The Final Protectors

Chapter 22: Unknown difu


Gods don't exist, at least for some people.

In the narrow alley, a thin man was pawing on the sewer, vomiting hysterically. There were dark shadows under his eyes, the eyeballs were bloodshot, and the sweat and tears on his face were entangled, and he could no longer tell each other apart.

"Do you need help, buddy?" The city cleaner drove the garbage truck over, glanced at the man, and was a little surprised by his miserable state, "Hey, there is blood at the corner of your mouth, should I take you to the hospital or..."

But before he finished speaking, the man seemed to be frightened, staggered to his feet, and ran away without looking back.

"Strange person." The cleaner got out of the car, opened the lid of the trash can as usual, put on gloves, and carried it to the car. Suddenly, something caught his attention, "Oh... what the hell is this thing?"

It was a man's clothes. The cleaner picked it up, then his eyes widened, and he let go of it and dropped it on the ground. He took several steps back in fright.

The dress was soaked in blood from the chest down, flat and round, like a drum... beside it was a human bloody handprint.

The cleaner quickly called the police and was taken away to make notes. The detectives worked overtime to search and drew a face sketch based on the cleaner's description. The man seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Even if he hides in the house, doesn't he need to buy food? Don't you need to go out

On the third night, the door of a dilapidated apartment building was opened from the inside, and a small man came out. Hidden in the darkness, his face was blurred, and he had only one pair of eyes with dark red irises and a small pupil in the middle. It seemed to be flashing a pale light, which flickered on and off, very strange.

He was like a patient with epilepsy, the muscles on his face twitched violently, sometimes he was cold and calm, and sometimes he struggled in pain, but his body jumped out of the window in the corridor on the second floor steadily and nimbly.

He didn't seem to know how tired he was, so he kept walking along the street, took the last train of the subway, and came to a famous street near the red light district. The wandering warblers were still soliciting customers, and soon, a woman noticed This man wandering the streets - although he does not look so seductive.

This is a man who is dumb and can't even speak clearly, but it doesn't matter, as long as he has money in his pocket, the woman kissed him on the cheek, she was half provocative, and she would let it go immediately, but the man Pulling down her face suddenly, he licked lightly over her eyes.

The woman was stunned, she had been wearing heavy makeup all the time, and the inferior mascara stuck to the corner of the man's mouth, making it look sticky. Lots of people buy their bodies, but very few are interested in kissing them. She got a little excited, pulled the man and whispered, "I have to take you to a good place."

She led him to the deserted path, with her back turned to him, and she didn't see the man suddenly grinning silently—it was an arc that humans couldn't reach, and it gave people the illusion that half of his face was about to fall off.

The eyes flickered more intensely.

Such a pure, delicious taste of flesh...

The next morning, the woman's body was discovered by the middle school students who took the path to school in the morning, and the whole block was quickly drawn up by the police. The yellow line was drawn up. The body was half naked, with internal organs flowing out of the corner of the mouth, and the expression seemed extremely frightened—but The eyes were gone.

The second case of gouging out eyes occurred in Silrut State. The onlookers talked a lot, and the young police officer who had just graduated from the police academy rushed out and vomited.

At this moment, several people walked into the blockade, male and female, with a certain unique aura—but they were neither policemen nor forensic doctors.

Headed by the newly appointed Mr. Priest, Louis Meguert.

"Please forgive me." He showed his "Special Investigator" work card, and the police officer squatting next to the corpse had obviously been informed by his superiors, and reluctantly stood up to make way for him.

Louis put on white gloves, examined the corpse carefully, and explained to Michelle in a low voice, while she hurriedly took notes beside her.

The eye-gouging case in Sirrut State involved a terrifying extinct Difu and another unknown creature, which was very dangerous. The team of advance investigators sent by Mr. Gude was extremely gorgeous, with two gold medals in the middle, An instructor, led by a priest, once they found something, Sara State immediately sent them follow-up support.

Louie frowned tightly—if even Carlos can't be sure about the other kind of difu...

"Mom, we've already sent someone to investigate," Gal said into the phone, "Yes, it's Louis, I know they live with you, thank you for taking care of us... Oh come on, let me remind you, you're not us anymore One of them, yes, I know you have a sense of proportion... Seriously, the deceased this time is a prostitute, and has no personal relationship with Mike's teacher, Miss Laura, right? I don't think you need to worry so much... Oh, no, no, the two of them have a good time with me, no trouble, Ka... John likes them very much, don't worry, I will hire a babysitter if I am too busy... "

Carlos came over with a very thick and heavy Difu yearbook. Gal waved his hand at him, mouthed that he didn't need to worry, and gave a few more instructions before putting down the phone.

"Seriously," Carlos slapped the thick book on the table. "This book has extraordinary texture, beautiful fonts, and realistic pictures, but are you sure it's not a children's book?"

"You can make do with it. Many ancient scrolls have been lost because there is no way to verify them. Among the Difu Almanacs that are now collected, this one is the most complete in existence." Gal poured him a glass of soda—since this guy has been obsessed. After drinking Coke, I refused to drink still water—glanced at the almost empty candy box under the table again, and said rather disapprovingly, "Seriously, Carlos, I don't think you should spoil me so much. Children, if you refuse their unreasonable demands, you should refuse them. Children of this age eat too much sugar, and they will get tooth decay after changing their teeth."

Carlos: "..."

He was embarrassed to say that most of it was eaten by himself, so he could only rub his nose, silently letting Mike and Lily take the blame.

Gal sat down opposite him: "My mother said that another woman was killed and her eyes were gouged out in the same way. The deceased was a warbler. Like Miss Laura, she died of ruptured internal organs."

"Little warbler?" Carlos asked.

"Hmm... a prostitute who makes a living from prostitution," Gal said. "The deceased was a relatively low-class street girl. Every night, she would stand on the street with heavy make-up to attract customers. The customers are usually manual laborers or income earners. lower population."

Carlos frowned.

"Louis has already led someone there." Gal said, "It looks like the other party is very dangerous, so the gold medal is likely to be sent for support in the future. I will probably fight for it, and take Evan to meet the world by the way..."

Carlos' eyes lit up: "Can you take me with you?"

Gall was silent for a while: "Sorry Carl, this is not acceptable."

Before Carlos could speak, Gal explained: "Amy didn't agree to sign for you last time. His opinion was that although your injuries have been treated and your recovery is in good condition, your physical condition is not as good as it seems. You look so healthy. After a series of examinations, he thinks that your previous life was very irregular, resulting in a very fragile stomach and many old injuries. Many of those scars are not decorations. They have caused a lot of burden on your muscles and bones. , if you don’t take good care of it, you will suffer a lot when you get older.”

"What? Amy?" Carlos peeled a piece of chocolate and threw it into his mouth in a bad mood. "Why do I need his signature? I dare say he is not as familiar with the Code of Healers as I am."

"Yes," Gal said patiently with a smile on his face, "but at least he wasn't kicked out of the hospital during his internship, don't you think?"

Carlos: "..."

"And Archbishop Al does not agree with your continued activities." After a while, Gal said tentatively, "Uh... I don't mean anything else, it's just that he seems to care about you. After coming out of the underground palace, he The first document to pass through is your physical examination report, which is quite difficult for him to read, but he called Amy over and asked him to explain in detail one by one, and he read the ten-page report. long time."

Carlos was silent.

Gal was a little confused. Although this guy was joking all the time, neither his name nor his experience seemed too confusing to modern people.

Although he occasionally revealed a few words of his experience when he was in a good mood, not only did he not make a general outline, but he felt more confused. And this time and space gap is not reflected when Carlos holds the TV and asks some stupid questions such as "How to treat a computer virus infected, will he die?", but when he suddenly becomes silent. when.

There are countless ups and downs on this continent, and the feudal society has already become history, there are no more nobles running around in the streets, and there are countless corrupt and luxurious castles, many of which are no longer privately owned. . Although Flaret's bloodline is still passed on, the old glory has been annihilated in the abyss of history. Except for many excellent hunters, they are no longer prominent nobles with manors and castles. Every generation is like It is an ordinary child who grew up in the streets and alleys.

Therefore, none of them has the pure aristocratic temperament that Carlos has been refined by his wandering career.

At this time, Gal will truly feel that "this person is an elder".

"You don't have a good relationship with... Archbishop Al, do you?" Gal asked.

"No," Carlos shrugged. "Actually, it's okay. He is a respectable colleague, and he is very suitable for the position of archbishop. On the contrary, I, a non-staff member, doesn't like to obey orders, which caused him a lot of trouble."

Uh... that's not the case

Gal asked, "Then why did you fight when you met?"

Carlos smiled: "Is this... too surprising? At that time, everyone was not clear about it, and I didn't expect him to... use himself to protect the enchantment. It is really an admirable decision."

Gal asked sharply: "Then what about personal relationships other than working relationships? Then when I asked you before, you said you hated him."

"There is no personal relationship." Carlos was silent for a long time before answering this question. He stood up immediately after speaking, and it seemed that he didn't want to continue this topic. "In addition, I hate him and think he is worthy of respect. It's two different things—Mike, didn't you say you want to eat Madonna, call Lily, let's go out!"

Mike slid down from the banister of the stairs with a roar, jumped into Carlos's arms, and was lifted up high and turned around. The little boy laughed loudly, but Lily walked down the stairs reservedly, and corrected: : "I think you mean McDonald's, Carl. Mike, grandma says that's junk food, you're going to be a pig!"

Mike licked his eyelids and made a face at her.

Carlos laughed, let him sit on his shoulders, and pulled up his little pig's paw: "It doesn't matter, I can carry you even if I become a little pig—Miss Lily, don't you want that big-faced cat with no mouth?" Toys, come here!"

Lily mumbled and tugged at her little skirt, condescending to follow: "That's Hello Kitty, not a big-faced cat toy without a mouth. Men are so boring."

Gal quickly added: "In your wallet, I arranged the numbers according to the amount of the banknotes, and put a label in the middle, so that they won't get mixed up and counted. In addition, in most places, you hand over your credit card to the cashier, and you can sign it. That's fine, no cash needed."

Mr. Carlos Forrest Gump Brother, Mr. Flaret, made a face at Mike like Mike did, and took the two children out to play.

As soon as the three troublemakers left, the room immediately became much quieter.

Gal sighed, turned around, and bowed slightly to the reception room on the first floor: "Your Excellency."