The Final Protectors

Chapter 20: Underground Three


Carlos took the rusty epee away indifferently. Louis and Mr. Goode looked at each other, and Mr. Goode said awkwardly: "Uh... isn't that sword..."

Aldo didn't take his eyes off Carlos, and explained casually: "The sword is his personal belonging, and it was originally printed with Flaret's family crest, but in a battle, it was accidentally corrupted by a fire-type diva. It has been roasted—it is not a symbol of a sword-wielding priest. The sword-wielding priest is meant to be 'the supreme commander who can replace the archbishop in war', which has nothing to do with the real sword, and may be misunderstood by future generations."

Mr Goode and Louie were flattered and terrified at the same time.

Actually... actually spoke! He actually spoke in a pleasant manner! He even took the initiative to answer the question!

Archbishop Alfred, what's the matter with you? you wake up! You don't do this! After losing his mind early in the morning, did he suffer from a sudden dual personality

You know, apart from the first appearance, Aldo left the coffin shop in the underground palace for the first time. That demon-level difu is like a pile of junk for sale. But who would have thought that the second time he left, he would actually go to that "ghostly museum" with this group of so-called "Temple One-day Tour" tour groups

The design of the eerie museum is actually very lazy. It is a dark doorway, covered with a few thick curtains like a usual haunted house, and then there are some weird and terrifying sounds inside, allowing tourists to take the track car and drive all the way. Surprised by the heinously fake set and the sudden appearance of Difu's corpse.

"Why are there no candles here?" Aldo asked strangely at the entrance of the museum.

"Because this is a spooky museum, sir." The tour guide who entered the performance mode professionally when he heard the human voice popped up, his face was covered in colorful paint, and there was a rubber skull on his hair, and he said quietly, "There are no candles here. There are no lights, nothing in the world of light, if we must say, there are only ghosts—fire—the ghosts killed by demons can't go away... "

The unlucky tour guide couldn't finish his proficient lines, so he saw the man in the robe in front of him in the dim light. The tour guide immediately looked like a projector with no power, choked on his voice, and then he twitched violently He took a deep breath, took a big step back, almost bumped into Carlos next to him, and stretched out a hand tremblingly: "Sculpture, statue!"

The legendary spooky museum guide who is very good at scaring is shamefully frightened by tourists-it seems that no matter what kind of business, there are some guys who like to make a fuss.

Mike pulled the corner of Carlos's clothes and curled his lips, feeling that this guy is really ugly.

Mr. Good was deeply worried about the quality of his employees, so he could only cough dryly: "Dark."

The tour guide finally saw this strange and luxurious combination—two little bean dices, a statue, a strange handsome man, a gold medal hunter, an archbishop, and a new priest—the program in his mind was confused, and he said incoherently: " Uh... uh sorry, please sit on the trolley, um... Children under the age of twelve, please be supervised by parents... No, sir, your sword, sword, no, you can't bring it in, even the priest's epee no!"

It's hard for this unlucky boy, he almost bit off his tongue when he said the last sentence.

Lily emerged from Carlos' shoulder, blinking her eyes: "Why is he neither scary nor funny? Emily is a big liar."

Carlos didn't even look back, someone's gaze really made him feel sharp. He was timid to face his own name, and even more timid to face that person—the youthful love when he was young, the disappointment again and again, until he left the temple by himself and experienced the long and tortured longing and deliberate love. Forgotten, to the point of being able to go back pretending not to care, and fight side by side with him... However, after a thousand years of life and death, all these emotions were mixed together, so that he didn't even have the courage to look back at him.

Poor tour guide Duck burst into tears at the man's blatant neglect and the little girl's childish speech.

The trolley is for one person, even for a child as small as Mike and the others, an adult can only take one on it, Carlos is holding Lily, Gal originally wanted Mike to come to him, but unexpectedly Before he could speak, the child was abducted by the suspected schizophrenic Archbishop Al.

Aldo bent down, stretched out his hand to Mike, and asked softly, "Let me take you, okay?"

Mike froze for a moment, he was/instinctively afraid of this blond man, but the other man smiled so beautifully, it was as if the puppet in the story suddenly had a soul.

Children are easily distracted by beautiful things, so they let go of their guard at the speed of light. Mike the little traitor only hesitated for a second, and handed the little paw to Aldo without any hindrance.

The small trolley creaked and walked on the gloomy track. Dak wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and stammered, he began to tell the deduction story of each Difu specimen passing by.

But since he himself was frightened once, the trembling voice at this moment is simply a real-life interpretation of "Mary Had a Little Lamb". Except for Lily who looked around with reluctant interest, everyone else was left with a numb flesh/ Sitting in the car, I don't know which galaxy I have been distracted for a long time.

Mike didn't expect the legendary "ghostly museum" to be so peaceful and boring, so he turned his attention to Aldo.

"Why are you fighting?" Mike asked.

Aldo glanced at him, and slowly moved his eyes to Carlos' straight back three meters in front of him—in order to create a terrifying atmosphere, the dark wind blown by fans in the eerie museum blows his long hair It blows up and down, making the people behind look as if they are within reach.

Aldo didn't know why this happened, why Carlos appeared after a thousand years, was it an accident? conspiracy? Or is it just a coincidence that makes people cry

But now, in his opinion, nothing matters.

"Because..." Aldo stroked Mike's hair and paused, he knew these words, and Carlos could hear them at this distance, "I miss him so much, it's like a dream until now, I'm afraid that if he leaves, the dream will wake up, and I will be left alone, returning to that silent tomb."

Kindergarten only taught spelling and arithmetic, not these romantic clichés. Mike really didn't understand such literary words, so he blinked his big ignorant eyes and said confidently: "You can call him."

Aldo had no idea what the phone was, but he didn't ask. He looked at Carlos' stiff back and said softly, "No, I'm really scared, so I just hold him in my arms and put my hands on it." On his heart, touching his undulating pulse, can truly feel his existence."

At this time, the small trolley in front made a sharp turn, and the climax of the eerie museum journey came. The speed of the car accelerated suddenly, and screaming difu specimens suddenly appeared at every corner that caught people off guard.

Carlos, like a conditioned reflex, grabbed the throat of a difu that came close to him—this has never happened since the opening of the eerie museum. The poor specimen couldn't shrink back, so The tragedy happened, the whole bearing was stuck, and the cart "creaked" and stopped in place.

Mike turned his back to them, so he didn't see that his gloomy station wagon had turned into a "bumper car" and was crashing straight into the front body, he still asked gossipingly: "So he is your lover? "

As soon as he finished speaking, the two cars collided. Lily screamed, and Dak finally took a deep breath and roared: "Sir, please let go of that poor Difu! Otherwise, we will be stuck in the car forever." here!"

As soon as Aldo stretched out his hand, he grabbed Carlos' body who had leaned forward due to the collision, and quickly released it before he could react. His fingertips slid across Carlos's hair, almost touching him. back with a sigh.

"No," he said to Mike, looking at Carlos, "I don't think so, because he won't forgive me."

At that moment, the veins on the back of Carlos' hands exploded, and he stiffly let go of the Difu specimen he was holding in his hand, letting the machine behind him finish the scream that had lasted for more than ten seconds, and the trolley started Once again, it slid smoothly on the track. Carlos turned sideways slightly, lowered his eyes, and gave Aldo a half-face that was fading away, and said in a flat tone: "Self-respect, Your Excellency."

He was blocked for a while because of a "traffic accident" in front of him, and Gal's face turned green when he accidentally heard these conversations. He lived for more than 20 years, and felt for the first time that he probably had some kind of congenital disorder. Hearing defects must be due to the wrong way of hearing nerve growth!


Aldo showed a somewhat lonely smile, and put down his raised finger in a sense of loss. Mike suddenly felt that this person was worthy of sympathy. He patted Aldo on the shoulder, and said in a childish voice: "Look out. , man, it always happens."

Aldo shrugged.

Mike then used his own example and said, "Look, last month in kindergarten, I burned Ruth's hair and she cried and swore she would never talk to me again—oh, Ruth is my girlfriend."

Aldo showed a surprised expression to save face.

"Later, I gave her the Nepalese sweets that Uncle Gal bought for me, and she forgave me." Mike said, and he gave Aldo a critical look, "So you have to work hard."

Passing a corner, a specimen of Difu jumped down from the top of his head. Accompanied by a sudden light, Aldo saw Mike's appearance clearly. The boy's eyes were not the same color as his twin sister's, but they were similar to Ka Rose's dark green, chubby chin was lifted triumphantly, and his stinky fart that thought he was great and wanted to give advice to everyone he met suddenly brought back his long-standing memories.

Aldo couldn't help asking, "What's your last name?"

"Showden," Mike said.

"Shoden," Aldo thought for a moment, then asked again, "Have you heard of the surname Flarret?"

"I've heard that it was my grandma's previous surname."

No wonder... Aldo glanced at Carlos who was holding the little girl in his arms.

The breath of living people outside the tomb, the influx of fresh air, the weird new world, and a little ghost who resembled that person, these things that he had ignored half a day ago suddenly became real, deep and shallow. Shallowly poking at his heart, which seemed to be alive again at this time.

For the first time, Aldo knew that he still had a heartbeat.

This little guy turned out to be a descendant of the Flaret family, Aldo smiled silently, and looked up at Carlos from a distance—you don't always get caught by me immediately, Carl.

Like a bowl of water for a man who is dying of thirst—the kind of light in despair that can arouse the beast/sex in the bones of the weakest man, and the mad desire to possess at all costs.

Aldo had no choice but to close his eyes and say to his restless heart, be patient for a while, be patient for a while.

The stumbling trip to the gloomy museum finally came to an end after twenty minutes. Duck went to ask the archbishop for overtime pay with a sullen face. In addition, he thought he should also get a part of the work-related injury subsidy—in view of the various difficulties encountered along the way. The accident made his stomach ache.

After receiving the news, Mrs. Shoden rushed over and waited for them at the exit. She apologized very sincerely, and then took away Mike and Lily, who looked pale and sad, and claimed to go home and have a good chat with the two of them. chat.

Finally, there are only a group of boring adults who have been severely hit by excessive information.

The group of people couldn't help being silent together for a long time before Gal asked: "So you are really... that person?"

"Well," Carlos looked away, "I'm sorry."

Galton's face was green at the time, remembering that he had just told Mr. Good in the morning that this gentleman was like his other "nephew"—listen, how damned is this.

"So although there is no record in history, you did serve as a temple priest?" Louis' focus will probably always be different from others.

"Yes, because at that time one priest after another died too quickly." Carlos said.

Several people looked at each other for a while, and Mr. Goode finally made a final concluding statement: "To be honest, I am getting old, and I really need to go back to sleep, and then hold a meeting for everyone to seriously discuss how to organize Verbal evaluation of this matter—by the way, if possible, can I take a photo with the two of you?"

Louie: "..."

Gal: "..."

Carlos smiled dryly: "It's an honor that I enjoy the same treatment as that dead abyss jackal."

"Oh no no no," Mr. Goode waved his hand, "how can you compare with it, a live Carlos is much rarer to see than a dead abyssal jackal!"

Carlos: "... why am I not honored yet?"

Aldo, who had been silent by the side, interjected calmly at this moment: "If you don't mind, I can talk to my..."

There was a subtle pause in his voice, and Gal, who heard something he shouldn't have listened to, frowned and became nervous for some reason.

"... old friend say a few words alone?" I don't know whether it was intentional or unintentional, Aldo glanced at Gal's face, and said with a half-smile, "After all, we haven't seen each other for a thousand years. , it seems that we are both surprised by this."

Were you so surprised that you started a fight as if you were tearing down a house as soon as you met

Although Carlos looked very pale and didn't seem very interested, he didn't refuse after all, so the three of them glanced at each other and left knowingly.