the Internet for a while.

For example, Ruan Tang once ate this kind of grass worm in Guangdong. This kind of worm feeds on plants. The body is plump and plump, rich in protein and vitamins, juicy and pulpy. Add shallots and minced garlic over low heat , and a little chili, stir-fried slowly over a low heat, the fragrance is delicious, the taste is tender and smooth, and it is very delicious.

"A Tang, is this the first time you've seen these Zergs? Don't look at these little bugs, they can't fly, and they don't crawl fast, but there are a lot of them, and they can spit acid water, thousands of them Coming towards you, once you are surrounded by them, even a new type of mecha can still be wiped clean in minutes, it is a very troublesome type in the battlefield." He Yunyi saw Ruan Tang's concentration On this little bug, I took the initiative to introduce it to him.

"There are also this kind of flying insects, which are even more difficult to deal with. Although they are only the size of a palm, they fly fast and their bodies are relatively fragile, but their attack power is surprisingly strong. If they are accidentally caught up by them, the mecha will easily appear. The state of the damage..." He slowly shook his head while talking, these Zergs were too lethal, and the frontline fighters paid a high price to catch them.

Ruan Tang looked at the winged insect in front of him. It looked similar to a grasshopper in appearance, with short whip-like antennae and powerful hind legs, which could jump high and fly fast.

Especially the biggest bugs that look like hills, with extremely hard shells and long beetles. According to He Yunyi, they are specially responsible for defense.

Although the appearance of these bugs has changed somewhat, and their size has grown a lot, there are really many similarities...

So is this bug edible

Ruan Tang thought about it, and accidentally said it out of his mouth.

He Yunyi didn't hear clearly at first, and thought he had heard it wrong, so he asked him again, "Ah? What did you say?"

Ruan Tang rubbed his nose embarrassingly, and asked, "Can this Zerg eat it?"

"Eat, eat Zerg?!" He Yunyi looked at Ruan Tang with a very incredible look. Before, he only thought that Ruan Tang was a gentle and intelligent gourmet, but now it seems that he is more than just a gourmet? With this courage, he can swallow the sky and the earth!

Ruan Tang looked at his expression, and said again: "I think we can test whether they are poisonous, and then..."

"A Tang, wake up!" He Yunyi really wanted to grab Ruan Tang's collar and shake it vigorously, "Look at the forelimbs of this bug! It is so sharp that it can even cut through black steel! Look at this The shell of this kind of big bug is as hard as iron, and it is difficult to cut it with a light blade. It must be broken with an energy cannon or an energy beam! There are also the mouthparts of these bugs! They all contain terrible corrosive liquid, even the mecha The outer shell can be easily corroded! Do you think you can eat it?!"

"Uh... Although it will take a little more effort to deal with it, it's okay? It's similar to the water monster last time. You can use special kitchen utensils... Actually, can't you just cut off the pliers for that kind of small bug? For the mouthparts, you can cut off the head. Find the location where the corrosive liquid is stored, and dig it out. Although the outer shell of this kind of big worm is hard, the inside can’t be as hard as the outside, right? Maybe there will be surprises after cutting it open?” Ruan Tang said more and more that it is feasible, really I can't wait to dissect all these bugs on the spot!

He Yunyi looked at Ruan Tang with bright eyes beside him, and suddenly felt that the chef might be the most terrifying creature in the world...

In the end, He Yunyi didn't know what kind of evil he had fallen into, but he followed Ruan Tang's suggestion and dissected all the bugs.

Just like what Ruan Tang said, the small bug with the size of a fingernail has no attack power after cutting off the jagged feet and pulling out the mouthparts. Its corrosive liquid is stored in the tail, like a thorn. Like the tube, it is connected to the position of the mouthparts through the poisonous glands. You only need to cut off the tail and pull out the mouthparts, and the rest is as harmless as a silkworm baby.

And that kind of flying insect does not have a very hard shell, and is known for its flying speed and amazing attack power. After cutting off parts such as wings, forelimbs, and mouthparts, it is indeed non-toxic and harmless.

Even the huge beetle like a hill, after cutting off the shell with a professional cutting tool, reveals the white and tender inside, which looks just like the picture of cutting the water monster lobster back then. He Yunyi subconsciously swallowed the plump piece of meat.

He must have been infected by Ruan Tang!

"Is it confirmed that it is safe? Or let me do it?"

He Yunyi: "..."

Being stared at by Ruan Tang eagerly, what can he do? Of course I can only promise him...

Facts have proved that Ruan Tang's idea is not wrong. No matter how these Zerg mutate, how they evolve, how they develop, in essence, they are still those weak and pitiful but delicious bugs.

The taste is sweet and delicious when fried with the kind of insects similar to grasshoppers. The flying insects that look like grasshoppers are fragrant and crispy after frying. The meat inside is also very delicious, absorbing the sauce and green onion beautifully fragrance. And that huge beetle, which looks like a longhorn, digs out the meat and deep-fries it. It is golden and crispy, with a hint of sweetness, and the taste is unexpectedly delicious.

After He Yunyi ate, he fell into silence, and after a while, he spoke in a low voice.

"In the future, we really can't engage in species discrimination..."