The Film Emperor’s Daily Live Cooking Broadcast

Chapter 87


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Chapter 87

"Dinner is ready? Has the military supplies arrived? Have those damned Valenians finally given up?" All the soldiers were very excited when they received the notice from their superiors asking them to gather for dinner immediately. You must know that they haven't eaten much for almost a week, and they were given a nutrient solution the day before yesterday, and they have to fight a huge number of Zerg every day, which can be said to be very exhausting from body to mind. If they were replaced by ordinary carbon-based humans, they would have starved to death long ago. That is to say, their modified genes can support them until now, but they are almost at their limit. If new military supplies are no longer available, they will not die. In the hands of the Zerg, it will also starve to death.

It's just that when they arrived at the assembly point, what they saw was not boxes of nutrient solution, but insect corpses all over the ground.

These unsightly insect corpses should be cleaned up mechanically, why are they piling up here? Is it to save energy and let them clean up the insect corpses when they come to receive the nutrient solution

"Adjutant Li, where is the nutrient solution? Do we need to clean up these insect corpses?" Everyone looked at Li Kai suspiciously.

"There is no nutrient solution, and these insect corpses don't need to be cleaned up."

"There is no nutrient solution? Didn't you tell me that the meal is ready?" Everyone became more and more surprised, but they didn't feel that Li Kai was joking with them. After all, the situation is serious now, and no one would take millions of soldiers under such circumstances. life to joke.

"Well, these insect corpses are food, they are definitely edible, everyone can pick them up at will." Li Kai looked like there were meat buns all over the floor, letting everyone eat whatever they wanted.

When everyone looked at the insects that fell on the ground and were roasted black by the high-temperature flames, the expressions on their faces were quite broken.

"Adjutant Li, are you... are you kidding me?" A non-commissioned officer who knew Li Kai couldn't help asking in a low voice.

Li Kai glared at him bitterly and said, "Who would joke with you about this kind of thing? This is an order from the major general! These bugs are really edible."

But those soldiers still showed resistance, and there was no way to eat those bugs as food anyway.

Just kidding, these Zerg look so disgusting... who would use them as food

At this moment, He Yunchen walked slowly in front of everyone, and everyone immediately straightened up and saluted him, "Hi, major general!"

He Yunchen nodded slightly, bent down and picked up a worm, removed the wings and tail in front of everyone, put it in his mouth, chewed it carefully for a while, and then swallowed it.

"You can eat it." Although He Yunchen only said three words, his behavior of eating the bug without changing his face has completely shocked everyone.

Li Kai also picked up a worm, imitating He Yunchen's movements, and ate the worm, but he did not forget to tell him: "You need to remove the wings and tail before eating."

Seeing two people eating insects without changing expressions, everyone felt that the world view was in shambles. They looked at He Yunchen and then at the insect corpses. Even though both of them had demonstrated in person, they still couldn't help hesitating.

This is Zerg...

"What are you still hesitating about? Do you really want to starve to death? Could it be that the major general and I have harmed you?!" Li Kai glared at these guys, completely forgetting that not long ago, he and they were hugging each other. skeptical attitude, "Don't look at these bugs as ugly, but the taste is not bad at all!"

Seeing that everyone was still hesitating, He Yunchen put down the worm meat and said calmly, "Are you hungry?"

Everyone immediately said in unison: "Hungry!"

He picked up another insect corpse and brought it close to everyone's noses. Because it was a little cold, the burnt smell had basically dissipated, leaving only a faint smell of meat. He Yunchen said, "Is it fragrant?"

"..." Everyone looked at each other. Although the expressions on their faces were still resisting, they swallowed involuntarily. They were so hungry that they were hallucinating.

He Yunchen asked again: "Is it fragrant?"

Everyone bowed their heads in silence, and after a while, someone choked with sobs and said: "Xiang..."

"Why don't you eat the incense?" He Yunchen bent down, picked up another insect corpse, removed the wings and tail, put it in his mouth, and ate it one by one. He was also hungry for a long time, eating one after another, as if Really eating some delicious delicacies.

Low sobs sounded among the soldiers, and they felt resentful and desperate: Are the Zerg really invincible? Has the Empire abandoned them

But at the same time, the desire to live is stronger than ever.

They want to live and eat, so what if they are Zerg? So what if it's unpalatable or poisonous? Even if they don't eat, won't they still die? Eat, at least there is a glimmer of life!

Some of the more courageous soldiers gritted their teeth and stooped to pick up the bugs, enduring their nausea. These roasted insect corpses exude a faint meaty smell, and it smells quite pleasant when you get close.

In a daze, he put the bug into his mouth, and the expressions on everyone's faces changed instantly.

tasty! ! !

Different from the ugly appearance, these worms taste very sweet. Although there is no seasoning, they are simply roasted over fire, but the meat of these worms is sweet and sweet, and the outer shell is slightly burnt by the high-temperature flame, but it is Added a burnt aroma, crispy taste, and a special taste to eat.

Seeing their comrades eat one and go to get another, the soldiers who were still hesitating finally couldn't help it anymore.

Regardless of whether you can accept eating these things, anyway, when you close your eyes, you are still crying, and you have already stuffed the insect corpse into your mouth. Only by living can there be hope!

After a while, the entire open space was filled with silent chewing sounds. At first, everyone was determined to die, and then they were captured by the delicious insects.

The bugs all over the ground were quickly eaten up.

It's a pity that the number of nearly one million Zergs is still too small compared to the population of their base. Everyone on the generals' base is only divided into two or three, and those who move slowly only have time to eat one to taste.

The long-hungry stomach tasted the taste of food for a long time, squirmed to wake up, and passed on the desire to eat to the brain, which made the soldiers who had been hungry for a long time feel very unsatisfied, and unconsciously looked up at the defensive cover The insects flying outside had a strange light in their eyes.

Seeing them like this, a little smile appeared on He Yunchen's face. He pointed to the Zerg outside the protective cover, and said loudly: "Have you seen that kind of beetle? Its meat is more delicious."


Capital star, military department.

"What's the news from the front line?" He Weiye asked his adjutant.

"Reporting to the Marshal, Major General He set fire to millions of Zerg according to your instructions. The current food shortage situation has eased, but the problem of energy shortage needs to be resolved as soon as possible."

He Weiye frowned when he heard the words, those haunted Warrens seemed to be in trouble with them, lurking on the only way they must pass to transport supplies to Celt Star, whenever the empire's transport ships passed by, they would do anything The price is to intercept the supplies and supply yourself with the supplies that should be supplied to the frontline soldiers!

The terrain of Celt Star is special, and it is very close to the main star of Root and two important resource stars. Once Celt Star falls, the Zerg will drive straight in, and Root will no longer have a barrier. It is only a matter of time before it is destroyed. This is something that must never happen!

"What progress has the Academy of Sciences made in research on the bug beetle?"

Ruan Tang proposed last time that the extremely hard carapace of the beetle could be used as a special material to add to the mecha to make a mecha specifically for the Zerg for combat. He Weiye felt that this matter was very feasible. The carapace of the beetle is not only high in hardness, but also able to resist the corrosive liquid of the Zerg, so that they will not be accidentally injured by the same race. Once the mecha can also have this characteristic, it will not only greatly improve the combat effectiveness, but also get supplies from the enemy , under the ebb and flow, maybe it can completely reverse the situation!

These bugs are really full of treasures, the meat can fill the stomach, and the shell can be used as a new material. He Weiye breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, they have at least seen the dawn of hope.

"Reporting to Marshal, the team led by Dean He and Miss Xia Mi have been studying all night and have made preliminary progress. There is no further news yet."

He Weiye nodded. He also knew that the research of this new type of material could not be rushed. The most important thing at the moment was to wipe out those nasty Warren raiders and send the supplies there.

"How is the transport ship ready?"

"It's ready, we can set off immediately, and the mecha battle group of the third army has also assembled."

"Okay, contact His Excellency Gilbert and prepare for action."


Their new plan is to lure snakes out of their holes. The transport ships will set off in two batches. The first batch will only carry a small amount of old-type nutrient solution, and will be escorted by the Mecha Corps of the Third Army. When the time comes, the transport ships will be used to attract the attention of the Warrens. The Third Army will continue to do the same. Using the mechas to transport supplies, Gilbert's mecha team will also cooperate. After the Warrens came out, the transport ship personnel immediately abandoned the ship and fled. A den was completely destroyed!

Afterwards, the transport ship full of supplies and new nutrient solutions, and even some instant food bentos, can quickly pass through here before the Warrens have assembled a new attack force, and send this batch of life-saving supplies to the front line go.

Although the Roots' planet is rich in rare metals such as black steel, and the industry is relatively developed, other resources are relatively scarce. Today's Roots are also in a predicament of starvation just like the imperial army on the front line, so they urgently need these resources. A batch of supplies.

It would be best if we could repel those Warrens and keep the transport ship, but those Warrens are simply a group of lunatics. They lost three transport ships with a suicide attack. If they fail this time... please invite Gilbert and the others Have a bug feast.

A little smile appeared on He Weiye's face, and he asked, "How's the research on canned food?"

"The production plant and assembly line have been established. The production of canned fruits, vegetables and various meats has begun. The equipment for making canned insect meat has also been successfully tested. As long as it is manufactured according to the drawings, it can be mass-produced." Mentioned This, the adjutant's tone unconsciously carried some surprise and admiration.

This Mr. Ruan is really too strange. In his hands, everything can be turned into a miracle. If he hadn't discovered that the Zerg can be eaten as food, the millions of soldiers on the front line would not be able to persist until now. Before, they all thought that the other party was just an ordinary cook, at most he could cook, and the title of military adviser was purely because of their friendship with He Yunchen. It was only now that they discovered that a powerful chef, even Can influence the development of the battle situation!

"Immediately ask him to send the design drawings and forward them to Gilbert, and ask him to build a canning factory on the Root Star as soon as possible." The industry of the Roots is well developed, and it is very easy to build a canning factory. The Zerg, which they regard as a scourge, seems to have become a steady stream of food delivered to their door.